533 resultados para witness


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Escritas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, Canaima, La vorágine, y Sangama son tres novelas de la selva en las cuales aparece una representación del mundo indígena del Amazonas o del Orinoco. Se ha repetido que se trataba de novelas progresistas, que encerraban una crítica del sistema social de la época, y más particularmente del genocidio acarreado por la explotación del caucho durante el “ciclo da borracha”. Sin embargo estas ficciones nos proporcionan un enfoque ambiguo de la realidad indígena. Una visión impregnada por las mismas concepciones del siglo XIX que favorecieron los excesos, maltratos y masacres que dichas novelas pretenden denunciar. Este ensayo se propone analizar la matriz científica de estas representaciones, insistiendo en el paradigma racialista decimónico, derivado de la teoría evolucionista y de la ideología del progreso. Los indios de las ficciones se desplazan como fantasmas en un universo mágico, embrujado, o infernal que carece de realidad. Este “flor” romántico es la proyección literaria de una estrategia biopolítica que se da en las sociedades de la época: la cuestión gira en torno a la construcción del pueblo nacional. Los “aparecidos” del espacio novelesco son un momento de unas estrategias discursivas más globales: se trata de construir una homegeneidad nacional a partir de una etnicidad ficticia que requiere el rechazo del “otro atrasado”. El espectro es la huella o el testigo de esta violencia fundadora.


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El presente artículo se enfoca en las contradicciones del proyecto nacional ecuatoriano de principios del siglo XX en cuanto pretende subsanar identidades en conflicto dentro de las nuevas configuraciones sociales y espaciales. Para ello se examina la forma en la que Luis A. Martínez reconoce la ambivalencia de la modernidad al punto de confeccionar sus obras como alegorías de fallidas comunidades imaginadas. Tanto sus catecismos de agricultura como su novela A la costa (1905), además de contribuir a los debates intelectuales de la época sobre la participación del país en el moderno sistema-mundo capitalista, testimonian las contradicciones existentes dentro del liberalismo como ideología hegemónica. De ahí que los textos arriba mencionados sean considerados como bisagras que vislumbran lo nacional en lo liminar aunque todavía sin subvertir los desencuentros entre la clase dominante y la subalterna.


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Este ensayo se refiere a varios procedimientos narrativos en la ficcionalización de la historia y lo hace a partir del análisis de la novela El entenado, del argentino Juan José Saer. Propone una reflexión acerca de tres aspectos claves en esta obra: 1. La representación del caníbal y su existencia en el tiempo mítico, 2. La memoria y la conciencia del exterminio, y 3. La figura del testigo como una voz históricamente autorizada en los relatos. La noción del tiempo, el desarrollo de la conciencia, la memoria y el lenguaje de un pueblo caníbal de la región del Río de la Plata son narrados por un joven marinero español del siglo XVI, que comparte esa vida durante diez años como prisionero. En esta novela Saer se embarca en un viaje ficcional y especulativo orientado a desentrañar la noción de la vida y la muerte en un pueblo y un tiempo míticos.


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Chatterbox Challenge is an annual web-based contest for artificial conversational systems, ACE. The 2010 instantiation was the tenth consecutive contest held between March and June in the 60th year following the publication of Alan Turing’s influential disquisition ‘computing machinery and intelligence’. Loosely based on Turing’s viva voca interrogator-hidden witness imitation game, a thought experiment to ascertain a machine’s capacity to respond satisfactorily to unrestricted questions, the contest provides a platform for technology comparison and evaluation. This paper provides an insight into emotion content in the entries since the 2005 Chatterbox Challenge. The authors find that synthetic textual systems, none of which are backed by academic or industry funding, are, on the whole and more than half a century since Weizenbaum’s natural language understanding experiment, little further than Eliza in terms of expressing emotion in dialogue. This may be a failure on the part of the academic AI community for ignoring the Turing test as an engineering challenge.


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The elderly tutor La Sale's didactic treatise for his charges (dated 1451) includes an eye-witness account of the siege of Anjou-held Naples by the Aragonese in 1438. It narrates the accidental death (or miracle, depending on the perspective of the chroniclers) of the infante Pedro of Castille, brother of King Alfonso the Magnanimous of Aragon. This article explores how "La Sale", an adapted version of the Middle French translation of Valerius Maximus's 'Facta et dicta memorabilia', frames and skews the anecdote towards an exploration of the reliability and authority of the tutor-narrator.


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Deception-detection is the crux of Turing’s experiment to examine machine thinking conveyed through a capacity to respond with sustained and satisfactory answers to unrestricted questions put by a human interrogator. However, in 60 years to the month since the publication of Computing Machinery and Intelligence little agreement exists for a canonical format for Turing’s textual game of imitation, deception and machine intelligence. This research raises from the trapped mine of philosophical claims, counter-claims and rebuttals Turing’s own distinct five minutes question-answer imitation game, which he envisioned practicalised in two different ways: a) A two-participant, interrogator-witness viva voce, b) A three-participant, comparison of a machine with a human both questioned simultaneously by a human interrogator. Using Loebner’s 18th Prize for Artificial Intelligence contest, and Colby et al.’s 1972 transcript analysis paradigm, this research practicalised Turing’s imitation game with over 400 human participants and 13 machines across three original experiments. Results show that, at the current state of technology, a deception rate of 8.33% was achieved by machines in 60 human-machine simultaneous comparison tests. Results also show more than 1 in 3 Reviewers succumbed to hidden interlocutor misidentification after reading transcripts from experiment 2. Deception-detection is essential to uncover the increasing number of malfeasant programmes, such as CyberLover, developed to steal identity and financially defraud users in chatrooms across the Internet. Practicalising Turing’s two tests can assist in understanding natural dialogue and mitigate the risk from cybercrime.


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This article assembles and examines the evidence for the poetic outputs of Marcus and Quintus Cicero related to Caesar’s invasion of Britain. Following the establishment of a relative chronology of the evidence for their work, it is argued that Quintus Cicero most likely produced a fabula praetexta (not an epic poem, as commonly assumed). His brother, in turn, wrote an epic, based on Quintus’ eye-witness reports. Careful analysis of the ancient discourse about this piece reveals insights in Cicero’s poetic workshop and the creation of ‘archival truth’ through narrativising historical events in epic poetry. Finally, a case is made for greater attention to financial affairs between Caesar and the Ciceros that happen to coincide with the drafting process of their respective literary works.


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The two surviving inventories of the library of the Fitzgerald Earls of Kildare bear witness to a particularly large and diverse collection of books in the Earls' castle at Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Between them, the lists record well over one hundred separate items in four languages: Latin, French, English and Irish. This paper traces the history of the library and analyses the Fitzgeralds' particular interests as book collectors and as readers. It provides the first full published set of suggested identifications and bibliographical details for the books at Maynooth. It also includes a fresh transcription of the library lists and a discussion of the manuscript context in which they are preserved. Sources like the Kildare library lists provide valuable evidence for the potential circulation of a wide range of non-native manuscripts and prints in late-medieval Ireland.


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This paper examines two late medieval abridgements of Gerald of Wales’ Expugnatio Hibernica, one in Hiberno-English and one in Irish. The manuscripts in which these adaptations survive all date from the late fifteenth century and appear to bear witness to a sudden and pronounced interest in Gerald’s text. Drawing on evidence from the extant manuscripts, this paper explores the readerships of, and the nature of their interest in, these adaptations. A key conclusion is that the Expugnatio, which gives prominence to Gerald's own relatives, the Fitzgeralds, was valued as a family history by the Fitzgerald Earls of Kildare and their allies. The Earls were at the height of their power in the period in which these manuscripts were produced. Examination of this neglected evidence of the adaptation and readership of the Expugnatio in late medieval Ireland suggests that, for some medieval readers at least, the primary identities Gerald’s text expressed were familial and local rather than colonial or national.


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This article is the first full examination of the Irish translation of the popular and influential medieval romance "Octavian". I argue that the source for this Irish translation was an insular version of the romance, probably in Middle English. I show how the Irish translator incorporated material from another romance, "Fierabras", in order to introduce the characters of Charlemagne and his vassals into the story. This is the only version of "Octavian" that gives the text a Carolingian setting. I also demonstrate that the version of the romance from which the Irish translation was produced differed in significant ways from any of the surviving versions in other languages. I suggest that the Irish translation provides our only witness to a lost variant version of "Octavian" and, as such, extends our knowledge of the corpus of insular romance in the Middle Ages.


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The fifteenth century saw a striking upturn in the number of texts from foreign vernaculars that were translated into Irish. Indeed, one might go so far as to speak in terms of a ‘translation trend’ in Ireland during the mid to late fifteenth century. A notable feature of this trend is that a particularly high number of these Irish translations are of romances; contextual and textual evidence suggests that the original exemplars for many of these translated texts appear to have come from England, though not all of them were necessarily in English. Irish translations of eight romances have survived to the present day: Guy of Warwick; Bevis of Hampton; La Queste de Saint Graal; Fierabras; Caxton’s Recuyell of the Histories of Troie; William of Palerne; the Seven Sages of Rome; and Octavian. This paper addresses two aspects of these texts of particular relevance to romance scholars who do not work within the sphere of Celtic studies. Firstly, it argues that certain aspects of the dissemination and reception of romance in Ireland are quite distinctive. Manuscript and textual evidence suggests that the religious orders, particularly the Franciscans, seem to have played a role in the importation and translation of these narratives. Secondly, examination of the Irish versions of romance tends to bear out an observation made by Flower many years ago, but not pursued by subsequent scholars: ‘texts of an unusual kind were current in Ireland, and it may be that interesting discoveries are to be made here’. Certain narrative features of several of these Irish translations diverge from all the surviving versions of the relevant romance in other languages and may witness to a variant exemplar that has since been lost from its own linguistic corpus.


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In the present work, we investigate the quantum thermal entanglement in molecular magnets composed of dimers of spin S, using an Entanglement Witness built from measurements of magnetic susceptibility. An entanglement temperature, T(e), is then obtained for some values of spin S. From this, it is shown that T(e) is proportional to the intradimer exchange interaction J and that entanglement appears only for antiferromagnetic coupling. The results are compared to experiments carried on three isostructural materials: KNaMSi(4)O(10) (M=Mn, Fe or Cu). Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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1. IntroductionMuch of the support that students have in a traditional classroom is absent in a distance learning course. In the traditional classroom, the learner is together with his or her classmates and the teacher; learning is socially embedded. Students can talk to each other and may learn from each other as they go through the learning process together. They also witness the teacher’s expression of the knowledge firsthand. The class participants communicate to each other not only through their words, but also through their gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice, and the teacher can observe the students’ progress and provide guidance and feedback in an as-needed basis. Further, through the habit of meeting in a regular place at a regular time, the participants reinforce their own and each other’s commitment to the course. A distance course must somehow provide learners other kinds of supports so that the distance learner also has a sense of connection with a learning community; can benefit from interaction with peers who are going through a similar learning process; receives feedback that allows him or her to know how he or she is progressing; and is guided enough so that he or she continues to progress towards the learning objectives. This cannot be accomplished if the distance course does not simultaneously promote student autonomy, for the distance course format requires students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. This chapter presents one distance learning course that was able to address all of these goals. The English Department at Högskolan Dalarna, Sweden, participates in a distance learning program with Vietnam National University. Students enrolled in this program study half-time for two years to complete a Master’s degree in English Linguistics. The distance courses in this program all contain two types of regular class meetings: one type is student-only seminars conducted through text chat, during which students discuss and complete assignments that prepare them for the other type of class meeting, also conducted through text chat, where the teacher is present and is the one to lead the discussion of seminar issues and assignments. The inclusion of student-only seminars in the course design allows for student independence while at the same time it encourages co-operation and solidarity. The teacher-led seminars offer the advantages of a class led by an expert.In this chapter, we present chatlog data from Vietnamese students in one distance course in English linguistics, comparing the role of the student in both student-only and teacher-led seminars. We discuss how students navigate their participation roles, through computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to seminar type, and we consider the emerging role of the autonomous student in the foreign-language medium, distance learning environment. We close by considering aspects of effective design of distance learning courses from the perspective of a foreign language (FL) environment.


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Syftet med denna studie var att komma fram till om kedjeföretag inom detaljhandeln intagit ett serviceperspektiv, där fokus ligger på relationer. Detta genom att undersöka hur aktörerna använder sin frontlinjepersonal. En kvalitativ flerfallstudie har genomförts där tre kedjeföretag bidragit med information rörande transaktions- eller relationsorienterad försäljning, medarbetarskap och betraktande av frontlinjepersonalen. Utgångspunkten för analys av fallstudierna har varit två intervjuer per företag. Dels med butikens högste chef samt med en medarbetare. Det teoretiska ramverket i denna studie rörande medarbetarskap, skapande av värde/nytta för kund samt intern marknadsföring som möjliggör att kund upplever hög tjänstekvalité, signalerar ett tankesätt inom ett serviceperspektiv och används för att svara på syftet. Huruvida kedjeföretagen intagit ett serviceperspektiv fullt ut, är inte möjligt att konkludera i denna småskaliga forskningsuppsats. Vidare forskning är nödvändig. Resultatet från de undersökta företagen i denna studie visar på tendenser till att utveckla ett serviceperspektiv med fokus på goda kundrelationer, vilket är det som skall ge framgång. De undersökta kedjeföretagen skiljer sig dock åt vad gäller intagandet av ett serviceperspektiv. Exempelvis förlitar sig ett företag alltjämt till lågt pris och produktens egenskaper som primära faktorer för intäktsskapande, medan andra premierar det personliga mötet.


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Negotiating experience in the court How do judges assess witness credibility, and how do they proceed to reach sustainable conclusions in a criminal court? This article is based on discussions in four focus groups with lay judges in Swedish district courts. In criminal court trials, a version of an event is generally reinforced if it is confirmed by witnesses. However, if their narratives are too similar, none of them is found trustworthy. The focus group participants agreed that if witnesses were suspected of having discussed their individual experiences of an event and accommodated them into a common story, their testimonies were not considered credible. While testimonies should ideally be untainted by other people’s impressions and opinions, other rules govern the truth of the court. The lay judges appreciated their deliberations, including negotiations on impressions and memories of the trial, and they sometimes adjusted their perceptions in the light of information provided by other members of the court. However, if the lay judges are viewed as witnesses of what takes place in the trial, this gives rise to a paradox: While witness negotiations on experiences are regarded as a means to construct a false or biased story, the same kind of interaction between the judges is considered necessary to establish a consensual truth of what actually happened.