986 resultados para water exchange


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Concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) are highly variable in time and space. What is driving the variability in DMS(P), and can those variability be explained by physical processes and changes in the biological community? During the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment (SO GasEx) in the austral fall of 2008, two 3He/SF6 labeled patches were created in the surface water. SF6 and DMS were surveyed continuously in a Lagrangian framework, while direct measurements of air-sea exchange further constrained the gas budgets. Turbulent diffusivity at the base of the mixed layer was estimated from SF6 profiles and used to calculate the vertical fluxes of DMS and nutrients. Increasing mixed layer nutrient concentrations due to mixing were associated with a shift in the phytoplankton community structure, which in turned likely affected the sulfur dynamics on timescales of days. DMS concentration as well as air-sea DMS flux appeared to be decoupled from the DMSP concentration, possibly due to grazing and bacterial DMS production. Contrary to expectations, in an environment with high winds and modest productivity, physical processes (air-sea exchange, photochemistry, vertical mixing) only accounted for a small fraction of DMS loss from the surface water. Among the DMS sinks, inferred biological consumption most likely dominated during SO GasEx.


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Many of the reactive trace gases detected in the atmosphere are both emitted from and deposited to the global oceans via exchange across the air–sea interface. The resistance to transfer through both air and water phases is highly sensitive to physical drivers (waves, bubbles, films, etc.), which can either enhance or suppress the rate of diffusion. In addition to outlining the fundamental processes controlling the air–sea gas exchange, the authors discuss these drivers, describe the existing parameterizations used to predict transfer velocities, and summarize the novel techniques for measuring in situ exchange rates. They review trace gases that influence climate via radiative forcing (greenhouse gases), those that can alter the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere (nitrogen- and sulfur-containing gases), and those that impact ozone levels (organohalogens), both in the troposphere and stratosphere. They review the known biological and chemical routes of production and destruction within the water column for these gases, whether the ocean acts as a source or sink, and whether temporal and spatial variations in saturation anomalies are observed. A current estimate of the marine contribution to the total atmospheric flux of these gases, which often highlights the significance of the oceans in biogeochemical cycling of trace gases, is provided, and how air–sea gas fluxes may change in the future is briefly assessed.


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This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Air-Sea Gas Exchange Models and Theory Laboratory Studies of Air-Water Gas Exchange Large-Scale Estimates of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Local Techniques and Measurements Micrometeorological Techniques and Measurements Parameterizations of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Future Work


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The Arctic Ocean is, on average, the shallowest of Earth’s oceans. Its vast continental shelf areas, which account for approximately half of the Arctic Ocean’s total area, are heavily influenced by the surrounding land masses through river run-off and coastal erosion. As a main area of deep water formation, the Arctic is one of the main «engines» of global ocean circulation, due to large freshwater inputs, it is also strongly stratified. The Arctic Ocean’s complex oceanographic configuration is tightly linked to the atmosphere, the land, and the cryosphere. The physical dynamics not only drive important climate and global circulation patterns, but also control biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem dynamics. Current changes in Arctic sea-ice thickness and distribution, air and water temperatures, and water column stability are resulting in measurable shifts in the properties and functioning of the ocean and its ecosystems. The Arctic Ocean is forecast to shift to a seasonally ice-free ocean resulting in changes to physical, chemical, and biological processes. These include the exchange of gases across the atmosphere-ocean interface, the wind-driven ciruclation and mixing regimes, light and nutrient availability for primary production, food web dynamics, and export of material to the deep ocean. In anticipation of these changes, extending our knowledge of the present Arctic oceanography and these complex changes has never been more urgent.


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A large hydrochemical data-set for the East Yorkshire Chalk has been assessed. Controls on the distribution of water qualities within this aquifer reflect: water-rock interactions (affecting especially the carbonate system and associated geochemistry); effects of land-use change (especially where the aquifer is unconfined); saline intrusion and aquifer refreshening (including ion exchange effects); and aquifer overexploitation (in the semi-confined and confined zones of the aquifer). Both Sr and I prove useful indicators of groundwater ages, with I/Cl ratios characterising two sources of saline waters. The hydrochemical evidence clearly reveals the importance of both recent management decisions and palaeohydrogeology in determining the evolution and distribution of groundwater salinity within the artesian and confined zones of the aquifer. Waters currently encountered in the aquifer are identified as complex (and potentially dynamic) mixtures between modern recharge waters, modern seawater, and old seawaters which entered the aquifer many millennia ago.


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The present work investigates the reactivity of the surface species observable by in situ DRIFTS formed over a Pt/ZrO2 during the water-gas shift (WGS) reaction. A DRIFTS cell/mass spectrometer system was operated at the chemical steady state during isotopic transients to yield information about the true nature (i.e., main reaction intermediate or spectators) of adsorbates. Only carbonyl and formate species were observed by DRIFTS under reaction conditions; the surface coverage of carbonate species was negligible. Isotopic transient kinetic analyses revealed that formates exchanged uniformly according to a first-order law, suggesting that most formates observed by DRIFTS were of the same reactivity. In addition, the time scale of the exchange of the reaction product CO2 was significantly shorter than that of the surface formates. Therefore, a formate route based on the formates as detected by DRIFTS can be ruled out as the main reaction pathway in the present case. The number of precursors of the reaction product CO2 was smaller than the number of surface Pt atoms, suggesting that carbonyl species or some \


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The present work emphasizes the importance of including a full quantitative analysis when in situ operando methods are used to investigate reaction mechanisms and reaction intermediates. The fact that some surface species exchange at a similar rate to the reaction product during isotopic transients is a necessary but not sufficient criterion for participation as a key reaction intermediate. This is exemplified here in the case of highly active low-temperature water-gas shift (WGS) catalysts based on gold and platinum. Operando DRIFTS data, isotopic exchanges, and DRIFTS calibration curves relating the concentration of formate species to the corresponding DRIFTS band intensity were combined to obtain a quantitative measure of the specific rate of formate decomposition. Despite displaying a rapid isotopic exchange rate (sometimes as fast as that of the reaction product CO2), the concentration of formates seen by DRIFTS was found to account for at most only 10% of the CO2 produced under the experimental conditions reported herein. These new results obtained on Au/CeZrO4 and Pt/CeO2 preparations (which are among the most active low-temperature WGS catalysts reported to date), led to the same conclusions regarding the minor role of IR-observable formates as those obtained in the case of less active Au/Ce(La)O-2 and Pt/ZrO2 catalysts. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present report investigates the role of formate species as potential reaction intermediates for the WGS reaction (CO + H2O -> CO2 + H-2) over a Pt-CeO2 catalyst. A combination of operando techniques, i.e., in situ diffuse reflectance FT-IR (DRIFT) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS) during steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA), was used to relate the exchange of the reaction product CO2 to that of surface formate species. The data presented here suggest that a switchover from a non-formate to a formate-based mechanism could take place over a very narrow temperature range (as low as 60 K) over our Pt-CeO2 catalyst. This observation clearly stresses the need to avoid extrapolating conclusions to the case of results obtained under even slightly different experimental conditions. The occurrence of a low-temperature mechanism, possibly redox or Mars van Krevelen-like, that deactivates above 473 K because of ceria over-reduction is suggested as a possible explanation for the switchover, similarly to the case of the CO-NO reaction over Cu, I'd and Rh-CeZrOx (see Kaspar and co-workers [1-3]). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Organic gels have been synthesized by sol–gel polycondensation of phenol (P) and formaldehyde (F) catalyzed by sodium carbonate (C). The effect of synthesis parameters such as phenol/catalyst ratio (P/C), solvent exchange liquid and drying method, on the porous structure of the gels have been investigated. The total and mesopore volumes of the PF gels increased with increasing P/C ratio in the range of P/C B 8, after this both properties started to decrease with P/C ratio for P/C[8 and the gel with P/C = 8 showed the highest total and mesopore volumes of 1.281 and 1.279 cm3 g-1 respectively. The gels prepared by freeze drying possessed significantly higher porosities than the vacuum dried gels. The pore volume and average pore diameter of the freeze dried gels were significantly higher than those of the vacuum dried gels. T-butanol emerged as the preferred solvent for the removal of water from the PF hydrogel prior to drying, as significantly higher pore volumes and specific surface areas were obtained in the corresponding dried gels. The results showed that freeze drying with t-butanol and lower P/C ratios were favourable conditions for the synthesis of highly mesoporous phenol–formaldehyde gels.


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Near-infrared diffuse tomography was used in order to observe dynamic behaviour of flowing gases by measuring the 3D distributions of composition and temperature in a weakly scattering packed bed reactor, subject to wall effects and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the vapour phase hydrogen isotopic exchange reaction in a hydrophobic packing of low aspect ratio made of platinum on styrene divinyl benzene sulphonate copolymer resin. The results of tomography revealed uneven temperature and composition maps of water and deuterated water vapours in the core-packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall owing to flow maldistribution. The dynamic lag between the near-wall water vapour and deuterated water vapour compositions were observed suggesting that the convective transfer which was significant near the wall at the start, owing to high porosity, was also effective at large conversions.


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An inverse CeO2/CuO catalyst has been investigated by operando steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) in combination with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) under 3% CO +3% H2O reactant mixture at 473 K with the aim of determining intermediates involved in the water gas shift reaction at relatively low temperatures. Among the various species detected in the infrared spectra which may be involved in the reaction, i.e. formates, copper carbonyls and carbonates, a particular type of carbonate species is identified as a reaction intermediate on the basis of detailed analysis of the spectra during isotopic exchange in comparison with the change in the corresponding isotopically labelled CO2 product. 


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The undesirable enrichment of water by nutrients may be a problem, especially in areas with restricted exchange with the sea. The tidal regime flushes the system and contributes for the removal of phytoplankton, favouring phytobenthos as the target of enhanced nutrients. Water samples were collected during the years of 2006 and 2007-08 for nutrients, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. Sediment sample s were also collected for pore water nutrients and benthic chlorophyll a. From comparison with previous work, a decrease in the nitrogen concentration in the water column can be pointed out, which may indicate an improvement of the water quality. Pore water DAIN represents approximately 75% of the total DAIN of the whole lagoon. Benthic chlorophyll a concentrations were much larger than in the water column, representing around 99% of the total chlorophyll existent in the lagoon. Benthic microalgae play a relevant role in this system and therefore standard monitoring programs of the WFD, which do not consider this component, may fail to track nutrient-driven changes in primary producers. Dissolved oxygen concentration could be near critical levels during the summer (early in the morning), especially in the inner channels.


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Data for water vapor adsorption and evaporation are presented for a bare soil (sandy loam, clay content 15%) in a southern Spanish olive grove. Water losses and gains were measured using eight high-precision minilysimeters, placed around an olive tree, which had been irrigated until the soil reached field capacity (similar to 0.22 m(3) m(-3)). They were subsequently left to dry for 10 days. A pair of lysimeters was situated at each of the main points of the compass (N, E, S, W), at a distance of 1 m (the inner set of lysimeters; ILS) and 2 m (the outer set of lysimeters; OLS), respectively, from the tree trunk. Distinct periods of moisture loss (evaporation) and moisture gain (vapor adsorption) could be distinguished for each day. Vapor adsorption often started just after noon and generally lasted until the (early) evening. Values of up to 0.7 mm of adsorbed water per day were measured. Adsorption was generally largest for the OLS (up to 100% more on a daily basis), and increased during the dry down. This was mainly the result of lower OLS surface soil moisture contents (period-average absolute difference similar to 0.005 m(3) m(-3)), as illustrated using various analyses employing a set of micrometeorological equations describing the exchange of water vapor between bare soil and the atmosphere. These analyses also showed that the amount of water vapor adsorbed by soils is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric forcing and surface variables. The use of empirical equations to estimate vapor adsorption is therefore not recommended.


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There is growing evidence that the interocean exchange south of Africa is an important link in the global overturning circulation of the ocean, the so‐called ocean conveyer belt. At this location, warm and salty Indian Ocean waters enter the South Atlantic and are pulled by currents that eventually reach the North Atlantic, where water cools and sinks. A major contributor to the exchange is the frequent shedding of ring eddies from the termination of the Agulhas Current south of the tip of Africa. This shedding is controlled by developments far upstream in the Indian Ocean, and variations in this ‘Agulhas Leakage’ can lead to changes in the rate and stability of the Atlantic overturning, with possible associated global climate variations [Weijer et al., 1999]. Regional climate variations in the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean are known to affect the whole system of the Agulhas Current, including the interocean exchanges. This article reports on some of the seminal results of ongoing multinational, multidisciplinary projects that explore these issues.