311 resultados para viveiros


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É comum congêneres do cerrado brasileiro mostrarem-se morfologicamente semelhantes, mas com padrão de ocorrência distinto. O sucesso de uma espécie em um hábitat é fortemente dependente de seu desempenho ecofisiológico, que pode relacionar-se aos recursos naturais de seu ambiente. Hipotetiza-se fundamentalmente que os referidos congêneres apresentam diferentes taxas de crescimento radicular, e o solo também pode representar fator determinante para a ocorrência de espécies de cerrado. Diante disso, também é admitida a hipótese de que esses congêneres apresentam maior crescimento se cultivados em solo de cerrado ou solos relacionados às áreas dos fragmentos de cerrado em que ocorrem, do que quando cultivados em solos mais férteis. Ainda, baseando-se em observações de campo, supõe se que dentre os congêneres, S. ferrugineus deve ter o maior crescimento de raízes e o menor crescimento da parte aérea. Também é provável que S. camporum mostre a maior plasticidade de crescimento em resposta à fertilidade do solo, dada sua ampla ocorrência em relação a diferentes hábitats. Para testar essas hipóteses, objetiva-se medir o crescimento da raiz principal em solo de cerrado s.s., através de observações em rizotron. Também serão medidas as taxas de crescimento da raiz principal, a altura da planta, número de folhas e ganho total de biomassa dos três congêneres em resposta a dois solos com características e fertilidades contrastantes. Um dos solos será originário de um fragmento de cerrado s.s. e o outro, um substrato utilizado para viveiros de plantas nativas florestais da região. Será um experimento com nove repetições (rizotrons). O crescimento da raiz principal será medido em intervalos de 10 dias, até 180 dias de cultivo. A biomassa total final será medida através de coleta destrutiva. Os fatores estudados serão as três espécies... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A serapilheira de matas e florestas é rica em matéria orgânica e responsável pela ciclagem de nutrientes que ocorre neste ecossistema. Além de atuar como protetora do solo e habitat para diversos microrganismos e insetos. O presente estudo buscou analisar o papel da serapilheira no desenvolvimento de mudas florestais nativas em viveiros. As espécies utilizadas no experimento foram Parapitadenia rigida (Benth) (angico-vermelho), Acacia polyphylla DC. (monjoleiro), Lonchocarpus muehlbergianus Hassl. (embira-de-sapo) e Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.)S.F.Blake (guapuruvu). O crescimento foi analisado em quatro substratos: mineral (S1), mineral com serapilheira na proporção de volume 1:1 (S2), orgânico usado em viveiros (S3) e orgânico usado em viveiros com serapilheira na proporção de volume 1:1 (S4). O delineamento experimental consistiu em blocos ao acaso com 16 tratamentos e 5 repetições. Durante uma primeira fase foram feitas as medições de altura e diâmetro das mudas em fase de viveiro. A segunda fase foi a análise da biomassa seca e avaliação da sobrevivência inicial em campo. O resultado apresentou melhores desempenhos no crescimento e sobrevivência nos tratamentos com serapilheira em comparação aos sem serapilheira. Podemos concluir que a serapilheira apresenta potenciais benéficos relevantes para a produção de mudas florestais


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This work proposes a wildlife center in the city of Presidente Prudente, offering a diversity of activities as part of a wildlife clinic, rehabilitation nurseries, parazoológico and a visitor center. This project will benefit both the people like animals, because in the same area is the rehabilitation of animals and environmental education, showing the importance of animals in the conservation and preservation of their natural habitats. The principle of the Wildlife Center is receiving wild animals, assess their status, provide veterinary care and give the best destination. The differential design is that people can follow all these procedures, encouraging reporting on contact with animals


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The equine anesthesia is proven to be a high risk procedure, for both patient and anesthetist, compared to other animal species. In these conditions, a good anesthetic protocol that can deliver sedation, making access and manipulation easier, analgesia fair enough to realize cirurgical procedures, and minimal physiologic changes would be ideal. Since there aren’t any drugs suporting all these qualities, the Neuroleptoanalgesic Associations show themselves as a valuable technique to provide anesthetic quality and safety, possibly diminishing our drug of choice’s doses, therefore offering less fisiological changes and easier monetary access in some cases. This paper objective was to list all these associations found in literature, evaluating their advantages and practical applications


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Studies regarding the quality and quantity of water have become more and more important because of the increasing negative environmental impacts occurred and their scarcity increase as well. At the Center of Tropical Fish Research (Centro de Pesquisas de Peixes Tropicais - CEPTAlIBAMA) located in the city of Pirassununga, SP, there is a dam named Represa Velha which supplies 128 tanks that are fish hatcheries. This dam takes in part of the Barrinha stream micro-basin where it has been observed strong impacts due to the deforestation of its support forest, as well an the intensive agricultural activities in the neighboring areas. There has been established and distributed 13 points of water-collectors disposed inside the stream and the dam. The water samples were taken from the stream only from its surface because of the low depth and, inside. In the dam, the water samples were taken at the water column, at a 50cm distance over the sediment. In every point of collection inside the dam, it was placed a chamber of sedimentation, vertically in the water column at a 70% height from the total depth. The collections took place during the dry/cold and raining/warm periods of the years 2000 and 2001. Then, it were analyzed the physical, physical-chemical, chemical and micro-biological parameters of the water samples. The obtained results were statistically analyzed throughout the SAS system (Statistical Analisys System). Parameters such as total phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and turbidity were within the established limits for the Class 2 water, according to the n° 20/1986 CONAMA Resolução. However, the total and Escherichia coli coliforms, mainly inside the Barrinha stream, had showed values above of the established limits for the same... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Among the sexual hormones the estrogens are receiving major attention due to their biological activity. Such biological response is atributed to the best conformation recognized by their receptors, resulting in maximum responses. The estrogens are also considered responsible for most of disruptor´s effects caused by their presence in aquatic ecosystems. The 17β-estradiol hormone is produced by vertebrates during the reproductive phase of their lives and its presence has been detected in superficial waters. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cause-effect of tilapia exposition to the hormone 17β-estradiol through the analysis of biotransformation enzymes in liver and gills, complemented with the quantification of 17β-estradiol and estrone in water samples collected from fish ponds integrated to swine production. The present study was conducted under laboratory conditions, in a randomized experimental design with three levels of 17β-estradiol (E2) (0, 5, 15 µg L-1), with three replicates. After 7 days of exposure time, liver and gills were extracted to analyze three isoforms of cytochrome P450: EROD, BROD, PROD and the activity of Glutathione S-Transferase (GST). The results showed that the EROD activity (CYP1A), normally induced by the metabolism of aromatic compounds, did not present statistical differences among the treatments exposed to E2, what means that the hormone did not induce isoform 1A in fish under these particular experimental conditions. PROD activity was significantly altered in both concentrations, by means of 5 and 15 µg L-1, when compared to control. This result can indicate an important role of PROD on the metabolism of E2 present in water. Regarding to the BROD activity, it could be observed differences statistically significant between control and both groups of treatments. Two or more CYP isoforms can contribute to the metabolism of the same compound, what makes BROD a candidate as a next bioindicator of the exposure to E2 in aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of variance could confirm the effect of E2 statistically significant on the GST activity in liver tissues with >90% of significance (Prob>F = 0.0753). Furthermore, it was possible to observe that the values of GSTs activities in liver and gills in both, control and treatments, follow a tendency, that means, enzymatic activity in gills increase as the increasing of the activity in the liver tissues. In this study, the 17β–estradiol was found in measurable concentrations in three sampled points, and these values were similar to the findings of other authors at different locations in Brazil. In addition, those values are much higher than the minimum concentration that presented observable effects (10 ng L-1).


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study was to characterize biopsied and stripped oocytes from the Brazilian endangered teleost pirapitinga (Brycon nattereri) using histochemical and morphological analyses. Biopsied oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.225 mm (modal diameter: 2.312 mm), complete vitellogenesis and a central or slightly eccentric nucleus. Neutral polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells, zona radiata and yolk globules, while acidic polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells and cortical alveoli. Ten out of the 19 females treated with two doses of carp pituitary extract (cPE) released oocytes, which were also analysed. Stripping occurred 292 +/- 39 degree-hours after the second dose of cPE and led to a mean spawning weight of 36.2 g, 10% spawning index, 241 oocytes/g of ova, 8222 oocytes/female and 23 oocytes/g of body weight. Stripped oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.33 mm and a mode at 2.375 mm, were weakly adhesive and coloration ranged from wine to brown. Under scanning electron microscopy, stripped oocytes exhibited a single funnel-shaped micropyle located at the animal pole and a zona radiata that measured 7.7 m in thickness with eight pore canals/m(2). Oocyte morphology in Brycon nattereri is similar to that found in other species of the genus, except for the larger size and weaker adhesiveness. These findings provide essential information for a better understanding of the reproductive biology of B. nattereri and the establishment of conservation measures for this threatened species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)