949 resultados para vascularendothelial growth factor


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Acute lung injury is a common, devastating clinical syndrome associated with substantial mortality and morbidity with currently no proven therapeutic interventional strategy to improve patient outcomes. The objectives of this study are to test the potential therapeutic effects of keratinocyte growth factor for patients with acute lung injury on oxygenation and biological indicators of acute inflammation, lung epithelial and endothelial function, protease:antiprotease balance, and lung extracellular matrix degradation and turnover.


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Finding a suitable cell source for endothelial cells (ECs) for cardiovascular regeneration is a challenging issue for regenerative medicine. In the paper we describe a novel mechanism regulating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) differentiation into ECs, with a particular focus on miRNAs and their targets. We first established a protocol using collagen IV and VEGF to drive the functional differentiation of iPSCs into ECs and compared the miRNA signature of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. Among the miRNAs overrepresented in differentiated cells, we focused on microRNA-21 (miR-21) and studied its role in iPSC differentiation. Overexpression of miR-21 in pre-differentiated iPSCs induced EC marker upregulation and in vitro and in vivo capillary formation; accordingly, inhibition of miR-21 produced the opposite effects. Importantly, miR-21 overexpression increased TGF-β2 mRNA and secreted protein level, consistent with the strong upregulation of TGF-β2 during iPSC differentiation. Indeed, treatment of iPSCs with TGFβ-2 induced EC marker expression and in vitro tube formation. Inhibition of SMAD3, a downstream effector of TGFβ-2, strongly decreased VE-cadherin expression. Furthermore, TGFβ-2 neutralization and knockdown inhibited miR-21-induced EC marker expression. Finally, we confirmed the PTEN/Akt pathway as a direct target of miR-21 and we showed that PTEN knockdown is required for miR-21 mediated endothelial differentiation. In conclusion, we elucidated a novel signaling pathway that promotes the differentiation of iPSC into functional ECs suitable for regenerative medicine applications.


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Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) plays a critical role in the maintenance of endothelial integrity and other physiological processes. In this study, we demonstrated that HDAC3 undergoes unconventional splicing during stem cell differentiation. Four different splicing variants have been identified, designated as HD3α, -β, -γ, and -Δ, respectively. HD3α was confirmed in stem cell differentiation by specific antibody against the sequences from intron 12. Immunofluorescence staining indicated that the HD3α isoform co-localized with CD31-positive or α-smooth muscle actin-positive cells at different developmental stages of mouse embryos. Overexpression of HD3α reprogrammed human aortic endothelial cells into mesenchymal cells featuring an endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) phenotype. HD3α directly interacts with HDAC3 and Akt1 and selectively activates transforming growth factor β2 (TGFβ2) secretion and cleavage. TGFβ2 functioned as an autocrine and/or paracrine EndMT factor. The HD3α-induced EndMT was both PI3K/Akt- and TGFβ2-dependent. This study provides the first evidence of the role of HDAC3 splicing in the maintenance of endothelial integrity.


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Primary familial and congenital polycythaemia (PFCP) is a disease characterized by increased red blood cell mass, and can be associated with mutations in the intracellular region of the erythropoietin (EPO) receptor (EPOR). Here we explore the mechanisms by which EPOR mutations induce PFCP, using an experimental system based on chimeric receptors between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and EPOR. The design of the chimeras enabled EPOR signalling to be triggered by EGF binding. Using this system we analysed three novel EPOR mutations discovered in PFCP patients: a deletion mutation (Del1377-1411), a nonsense mutation (C1370A) and a missense mutation (G1445A). Three different chimeras, bearing these mutations in the cytosolic, EPOR region were generated; Hence, the differences in the chimera-related effects are specifically attributed to the mutations. The results show that the different mutations affect various aspects related to the signalling and metabolism of the chimeric receptors. These include slower degradation rate, higher levels of glycan-mature chimeric receptors, increased sensitivity to low levels of EGF (replacing EPO in this system) and extended signalling cascades. This study provides a novel experimental system to study polycythaemia-inducing mutations in the EPOR, and sheds new light on underlying mechanisms of EPOR over-activation in PFCP patients.


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Rationale: Increasing epithelial repair and regeneration may hasten resolution of lung injury in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). In animal models of ARDS, Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF) reduces injury and increases epithelial proliferation and repair. The effect of KGF in the human alveolus is unknown.

Objectives: To test whether KGF can attenuate alveolar injury in a human model of ARDS.

Methods: Volunteers were randomized to intravenous KGF (60 μg/kg) or placebo for 3 days, before inhaling 50μg lipopolysaccharide. Six hours later, subjects underwent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) to quantify markers of alveolar inflammation and cell-specific injury.

Measurements and Main Results: KGF did not alter leukocyte infiltration or markers of permeability in response to LPS. KGF increased BAL concentrations of Surfactant Protein D (SP-D), MMP-9, IL-1Ra, GM-CSF and CRP. In vitro, BAL fluid from KGF-treated subjects (KGF BAL) inhibited pulmonary fibroblast proliferation, but increased alveolar epithelial proliferation. Active MMP-9 increased alveolar epithelial wound repair. Finally, BAL from the KGF pre-treated group enhanced macrophage phagocytic uptake of apoptotic epithelial cells and bacteria compared with BAL from the placebo-treated group. This effect was blocked by inhibiting activation of the GM-CSF receptor.

Conclusions: KGF treatment increases BAL SP-D, a marker of type II alveolar epithelial cell proliferation in a human model of ALI. Additionally KGF increases alveolar concentrations of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1Ra, and mediators that drive epithelial repair (MMP-9) and enhance macrophage clearance of dead cells and bacteria (GM-CSF).


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The discovery of underlying mechanisms of drug resistance, and the development of novel agents to target these pathways, is a priority for patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC). We previously undertook a systems biology approach to design a functional genomic screen and identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) as a potential mediator of drug resistance. The aim of this study was to examine the role of FGFR4 in drug resistance using RNAi and the small-molecule inhibitor BGJ398 (Novartis). We found that FGFR4 is highly expressed at the RNA and protein levels in colon cancer tumour tissue compared with normal colonic mucosa and other tumours. Silencing of FGFR4 reduced cell viability in a panel of colon cancer cell lines and increased caspase-dependent apoptosis. A synergistic interaction was also observed between FGFR4 silencing and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin chemotherapy in colon cancer cell lines. Mechanistically, FGFR4 silencing decreased activity of the pro-survival STAT3 transcription factor and expression of the anti-apoptotic protein c-FLIP. Furthermore, silencing of STAT3 resulted in downregulation of c-FLIP protein expression, suggesting that FGFR4 may regulate c-FLIP expression via STAT3. A similar phenotype and downstream pathway changes were observed following FGFR4 silencing in cell lines resistant to 5-FU, oxaliplatin and SN38 and upon exposure of parental cells to the FGFR small-molecule inhibitor BGJ398. Our results indicate that FGFR4 is a targetable regulator of chemo-resistance in CRC, and hence inhibiting FGFR4 in combination with 5-FU and oxaliplatin is a potential therapeutic strategy for this disease.


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Previously we have shown that expression of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 is required for cell proliferation and motility. More recently we reported that USP17 deubiquitinates RCE1 isoform 2 and thus regulates the processing of 'CaaX' motif proteins. Here we now show that USP17 expression is induced by epidermal growth factor and that USP17 expression is required for clathrin mediated endocytosis of epidermal growth factor receptor. In addition, we show that USP17 is required for the endocytosis of transferrin, an archetypal substrate for clathrin mediated endocytosis, and that USP17 depletion impedes plasma membrane recruitment of the machinery required for clathrin mediated endocytosis. Thus, our data reveal that USP17 is necessary for epidermal growth factor receptor and transferrin endocytosis via clathrin coated pits, indicate this is mediated via the regulation of the recruitment of the components of the endocytosis machinery and suggest USP17 may play a general role in receptor endocytosis.


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AIMS: Adult granulosa cell tumours (AGCTs) are uncommon ovarian sex cord-stromal tumours which recur following surgical removal in up to 50% of patients. Treatment options for recurrent and advanced stage AGCTs are limited, with poor response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We aimed to assess epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER2 and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) status in AGCTs with a view to investigating whether or not these receptors might be potential therapeutic targets in these neoplasms.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Immunohistochemical staining for EGFR, HER2 and IGF-1R was undertaken in 31 AGCTs. Tumour DNA was also analysed for mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR (exons 18-21) by Cobas mutation RT-PCR. Twenty-three of 31 (74%) AGCTs showed some degree of EGFR expression, generally with cytoplasmic or mixed membranous and cytoplasmic staining of variable intensity. Eleven of 27 (41%) cases exhibited strong membranous and cytoplasmic expression of IGF-1R. HER2 expression was not seen. No mutations were found in exons 18-21 of the EGFR gene in hot-spots of therapeutic relevance.

CONCLUSIONS: This study raises the possibility that anti-EGFR and/or anti-IGF-1R therapies may be of potential benefit in ovarian AGCTs, and this requires further study. Lack of known mutations within the tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR suggests that EGFR-related tyrosine kinase inhibitors may not be useful therapeutically.


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RATIONALE: Epithelial remodelling in asthma is characterised by goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion for which no therapies exist. Differentiated bronchial air-liquid interface cultures from asthmatic children display high goblet cell numbers. Epidermal growth factor and its receptor have been implicated in goblet cell hyperplasia.

OBJECTIVES: We hypothesised that EGF removal or tyrphostin AG1478 treatment of differentiating air-liquid interface cultures from asthmatic children would result in a reduction of epithelial goblet cells and mucus secretion.

METHODS: In Aim 1 primary bronchial epithelial cells from non-asthmatic (n = 5) and asthmatic (n = 5) children were differentiated under EGF-positive (10ng/ml EGF) and EGF-negative culture conditions for 28 days. In Aim 2, cultures from a further group of asthmatic children (n = 5) were grown under tyrphostin AG1478, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, conditions. All cultures were analysed for epithelial resistance, markers of differentiation using immunocytochemistry, ELISA for MUC5AC mucin secretion and qPCR for MUC5AC mRNA.

RESULTS: In cultures from asthmatic children the goblet cell number was reduced in the EGF negative group (p = 0.01). Tyrphostin AG1478 treatment of cultures from asthmatic children had significant reductions in goblet cells at 0.2μg/ml (p = 0.03) and 2μg/ml (p = 0.003) as well as mucus secretion at 2μg/ml (p = 0.04).

CONCLUSIONS: We have shown in this preliminary study that through EGF removal and tyrphostin AG1478 treatment the goblet cell number and mucus hypersecretion in differentiating air-liquid interface cultures from asthmatic children is significantly reduced. This further highlights the epidermal growth factor receptor as a potential therapeutic target to inhibit goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion in asthma.


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BACKGROUND: The ovarian surface epithelium responds to cytokines and hormonal cues to initiate proliferation and migration following ovulation. Although insulin and IGF are potent proliferative factors for the ovarian surface epithelium and IGF is required for follicle development, increased insulin and IGF activity are correlated with at least two gynecologic conditions: polycystic ovary syndrome and epithelial ovarian cancer. Although insulin and IGF are often components of in vitro culture media, little is known about the effects that these growth factors may have on the ovarian surface epithelium morphology or how signaling in the ovarian surface may affect follicular health and development.

METHODS: Ovaries from CD1 mice were cultured in alginate hydrogels in the presence or absence of 5 μg/ml insulin or IGF-I, as well as small molecule inhibitors of IR/IGF1R, PI 3-kinase signaling, or MAPK signaling. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of cytokeratin 8 to mark the ovarian surface epithelium, Müllerian inhibiting substance to mark secondary follicles, and BrdU incorporation to assess proliferation. Changes in gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium in response to insulin or IGF-I were analyzed by transcription array. Extracellular matrix organization was evaluated by expression and localization of collagen IV.

RESULTS: Culture of ovarian organoids with insulin or IGF-I resulted in formation of hyperplastic OSE approximately 4-6 cell layers thick with a high rate of proliferation, as well as decreased MIS expression in secondary follicles. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway restored MIS expression reduced by insulin but only partially restored normal OSE growth and morphology. Inhibition of the PI 3-kinase pathway restored MIS expression reduced by IGF-I and restored OSE growth to a single cell layer. Insulin and IGF-I altered organization of collagen IV, which was restored by inhibition of PI 3-kinase signaling.

CONCLUSIONS: While insulin and IGF are often required for propagation of primary cells, these cytokines may act as potent mitogens to disrupt cell growth, resulting in formation of hyperplastic OSE and decreased follicular integrity as measured by MIS expression and collagen deposition. This may be due partly to altered collagen IV deposition and organization in the ovary in response to insulin and IGF signaling mediated by PI 3-kinase.


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Cervical cancer is a multi-stage disease caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection of cervical epithelial cells, but the mechanisms regulating disease progression are not clearly defined. Using 3-dimensional organotypic cultures, we demonstrate that HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins alter the secretome of primary human keratinocytes resulting in local epithelial invasion. Mechanistically, absence of the IGF-binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) caused increases in IGFI/II signalling and through crosstalk with KGF/FGFR2b/AKT, cell invasion. Repression of IGFBP2 is mediated by histone deacetylation at the IGFBP2 promoter and was reversed by treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Our in vitro findings were confirmed in 50 invasive cancers and 79 cervical intra-epithelial neoplastic lesions caused by HPV16 infection, where IGFBP2 levels were reduced with increasing disease severity. In summary, the loss of IGFBP2 is associated with progression of premalignant disease, and sensitises cells to pro-invasive IGF signalling, and together with stromal derived factors promotes epithelial invasion.


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The Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGFbeta) superfamily of cytokines is comprised of a number of structurally-related, secreted polypeptides that regulate a multitude of cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation and neoplastic transformation. These growth regulatory molecules induce ligand-mediated hetero-oligomerization of distinct type II and type I serine/threonine kinase receptors that transmit signals predominantly through receptor-activated Smad proteins but also induce Smad-independent pathways. Ligands, receptors and intracellular mediators of signaling initiated by members of the TGFbeta family are expressed in the mammary gland and disruption of these pathways may contribute to the development and progression of human breast cancer. Since many facets of TGFbeta and breast cancer have been recently reviewed in several articles, except for discussion of recent developments on some aspects of TGFbeta, the major focus of this review will be on the role of activins, inhibins, BMPs, nodal and MIS-signaling in breast cancer with emphasis on their utility as potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets.