349 resultados para unfair dismissal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Stylized features of the investment-growth connection in Latin America, 1980-2012 / Sandra Manuelito and Luis Felipe Jiménez.--International technological dynamics in production sectors: An empirical analysis / Fernando Isabella Revetria.-- Does public financial support stimulate innovation and productivity? An impact evaluation / Diego Aboal and Paula Garda.-- Digital inclusion in education in Tarija, Plurinational State of Bolivia / Sulma Farfán Sossa, Antonio Medina Rivilla and María Luz Cacheiro González.-- Macroeconomic trade-offs and external vulnerabilities of human development in Nicaragua / Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo.-- Classroom discipline, classroom environment and student performance in Chile / Carolina Gazmuri, Jorge Manzi and Ricardo D. Paredes.-- Pricing and spread components at the Lima Stock Exchange / Luis Chávez-Bedoya, Carlos Loaiza Álamo and Giannio Téllez De Vettori.-- Exports from the Brazilian automotive sector to the Southern Common Market: Trade diversion or cost reduction? / André Filipe Zago de Azevedo and Angélica Massuquetti.--Determinants of unfair inequality in Brazil, 1995 and 2009 / Ana Claudia Annegues, Erik Alencar de Figueiredo and Wallace Patrick Santos de Farias Souza.-- A comparative analysis of productivity in Brazilian and Mexican manufacturing industries / Armênio de Souza Rangel and Fernando Garcia de Freitas.


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Apresenta casos de adoecimento e demissão de trabalhadores da indústria de transformação mineral da empresa Alumínio do Brasil (ALBRAS) da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). Trata-se de um trabalho dissertativo que tem a finalidade de explicitar e compreender a relação de trabalho e a percepção dos problemas enfrentados no ambiente da empresa do ponto de vista dos trabalhadores, no contexto de situações de adoecimento e demissão. Das visitas realizadas em campo, em Barcarena e Abaetetuba, onde se encontram as instalações do empreendimento e grande parte dos ex-funcionários, pôde-se constatar que diversos trabalhadores reclamavam sobre a situação física e psicológica vinculada à demissão motivada por doença, que na visão dos trabalhadores foi adquirida nas tarefas executadas pelos mesmos na indústria, e que resulta, inclusive, na significativa perda da capacidade de trabalho dos mesmos. O objetivo principal é analisar algumas das razões que levaram esse grupo de trabalhadores a submeter-se a tais condições de trabalho, que na visão dos próprios trabalhadores, levaram ao adoecimento em conseqüência de esforços que realizavam nas tarefas de produção. O problema identificado é analisado através da interdisciplinariedade, com amplo enfoque sociológico, filosófico, econômico e jurídico, com fundamentação teórica marxista a partir da compreensão da mais-valia e da alienação no contexto do sistema capitalista. O trabalho aponta, ainda, distorções entre o caso investigado e as normas constitucionais: como é o entendimento constitucional para tratar aspectos econômicos e sociais e como é a realidade em que se inserem grandes empreendimentos na região Amazônica, como a ALBRAS, e seu envolvimento com a sociedade e o Estado.


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo Identificar se as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal no Estado do Pará interferem positiva ou negativamente na adoção da certificação de manejo florestal do sistema do conselho de manejo florestal (FSC). A abordagem metodológica foi à qualitativa, com o uso da estatística descritiva para apoiar interpretações e/ou conclusões firmadas a respeito da análise dos dados coletados. A população amostral foi composta pelos empreendimentos de manejo florestal (EMF) do Estado do Pará, com certificado do FSC. Os dados e informações foram coletados em relatórios e documentos do FSC, Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente do Pará (SEMA) e Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (IMAZON). O resultado da pesquisa demonstrou que as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal no Estado do Pará interferem negativamente na certificação florestal, pois a análise das auditorias realizadas nos EMF, com certificado florestal no Estado do Para, demonstraram que mesmo, os EMF que possuem a certificação há mais de cinco anos, ainda apresentam não conformidades relacionadas ao não cumprimento da legislação ambiental e as estatísticas sobre a produção madeireira na Amazônia apontam que as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal ainda não são efetivas no combate a produção de madeira ilegal no Estado Pará, o que provoca uma concorrência desleal para o mercado de produtos de base florestal certificados.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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This article is part of a study that seeks to understand what are the main barriers and alternatives for inclusion of students with visual impairments in the context of physics education. Presents and discusses the difficulties and feasibility to include the blind for birth student in thermology’ classes. Through content analysis identifies four classes of functioning implies difficulties and feasibility. In conclusion, emphasizes the importance of creating appropriate communication environments, the inclusive function of element interactivity, as well as the need for dismissal of a segregated environment within the classroom.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Prior models of the policy process have examined how human characteristics can affect policy decision-making in such a way that it leads to aggregate effects on policy outcomes as a whole. I develop a model of the policy process which suggests that emotions related to fair and unfair experiences in the same policy domain are utilized by decision-makers as policy criteria. In the lab, I empirically tested this, and find that emotions and experience related to fairness do influence the policy decision to move away from the status quo alternative. Based upon this result, I simulated the evolution of a society of agents engaged in decision-making using similar criteria. The simulation suggests that incentives have an important role in leading to cooperation and social success. The external validity of the simulation also implies that it can act as a platform for future evolutionary policy experimentation.


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Based on a structured literature review, the ceramic tiles sector of Italy (benchmark) and Brazil (2nd world producer and consumer) are compared, under four strategic factors: normative, market, technology and strategic management, in order to identify critical risks for a national strategic sector. The document aims to propose guidelines for a strategic re-planning of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, making the Brazilian producers aware of the national market fragility (in spite of its recent remarkable evolution) and helping the policy makers to reflect on the need of reviewing the strategic planning methods and practice, of designing new targeted programs (based on coherence between operation and business strategies), of providing improved management to strengthen the sector against unfair competition by low-cost producers, enhancing the necessary infrastructure in technology, work, marketing and quality management. The analysis is limited to the single-firing production technology. The wide-coverage strategic analysis of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, very little studied until now in a scientific way, emphasizes the importance of applying research methodology and may be valuable to both scholars and practitioners. Additionally, it highlights the need of investments in innovation (product design and production technology) and the fundamental role of the sector organization, identifying different dimensions. It is possible to conclude that the recent Brazilian production growth is not due to a natural strengthening because of the hit of the sector and of correct enterprises strategy, but it seems the result of a temporary and favorable economic contingency.


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This paper seeks to explore how victims of crime and defendants are portrayed in sexual assault cases. Lately, more and more voices have been raised in appal against values demonstrated in court decisions and we’ve seen the implementation of a new sexual assault legislation in attempt to increase people’s sexual integrity. Yet, at the same time, there is still a tremendously low amount of reported sexual assaults that go to trial and even fewer result in conviction. This paper is not an attempt to scrutinize the legal system, but to draw attention to what values are portrayed in sexual assault cases. The purpose is to examine the court decisions under consideration to see if and what values are portrayed. My paper can in no way allow generalization; it is merely a small sample of reality. The data consists of four court decisions from Östersund’s Tingsrätt; two of them resulting in conviction and two of them in dismissal. The data was collected systematically and undergoes a discourse analysis; hence it is a qualitative study. The result of the analysis is that although somewhat subtle, the court decisions do indeed portray stereotypical gender roles, particularly regarding victims’ prior sexual history, women’s room to manoeuvre and their given life conditions