991 resultados para travel request form
We explore the relationship between form and data as a design agenda and learning strategy for novice visual information designers. Our students are university seniors in digital, visual design but novices to information design, manipulation and interpretation. We describe design strategies developed to scaffold sophisticated aesthetic and conceptual engagement despite limited understanding of the domain of designing with information. These revolve around an open-ended design project where students created a physical design from data of their choosing and research. The accompanying learning strategies concern this relationship between data and form to investigate it materially, formally and through ideation. Exemplifying student works that cross media and design domains are described.
Study Design Delphi panel and cohort study. Objective To develop and refine a condition-specific, patient-reported outcome measure, the Ankle Fracture Outcome of Rehabilitation Measure (A-FORM), and to examine its psychometric properties, including factor structure, reliability, and validity, by assessing item fit with the Rasch model. Background To our knowledge, there is no patient-reported outcome measure specific to ankle fracture with a robust content foundation. Methods A 2-stage research design was implemented. First, a Delphi panel that included patients and health professionals developed the items and refined the item wording. Second, a cohort study (n = 45) with 2 assessment points was conducted to permit preliminary maximum-likelihood exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis. Results The Delphi panel reached consensus on 53 potential items that were carried forward to the cohort phase. From the 2 time points, 81 questionnaires were completed and analyzed; 38 potential items were eliminated on account of greater than 10% missing data, factor loadings, and uniqueness. The 15 unidimensional items retained in the scale demonstrated appropriate person and item reliability after (and before) removal of 1 item (anxious about footwear) that had a higher-than-ideal outfit statistic (1.75). The “anxious about footwear” item was retained in the instrument, but only the 14 items with acceptable infit and outfit statistics (range, 0.5–1.5) were included in the summary score. Conclusion This investigation developed and refined the A-FORM (Version 1.0). The A-FORM items demonstrated favorable psychometric properties and are suitable for conversion to a single summary score. Further studies utilizing the A-FORM instrument are warranted. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(7):488–499. Epub 22 May 2014. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.4980
A travel article about the Aland Islands, Finland, that discusses the mix of Swedish, Finnish, and Russian cultural influences in the area. On the map, Finland seems to end in fragments. The gods have stomped their heels on the southwestern corner, and between the cities of Helsinki and Turku it is jagged, rocky islands that form the final landmarks...
A travel article about food and landscape in Thailand. Thick forest islands the first limestone karst that we see. In the cracks and ledges of these cliff faces, low trees make a steady ascent. From the road, it looks an impossible climb, but the forest has managed to find a line to the top and to form a platform of dense canopy. We’re coming into Krabi, an area of southern Thailand famous for these formations. Soon, the forest base will be replaced by ocean. Grottos, undercuts, and yellow beaches will add a skirt of luxury to the drama to the cliffs...
Solid medication dosage form modification at the bedside and in the pharmacy of Queensland hospitals
This review article discusses form-based planning an din details analise the following books: Stepehn Marshall (2012) Urban Coding and Planning (Routledge, New York, USA, 272pp. pISBN 1135689202). Emily Talen (2012) City Rules: How Regulations Affects Urban Form (Island Press, Washington DC, USA, 254 pp. ISBN 9781597266925). Richard Tomlinson (2012) Australia’s Unintended Cities: the Impact of Housing on Urban Development (CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia, 194pp. ISBN 9780643103771). The history of the city has been written and rewritten many times: the seminal works of Benevolo (1980) and Mumford (1989) reconstruct how settlements, particularly their urban form, have changed over centuries. Rowe and Koetter (1978), Kostof (1991, 1992), Krier (2003), and Rossi and Eisenmann (1982) address instead the components that shape the urban environment: the architect can aggregate and manipulate squares, streets, parks and public buildings to control urban design. Generally these studies aim to reveal the secret of the traditional city in contraposition to the contemporary townscape characterized by planning and zoning, which are generally regarded as problematic and sterile (Woodward, 2013). The ‘secret rules’ that have shaped our cities have a bearing on the relationship of spaces, mixed uses, public environments and walkability (Walters, 2011)...
The travel and tourism industry has come to rely heavily on information and communication technologies to facilitate relations with consumers. Compiling consumer data profiles has become easier and it is widely thought that consumers place great importance on how that data is handled by firms. Lack of trust may cause consumers to have privacy concerns and may, in turn, have an adverse impact on consumers’ willingness to purchase online. Three specific aspects of privacy that have received attention from researchers are unauthorized use of secondary data, invasion of privacy, and errors. A survey study was undertaken to examine the effects of these factors on both prior purchase of travel products via the Internet and future purchase probability. Surprisingly, no significant relationships were found to indicate that such privacy concerns affect online purchase behavior within the travel industry. Implications for managers are discussed.
The purpose of this research is to empirically test the prevailing view that transit oriented development enhances the use of more sustainable modes of transport using Brisbane, Australia as a case. Transit oriented development has been adopted as a new policy tool to reduce car-based travel worldwide. Despite being a billion dollar investment, the impacts of transit oriented development on promoting sustainable travel behavior is not conclusive. The research uses a case-control approach to empirically investigate this relationship based on travel behavior data collected from 88 individuals living in two contrasting neighborhoods in Brisbane: Kelvin Grove Urban Village – a transit oriented development, and Annerley – a traditional suburb (non-transit oriented development). A comparative investigation of travel behavior was subsequently conducted using distance travelled by modes and purposes between the neighborhoods. Results show that the availability of opportunity and services located within the transit oriented development reduces the car use by 5% and increases the use of active transport by 4%. The findings in this research support the implementation of TOD policies in Brisbane.
Weblog of participatory arts Community interactive art project with Cerebral Palsy League. Regional Arts Development grant, Queensland Government. Awarded June 2012. This project has involved exploring and visualising participants’ movements through their drawings and co-designing an interactive, visualisation artwork based on these gestures and images.
Travel journalism has experienced enormous growth over recent decades, with a record number of media organizations now involved in producing information for tourists in one way or another. Correspondingly, journalism and media scholars have begun to pay more attention to this phenomenon. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the burgeoning field of travel journalism studies. The contributors explore travel journalism in newspapers and magazines, on television and online, across a wide range of national and cultural contexts. Individual chapters provide critical discussions of theoretical approaches, present studies of production, content and impact, and explain how travel journalism can be understood through the lenses of postcolonialism, sustainability and cosmopolitanism. This fascinating account offers a thoroughly international and interdisciplinary perspective on an increasingly important field of journalism scholarship.
This study examines the association between urban form and walking for transport in Brisbane, Australia based on both panel and cross-sectional data. Cross-sectional data are used to determine whether urban form was associated with walking for transport in 2011. Panel data are used to evaluate whether changes in the built environment altered walking behaviour between 2009 and 2011. Results from the cross-sectional data suggest that individuals are significantly more likely to be walkers if they live in an area with a well-connected street network and an accessible train station. The longitudinal analysis confirms these relationships; there also was however, a significant impact of travel attitudes and perceptions on walking behaviour. The findings suggest that the built environment continues to be an important factor to encourage walking; however, interventions are also required to change social norms in order to increase the receptiveness for and participation in walking.
Purpose To investigate the effects of the relatively selective GABAAOr receptor antagonist (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl) methylphosphinic acid (TPMPA) on form-deprivation myopia (FDM) in guinea pigs. Methods A diffuser was applied monocularly to 30 guinea pigs from day 10 to 21. The animals were randomized to one of five treatment groups. The deprived eye received daily sub-conjunctival injections of 100 μl TPMPA at a concentration of (i) 0.03 %, ( ii) 0.3 %, or (iii) 1 %, a fourth group (iv) received saline injections, and another (v) no injections. The fellow eye was left untreated. An additional group received no treatment to either eye. Prior to and at the end of the treatment period, refraction and ocular biometry were performed. Results Visual deprivation produced relative myopia in all groups (treated versus untreated eyes, P < 0.05). The amount of myopia was significantly affected by the drug treatment (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001); myopia was less in deprived eyes receiving either 0.3 % or 1 % TPMPA (saline = −4.38 ± 0.57D, 0.3 % TPMPA = −3.00 ± 0.48D, P < 0.01; 1 % TPMPA = −0.88 ± 0.51D, P < 0.001). The degree of axial elongation was correspondingly less (saline = 0.13 ± 0.02 mm, 0.3 % TPMPA = 0.09 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.01, 1 % TPMPA = 0.02 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.001) as was the VC elongation (saline = 0.08 ± 0.01 mm, 0.3 % TPMPA = 0.05 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.01, 1 % TPMPA = 0.01 ± 0.01 mm; P < 0.001). ACD and LT were not affected (one-way ANOVA, P > 0.05). One percent TPMPA was more effective at inhibiting myopia than 0.3 % (P < 0.01), and 0.03 % did not appreciably inhibit the myopia (0.03 % TPMPA versus saline, P > 0.05). Conclusions Sub-conjunctival injections of TPMPA inhibit FDM in guinea pig models in a dose-dependent manner.
Det har nu gått mer än tio år sedan en student vid Northeastern University i USA lanserade den första fildelningstjänsten som blev framgångsrik bland den breda allmänheten (e.g. Alderman 2001). Lanseringen av tjänsten, som kallades Napster, ses ofta som inledningen på ett av de mest dramatiska decennierna i musikbranschens historia. En lång rad internetbaserade tjänster som följt i Napsters spår har gjort det möjligt att sprida musik till miljontals användare utan att upphovsmän och rättighetsinnehavare fått någon ersättning. Katt-och-råtta-leken mellan lagstiftning och teknik har varit intensiv och har utvecklats till ett av decenniets allra hetaste diskussionsämnen bland politiker och ledarskribenter. Försäljningen av inspelad musik har sjunkit dramatiskt och musikbranschen har tvingats ifrågasätta många väletablerade sanningar. Det här kapitlet belyser ett antal fundamentala aspekter av denna förändring och utforskar några av den ”nya” musikbranschens viktigaste karaktäristika. Under den tid som musikbranschen har beforskats har vanligtvis betoningen legat på fonogrammen, det vill säga den del av branschen som rör produktion och konsumtion av inspelad musik. På grund av branschens förändrade struktur kommer dock det här kapitlet att vidga perspektivet en smula och även inkludera musikbranschens andra delar som exempelvis konserter och förlagsverksamhet...
Over recent years, the health, transport and environment sectors have been increasingly focused on the promotion of transport cycling. From a health perspective, transport cycling is recognised as a beneficial form of physical activity as it can be easily integrated into daily living, is done at an intensity that confers health benefits, and is associated with reductions in mortality and morbidity [1]. From a safety perspective, the risk of a serious cycling injury decreases as cycling increases [2] as having more cyclists on roads increases motor vehicle drivers’ awareness of cyclists and in turn makes cycling safer. Whereas cycling for recreation is the fourth most commonly reported physical activity among Australian adults [3], transport cycling is an underutilised travel mode. Approximately 1.3% of journeys to work in Australia are made by bicycle [4]. This low prevalence is mirrored in the UK and the US, but not in some European countries like the Netherlands and Denmark, where over 18% and 26%, respectively, of all journeys are made by bicycle [5]. In the past decade, concerted efforts have been made by Australian state and local governments to increase cycling rates [6]. Notably, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane have implemented policies, increased bicycle commuting infrastructure, and offered information and promotion programs to encourage commuter cycling [6,7]. Governments have also developed comprehensive longterm plans for guiding future cycling strategies, using lessons learned from around the world in developing successful cycling policy and promotion [6,7]. Changes in transport cycling rates in inner cities since these efforts have been implemented are encouraging. In Sydney, census data indicate an 83% increase in the number of people using a bicycle for commuting between 2001 and 2011 [8]. Counts of bicycles being ridden along major cycling commuter routes indicate increases in weekday morning cycling trips in Brisbane (63% increase from 2004 to 2010) [7] and in Melbourne (a 43% increase from 2006 to 2008) [9]. However, bicycle mode share to work has changed little: for example, between 2001 and 2011, it decreased slightly from 1.6% to 1.3% in Brisbane [10,11]. Researchers have been investigating factors that may be contributing to low rates of cycling for transport, to inform future policy and programming to encourage transport cycling. The aim of this paper is to overview our work to date in this area of research in Queensland.
Residential dissonance signifies a mismatch between an individual’s preferred and actual proximal land use patterns in residential neighbourhoods, whereas residential consonance signifies agreement between actual and preferred proximal land uses. Residential dissonance is a relatively unexplored theme in the literature, yet it acts as a barrier to the development of sustainable transport and land use policy. This research identifies mode choice behaviour of four groups living in transit oriented development (TOD) and non-TOD areas in Brisbane, Australia using panel data from 2675 commuters: TOD consonants, TOD dissonants, non-TOD consonants, and non-TOD dissonants. The research investigates a hypothetical understanding that dissonants adjust their travel attitudes and perceptions according to their surrounding land uses over time. The adjustment process was examined by comparing the commuting mode choice behaviour of dissonants between 2009 and 2011. Six binary logistic regression models were estimated, one for each of the three modes considered (e.g. public transport, active transport, and car) and one for each of the 2009 and 2011 waves. Results indicate that TOD dissonants and non-TOD consonants were less likely to use the public transport and active transport; and more likely to use the car compared with TOD consonants. Non-TOD dissonants use public transport and active transport equally to TOD consonants. The results suggest that commuting mode choice behaviour is largely determined by travel attitudes than built environment factors; however, the latter influence public transport and car use propensity. This research also supports the view that dissonants adjust their attitudes to surrounding land uses, but very slowly. Both place (e.g. TOD development) and people-based (e.g. motivational) policies are needed for an effective travel behavioural shift.