924 resultados para total iron binding capacity
Magnetic properties of doleritic and some metamorphic basement rocks underlying Catoche Knoll are studied. Doleritic rocks show a high saturation magnetic moment (2-5 emu/g) compared to metamorphic rocks (0.1-1 emu/g). Magnetic minerals of rocks from this hole show a high stability when heated in vacuo up to 600°C at a fixed rate of heating. Curie temperatures are distributed close to 550°C. These properties differ markedly from those of common submarine basalts observed before. X-ray microprobe analysis techniques were used to determine internal structures of ferromagnetic minerals; in most of ferromagnetic minerals there exist two different types of magnetic phases (i.e., products of high-temperature and low-temperature oxidations). Interpretations on the coexisting, seemingly contradictory, phases can be made based upon present analyses.
Basalt recovered beneath Jurassic sediments in the western Atlantic at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 100 and 105 of leg 11 has petrographic features characteristic of water-quenched basalt extruded along modern ocean ridges. Site 100 basalt appears to represent two or three massive cooling units, and an extrusive emplacement is probable. Site 105 basalt is less altered and appears to be a compositionally homogeneous pillow lava sequence related to a single eruptive episode. Although the leg 11 basalts are much more closely related in time to the Triassic lavas and intrusives of eastern continental North America, their geochemical features are closely comparable to those of modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts unrelated to postulated "mantle plume" activity. Projection of leg 11 sites back along accepted spreading "flow lines" to their presumed points of origin shows that these origins are also outside the influence of modern" plume" activity. Thus, these oldest Atlantic seafloor basalts provide no information on the time of initiation of these "plumes". The Triassic continental diabases show north to south compositional variations in Rb, Ba, La, and Sr which lie within the range of " plume "-related basalt on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (20° - 40° N) This suggests that these diabases had mantle sources similar in composition to those beneath the present Mid-Atlantic Ridge. "Plumes" related to deep mantle sources may have contributed to the LIL-element enrichment in the Triassic diabase and may also have been instrumental in initiating the rifting of the North Atlantic. Systematically high values for K and Sr87/Sr86 in the Triassic diabases may reflect superimposed effects of crustal contamination in the Triassic magmas.
Clasts of metamorphosed mafic igneous rock of diverse composition were recovered in two drill sites on a serpentine mud volcano in the outer Mariana forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125. These clasts are xenolithic fragments that have been entrained in the rising serpentine mud, and make up less that 9% of the total rock recovered at Sites 778 and 779. Most samples are metabasalt or metadiabase, although one clast of possible boninite and one cumulate gabbro were recovered. On the basis of trace element signatures, samples are interpreted to represent both arc-derived and mid-ocean ridge-derived compositions. Rocks with extremely low TiO2 (<0.3 wt%) and Zr (<30 ppm) are similar to boninite series rocks. Samples with low TiO2 (<0.9 wt%) and Zr (<50 ppm) and extreme potassium enrichment (K2O/Na2O >3.9) may represent island arc rocks similar to shoshonites. However, the K2O/Na2O ratios are much higher than those reported for shoshonites from modem or ancient arcs and may be the result of metamorphism. Samples with moderate TiO2 (1.4 to 1.5 wt%) and Zr (72 to 85 ppm) are similar to rocks from mid-ocean ridges. A few samples have TiO2 and Zr intermediate between island arc and mid-ocean ridge basalt-like rocks. Two samples have high iron (Fe2O3* = >12.8 to 18.5 wt%) (Fe2O3* = total iron calculated as Fe2O3) and TiO2 (>2.3 wt%) and resemble FeTi basalt recovered from mid-ocean ridges. Metamorphism in most samples ranges from low-temperature zeolite, typical of ocean floor weathering, to prehnite-pumpellyite facies and perhaps lower greenschist. Blue amphibole and lawsonite minerals are present in several samples. One diabase clast (Sample 9) exhibits Ca enrichment, similar to rodingite metamorphism, typical of mafic blocks in serpentinized masses. The presence of both low-grade (clays and zeolites) and higher grade (lawsonite) metamorphism indicates retrograde processes in these clasts. These clasts are fragments of the forearc crust and possibly of the subducting plate that have been entrained in the rising serpentine and may represent the deepest mafic rocks ever recovered from the Mariana forearc. The variable compositions and degree of metamorphism of these clasts requires at least two tectonic origins. The recovery of clasts with mid-ocean ridge and arc chemical affinities in a single drill hole requires these clasts to have been "mixed" on a small scale either (1) in the forearc crustal sequence, or (2) after inclusion in the rising serpentine mud. The source of the MORB-like samples and an explanation for the presence of both MORB-like and arc-like rocks in close proximity is critical to any model of the evolution of the Mariana forearc. The source of the MORB-like samples likely will be one (or more) of the following: (1) accretion of Pacific plate lithosphere, (2) remnants of original forearc crust (trapped plate), (3) volcanism in the supra-subduction zone (arc or forearc) environment, or (4) derivation from the subducting slab by faulting along the dÈcollement.
Chemical composition and isotopic ratios of basic lavas from Iceland and the surrounding ocean floor
Major and trace dement data are used to establish the nature and extent of spatial and temporal chemical variations in basalts erupted in the Iceland region of the North Atlantic Ocean. The ocean floor samples are those recovered by legs 38 and 49 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Within each of the active zones on Iceland there are small scale variations in the light rare earth elements and ratios such as K/Y: several central complexes and their associated fissure swarms erupt basalts with values of K/Y distinct from those erupted at adjacent centres; also basalts showing a wide range of immobile trace element ratios occur together within single vertical sections and ocean floor drill holes. Although such variations can be explained in terms of the magmatic processes operating on Iceland they make extrapolations from single basalt samples to mantle sources underlying the outcrop of the sample highly tenuous. 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured for 25 of the samples indicate a total range from 0.7028 in a tholeiite from the Reykjanes Ridge to 0.7034 in an alkali basalt from Iceland and are consistent with other published ratios from the region. A positive correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Ce/Yb ratios indicates the existence of systematic isotopic and elemental variations in the mantle source region. An approximately fivefold variation in Ce/Yb ratio observed in basalts with the same 87Sr/86Sr ratio implies that different degrees and types of partial melting have been involved in magma genesis from a single mantle composition. 87Sr/86Sr ratios above 0.7028, Th/U ratios close to 4 and La/Ta ratios close to 10 distinguish most basalts erupted in this part of the North Atlantic Ocean from normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-type MORB) - although N-type MORB has been erupted at extinct spreading axes just to the north and northeast of Iceland as well as the presently active Iceland-Jan Mayen Ridge. Comparisons with the hygromagmatophile element and radiogenic isotope ratios of MORB and the estimated primordial mantle indicate that the mantle sources producing Iceland basalts have undergone previous depletion followed by more recent enrichment events. A veined mantle source region is proposed in preference to the mantle plume model to explain the chemical variations.