885 resultados para território, dinâmicas territoriais e rede urbana.


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This paper aims to review traditional concepts inherent to the general theory of the state and human rights, relating to the legal situation of foreign, understood as the subject of rights, especially when the is case of compulsory legal imposition of exit from national territory. After the serious violations during the Second World War and the importance acquired by the International Law of Human Rights, values as dignity, justice and equality are enshrined in the legal system and its respect required beyond the boundaries of any country. The creation of an international community, which is governed by rules that its members are subordinated, without distinction, as well as state - based on volunteerism, become inspired by one principled nature of these new concepts required of Global Society, as well as the adoption, influenced by neoconstitutionalism, to the model of State Constitutional rule of law, are opposed to the idea of state sovereignty connected to a superiority, absolute and unlimited power which recognizes no other above it, not even the basic principles or axioms that must govern the relationships internally. So looks for a concept of state that includes all the requirements of a democratic society, that have the people as the power holder, understanding that state element has undergone a relativization, because had to adapt to the contemporary values applicable to the individual, inserting in its concept, the indispensable obligation to protect the inalienable rights of citizens, regardless of with whom he have legal and political bond of nationality. It happens that, to consecrate these privileges to individuals, which, because they contain reference to values with supranational characteristics, are very abstract and are in constant collision course with internal rules, making it difficult to reconcile, it will use hermeneutics of human rights, due mainly to international courts, correlated with constitutional exegesis, in particular, legal principiologia, using, among others, the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, the systematic interpretation of the Constitution and international legal standards. Thus, it seek to enshrine the common foundation of all law , the link between the systems, namely, the dignity of human beings. Finally, it will see if Brazilian jurisdiction, through case studies, is tuned in line with these new paradigms, and in line with the International Bill of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution, the values and principles she hired


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Urbanization in their mearing simpler, the agglomeration of people, occurred from the time that the productive activities have to be based on trade. The first cities arose when the evolution of agriculture allowed the production and storage of surpluses. However, with industrialization was that urbanization becomes intense, according to Singer (1987), the industrial revolution was to stage, from the beginning, the urban area. It requires, in its proximity, the presence of a large number of workers. With respect to the Cariri cearense, the occupation of its territory is associated with the movement of agricultural surpluses produced and reproduced under the hegemony of merchant capital and due to the development of extensive cattle that promoted the territorial occupation of Ceará. From the 1960s, the region has undergone changes in its productive structure due to industrial planning policies of the government of Ceará. However it was in the 1990s that the region itself as economic and urban polo because policies to attract investments from the state government of Ceará. This policy led to boosting trade and services marking the predominance of tertiary activities in the region, especially the retail, wholesale , medical services and education. Investments also consolidated the industrial park area making it diverse, especially the footwear industries, mining, non-metallic minerals, transport equipment, pharmaceutical chemical, food and beverages, rubber and leather and construction. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the region of Cariri cearense occupation of its territory institutionalizing its metropolitan region, to understand what factors influenced the Cariri cearense become an important area in urban and economic terms in the interior of Ceará. In order to develop this research in that refers to the methodological perspective, research is guided by bibliographic studies and also makes use of secondary data analysis (population, GDP, urbanization rate, employment) of the main databases the country, as IBGE, IPEADATA and RAIS - MTE


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The main purpose of this work is to develop an environment that allows HYSYS R chemical process simulator communication with sensors and actuators from a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network. The environment is considered a hybrid resource since it has a real portion (industrial network) and a simulated one (process) with all measurement and control signals also real. It is possible to reproduce different industrial process dynamics without being required any physical network modification, enabling simulation of some situations that exist in a real industrial environment. This feature testifies the environment flexibility. In this work, a distillation column is simulated through HYSYS R with all its variables measured and controlled by Foundation Fieldbus devices


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Ensure the integrity of the pipeline network is an extremely important factor in the oil and gas industry. The engineering of pipelines uses sophisticated robotic inspection tools in-line known as instrumented pigs. Several relevant factors difficult the inspection of pipelines, especially in offshore field which uses pipelines with multi-diameters, radii of curvature accentuated, wall thickness of the pipe above the conventional, multi-phase flow and so on. Within this context, appeared a new instrumented Pig, called Feeler PIG, for detection and sizing of thickness loss in pipelines with internal damage. This tool was developed to overcome several limitations that other conventional instrumented pigs have during the inspection. Several factors influence the measurement errors of the pig affecting the reliability of the results. This work shows different operating conditions and provides a test rig for feeler sensors of an inspection pig under different dynamic loads. The results of measurements of the damage type of shoulder and holes in a cyclic flat surface are evaluated, as well as a mathematical model for the sensor response and their errors from the actual behavior


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São apresentadas séries históricas de indicadores demográficos e sanitários para a população com 60 anos e mais do Brasil, Estado de São Paulo e Município de Araraquara, de porte médio. em 1991, os idosos eram 7,8% da população brasileira e 9,7% de Araraquara, superando em número as crianças menores de 5 anos (8,9%). Aumentou o peso relativo do segmento com mais idade (70 anos e mais), que já representa 40% do total, assim como o índice de urbanização dos idosos, 93,7% no Estado e 96,3% no Município, acima da média da população em geral em 1991. As principais causas de morte são as doenças do aparelho circulatório (40% do total de óbitos) e os neoplasmas (15%). São sugeridas medidas para a assistência à saúde dos idosos: a) expansão da capacidade atual de atendimento, através do treinamento gerontológico de médicos generalistas e enfermeiros da rede pública e privada; b) incremento das atividades educativas já existentes, dirigidas aos idosos, profissionais da saúde e educadores do ensino médio; c) incremento do programa de visita domiciliar aos idosos e criação de hospital-dia para evitar internações necessárias e garantir a manutenção dos baixos níveis atuais de institucionalização em asilos (0,7% em Araraquara). A existência de pelo menos 35% dos idosos de Araraquara, com acesso à assistência privada à saúde, reforça a importância da inclusão desses serviços nos programas locais de saúde da terceira idade.


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In this thesis, we address two issues of broad conceptual and practical relevance in the study of complex networks. The first is associated with the topological characterization of networks while the second relates to dynamical processes that occur on top of them. Regarding the first line of study, we initially designed a model for networks growth where preferential attachment includes: (i) connectivity and (ii) homophily (links between sites with similar characteristics are more likely). From this, we observe that the competition between these two aspects leads to a heterogeneous pattern of connections with the topological properties of the network showing quite interesting results. In particular, we emphasize that there is a region where the characteristics of sites play an important role not only for the rate at which they get links, but also for the number of connections which occur between sites with similar and dissimilar characteristics. Finally, we investigate the spread of epidemics on the network topology developed, whereas its dissemination follows the rules of the contact process. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the competition between states (infected/healthy) sites, induces a transition between an active phase (presence of sick) and an inactive (no sick). In this context, we estimate the critical point of the transition phase through the cumulant Binder and ratio between moments of the order parameter. Then, using finite size scaling analysis, we determine the critical exponents associated with this transition


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As cidades são textos. Textos escritos pelas sociedades que compõe os espaços. A partir dessa perspectiva, propõe-se aqui uma leitura do bairro da Ribeira Natal/RN. Esse espaço se consolidou no início do século XX como centro comercial e cultural da capital potiguar, lugar de ação e de interação da Zona Central desta sociedade, espaço de inscrição dos signos da modernidade e do progresso então em voga. Contudo, com o decurso do tempo e as transformações por ele exigidas, o panorama da Cidade de Natal sofreu intensas modificações e o bairro da Ribeira foi relegado à margem desse processo, o que culminou na desvalorização, segregação e, posteriormente, na degradação do seu espaço, que se tornou um palimpsesto. Ao abordar a dinâmica urbana que se processou no bairro da Ribeira, esta pesquisa dividiu o fenômeno em três fases distintas: valorização, transição e decadência


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This study examines peasant family farming from an agroecological perspective. It intends to analyze the changes resulting from the transition from conventional to agro-ecological agriculture in the daily practices of farmers articulated associated with the Network of Agroecological and Solidarity Farmers of the Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys Territory, the locus of this empirical research, and a space which has highlighted the social dynamics of agroecological innovation, as well as articulating environmental exchanges and knowledge development. As a way to further that goal, we seek to identify the forms of social organization previously present in the daily lives of these subjects, in addition to grasping the determinants that lead or led them to adopt agroecology, noting the need to verify the forms of resistance, and the strategies adopted by farmers and how they articulate collectively. Through the historical and dialectical methods, we seek to take the implications of technical modernization of agriculture under the conditions of production and reproduction of peasants and thus situate the emergence of agroecology, a focus that is born as a counterpoint to conventional patterns of agricultural development based on the paradigm of the Green Revolution. We structured this study around the trajectory of agroecological farmers that developed and internalized agroecological practices, processes, and organizational forms. For the analysis, we used theoretical and methodological frameworks from literature related to field research. The systematization and analysis of experiments revealed that agroecological transition is a broad process of change, not restricted to technical matters. We observed changes in production practices, diversification of production and feeding practices, ecological awareness, production autonomy, and organizations formed to face the challenges resulting from the imposition of the dominant agricultural development model that combines environmental degradation, land ownership concentration, and wealth concentration


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This word has objective to analyzer the relevance of the use of the cartographic representations, in the constructions of the geographical knowledge, during the process of the teaching-learning in the classes of the Geographic of the High School, drawing liam with the formation docent of the regulars courses of teacher training in the regular courses of Degree in Geography. Delimit is the area of empiric search to College State Zacarias de Goes (CEZG) Liceu Piauiense, and to regulars courses of Degree in Geography of the University Federal of the Piauí (UFPI) and University State of the Piauí (UESPI), educational institutions of the public network, located in the city of the Teresina Piauí. Expression of the problematic searched is gaps to been demystified on the vision cartofógica, when has reference to use of the cartographic representations, in the practice, and the initial formation docent in the Geography. To analyze the dynamics of the use of the cartographic resources, tried demystify the Cartography while of the space during the teaching of discipline Geography. So, the lyam with the initial formation in the begree search understand the impasses of construction to academic know and the possibilities of the didactic transposition to the restructure of the know scholar to teacher who works in the Geography, trying to make the teaching of this discipline more interesting and value


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The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full


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La recherche sur secteur non-formel de l économie et la dynamique des territoires dans les plages de la ville de Natal/RN, a le but de la compréhension des espaces de ces territoires ainsi que leurs caractéristiques; le rapport des acteurs sociaux et l existence de politiques dirigées direct ou indirectement vers ce secteur de l économie et ses territoires. Pour celà, on donne emphase au scénario économique moulé par le système de production et reproduction dans la mondialisation, ce qui, parmis d autres actions aq l inetrférence sur le marché du travail, lequel subit constamment des transformations importantes cherchant à suivre les changements en niveau global, en devenant, pour ainsi dire, un marché chaque fois plus exigeant et, conséquemment, sélectif. Moyennant la réalité économique et politique vécue, il augmente le nombre de chômeurs dans le pays suscitant, à tort et à travers, la croissance du secteur non-formel de l économie avec ses inombrables travailleurs qui occupent les plus différents segments parmi lesquels les travaux autonomes, ici représentés par les camelots, les propriétaires de baraques, les propriétaires de kiosques ; etc. Pour atteindre ce but, on a cherché les reférenciels théorico-scientifiques ayant pour base la connaissance empirique à travers les inombrables cas d études matérialisés au moyen de donnés primaires et sécondaires. Finalement, on est sûr de ce que les travailleurs du secteur non-formel complèmentent la chaîne repoductive, ils créent et recréent des territoires avec des contenus variés qui sont indispensables pour la croissance et le développement social


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This dissertation aims to analyze the territory of the new economies and their social implications in the district of Barra do Cunhaú / Canguaretama. We used techniques of qualitative research (document analysis, interviews and observations in situ). It was found that the changes occurring in the territory are linked to the pressures caused by factors internal and external orders, such as the deployment and expansion of projects for development of tourism and shrimp in place, which led to the advancement of real estate speculation and intensification of the deforestation of areas of mangroves along the estuary of the river Curimataú / Cunhaú, contributing to the abandonment of fishing and agriculture for livelihood in this community, therefore, the loss of traditional knowledge applied in the conduct of this activity. It was also found that changes in the use of territory and resources threaten biodiversity and have contributed to the reduction of fish stocks of the Municipality of Canguaretama and thus bar the Cunhaú, especially the stock of crab, Uca (ucides cardatus ). The results indicated that the production in large scale in a market economy, as is the shrimp, ignores the search for balance in regional settings. Thus the environmental disturbances resulting from the shrimp and tourism have consequences for social and cultural aspects, directly affecting the livelihood of the residents of Barra do Cunhaú. Companies of shrimp and related to tourism have absorbed the fishermen who are leaving the fishing activity. However, the low level of education associated with age are factors that make them far outside the framework of employees of these companies. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that allow the development of the shrimp and tourism without putting at risk the sustainability of the region


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The purpose of this Academic Work is to identify the process of urban expansion of Mossoro city, connect them with the economy that moves the society of Mossoro. This analysis is about the period from 1980 to 2004 and the economy activities selected are compose the structure of the Mossoro' s life, fixing shapes, functions and contents of the city territory, especially in its urban space to understand the present process of urban expansion and its relations with the dynamic of the city we recall history of this territory, wich as a urban word, connect the changes with the primary economy actives - commerce and sea salt extraction. ln this relation between the present process of urban expansion and the dynamic of the city economy, the economy activities studies where the sea salt extraction, and irrigated fruit crops organizes the space so they can be viable in all stages - production, trade and circulation - to be viable they change, amplify and build a urban space together with public policy, that also increases with the arrival of new inhabitant, service structure, mount by the public administration as well as by private resources. This work point out the needs of a development a new main plan for Mossoro, that will reorganize it's territory, but also grant the needs of its society, wich desires a more given city, where citizenship will be exercise with dignity


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The current paper aims to check the environmental population perception of the two east side districts of Natal / RN (Rocas and Petrópolis) on its afforestation. The issues related to the environmental perception and afforestation of cities are gaining prominence in the many different areas of knowledge. However, the approaches and methodologies that are following an analytical perspective that by the rule aimed an policy of spatial planning not always responds to the aspirations and needs of the urban population. The research has been consisted of a preliminary survey, collecting data through the representative population of the neighborhoods in Petrópolis and Rocas, which were applied 210 forms (with the households), 130 in the neighborhood of Rocas and 80 in Petrópolis, which corresponds to 5% of the total households of the two districts, using as indicators, among many others, the income, the level of education and the environmental characteristics of the neighborhood. Through analysis sample was possible to verify that Petrópolis neighborhood that, 68% of interviewee believes their lives in the neighborhood where good and only 2% consider bad, in Rocas neighborhood, 57% considered life in his neighborhood good and only 5% consider bad. When asked about the main characteristics that remind the neighborhood Petrópolis, 90% of residents mentioned that one of its main advantages are the means of transport available, followed by 82% who quoted the ventilation as one of the main benefits of the neighborhood. In Rocas neighborhood, items mentioned by residents, were the ventilation with 47% of all interviewee and 32% said that peace is one of the most positive point of the neighborhood. From the description of some of the environmental needs of the neighborhoods Petrópolis and Rocas, it is possible to infer that environmental issues in general, and afforestation are always present in the speech of the residents, even indirect way, it shows that regardless of the education degree or the income, environmental quality is present as one of the basic needs of urban areas with implications both in the personal and social life as of its inhabitants.


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This study aims at analysing the (re) prodction of urban space in the south sone of Natal city, in particular the influence of the shopping-centers in this process. In this respect, it also analyses the changes of habits and constumes for part of the society, when those entreprizes were built in better-off areas of the south zone Natal as well as the transformations in the surroundings of the thre main shopping-centers. A sother commercial establishments of the same size, two out of the three main shopping-centers in the city are targered towards the better-off population. However, if compared to the others, one these has, for some time, sought to target a lower in come population. In spite of being an important element in the (re)production of urban space as well as in the cities modern commercial sector, these large commercial entreprizes reinforce capitalisms contradctions in so far as they constitute semi-public space whit an exclusionary and segregatory vatune