701 resultados para spinel-lherzolite
A quantitative phase analysis was made of LixCoO2 powders obtained by two distinct chemical methodologies at different temperatures (from 400 to 700°C). A phase analysis was made using Rietveld refinements based on X-ray diffraction data, considering the Li xCoO2 powders as a multiphase system that simultaneously contained two main phases with distinct, layered and spinel-type structures. The results showed the coexistence of both structures in LixCoO 2 obtained at low temperature (400 and 500°C), although only the layered structure was detected at higher temperatures (600 and 700°C), regardless of the chemical powder process employed. The electrochemical performance, evaluated mainly by the cycling reversibility of Li xCoO2 in the form of cathode insertion electrodes, revealed that there is a close correlation between structural features and the electrochemical response, with one of the redox processes (3.3 v/3.9 v) associated only with the presence of the spinel-type structure. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work involved the synthesis and characterization of Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite powders prepared by combustion reaction for use as soft magnetic materials. The powders were characterized by nitrogen adsorption (BET), XRD, Rietveld refinement, SEM, TEM and magnetic measures. The results indicate that the combustion reaction yielded crystalline powders containing spinel ferrite as the primary phase and traces of Fe2O3 as secondary phase. The crystallite size and lattice microdeformation calculated from Rietveld refinements were 36 and 0.24 nm, respectively. The micrographic analysis revealed particles smaller than 100 nm and fine particle agglomerates. The particles were approximately spherical and their size, calculated by TEM, was 29 nm. The magnetic parameters indicated that the Cu-Zn ferrite powders presented closed hysteresis loops and soft magnetic properties. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
In this study, we report on a new route of PEGylation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) by polycondensation reaction with carboxylate groups. Structural and magnetic characterizations were performed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The XRD confirmed the spinel structure with a crystallite average diameter in the range of 3.5-4.1 nm in good agreement with the average diameter obtained by TEM (4.60-4.97 nm). The TGA data indicate the presence of PEG attached onto the SPIONs' surface. The SPIONs were superparamagnetic at room temperature with saturation magnetization (M S) from 36.7 to 54.1 emu/g. The colloidal stability of citrate- and PEG-coated SPIONs was evaluated by means of dynamic light scattering measurements as a function of pH, ionic strength, and nature of dispersion media (phosphate buffer and cell culture media). Our findings demonstrated that the PEG polymer chain length plays a key role in the coagulation behavior of the Mag-PEG suspensions. The excellent colloidal stability under the extreme conditions we evaluated, such as high ionic strength, pH near the isoelectric point, and cell culture media, revealed that suspensions comprising PEG-coated SPION, with PEG of molecular weight 600 and above, present steric stabilization attributed to the polymer chains attached onto the surface of SPIONs. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
The XAS/WAXS time-resolved method was applied for unraveling the complex mechanisms arising from the evolution of several metastable intermediates during the degradation of chlorine layered double hydroxide (LDH) upon heating to 450 °C, i.e., Zn2Al(OH)6·nH2O, ZnCuAl(OH)6·nH2O, Zn2Al 0.75Fe0.25(OH)6·nH2O, and ZnCuAl0.5Fe0.5(OH)6·nH2O. After a contraction of the interlamellar distance, attributed to the loss of intracrystalline water molecules, this distance experiences an expansion (T > 175-225 °C) before the breakdown of the lamellar framework around 275-295 °C. Amorphous prenucleus clusters with crystallo-chemical local order of zinc-based oxide and zinc-based spinel phases, and if any of copper-based oxide, are formed at T > 175-225 °C well before the loss of stacking of LDH layers. This distance expansion has been ascribed to the migration of Zn II from octahedral layers to tetrahedral sites in the interlayer space, nucleating the nano-ZnO or nano-ZnM2O4 (M = Al or Fe) amorphous prenuclei. The transformation of these nano-ZnO clusters toward ZnO crystallites proceeds through an agglomeration process occurring before the complete loss of layer stacking for Zn2Al(OH)6· nH2O and Zn2Al0.75Fe0.25(OH) 6·nH2O. For ZnCuAl(OH)6·nH 2O and ZnCuAl0.5Fe0.5(OH)6· nH2O, a cooperative effect between the formation of nano-CuO and nano-ZnAl2O4 amorphous clusters facilitates the topochemical transformation of LDH to spinel due to the contribution of octahedral CuII vacancy to ZnII diffusion. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
We report the structural and magnetic properties of Co2MnO 4, partially substituted by Bi at the octahedral site. Bismuth enhances ferromagnetism due to a decrease of the Co2+-Co2+ antiferromagnetic interactions and an increase of the Mn3+-Mn 4+ exchanges. Spurious phases (magnetic and/or nonmagnetic oxides) can easily form because of the large differences between the ionic radii of Bi3+ and Co3+, hiding or altering the intrinsic physical properties of the main BixCo2-xMnO4 phase. An easy way to eliminate the secondary phases is using acid reagents. Short-time etching of Bi0.1Co1.9MnO4 using nitric acid was successfully used, keeping most of the properties of the initial compound, with no alteration of the crystallographic structure. Final stoichiometry was respected (∼Bi0.08Co1.82MnO4), meaning that the material after etching definitely contains bismuth elements in its structure and the observed properties are intrinsic to the oxide spinel. Additional experiments were performed as a function of the synthesis conditions, showing that an optimal pH value of 7 allowed the best magnetic response of the non-doped material. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Breast cancer is a public health problem throughout the world. Moreover, breast cancer cells have a great affinity for hydroxyapatite, leading to a high occurrence of bone metastasis. In this work we developed a bio-nanocomposite (bio-NCP) in order to use such affinity in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The bio-NCP consists of magnetic nanoparticles of Mn and Zn ferrite inside a polymeric coating (chitosan) modified with nanocrystals of apatite. The materials were characterized with synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD), Time-of-Flight Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD), Fourier Transformed Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and magnetic measurement with a Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). We obtained ferrite nanoparticles with a high inversion degree of the spinel structure regarding the Fe and Mn, but with all the Zn in the A site. The coating of such nanoparticles with chitosan had no notable effects to the ferrite microstructure. In addition, the polymeric surface can be easily modified with apatite nanocrystals since the hydration of the bio-NCP during synthesis can be controlled. The resulting bio-NCP presents a spherical shape with a narrow size distribution and high magnetic response at room temperature and is a very promising material for early diagnosis of breast cancer and its treatment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Depósitos albianos da bacia de São Luís-Grajaú, antigamente conhecidos apenas em subsuperfície como ‘Unidade Indiferenciada’ do Grupo Itapecuru, foram recentemente encontrados ao longo do rio Itapecuru, na parte leste desta bacia. São argilitos avermelhados, esverdeados a cinzas, arenitos estratificados e maciços e subordinadamente calcários, interpretados como depósitos de delta progradante para ENE/E e ESE e conectado a uma plataforma restrita. Para determinar a proveniência de arenitos albianos, foram coletadas 18 amostras para estudos de minerais pesados (fração 0,062-0,125 mm) usando-se microscópio petrográfico convencional e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os arenitos foram classificados como quartzo-arenito moderadamente a bem selecionado, cimentado por dolomita, cujos principais minerais pesados são zircão (4-70%), granada (12-74%), turmalina (3-20%), estaurolita (1-9%), rutilo (1-8%) e barita (0-55%), enquanto cianita, anatásio (autigênico), anfibólio (hornblenda), andaluzita, sillimanita, espinélio e ilmenita ocorrem raramente. A maioria dos grãos é irregular angulosa, mas grãos bem arredondados, particularmente de turmalina e zircão, também estão presentes. Texturas superficiais incluem fraturas conchoidais, marcas de percussão em V e pequenos buracos, estes últimos em grãos arredondados de turmalina e zircão, enquanto feições de corrosão estão principalmente presentes em barita (cavidades rômbicas), cianita, estaurolita (superfície mamilar) e granada (facetas bem formadas por dissolução). Grãos de zircão, com texturas de zoneamento oscilatório e razões U/Th ≥ 0,5 e Zr/Hf média de 29, indicam proveniência de granitos e migmatitos, enquanto os tipos de turmalina, determinados como dravita e shorlita, são oriundos, principalmente, de metapelitos e metapsamitos aluminosos e/ou pobres em Al, com menor contribuição de granitos e rochas meta-ultramáficas. As granadas, por sua vez, são ricas em almandina e têm baixos teores dos componentes de espessartita, grossulária e piropo. Suas fontes potenciais são rochas metamórficas de baixo a médio grau e granitos. Com base em análises de minerais pesados e progradação do sistema deltaico para ENE/E e ESE, as áreas mais prováveis como fontes potenciais de arenitos albianos são o cráton São Luís, os cinturões neoproterozóicos Araguaia e Gurupi, bem como a bacia paleozóica do Parnaíba, esta fornecendo sedimentos de grãos arredondados.
A região do Rio Capim (Nordeste do Estado do Pará), destaca-se nacionalmente por suas grandes reservas de caulim para cobertura de papel. O minério extraído está localizado, em média, a 20 m de profundidade, recoberto por sedimentos argilo-arenosos da Formação Barreiras, e de um nível de caulim duro, também conhecido como flint ou semi-flint, considerado como estéril em função do teor de ferro elevado que inviabiliza sua aplicação para cobertura. Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização mineralógica e geoquímica do caulim duro além de acompanhar as transformações mineralógicas sofridas em função da temperatura de queima, com vistas a sua possível utilização como matéria-prima cerâmica. Foram utilizados dois tipos de caulim duro como material de partida, em função dos teores de ferro: o Caulim Duro Branco (CDB) e o Caulim Duro Ferruginoso (CDF), este último com teor de Fe2O3 de 10,36%. Os resultados indicam composição mineralógica dominada por caulinita, além de anatásio como acessório. No CDF ocorrem ainda goethita e hematita. Os estudo das transformações térmicas indicam que o início de formação de mullita se dá em temperaturas diferentes para as amostras estudadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)