888 resultados para small and medium-size entrepreneurship


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Includes bibliography


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Aim: To use published literature and experts' opinion to investigate the clinical meaning and magnitude of changes in the Quality of Life (QOL) of groups of patients measured with the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30). Methods: An innovative method combining systematic review of published studies, expert opinions and meta-analysis was used to estimate large, medium, and small mean changes over time for QLQ-C30 scores. Results: Nine hundred and eleven papers were identified, leading to 118 relevant papers. One thousand two hundred and thirty two mean changes in QOL over time were combined in the meta-analysis, with timescales ranging from four days to five years. Guidelines were produced for trivial, small, and medium size classes, for each subscale and for improving and declining scores separately. Estimates for improvements were smaller than respective estimates for declines. Conclusions: These guidelines can be used to aid sample size calculations and interpretation of mean changes over time from groups of patients. Observed mean changes in the QLQ-C30 scores are generally small in most clinical situations, possibly due to response shift. Careful consideration is needed when planning studies where QOL changes over time are of primary interest; the timing of follow up, sample attrition, direction of QOL changes, and subscales of primary interest are key considerations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the process and mechanism of economic development in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan through a comparative analysis of the electronics industry in each country. The paper will show that in its initial stage of development, the electronics industry in both economies had the same type of dual structure: a domestic demand sector based on the protected domestic market, and an export sector intended to capitalize on low-wage labor for the international market. However, this dual structure in the two economies faded away after the mid-1970s as their respective indigenous export-oriented enterprises began to develop. But the primary industrial players in each economy were very different. In Korea they were comprehensive electronics manufacturers affiliated with chaebols, and in Taiwan they were small and medium-size enterprises. Differences in the two economies' development mechanisms have brought about this divergence in development paths. In Korea this mechanism has been characterized by the government's positive role and the chaebol's readiness to react to the government's leadership. In Taiwan the development mechanism has been based on the private sector independent from the government. As an extension of such diverged development paths, ICs and personal computers showed spectacular growth in Korea and Taiwan after the 1980s. The development of ICs in Korea was primarily the result of a decisive role played by the chaebol's sizable financial resources, while the competitiveness in personal computers largely reflected the agility and flexibility of Taiwanese small and medium-size enterprises.


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This paper presents an overview of the role and responsibilities of the system administrator, focusing on the need to monitor its technological infrastructure. The informatics infrastructure monitoring is, nowadays without a doubt, one of the main key points in business support. Large enterprises are no longer the only ones to feel the need to use these monitoring tools, but small and medium-sized enterprises, which also have IT environments of an increasing complexity, feel such a need. This results directly from the operation of how the business is supported on IT platforms as support for people and processes. When a system, which is vital to the organization, fails either at the hardware or software level, compromises the operating capacity and consequently the business continuity. Having this always in mind, it is extremely important to adopt monitoring systems that proactively or reactively, reduce the overall time of breaks caused by failures. A monitoring system is the way to ensure confidence in all components and the operational readiness of IT infrastructure.


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At a broad level, it has been shown that different institutional contexts, policy regimes and business systems affect the kinds of activities in which a nation specialises. This paper is concerned with the way in which different national business systems affect the nature of participation of a nation in the knowledge economy. The paper seeks to explain cross-national variations in the knowledge economy in the Australia, Denmark and Sweden with reference to dominant characteristics of the business system. Although Australia, Denmark and Sweden are all small wealthy countries, they each have quite distinctive business systems. Australia has been regarded as a variant of the competitive business system and has generally been described as an entrepreneurial economy with a large small firm population. In contrast Sweden has a coordinated business system that has favoured large industrial firms. The Danish variant of the coordinated model, with its well-developed vocational training system, is distinguishable by its large population of networked small and medium size enterprises. The three countries also differ significantly on two dimensions of participation in the knowledge economy. First, there is cross-national variation in patterns of specialisation in knowledge intensive industries and services. Second, the institutional infrastructure of the knowledge economy (or the existing stock of knowledge and competence in the economy, the potential for generation and diffusion a new knowledge and the capacity for commercialisation of new ideas) differs across the three countries. This paper seeks to explain variations in these two dimensions of the knowledge economy with reference to characteristics of the business system in the three countries.


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This book is a collection of papers that focusses on the macroeconomic and financial aspects of EU accession of its largest new member, Poland, seen in comparative perspective. Two main themes are covered. One relates to empirical estimations, evaluating the effects of integration on fiscal balance, prices, seigniorage wealth and FDI flows. The second theme relates to institutional reform and policy recommendations. Discussion focuses on how transparency and fiscal rules, including those implied by EU accession, may help to reduce the deficit bias in fiscal policy; what is the institutional framework for low inflation and how to make the insurance sector regulation more efficient, including its implications for insurance offer for small and medium-size enterprises. Last but not least, the Irish model of development and the role of the foreign direct investment in it is discussed, including the applicability of the Irish policy in Poland and other new EU member states.


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This paper presents an empirical study based on a survey of 399 owners of small and medium size companies in Lithuania. Applying bivariate and ordered probit estimators, we investigate why some business owners expect their firms to expand, while others do not. Our main findings provide evidence that SME owner's generic and specific human capital matter. Those with higher education and 'learning by doing' attributes, either through previous job experience or additional entrepreneurial experience, expect their businesses to expand. The expectations of growth are positively related to exporting and non-monotonically to enterprise size. In addition, we analyse the link between the perceptions of constraints to business activities and growth expectations and find that the factors, which are perceived as main business barriers, are not necessary those which are associated with reduced growth expectations. In particular, perceptions of both corruption and of inadequate tax systems seem to affect growth expectations the most.


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The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland were provided with aid to offset locational disadvantages in the run up to the Single European Market. Since then the Republic has emerged as the fastest growing member of the E.U. Success has not been underpinned by the transport system, suggesting that business has had to overcome locational disadvantages by strong performance elsewhere in the supply chain. The evidence indicates that there are Irish firms operating supply chain management techniques at a truly international standard. The problem is that there are so few in that category Meeting Ireland’s competitiveness challenge means closing the gap between the small group of large and foreign-owned firms, which display excellence in SCM, and the larger group of indigenous small and medium size businesses, which do not.


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A szerző kvalitatív kutatási módszerekkel vizsgálja a kis- és középvállalatok (kkv-k) innovatív tevékenységeinek korlátait és lehetőségeit. A vizsgálat tárgyai (legalább) Magyarország szintjén új terméket vagy szolgáltatást nyújtó kkv-k, melyek határozott növekedési szándékkal rendelkeznek. Az eredmények egységes vizsgálati keretben, 41 vezető véleménye alapján születtek meg, három területre fókuszálva: (1) a környezeti bizonytalanság megítélése, (2) a szervezet követett stratégiája, kettős képessége, kiaknázó és felderítő tevékenysége, és (3) a versenyképes teljesítménycélok, konfigurációk. A cikk a kutatás lépéseit részletesen bemutatja, fontos eredményének tekinthető, hogy rámutat arra, hogy a kutatási és fejlesztési, valamint az innovatív tevékenységek legfontosabb gátja leginkább a vezetési és szervezési képességek és a stratégiai gondolkodás hiányára vezethető vissza a kis- és középvállalkozásokban. ______ The author conducted a qualitative research on the innovation potential of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). SMEs with new products and services and with growth orientation are in the focus of the research. The standardized research design is based on 41 owner managers’ responses. It is focusing on 3 main areas: (1) environmental uncertainty, (2) the strategy followed by the organization, its ambidextrous capability, exploitative and explorative behavior, and (3) competitive performance and configurations. The paper describes a qualitative research design in detail. The main finding of the research is that the lack of managerial skills and strategic thinking inhibit SMEs to conduct innovation as well as to engage in research and development activities.


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In this paper the behavior of economic actors shown in the uncertain quality goods markets is examined from the perspective of the sociology of markets. The analysis uses the findings of in-depth interviews conducted in 2011 and 2012 respectively amongst small and medium size entrepreneurs working in construction industry. In the Hungarian construction industry neither formal rules, nor vocational chambers, are able to create a safe environment for entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, networks created as a result of micro-selection steps might be able to enforce the quality of services, observe deadlines and what is more, ensure payment discipline. In this market, the typical high risk can be reduced by relationships. Networks reduce also the cost of transactions, since the important part of the services in this field could only be standardized at significant costs.


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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are software programs designed to integrate the functional requirements, and operational information needs of a business. Pressures of competition and entry standards for participation in major manufacturing supply chains are creating greater demand for small business ERP systems. The proliferation of new offerings of ERP systems introduces complexity to the selection process to identify the right ERP business software for a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). The selection of an ERP system is a process in which a faulty conclusion poses a significant risk of failure to SME’s. The literature reveals that there are still very high failure rates in ERP implementation, and that faulty selection processes contribute to this failure rate. However, the literature is devoid of a systematic methodology for the selection process for an ERP system by SME’s. This study provides a methodological approach to selecting the right ERP system for a small or medium-sized enterprise. The study employs Thomann’s meta-methodology for methodology development; a survey of SME’s is conducted to inform the development of the methodology, and a case study is employed to test, and revise the new methodology. The study shows that a rigorously developed, effective methodology that includes benchmarking experiences has been developed and successfully employed. It is verified that the methodology may be applied to the domain of users it was developed to serve, and that the test results are validated by expert users and stakeholders. Future research should investigate in greater detail the application of meta-methodologies to supplier selection and evaluation processes for services and software; additional research into the purchasing practices of small firms is clearly needed.^


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Internet and the Web have changed the way that companies communicate with their publics, improving relations between them. Also providing substantial benefits for organizations. This has led to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop corporate sites to establish relationships with their audiences. This paper, applying the methodology of content analysis, analyzes the main factors and tools that make the Websites usable and intuitive sites that promote better relations between SMEs and their audiences. Also, it has developed an index to measure the effectiveness of Webs from the perspective of usability. The results indicate that the Websites have, in general, appropriate levels of usability.


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In this dissertation, I present the results of a project which aim was to find out and try an effective model of independent curatorial project executable in small and medium cities in Portugal. The concept of Moving Curatorial Project ARTMAP is a result of theoretical research and reflection about municipal exhibition spaces and possibility of presentation of the contemporary art in these spaces. To test if this curatorial project is realizable and if there are conditions to continue it, a first trial was implemented in Aveiro. A curated international exhibition, entitled “A Poética do Visual" occupied two municipal and two private gallery spaces and brought together 111 artists from 25 different countries. The art event was carried out in collaboration with the Municipality of Aveiro and the University of Aveiro, and involved several private cultural spaces in the city. This first experience showed that there are all conditions for the presentation of contemporary art in small and medium size locations in Portugal, and for this project to be replicated in other regions of the country.


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Resumen El efecto de múltiples variables sobre el bienestar social y económico en las pequeñas y medianas empresas puede ser analizado tomando en cuenta las condiciones sistémicas en el modelo propuesto. Este artículo ofrece un marco teórico o modelo para comprender y explicar la relación entre las variables independientes tales como el crédito, mercados, empresariedad, entre otras, y la variable dependiente tal como los ingresos, la producción o el empleo. El propósito fundamental es organizar la mayoría de variables para determinar porqué los ingresos y el empleo no es sostenible par alas pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por lo tanto, factores sociales, económicos así como culturales e institucionales han sido incluidos en el análisis. El modelo desarrollado puede ayudar a mejorar el diseño de estrategias para lograr el éxito de las pequeñas y medianas empresas y el marco de política pública para el gobierno en Costa Rica.   Abstract The effect of multiples variables on the social and economic welfare in the Small and medium size enterprises can be analized taking in account systemic conditions in this model.This paper offers a theoretical framework or model to understand and explain the relationship between independent variables such as credit, markets, entrepreneurship, among others, and dependent variable such as incomes, production or employment rate. The main idea is organize the all variables to determine why the income or employment level is not sustainable for SMEs. Therefore, social and economic factors as well as cultural and institutional components have been included in this analysis. The developed model can help to improve design and management of competitiveness strategies for SMEs and policy framework for the government in Costa Rica.


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Foram comparados dois métodos não-invasivos de medida da pressão arterial, o Doppler vascular e o oscilométrico, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros que possam auxiliar no diagnóstico seguro da hipertensão arterial. Para tal, foram utilizados 45 cães, machos e fêmeas, distribuídos em três grupos de acordo com o peso, pequeno, médio e grande porte. Em cada animal, procedeu-se a mensuração por meio do Doppler vascular e, em seguida, do oscilométrico. Na obtenção da pressão arterial sistólica, não houve diferença entre os métodos nos três grupos de animais, porém, na obtenção da pressão arterial diastólica, houve diferença estatística entre o Doppler vascular e o oscilométrico nos grupos de animais de pequeno e médio porte. Pôde-se concluir que valores confiáveis de pressão sistólica podem ser obtidos tanto por meio do Doppler vascular quanto do oscilométrico. Os valores da pressão arterial diastólica obtidos pelos dois métodos não se correlacionam, principalmente nos animais de pequeno e médio porte.