937 resultados para skin tag
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : le vieillissement cutané est un processus biologique complexe auquel participe une exposition excessive au rayonnement ultraviolet du soleil. En particulier, les longueurs d'onde des rayons ultraviolets A et B (UV-A et UV-B) peuvent induire une augmentation de la synthèse de protéases, comme la métalloprotéinase matricielle 1 (MMP-1), qui est impliquée dans le processus de vieillissement. La thermothérapie par infrarouges, dont les longueurs d'onde sont plus longues que celles des UV, est largement utilisée à des fins thérapeutiques ou cosmétiques. Or, il a été démontré que les infrarouges en filtration aqueuse (IRFA) pouvaient induire une augmentation de la production de MMP-1 et par conséquent être nocifs. Il serait donc intéressant d'évaluer les effets des IRFA au niveau cellulaire et moléculaire. But Expérimental : étudier les effets des lampes à infrarouges en filtration aqueuse utilisées en clinique sur des fibroblastes cutanés humains en culture, afin d'analyser l'expression du gène codant pour la protéine MMP-1. Méthode : des fibroblastes cutanés humain ont été irradiés d'une part avec approximativement 88% d'IRFA (780-1400 nm) et 12% de lumière rouge (LR, 665-780 nm) avec 380 mW/cm2 IRFA(+LR) (333 mW/cm2 IRFA) et d'autre part avec des UV-A comme contrôle. Des courbes de survie cellulaire ont été établies après une exposition allant de 15 minutes à 8 heures au IRFA(+LR) (340-10880 J/cm2 wIRA(+RL), 300-9600 J/cm2 wIRA) ou de 15 à 45 minutes aux UV-A(+BL) (25-75 J/cm2 UV-A(+BL). L'induction de l'ARNm du gène de la MMP-1 a été analysé dans les fibroblastes cutanés humain à deux températures physiologiques (30°C et 37°C) lors d'expositions uniques de 15 à 60 minutes aux IRFA(+LR) (340-1360 J/cm2 IRFA(+LR), 300-1200 J/cm2 IRFA) ou de 30 minutes aux UV-A(+BL) (50 J/cm2 UVA(+BL)). De plus, nous avons effectué des irradiations répétées, une a chaque passage cellulaire jusqu'au passage. 10 de 15 minutes d'IRFA(+LR) 340 J/cm2 IRFA(+LR), 300 J/cm2 IRFA) . Résultats : une exposition unique aux UV-A (+BL) entraîne chez des fibroblastes cutanés humains une augmentation de la mort cellulaire, ainsi qu'une forte augmentation de l'expression du gène codant pour la MMP-1. L'augmentation mise en évidence pour cet ARNm varie en fonction de la technique utilisée : elle est de 11 ± 1 fois par RT-PCR classique, de 76 ± 2 fois par RT-PCR quantitative à 30°C, et de 75 ± 1 fois par RT-PCR quantitative à 37°C. Par contre, une exposition unique ou répétée aux IRFA (+LR) n'induit aucune augmentation de la mort cellulaire, ni de l'expression de l'ARNm de la MMP-1 chez ces fibroblastes. Conclusions : les résultats de cette étude montrent que, contrairement aux rayons ultraviolets, les IRFA (+LR) ne semblent impliqués ni dans le vieillissement, ni dans la mort cellulaire, même utilisés à des doses très élevées. Ces résultats sont en accord avec certaines investigations in vivo montrant une induction de MMP-1 par des UV et non des infrarouges. Ces dernières études suggèrent d'ailleurs plutôt un rôle protecteur des IRFA (+LR).
OBJECTIVES: Skin notations are used as a hazard identification tool to flag chemicals associated with a potential risk related to transdermal penetration. The transparency and rigorousness of the skin notation assignment process have recently been questioned. We compared different approaches proposed as criteria for these notations as a starting point for improving and systematizing current practice. METHODS: In this study, skin notations, dermal acute lethal dose 50 in mammals (LD(50)s) and two dermal risk indices derived from previously published work were compared using the lists of Swiss maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) and threshold limit values (TLVs) from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). The indices were both based on quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) estimation of transdermal fluxes. One index compared the cumulative dose received through skin given specific exposure surface and duration to that received through lungs following inhalation 8 h at the MAC or TLV. The other index estimated the blood level increase caused by adding skin exposure to the inhalation route at kinetic steady state. Dermal-to-other route ratios of LD(50) were calculated as secondary indices of dermal penetrability. RESULTS: The working data set included 364 substances. Depending on the subdataset, agreement between the Swiss and ACGIH skin notations varied between 82 and 87%. Chemicals with a skin notation were more likely to have higher dermal risk indices and lower dermal LD(50) than chemicals without a notation (probabilities between 60 and 70%). The risk indices, based on cumulative dose and kinetic steady state, respectively, appeared proportional up to a constant independent of chemical-specific properties. They agreed well with dermal LD(50)s (Spearman correlation coefficients -0.42 to -0.43). Dermal-to-other routes LD(50) ratios were moderately associated with QSAR-based transdermal fluxes (Spearman correlation coefficients -0.2 to -0.3). CONCLUSIONS: The plausible but variable relationship between current skin notations and the different approaches tested confirm the need to improve current skin notations. QSAR-based risk indices and dermal toxicity data might be successfully integrated in a systematic alternative to current skin notations for detecting chemicals associated with potential dermal risk in the workplace. [Authors]
SETTING: A 950 bed teaching hospital in Switzerland. AIM: To describe the result of a contact investigation among health care workers (HCW) and patients after exposure to a physician with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in a hospital setting using standard tuberculin skin tests (TST) and Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). METHOD: HCW with a negative or unknown TST at hiring had a TST two weeks after the last contact with the index case (T0), repeated six weeks later if negative (T6). All exposed HCW had a T-SPOT.TB at T0 and T6. Exposed patients had a TST six weeks after the last contact, and a T-SPOT.TB if the TST was positive. RESULTS: Among 101 HCW, 17/73 (22%) had a positive TST at T0. TST was repeated in 50 at T6 and converted from negative to positive in eight (16%). Twelve HCW had a positive T-SPOT.TB at T0 and ten converted from negative to positive at T6. Seven HCW with a positive T-SPOT.TB reverted to negative at T6 or at later controls, most of them with test values close to the cut-off. Among 27 exposed patients tested at six weeks, ten had a positive TST, five of them confirmed by a positive T-SPOT.TB. CONCLUSIONS: HCW tested twice after exposure to a case of smear-positive pulmonary TB demonstrated a possible conversion in 10% with T-SPOT and 16% with TST. Some T-SPOT.TB reverted from positive to negative during the follow-up, mostly tests with a value close to the cut-off. Due to the variability of the test results, it seems advisable to repeat the test with values close to the cut-off before diagnosing the presence of a tuberculous infection.
Validated in vitro methods for skin corrosion and irritation were adopted by the OECD and by the European Union during the last decade. In the EU, Switzerland and countries adopting the EU legislation, these assays may allow the full replacement of animal testing for identifying and classifying compounds as skin corrosives, skin irritants, and non irritants. In order to develop harmonised recommendations on the use of in vitro data for regulatory assessment purposes within the European framework, a workshop was organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health together with ECVAM and the BfR. It comprised stakeholders from various European countries involved in the process from in vitro testing to the regulatory assessment of in vitro data. Discussions addressed the following questions: (1) the information requirements considered useful for regulatory assessment; (2) the applicability of in vitro skin corrosion data to assign the corrosive subcategories as implemented by the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation; (3) the applicability of testing strategies for determining skin corrosion and irritation hazards; and (4) the applicability of the adopted in vitro assays to test mixtures, preparations and dilutions. Overall, a number of agreements and recommendations were achieved in order to clarify and facilitate the assessment and use of in vitro data from regulatory accepted methods, and ultimately help regulators and scientists facing with the new in vitro approaches to evaluate skin irritation and corrosion hazards and risks without animal data.
INTRODUCTION: Smoothelin is a cytoskeletal protein of differentiated smooth muscle cells with contractile capacity, distinguishing it from other smooth muscle proteins, such as smooth muscle actin (SMA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of smoothelin and SMA in the skin in order to establish specific localizations of smoothelin in smooth muscle cells with high contractile capacity and in the epithelial component of cutaneous adnexal structures. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis (smoothelin and SMA) was performed in 18 patients with normal skin. RESULTS: SMA was expressed by the vascular structures of superficial, deep, intermediate and adventitial plexuses, whereas smoothelin was specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells of the deepest vascular plexus and in no other plexus of the dermis. The hair erector muscle showed intense expression of smoothelin and SMA. Cells with nuclear expression of smoothelin and cytoplasmic expression of SMA were observed in the outer root sheath of the inferior portion of the hair follicles and intense cytoplasmic expression in cells of the dermal sheath to SMA. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first study of smoothelin expression in normal skin, which differentiates the superficial vascular plexus from the deep. The deep plexus comprises vessels with high contractile capacity, which is important for understanding dermal hemodynamics in normal skin and pathological processes. We suggest that the function of smoothelin in the outer root sheath may be to enhance the function of SMA, which has been related to mechanical stress. Smoothelin has not been studied in cutaneous pathology; however we believe it may be a marker specific for the diagnosis of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas of the skin. Also, smoothelin could differentiate arteriovenous malformations of cavernous hemangioma of the skin
Congenital naevi of the melanocytic system include numerous types, which differ in their clinical appearance, pattern of distribution, and histopathological features (1). Examples are large congenital melanocytic naevus, macular naevus spilus, papular naevus spilus, café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1, café-au-lait macules arranged in broad bands as noted in McCune-Albright syndrome, partial unilateral lentiginosis, naevus achromicus (naevus depigmentosus), phylloid hypermelanosis, and phylloid hypomelanosis (1–3). We describe here two patients with a systematized pigmentary naevus that differed from all naevi reported so far.
Background: In human skin, local heating produces local vasodilatation, a response termed thermal hyperemia. Thermal hyperemia is largely mediated by nitric oxide (NO). It is blunted on repeat stimulations applied to the same skin spot, a phenomenon termed desensitization. As this phenomenon could reflect a desensitization in the vasodilator effects of NO, we investigated whether a prior exposure to exogenous NO would result in an attenuated vasodilatory response to a subsequent thermal challenge. Methods: Thirteen healthy young men were studied. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was mesured on forearm skin with laser Doppler imaging. Exposure to exogenous NO was carried out by iontophoresis of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of NO. A local thermal stimulus (temperature step from 34 to 41°C maintained for 30 minutes) was applied with temperature-controlled chambers. We tested the influence of a previous transient exposure to exogenous NO on : 1) thermal hyperemia and 2) the response to a second identical exposure to exogeneous NO. Results: Thermal hyperemia (plateau SkBF at 30 minutes minus SkBF at 34°C) obtained on a site preexposed to exogenous NO two hours before was lower than obtained on a site preexposed to iontophoretic current only (mean±SD 395±139 perfusion units [PU] vs 540±79 PU ; p<0.01). When repeated on the same skin site two hours after the first one, exposure to exogenous NO led to a blunted vasodilatory response (298±121 PU vs 394±92 PU), although this difference was not statistically significant (p≈0.09). Conclusion: In forearm human skin, prior exposure to exogenous NO partially inhibits thermal hyperemia. These data support that desensitization of thermal hyperemia depends on a downregulation of the NO-cGMP pathway, possibly downstream from the endogenous production of NO.
INTRODUCTION Radiotherapy outcomes might be further improved by a greater understanding of the individual variations in normal tissue reactions that determine tolerance. Most published studies on radiation toxicity have been performed retrospectively. Our prospective study was launched in 1996 to measure the in vitro radiosensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes before treatment with radical radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer, and to assess the early and the late radiation skin side effects in the same group of patients. We prospectively recruited consecutive breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy after breast surgery. To evaluate whether early and late side effects of radiotherapy can be predicted by the assay, a study was conducted of the association between the results of in vitro radiosensitivity tests and acute and late adverse radiation effects. METHODS Intrinsic molecular radiosensitivity was measured by using an initial radiation-induced DNA damage assay on lymphocytes obtained from breast cancer patients before radiotherapy. Acute reactions were assessed in 108 of these patients on the last treatment day. Late morbidity was assessed after 7 years of follow-up in some of these patients. The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) morbidity score system was used for both assessments. RESULTS Radiosensitivity values obtained using the in vitro test showed no relation with the acute or late adverse skin reactions observed. There was no evidence of a relation between acute and late normal tissue reactions assessed in the same patients. A positive relation was found between the treatment volume and both early and late side effects. CONCLUSION After radiation treatment, a number of cells containing major changes can have a long survival and disappear very slowly, becoming a chronic focus of immunological system stimulation. This stimulation can produce, in a stochastic manner, late radiation-related adverse effects of varying severity. Further research is warranted to identify the major determinants of normal tissue radiation response to make it possible to individualize treatments and improve the outcome of radiotherapy in cancer patients.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the post-ischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with normal blood pressure during treatment. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty hypertensive patients (group A) with a normal clinic blood pressure (<140/ 90 mmHg) receiving antihypertensive treatment (any monotherapy; one pill per day for at least 6 months) had their treatment discontinued. Before medication withdrawal and 2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks thereafter, the following measurements were made: clinic blood pressure, home blood pressure (three times per week, morning and evening) and skin blood flow response to a 5 min forearm arterial occlusion (using laser Doppler flowmetry). The patients were asked to perform an ambulatory blood pressure recording at any time if home blood pressure was > or =160/95 mmHg on two consecutive days, and treatment was initiated again, after determination of the skin hyperemic response, if daytime ambulatory blood pressure was > or =140/90 mmHg. The same studies were performed in 20 additional hypertensive individuals in whom antihypertensive treatment was not withdrawn (group B). The allocation of patients to groups A and B was random. RESULTS: The data fom 18 patients in group A who adhered strictly to the procedure were available for analysis. Seven of them had to start treatment again within the first 4 weeks of follow-up; four additional patients started treatment again during the next 8 weeks (group A1). The seven other patients remained untreated (group A2). The skin hyperemic response decreased significantly in patients in group A1 and returned to baseline values at the end of the study, when there were again receiving antihypertensive treatment. In patients in group A2 a significant attenuation of the hyperemic response was also observed. This impaired response was present even at the end of the 6 month follow-up, at which time the patients were still untreated but exhibited a significantly greater blood pressure than before drug discontinuation. The hyperemic response of patients who did not stop treatment (group B) did not change during the course of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show a decrease in the postischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive treatment in hypertensive patients. This impaired response may be due to the development of endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodeling, or both, and might contribute to the return of blood pressure to hypertensive values after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy.
Rapid-growing mycobacteria (e.g. M. abscessus and M. chelonae) are emerging pathogens with various clinical manifestations. Among immunocompetent individuals, rapid-growing mycobacteria may be responsible of pulmonary, cutaneous, osteoarticular and postoperative infections, as well as lymphadenitis and catheter-associated infections. Among immunocompromised patients, disseminated infections are also observed. Diagnosis relies on specific microbiological investigations to confirm etiology and guide antibiotic treatment. The treatment requires a multi-disciplinary approach that includes specific long-term antibiotic treatment, surgical debridement and reduction of immunosuppression whenever possible.
SUMMARY:Cylindroma, trichoepithelioma and spiradenoma are benign tumors of hair follicle. They are caused by mutations and loss of heterozygosity in the CYLD gene. CYLD is a ubiquitously expressed, but the tumors are restricted to skin, suggesting that the tumorigenesis is influenced by skin-specific regulators and probably by mutations in other genes. The objectives of the thesis were to analyze the molecular mechanisms leading to the aforementioned tumors. In the first project, we have identified five new mutations in CYLD gene in tive families affected with different combinations of these skin appendage tumors. F our of these mutations caused the introduction of a premature stop codon in CYLD protein sequence, but one was a missense mutation changing aspartic acid 681 into glycine (D68lG), in patients exhibiting multiple trichoepitheliomas. CYLD is a deubiquitinase which can downregulate NF-κB and INK pathways through the deubiquitination of TRAF2, for example. We showed that the CYLD-D681G mutant was unable to remove polyubiquitin chains from TRAF2. We also proved that CYLD-D68lG could not inhibit TRAP 2- or TNFα- mediated NF-κB or INK activations in 293T cells. These results underlined the importance of the D68l residue for the enzymatic activity of CYLD. TRAP-interacting protein (TRIP), which is a E3-Ubiquitin ligase, is a partner of CYLD. In the second project of the thesis, we studied the function of TRIP in the epidermis. We found that TRIP was a nucleolar protein in cultured human primary keratinocytes (HEK) and HeLa cells, and was detected in the midbody of HeLa cells. Moreover, TRIP expression was shown to be downregulated through a PKC-dependent mechanism before induction of keratinocyte differentiation. We also proved that TRIP was upregulated in basal cell carcinomas. Furthermore, TRIP was found to be important for keratinocyte survival and proliferation through the regulation of the Gl/S transition. Our results suggest that TRIP may be involved in keratinocyte tumorigenesis.RÉSUMÉ :Les cylindromes, trichoépithéliomes et spiradénomes sont des tumeurs bénignes du follicule pileux causées par des mutations et une perte d'hétérozygotie du gène CYLD. CYLD est ubiquitaire mais les tumeurs sont limitées à la peau, suggérant que la tumorigénèse est influencée par des protéines spécifiques de la peau et par des mutations dans d'autres gènes. Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d'2malyser les mécanismes moléculaires aboutissant à la formation de ces tumeurs. Dans le premier projet, cinq nouvelles mutations du gène CYLD ont été identifiées chez cinq familles présentant différentes combinaisons des tumeurs citées ci- dessus. Quatre de ces mutations causaient I' introduction d'un codon stop prématuré dans la séquence protéique, mais une était une mutation «misser1se» changeant l'aspartate 681 en résidu glycine (D68lG) chez des patients présentant des trichoépithéliomes multiples. CYLD est une déubiquitinase qui inhibe les voies de signalisation de NF-κB et JNK, en déubiquitinant notamment TRAF2. Nous avons montré que la protéine mutante CYLD- D68lG ne pouvait pas cliver la chaîne de poly-ubiquitines liée à TRAF2. CYLD-D68lG était aussi incapable d'inhiber l'activation de NF-κB ou de JNK induite par TRAF2 ou TNF-o dans les cellules 293T. Ces résultats ont donc souligné l'impo1tance du résidu D68l pour l'activité de CYLD. «TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP)», qui est une «E3-ubiquitin-ligase», est un partenaire de CYLD. Dans le second proj et de la thèse, nous avons étudié la fonction de TRIP dans l'épidenne. Nous avons montrépque TRIP était nucléolaire dans les cellules HeLa et les kératinocytes primaires humains en culture et était détectée dans le «midbody» des cellules HeLa. Nous avons prouvé que l'ARNm de TRIP était diminué avant l'induction de la différentiation des kératinocytes, par un mécanisme dépendent de la protéine kinase C, tandis qu'il était augmenté dans les carcinomes baso-cellulaires. Nous avons aussi montré que TRIP influençait la prolifération et la survie des kératinocytes en régulant la transition G1/S, Nos résultats suggèrent que TRIP est peut-être impliquée dans la tumorigénèse des kératinocytes. 7
Here, we observed the uptake of membrane-impermeant molecules by cercariae as they penetrate the skin and are transformed into schistosomula. We propose that membrane-impermeant molecules, Lucifer Yellow, Propidium iodide and Hoechst 33258 enter the parasite through both thenephridiopore and the surface membrane and then diffuse throughout the body of the parasite. We present a hypothesis that the internal cells of the body of the schistosomulum represent a new host-parasite interface, at which skin-derived growth factors may stimulate receptors on internal membranes during transformation of the cercariae into the schistosomulum.
Résumé : La voie de signalisation Notch est essentielle pour la différentiation de l'épiderme lors du développement embryonnaire de la peau. Il a été démontré que l'inactivation de Notch1 dans la peau de souris conduit à une hyperplasie de l'épiderme ainsi qu'à la formation subséquente de carcinomes basocellulaires ainsi que de plaques cornéennes. L'inactivation de Notch1 dans la cornée combinée à des lésions mécaniques démontre que les cellules progénitrices de la cornée se différentient en un épithélium hyperplasique et kératinisé comme la peau. Ce changement de destinée cellulaire conduit à une cécité cornéenne et implique des processus non-autonomes aux cellules épithéliales, caractérisés par la sécrétion de FGF-2 par l'épithélium Notch1-/- suivi d'une vascularisation et d'un remaniement du stroma sous-jacent. La déficience en vitamine A est connu comme cause de lésions cornéennes humaines (xérophtalmie sévère). En accord, nous avons trouvé que la signalisation Notch1 était liée au métabolisme de la vitamine A par la régulation de l'expression de CRBP1, nécessaire pour générer un pool de rétinol intracellulaire. La perte de Notch1 dans l'épiderme, l'autre récepteur de la famille présent dans la peau marine, ne conduit pas à un phénotype manifeste. Cependant, l'inactivation dans l'épiderme de Notch1 et Notch2 ensemble, ou de RBP-J, induit une dermatite atopique (DA) sévère chez les souris. De même, les patients souffrants de DA mais pas ceux souffrant de psoriasis ou de lichen plan, ont une réduction marquée de l'expression des récepteurs Notch dans la peau. La perte de Notch dans les keratinocytes conduit à une activation de la voie NF-κB, ce qui ensuite induit la production de TSLP, une cytokine profondément impliquée dans la pathogenèse de la DA. Nous démontrons génétiquement que TSLP est responsable de la DA ainsi que du développent d'un syndrome myéloprolifératif non-autonome aux cellules induit par le G-CSF. Cependant, ces souris avec une inactivation dans l'épiderme de Notch1 et Notch2 et aussi incapables de répondre au TSLP développent des tumeurs invasive sévères caractérisées par une haute activité de signalisation ß-catenin. TSLPR est identifié comme un potentiel suppresseur de tumeur non-autonome aux cellules tumorales; la transplantation de cellules hématopoïétiques TSLPR-/- dans des souris déficientes pour Notch est suffisant pour causer des tumeurs. Summary : The Notch pathway is essential for proper epidermal differentiation during embryonic skin development. It has previously been demonstrated that Notch1 inactivation in marine skin results in epidermal hyperplasia and subsequent formation of basal cell carcinoma-like (BCC-like) tumors as well as corneal plaques. Inducible ablation of Notch1 in the cornea combined with mechanical wounding show that Notch1 deficient corneal progenitor cells differentiate into a hyperplasic, keratinized, skin-like epithelium. This cell fate switch leads to corneal blindness and involves cell non-autonomous processes, characterized by secretion of FGF-2 through Notch1-/- epithelium followed by vascularisation and remodelling of the underlying stroma. Vitamin A deficiency is known to induce a similar corneal defect in humans (severe xerophthalmia). Accordingly, we found that Notch1 signaling is linked to vitamin A metabolism by regulating the expression of CRBP1, required to generate a pool of intracellular retinol. Epidermal loss of Notch2, the other Notch receptor present in marine skin, doesn't lead to any overt phenotypes. However, postnatal epidermis-specific inactivation of both Notch1 and Notch2, or of RBP-J, induces the development of a severe form of atopic dermatitis (AD) in mice. Likewise, patients suffering from AD, but not psoriasis or lichen planas, have a marked reduction of Notch receptor expression in the skin. Loss of Notch in keratinocytes leads to an activation of NF-κB signaling which in turn induces the production of Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a cytokine deeply implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. We genetically demonstrate that TSLP is responsible for AD as well as the development of a cell non-autonomous G-CSF induced myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) in mice. However, these mice with conditional epidermal inactivation of Notch1 and Notch2 as well as incapable to respond to TSLP develop severe invasive tumors characterized by high ß-catenin signaling activity. TSLPR is identified as a potential cell non-autonomous tumor suppressor; transplantation of TSLPR-/- hematopoietic cells into epidermal Notch deficient mice is sufficient to cause tumors.