296 resultados para silício


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The most widely standard used for powdery mildew control on cucurbitaceas is the use of resistant cultivars and systemic fungicides, even though nutrition has been an option. The supply of silicon is benefic to many vegetable species, stimulating growth, yield, photosynthesis and regulation of transpiration; besides, its deposition in the epidermis avoids the invasion of fungus, bacteria and sucking insects. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of potassium silicate on powdery mildew control, development and yield of zucchini squash, cultivar Caserta. The experiment was conducted at Universidade Estadual Paulista, in greenhouse conditions and with a randomized design, divided in four replications, 11 plants per plot and five treatments: control (water), chemical treatment with fenarimol (2.4 g a.i. 100 L-1) and potassium silicate, in doses 1.5 L ha-1; 2.0 L ha-1 and 2.5 L ha-1. We evaluated the disease severity; gas exchange (net CO2 assimilation rates, transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency); growth (leaf area ratio, relative growth rate, absolute growth rate, net assimilation rate and specific leaf mass) and yield. The results showed that the foliar application of potassium silicate and fenarimol controlled powdery mildew and had no influence on plant growth. Therefore, the potassium silicate may be used as alternative for control of fungal pathogens and reduced application of chemical products, which provides a greater environmental sustainability. However, it is necessary to be careful with high doses because it was observed that 2.5 L h-1 was harmful to fruit production and gas exchange, despite being effective in controlling powdery mildew. According to this study it is recommended using 2.0 L ha-1 for control of powdery mildew to zucchini squash, and can replace the use of fenarimol, without affecting productivity and development of plants.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Dissipadores de calor recobertos com filmes de diamante CVD foram desenvolvidos para acoplar a semicondutores, utilizando-se do Laboratório de Deposição de Filmes de Diamante CVD, na UNESP - Campus de Guaratinguetá e o Laboratório de Diamantes da Universidade São Francisco, em Itatiba, SP. Analisou-se o filme de diamante CVD sobre o silício, para emprego como dissipador de calor, porque o filme de diamante CVD pode ter o valor da condutividade térmica até cinco vezes superior ao do cobre e de dez vezes a do alumínio. Os filmes foram obtidos via deposição através de reator de filamento quente, trabalhando-se com vários filamentos retilíneos em paralelo, resultando assim em um processo que visou obter um filme mais uniforme e com grande área de deposição. Os dados para análises da composição química superficial dos filmes foram obtidos por Difração de Raios-X, Dispersão de Energia de Raios-X e para a verificação da morfologia e espessura do filme foi utilizada a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. Para a verificação do comportamento da temperatura sobre o dissipador com o filme de diamante CVD foi utilizada uma câmera de imagem termográfica, marca Fluke, modelo Ti 40 FT. Foram obtidos filmes de 2 e 10 ?m sobre o silício. Estas espessuras ainda não oferecem um desempenho mecânico que o torne autosustentado. Do ponto de vista de desempenho térmico as análises mostraram que, mesmo com pequena espessura, o filme de diamante CVD apresentou bom resultado experimental. Os principais desafios de construção para esse dissipador de calor são a obtenção do filme com espessura acima de um mm e a garantia da qualidade do filme com a repetitividade do processo em cujo caso torna-se necessário definir as dimensões do dissipador antes da deposição do filme.


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O sucesso das restaurações metálicas indiretas depende, dentre outros fatores, de uma união eficaz entre a estrutura metálica e o cimento dentário empregados. Sabe-se que os primers para metal atuam com comprovada eficácia na resistência adesiva dos cimentos resinosos às ligas nobres. Entretanto, pouco foi estudado sobre o efeito de tais materiais em ligas não nobres. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de primers para metal na resistência ao cisalhamento da união entre cimentos resinosos e metais não nobres. Discos (9 mm de diâmetro e 3 mm de altura) foram fundidos em liga de NiCr (n=80) e em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti c.p.) (n=80) e foram incluídos em anel de PVC com resina acrílica quimicamente ativada. As superfícies dos discos foram regularizadas com lixas de carbeto de silício de granulação 320, 400 e 600 e jateadas com partículas de óxido de alumínio de 50 µm. Espécimes de cada metal foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=20). Uma matriz metálica bi-partida (5 mm de diâmetro interno e 2 mm de altura) foi posicionada na superfície do espécime. As áreas adesivas receberam um dos seguintes tratamentos: 1) Panavia F; 2) Alloy Primer e Panavia F; 3) Bistite DC e 4) Metaltite e Bistite DC. Para evitar a exposição dos cimentos à luz, estes foram espatulados e inseridos na matriz dentro de uma câmara de revelação radiográfica. Quarenta minutos após a confecção, os espécimes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 24 horas e então termociclados (1.000 ciclos, 5ºC e 55ºC, 30 segundos cada banho). Após a termociclagem, os espécimes foram armazenados novamente nas mesmas condições descritas anteriormente por um período de 24 horas (n=10) ou de 6 meses (n=10) antes do ensaio de cisalhamento em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos (Material Test System 810).


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The solar energy is far the largest source of energy available in earth and has attracted for milleniuns, the attention and interest for a rational use. The solar energy which strikes the Earth in one hour is bigger than the whole consume of energy in Earth in one year. Among the forms of transformation of this clean, renewable energy, the electrical conversion, photovoltaic cells, have the materials based on silicon or germanium semiconductors due to its technology and production processes involved still have a high production cost. An alternative to this solar cell is based on a synthetic dye and a semiconductor nanocrystalline TiO2, titanium dioxide, called DSC (Dye-Sensitized Cells), which have a cost of up to 80% lower than silicon cells


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Alloy Al-7%Si-0,3Mg (AA356), having an excellent combination of properties such as low solidification shrinkage and good fluidity, good weldability, high wear resistance, high strength to weight particularly in the automotive and aerospace engineering. The refinement of the structure aluminum silicon eutectic alloy is a fairly common practice in the casting, through the treatment knows as modification. You can get the modification for the addition of chemicals and rare earths, these have the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce a strong action modifier when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of silicon grain turns into a fibrous form branched and enveloped by the metal matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. This work will be obtained AA356 alloy ingots using two different types of molds: metal mold and sand mold. Macrographs will be made in ingots obtained for observation of the macrostructures obtained in both types of ingots. Will be sampled at strategic locations of the ingots to correlate microstructure and cooling rate. The results showed that the material of the ingot has a strong influence on the resulting micro-andmacrostructure


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The AA356 alloy is an alloy widely used in the automotive industry and aerospace due to its excellent mechanical properties. Refining the structure of eutectic silicon aluminum alloys is a fairly common practice in the foundry through treatment known as modification. This can be achieved by modifying agent adding chemicals such as contained in groups I and IIa of the periodic table and rare earths (europium, céreioi, praseodymium, neodymium, etc.). Has the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce an action modifier strong when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of the shafts turn silicon into a fibrous form and branched surrounded by metallic matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. In this work will be obtained ingots with and without the modifier type Al-10% Sr, made in sand molds and are generated and analyzed cooling curves and also the study of the macrostructure and microstructure of the solidified material. It was found that by adding the Al-Sr made shorten the solidification time and lower the grain size


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Nowadays environmental pollution can be identified as a major problem in developed and developing countries. This is the result of several factors, such as inappropriate use of natural resources, inficiente legislation and not ecological awareness. Moreover, many other procedures as incorrect use of chemicals still contributed to the worsening of the problem. In this work, we develop a working with the environmental ideals, aiming to contribute to the decomposition of organic material through decomposition of rhodamine in TiO2 thin films on a silicon substrate. The degradation performance was monitored with the aid of techniques such as atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, field emission gun scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy, thermal and photocatalytic analyses