718 resultados para self management
O presente trabalho, busca compreender como ocorre este processo, denominado Desenvolvimento Comunitário (SOUZA, 1991), percebendo-se seu processo histórico, bem como, sua contemporalidade, nas quais contemplam atributos sociais e coletivos, favoráveis à compreensão e aplicabilidade dos conceitos de solidariedade, no qual fazem parte desta categoria social econômica. Para tanto, propõe um diálogo, entre o referencial teórico abordado no presente trabalho, com os relatos das Histórias de Vidas , desenvolvidos na pesquisa de campo, propiciando uma leitura das práticas solidárias, que possam despertar um novo sentido a comunidade, por meios culturais e da participação coletiva. O método de Pesquisa, utilizado foi a Qualitativa , de caráter Exploratório , e a análise dos dados levantados, se procedeu com inspiração Fenomenológica . A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a vivencial, por meio da abordagem de histórias de vida , visando compreender como os sujeitos da pesquisa, representados pela Olho Vivo Cooperativa de Confecções e Costura, da cidade de Santo André e da Associação de Promoção Humana e Resgate da Cidadania Padre Léo Comissari, na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, em São Paulo, percebem o conceito sobre economia solidária, e qual a existência prática da solidariedade, que facilitam, interferem ou propiciam a geração de trabalho e renda, dentro destas comunidades. A análise dos relatos de vida, destes sujeitos da pesquisa, mostrou que a prática da solidariedade ocorre somente entre moradores em situações de extrema necessidade de sobrevivência, mas precisamente na comunidade da Sacadura Cabral. Percebe-se que esta ajuda mútua, dentro desta comunidade, ocorre de forma voluntária, desagregada da compreensão do termo solidariedade. A responsabilidade social das instituições de ensino Superior da região do ABC Paulista incentivou a criação do Corredor Cultural da Economia Solidária do ABC Paulista, cujo comprometimento com a pesquisa, a responsabilidade social e as práticas pedagógicas de ensino superior, apontam para a necessidade de apoio às comunidades locai, visando principalmente o seu desenvolvimento, por meio de instrumentos de capacitação, que visam à geração de trabalho e renda.(AU)
A transição agroecológica, enquanto um processo de estímulo à adoção de práticas agrícolas sustentáveis implica na gradual construção do conhecimento agroecológico, por meio da troca de saberes, experiências e interpretação dos (as) agricultores (as) sobre os contextos em que vivem e produzem, configurando-se em um modo alternativo de produção, em contraponto ao modelo atual convencional. Novos caminhos que tragam a conservação da biodiversidade, a autorrealização individual e comunitária, e a autogestão política e econômica são prioritários e urgentes. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo sistematizar a experiência de transição agroecológica da CooperAPAs, localizada em Parelheiros, zona sul do município de São Paulo, por meio da identificação de representações de agroecologia, relações saúde, ambiente e políticas públicas, bem como os principais interesses e dificuldades de agricultores e técnicos envolvidos em algum momento específico da trajetória de formação, implementação e/ou desenvolvimento da CooperAPAs. Foi utilizado o método de sistematização de experiências, tendo como instrumentos de pesquisa a análise documental, entrevistas e oficina de construção da linha do tempo. De modo geral, os participantes reconheciam impactos positivos e negativos de suas ações sobre a saúde e o ambiente. Dentre as necessidades identificadas, destacou-se maior sensibilização e empoderamento de todos os cooperados, para que possam contribuir mais ativamente no fortalecimento da cooperativa, a fim de garantir maior acesso às políticas públicas vigentes, ao mercado, e à comercialização, melhorando, consequentemente, condições socioambientais e econômicas destes agricultores. Para tal, recomenda-se a adoção, pela cooperativa, de estratégias socioeducativas participativas, como a Aprendizagem Social, que favoreçam o diálogo, a negociação de conflitos e a gestão compartilhada, como um novo caminho para a CooperAPAs.
A pesquisa permeia a contabilidade e autogestão existentes nos empreendimentos econômicos solidários, em que o modelo de gestão é democrático e participativo e requer ferramentas contábeis compatíveis com suas características. O objetivo é verificar se a aplicação de técnica de ensino-aprendizagem contábil baseada nas rotinas gerenciais e demandas dos usuários contribui com a decodificação da informação contábil, colaborando com o controle gerencial dos empreendimentos. Assim, foi feito experimento em que no pré-teste foi analisado o entendimento contábil no que tange ao conteúdo informacional, sua utilidade e domínio. No pós-teste foi feita análise dos efeitos da aplicação da técnica sobre esses entendimentos. O estudo foi realizado com 16 cooperativas pertencentes à Incubadora Social da Universidade Federal de Goiás e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas estruturadas, observações e análise de registros. Estas foram transcritas e analisadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo, que consistiu em organizar categorias conceituais representantes do entendimento contábil testado, designada pela ocorrência ou expressão nos dados transcritos. A análise dos resultados foi feita pelo teste não-paramétrico, Postos Sinalizados de Wilcoxon. Os resultados apresentados não demonstraram diferenças significativas com relação ao entendimento contábil dos diretores e não diretores antes e depois da intervenção. Limitações como amostra e a rotatividade de pessoas na cooperativa denotam a necessidade de haver formações recorrentes para os cooperados. Para futuras pesquisas fica o tempo de curso ser prolongado permitindo a participação recorrente e de mais cooperados. Como implicações práticas têm-se a percepção dos cooperados na necessidade de ter e entender as ferramentas e controles para administrar à cooperativa.
Objetivo: Describir la experiencia cultural, interpersonal y personal de los adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas e identificar las estrategias y redes de apoyo que utilizan en su entorno cotidiano para gestionar la enfermedad. Método: Se desarrolló un metaestudio tipo metaanálisis cualitativo. La estrategia metodológica constó de cuatro etapas: Búsqueda bibliográfica, Categorización de los estudios, Evaluación de la calidad metodológica y Análisis de resultados. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra bibliográfica de 22 estudios de naturaleza cualitativa. Los hallazgos se organizaron en 4 categorías: Compresión del padecimiento, Autogestión en el cotidiano, Percepción de los Servicios de Salud y Cotidiano del cuidador. Conclusiones: El esfuerzo de los adultos mayores por alcanzar un nuevo equilibrio social y personal se articula en las estrategias de autogestión que utilizan en su día a día para afrontar sus padecimientos. Las interrelaciones con los servicios de salud, familia y redes de apoyo son fundamentales para gestionar la cronicidad.
Aim: We aimed to explore the meaning of obesity in elderly persons with knee osteoarthritis (KO) and to determine the factors that encourage or discourage weight loss. Background: Various studies have demonstrated that body mass index is related to KO and that weight loss improves symptoms and functional capacity. However, dietary habits are difficult to modify and most education programs are ineffective. Design: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted. Intentional sampling was performed in ten older persons with KO who had lost weight and improved their health-related quality of life after participating in a health education program. A thematic content analysis was conducted following the stages proposed by Miles and Huberman. Findings: Participants understood obesity as a risk factor for health problems and stigma. They believed that the cause of obesity was multifactorial and criticized health professionals for labeling them as “obese” and for assigning a moral value to slimness and diet. The factors identified as contributing to the effectiveness of the program were a tolerant attitude among health professionals, group education that encouraged motivation, quantitative dietary recommendations, and a meaningful learning model based on social learning theories. Conclusion: Dietary self-management without prohibitions helped participants to make changes in the quantity and timing of some food intake and to lose weight without sacrificing some foods that were deeply rooted in their culture and preferences. Dietary education programs should focus on health-related quality of life and include scientific knowledge but should also consider affective factors and the problems perceived as priorities by patients.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The literature contains a number of reports of early work involving telemedicine and chronic disease; however, there are comparatively few studies in asthma. Most of the telemedicine studies in asthma have investigated the use of remote monitoring of patients in the home, e.g. transmitting spirometry data via a telephone modem to a central server. The primary objective of these studies was to improve management. A secondary benefit was that patient adherence to prescribed treatment is also likely to be improved. Early results are encouraging; home monitoring in a randomized controlled trial in Japan significantly reduced the number of emergency room visits by patients with poorly controlled asthma. Other studies have described the cost-benefits of a specialist asthma nurse who can manage patients by telephone contact, as well as deliver asthma education. Many web-based systems are available for the general public or healthcare professionals to improve education in asthma, although their quality is highly variable. The work on telemedicine in asthma clearly shows that the technique holds promise in a number of areas. Unfortunately - as in telemedicine generally - most of the literature in patients with asthma refers to pilot trials and feasibility studies, with short-term outcomes. Large-scale, formal research trials are required to establish the cost effectiveness of telemedicine in asthma.
In patients hospitalised with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and congestive heart failure (CHF), evidence suggests opportunities for improving in-hospital and after hospital care, patient self-care, and hospital-community integration. A multidisciplinary quality improvement program was designed and instigated in Brisbane in October 2000 involving 250 clinicians at three teaching hospitals, 1080 general practitioners (GPs) from five Divisions of General Practice, 1594 patients with ACS and 904 patients with CHF. Quality improvement interventions were implemented over 17 months after a 6-month baseline period and included: clinical decision support (clinical practice guidelines, reminders, checklists, clinical pathways); educational interventions (seminars, academic detailing); regular performance feedback; patient self-management strategies; and hospital-community integration (discharge referral summaries; community pharmacist liaison; patient prompts to attend GPs). Using a before-after study design to assess program impact, significantly more program patients compared with historical controls received: ACS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and lipid-lowering agents at discharge, aspirin and beta-blockers at 3 months after discharge, inpatient cardiac counselling, and referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. CHF. Assessment for reversible precipitants, use of prophylaxis for deep-venous thrombosis, beta-blockers at discharge, ACE inhibitors at 6 months after discharge, imaging of left ventricular function, and optimal management of blood pressure levels. Risk-adjusted mortality rates at 6 and 12 months decreased, respectively, from 9.8% to 7.4% (P=0.06) and from 13.4% to 10.1% (P= 0.06) for patients with ACS and from 22.8% to 15.2% (P < 0.001) and from 32.8% to 22.4% (P= 0.005) for patients with CHF. Quality improvement programs that feature multifaceted interventions across the continuum of care can change clinical culture, optimise care and improve clinical outcomes.
O presente trabalho, busca compreender como ocorre este processo, denominado Desenvolvimento Comunitário (SOUZA, 1991), percebendo-se seu processo histórico, bem como, sua contemporalidade, nas quais contemplam atributos sociais e coletivos, favoráveis à compreensão e aplicabilidade dos conceitos de solidariedade, no qual fazem parte desta categoria social econômica. Para tanto, propõe um diálogo, entre o referencial teórico abordado no presente trabalho, com os relatos das Histórias de Vidas , desenvolvidos na pesquisa de campo, propiciando uma leitura das práticas solidárias, que possam despertar um novo sentido a comunidade, por meios culturais e da participação coletiva. O método de Pesquisa, utilizado foi a Qualitativa , de caráter Exploratório , e a análise dos dados levantados, se procedeu com inspiração Fenomenológica . A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a vivencial, por meio da abordagem de histórias de vida , visando compreender como os sujeitos da pesquisa, representados pela Olho Vivo Cooperativa de Confecções e Costura, da cidade de Santo André e da Associação de Promoção Humana e Resgate da Cidadania Padre Léo Comissari, na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, em São Paulo, percebem o conceito sobre economia solidária, e qual a existência prática da solidariedade, que facilitam, interferem ou propiciam a geração de trabalho e renda, dentro destas comunidades. A análise dos relatos de vida, destes sujeitos da pesquisa, mostrou que a prática da solidariedade ocorre somente entre moradores em situações de extrema necessidade de sobrevivência, mas precisamente na comunidade da Sacadura Cabral. Percebe-se que esta ajuda mútua, dentro desta comunidade, ocorre de forma voluntária, desagregada da compreensão do termo solidariedade. A responsabilidade social das instituições de ensino Superior da região do ABC Paulista incentivou a criação do Corredor Cultural da Economia Solidária do ABC Paulista, cujo comprometimento com a pesquisa, a responsabilidade social e as práticas pedagógicas de ensino superior, apontam para a necessidade de apoio às comunidades locai, visando principalmente o seu desenvolvimento, por meio de instrumentos de capacitação, que visam à geração de trabalho e renda.(AU)
We assessed the feasibility of developing a virtual diabetes clinic for young people, using the Internet. The proposed content of the site would be based on self-efficacy theory, aiming to develop confidence in self-management of diabetes. A questionnaire about the proposed Website was delivered to 72 patients who attended a young person’s outpatient clinic in a district hospital. Thirty-nine replies were received, a response rate of 54%. The mean age of the respondents was 13 years. A positive attitude to the potential clinic was reported by 95% of respondents. The items rated as most useful were: quick and easy access to up-todate information about diabetes; the opportunity to ask an expert; good graphics; easy navigation; interactivity. Responses to open questions indicated that 24-hour access and anonymity in asking questions were also valued. A virtual clinic appears to be a possible method of health-care delivery to young people with diabetes.
There is increasing concern at the amount and cost of prescribed medicines that are unused or wasted and then have to be disposed of. Previous studies have used health promotion and Dispose Unwanted Medicines Properly campaigns targeted at the patient to describe and quantify the annual cost of waste. The reasons patients return unused drugs to pharmacies have also been explored. The paper focuses on patient explanations for not needing medication; categorized as: over-collection in the past, self-management strategies, changes in medical condition, other changes in patient circumstances, or the repeat medicines policy at the surgery. The aim of the original study was to make a measurable change in prescribed medicines with a reduction in medicines wastage, whilst at the same time achieving improved standards of pharmaceutical care. Information on patient needs and behaviour came from consultation in the pharmacy monitoring forms and interview. The study was based on two medical practices in the West Midlands, UK, comparing an outer city and an inner city population. The participants were general practitioners, pharmacists and 350 repeat prescription patients. Prescriptions were issued for two three-month periods. The outcome was that 23.8% of the prescribed items were not dispensed, at a value of £13.1K, 58% of the medications that would be expected to be regularly supplied were collected. The study suggests that closer professional management at the point of dispensing and an understanding of patient experiences can help reduce the amount of unwanted medication collected by patients.
This research explores the conceptual basis in adopting a skills approach to management development. The literature reveals a number of development approaches but only a limited appreciation of how the manager does his job i.e. of the skills that he needs. An investigation of managerial skills was conducted with 10 manager s mainly occupying middle and senior positions. The principal source of evidence was the manager's thoughts on what he did and how he did it, although the interviews were supplemented by formal and informal observation. There was also a dialectic value from discussions with other analysts/managers and empathy between analyst and practitioner also played a part. Each manager was invited to comment upon his own skills analysis as a check upon validity. The study supports the view that the manager similar to other skilled practitioners, is conceptually a model builder and operationally a navigator (Singleton 1978b) . The manager variously holds enactive, pictorial, symbolic and hybrid models that enable him to understand his world and act in it. The universal managerial function is decision making and the study presents a preliminary nomenclature in classifying decision processes or perceptual skills. Managerial skills are also reflected in interpersonal interaction where the hallmark is mutual construction and attribution and in 'self-management’ where the requirement is to cope with the inner rather than the outer world. Differences between the managers are most evident in perceptual skills, the more senior manager requiring increasing ability to process abstract information and take account of environmental uncertainty. He will also make greater use of 'off- line’ information. The practical purpose in studying managerial skills is to facilitate the improvement of managerial performance and the implications of the research for training, selection and appraisal are explored.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition which requires a high degree of patient cooperation in self-management to achieve optimal glycaemic control. The concept of patient education, to enhance the treatment and management of diabetes, is well recognised. Several diabetes education programmes have already been described, but increased knowledge of diabetes did not necessarily result in improved self-mangement or glycaemic control. Other factors, such as attitudes and motivations, may therefore be particuarly important. The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of patients' attitudes to diabetes, and to develop motivational aspects which enable the application of knowledge to enhance self-management and compliance with treatment. Thirty-one insulin-dependent diabetic (IDD) patients entered into a 12 month educational programme, particularly designed to increase motivation. Patients' attitudes to diabetes, their knowledge and self-management skills were assessed using questionnaires and practical tests, and parameters of glycaemic control were measured. The progress of these patients was compared at intervals with a close matched group of 25 control IFF patients who continued to receive routine clinic care. Patients completing the educational programme achieved better glycaemic control (p< 0.05), greater knowledge (p< 0.001), more favourable attitudes (p< 0.03) and increased competence in management skills (p< 0.02) compared with the control group. Evaluation procedures indicated that the programme was acceptable to the patients, and was successful in terms of increasing patient motivation. Six months after completion of the programme, glycaemic control deteriorated, although knowledge, attitudes and management skills were unchanged. This might reflect the withdrawal of extrinsic motivation, attention and supervision provided during the programme. It is recommended that consideration be given to the development of patients' intrinsic motivation to achieve maximum benefit from diabetes education programmes.
Background: Food-allergic adolescents are at highest risk for food allergy fatalities, which may be partly due to compromised self-management behavior. Such behavior may be negatively influenced by conflictual situations caused by adolescent–parent disagreement on the adolescent’s health-related quality of life (HRQL). Comparisons of adolescent-self-reported and parent-proxy-reported HRQL of food-allergic adolescents have never extensively been studied. The aims of this study were to investigate disagreement in adolescent-self-reports and parent-proxy-reports on the HRQL of food-allergic adolescents and to investigate the factors influencing adolescent–parent disagreement. Methods: Teenager Form (TF) and Parent Form (PFA) of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ), Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM), and Brief-Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief-IPQ) were sent to food-allergic Dutch adolescents (13–17 years) and their parents. ICCs, t-tests, and Bland–Altman plots were used to investigate adolescent–parent disagreement. Participant characteristics, illness expectations, and illness perceptions influencing adolescent–parent disagreement were studied using regression analysis. Results: Seventy adolescent–parent pairs were included. There were a moderate correlation (ICC = 0.61, P < 0.001) and no significant difference (3.78 vs 3.56, P = 0.103) between adolescent-self-reported and parent-proxy-reported HRQL at group level. However, Bland–Altman plots showed relevant differences (exceeding the minimal important difference) for 63% of all adolescent–parent pairs. Adolescent’s age (>15 years), poorer adolescent-reported illness comprehension (Brief-IPQ-TF, coherence), and higher adolescent-reported perceived disease severity (Food Allergy Independent Measure-Teenager Form & -Parent Form) were associated with adolescent–parent disagreement. Conclusions: Adolescent–parent disagreement on the adolescent’s HRQL was mainly associated with adolescents’ rather than parents’ perceptions and characteristics. Illness comprehension of the adolescent may be an important target for intervention aimed at reducing adolescent–parent disagreement.
Background - Cardiovascular disease (CVD) progression is modifiable through lifestyle behaviors. Community pharmacists are ideally placed to facilitate self-management of cardiovascular health however research shows varied pharmacist engagement in providing lifestyle advice. Objective - This study explored community pharmacists' experiences and perceptions of providing lifestyle advice to patients with CVD. Methods - Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen pharmacists (1 supermarket; 7 multiple; 7 independent) recruited through multiple methods from community pharmacies across the Midlands, England. A thematic analysis was conducted using a Framework approach. Results - Pharmacists categorized patients according to their perceptions of the patients' ability to benefit from advice. Many barriers to providing lifestyle advice were identified. Confidence to provide lifestyle advice varied, with pharmacists most comfortable providing lifestyle advice in conjunction with conversations about medicines. Some pharmacists felt lifestyle advice was an integral part of their role whilst others questioned whether pharmacists should give lifestyle advice at all, particularly when receiving no remuneration for doing so. Conclusion - Pharmacists viewed providing lifestyle advice as important but identified many barriers to doing so. Lifestyle advice provision was influenced by pharmacists' perceptions of patients. Professional identity and associated role conflict appeared to underpin many of the barriers to pharmacists providing lifestyle advice. Pharmacists may benefit from enhanced training to: increase their confidence to provide lifestyle advice; integrate lifestyle advice with regular pharmaceutical practice and challenge their perceptions of some patients' receptiveness to lifestyle advice and behavior change. Changes to the way UK pharmacists are remunerated may increase the provision of lifestyle advice.