941 resultados para scatola nera smartphone android accelerometro gps
El proyecto global está enfocado al aprendizaje del desarrollo de aplicaciones para el sistema operativo Android. Para ello, se pretende realizar una aplicación a través de la cual se puedan adquirir conocimientos de los diversos componentes que forman la estructura de la plataforma. Con ello, este proyecto pretende también ser una pequeña guía para aquellas personas que, cómo nosotros, pretenden iniciarse en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android. La aplicación desarrollada será un juego del género lucha, para uno o dos jugadores en el mismo terminal.
Over the last century, numerous techniques have been developed to analyze the movement of humans while walking and running. The combined use of kinematics and kinetics methods, mainly based on high speed video analysis and forceplate, have permitted a comprehensive description of locomotion process in terms of energetics and biomechanics. While the different phases of a single gait cycle are well understood, there is an increasing interest to know how the neuro-motor system controls gait form stride to stride. Indeed, it was observed that neurodegenerative diseases and aging could impact gait stability and gait parameters steadiness. From both clinical and fundamental research perspectives, there is therefore a need to develop techniques to accurately track gait parameters stride-by-stride over a long period with minimal constraints to patients. In this context, high accuracy satellite positioning can provide an alternative tool to monitor outdoor walking. Indeed, the high-end GPS receivers provide centimeter accuracy positioning with 5-20 Hz sampling rate: this allows the stride-by-stride assessment of a number of basic gait parameters--such as walking speed, step length and step frequency--that can be tracked over several thousand consecutive strides in free-living conditions. Furthermore, long-range correlations and fractal-like pattern was observed in those time series. As compared to other classical methods, GPS seems a promising technology in the field of gait variability analysis. However, relative high complexity and expensiveness--combined with a usability which requires further improvement--remain obstacles to the full development of the GPS technology in human applications.
Desarrollo de una aplicación para Android que ofrece un método fácil para aprender chino mandarín desde el español.
Os receptores de navegação do sistema de posicionamento global (GPS), comumente utilizados pelo setor agrícola, em geral, apresentam precisão posicional < 10,0 m. Em uma amostragem sistemática de solos, as subamostras deverão ser coletadas num raio não superior a 3 m do ponto central georreferenciado. A presente nota técnica visou confrontar a precisão e exatidão desse tipo de equipamento com a necessidade exigida em amostragem sistematizada de solo. Uma área com aproximadamente 17 ha, no campus I da Universidade de Passo Fundo, foi levantada com três receptores GPS de navegação e Estação Total-ET (controle). Pontos centrais de quadrículas de 2 ha, gerados pelo programa Campeiro®, foram locados no campo com os mesmos equipamentos. Sobre esses pontos, materializados no campo, foram novamente tomadas as suas coordenadas, com auxílio da estação total. Assim, as coordenadas X e Y foram submetidas à ANOVA, confrontando-se as médias obtidas pela ET com as dos receptores de GPS pela diferença honesta significativa do teste de Tukey (p < 0,01). Quanto à exatidão, calcularam-se, por Pitágoras, as distâncias lineares entre os pontos gerados pelos GPS e pela ET, assumindo-se não exatas quando ultrapassaram os 3 m de raio preconizado pelo Manual de Adubação e Calagem do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catariana para coleta de solo. A exatidão das coordenadas dos receptores GPS variou de -10 m a +3 m para X e de -4 m a +7 m para Y. Apenas um ponto central dos oito locados com os receptores de GPS de navegação no centro das quadrículas apresentou exatidão compatível com a exigida pela prática. Isso indica que esse tipo de equipamento, com baixa precisão e exatidão, não deve ser utilizado para amostragem sistematizada de solos.
The paper gives the theory of airborne GPs related to Photogrammetry and the results of a self calibration used to validate the theory. Accordingly, no ground control points are required for mapping using a strip or block of photographs provided the site is within 10 Km of the calibration site.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 106
This report is on state-of-the-art research efforts specific to infrastructure inventory/data collection with sign inventory as a case study. The development of an agency-wide sign inventory is based on feature inventory and location information. Specific to location, a quick and simple location acquisition tool is critical to tying assets to an accurate location-referencing system. This research effort provides a contrast between legacy referencing systems (route and milepost) and global positioning system- (GPS-) based techniques (latitude and longitude) integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) database. A summary comparison of field accuracies using a variety of consumer grade devices is also provided. This research, and the data collection tools developed, are critical in supporting the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Statewide Sign Management System development effort. For the last two years, a Task Force has embarked on a comprehensive effort to develop a sign management system to improve sign quality, as well as to manage all aspects of signage, from request, ordering, fabricating, installing, maintaining, and ultimately removing, and to provide the ability to budget for these key assets on a statewide basis. This effort supported the development of a sign inventory tool and is the beginning of the development of a sign management system to support the Iowa DOT efforts in the consistent, cost effective, and objective decision making process when it comes to signs and their maintenance.
Five test flights were conducted to study the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Photogrammetry, three in Iowa, one each in California and Texas. These tests show that GPS can be used to establish ground control by the static method and to determine camera location by the kinematic method. In block triangulation, six GPS controls are required and additional elevation control along the centerline is also required in strip triangulation. The camera location determined by aerial triangulation depends on the scale of the photography. The 1:3000 scale photography showed that the absolute accuracy of the camera location by GPS is better than five centimeters. The 1:40000 scale photography showed that the relative accuracy of the camera location by GPS is about one millimeter. In a strip triangulation elevation control is required in addition to the camera location by GPS. However, for block triangulation camera location by GPS is sufficient. Pre-targeting of pass and tie points gives the best results in both block and strip triangulation. In normal mapping for earth work computations the use of 1:6000 scale photography with GPS control instead of 1:3000 scale is recommended. It is recommended that research be done in the use of GPS for navigation in aerial photographic missions. It is highly recommended that research be done in the use of GPS to determine tip and tilt of the aerial camera, that is required in stereoplotting.
The objective of this project was to use a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the aerial camera location and orientation that best facilitated mapping done from aerial photographs without any ground control. Four test flights were conducted. The first test flight was performed in June 1993 at St. Louis, with the objective of testing the multiantenna concept using two antenna on the aircraft. The second test in August 1993 was conducted over the Iowa State University (ISU) campus at Ames. This flight evaluated the use of GPS for pinpoint navigation. The third test flight over St. Louis was flown in October 1993, with four antenna on aircraft; its objective was to evaluate the 3DF GPS receiver and the antenna locations. On the basis of the results of these three tests, a final test flight over the Mustang Project area in Ames and the ISU campus was conducted in June 1994. Analysis of these data showed that airborne GPS can be used (1) in pinpoint navigation with an accuracy of 25 m or better, (2) to determine the location of the camera nodal point with an accuracy of 10 cm or better, and (3) to determine the orientation angles of the camera with an accuracy of 0.0001 radians or better. In addition, the exterior orientation elements determined by airborne GPS can be used to rectify aerial photos, to produce orthophotos, and in direct stereo plotting. Further research is recommended in these areas to maximize the use of airborne GPS. The report is organized in the following chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Photogrammetry and Kinematic GPS; (3) Analysis of First Test; (4) Analysis of Second Test; (5) Analysis of Third Test; (6) Analysis of Final Test; (7) Applications of Airborne GPS; and (8) Conclusion and Recommendation.
Este proyecto de final de carrera de la titulación de Ingeniería en Informática de Gestión consiste en el diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de control de dispositivos conectados a Raspberry Pi y gestionados desde un dispositivo Android. Se podrán llevar a cabo diferentes acciones como encender, apagar, programar la calefacción y consultar la temperatura actual remotamente desde un dispostivo conectado a la red wifi doméstica o desde de cualquier red que esté conectada a internet.
El contingut d'aquest projecte, consisteix en desenvolupar una solució per a dispositius mòbils Android amb NFC, amb la finalitat de motivar i incrementar el nombre de ciutadans que practiquen esport a la ciutat de Barcelona. El projecte inclou disseny de la interfície mòbil, la creació d'una base de dades, un servei d'API Rest per accedir a les dades des dels dispositius, l'ús del servei de mapes de Google i diferents llibreries i eines per a dissenyar l'arquitectura del sistema. Es tindran en compte les restriccions en disseny i funcionalitat per part del client (ajuntament).
El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar la fabricación de una alarma la cual se puede controlar desde cualquier dispositivo Android, ya que la comunicación se realiza a través de la conexión Bluetooth entre una aplicación Android y una placa Arduino que realiza el control del mecanismo Hardware. A través de la aplicación que se instala en el dispositivo móvil, se puede realitzar el control del prototipo, como la validación del usuario, activación y desactivación de la alarma y enlazar con el módulo Bluetooth.
This project develops a smartphone-based prototype system that supplements the 511 system to improve its dynamic traffic routing service to state highway users under non-recurrent congestion. This system will save considerable time to provide crucial traffic information and en-route assistance to travelers for them to avoid being trapped in traffic congestion due to accidents, work zones, hazards, or special events. It also creates a feedback loop between travelers and responsible agencies that enable the state to effectively collect, fuse, and analyze crowd-sourced data for next-gen transportation planning and management. This project can result in substantial economic savings (e.g. less traffic congestion, reduced fuel wastage and emissions) and safety benefits for the freight industry and society due to better dissemination of real-time traffic information by highway users. Such benefits will increase significantly in future with the expected increase in freight traffic on the network. The proposed system also has the flexibility to be integrated with various transportation management modules to assist state agencies to improve transportation services and daily operations.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para dispositivos con sistema operativo Android que permita la búsqueda de ofertas de hotel de una forma diferente a las actuales. Para ello se ha empleado el modelo del ciclo de vida en cascada, con las fases de análisis, diseño, construcción y pruebas del sistema desarrollado. El software final sigue una arquitectura de tipo cliente/servidor y ha sido realizado con Java como lenguaje base de programación, haciendo uso de algunas librerías como Apache HTTP Request para las conexiones con el servidor remoto como las propias de Android, que facilitan la creación de interfaces gráficas y la gestión de los recursos de los dispositivos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles.