969 resultados para root canal filling material
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O tratamento endodôntico é uma etapa importante do protocolo de atendimento do reimplante dentário e tem uma relação direta com o aparecimento das reabsorções radiculares, maior causa de perda dos dentes reimplantados. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparo no reimplante tardio de dente de macaco, utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2) e o MTA como materiais obturadores de canal. Cinco macacos Cebus apella adultos tiveram seus incisivos laterais superiores e inferiores, direito e esquerdo, extraídos e deixados em meio ambiente por 60 minutos. Decorrido esse período, foi realizado o preparo biomecânico dos canais e os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo I - canal preenchido com pasta de Ca(OH)2 e grupo II - canal preenchido com MTA (Angelus®). Após o selamento da abertura coronária com ionômero de vidro, o ligamento periodontal foi removido e os dentes imersos em solução de fluoreto de sódio 2%, pH 5,5, por 10 minutos. Em seguida, os alvéolos foram irrigados com soro fisiológico e os dentes reimplantados e contidos por 30 dias com fio de aço e resina composta. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada 60 dias após o reimplante. Os espécimes de ambos os grupos apresentaram reabsorção por substituição e pontos de anquilose ao longo dos três terços radiculares e ausência de reabsorção inflamatória. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos com relação à reabsorção por substituição, porém a quantidade de anquilose foi significativamente maior no grupo do Ca(OH)2. Baseado nesses resultados conclui-se que o MTA pode ser uma opção clínica viável para a obturação de dentes tardiamente reimplantados que necessitam de um longo período de curativo com hidróxido de cálcio.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim: The aims of this study were to assess the penetration of two endodontic sealers (salicylate and epoxy resin-based sealers) into dentinal tubules using CLSM; and to evaluate the bacterial leakage of roots filled with the same sealers associated with gutta-percha. Material and Methods: For sealer penetrability assessment, thirty bovine roots were instrumented and divided into three groups: AHP: EDTA + filling with AH Plus and gutta-percha (n=10), MTAF: EDTA + filling with MTA Fillapex and gutta-percha (n=10), control group: canals were not irrigated with EDTA and were filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus (n=5) or MTA Fillapex (n=5). Rhodamine B was added to the sealers in order to provide adequate fluorescence. The roots were transversely sectioned 3mm from the apex to enable CLSM analysis. Leakage was evaluated for turbidity of the broth in a split chamber model system for 30 days, using Enterococcus faecalis as a microbial marker. Thirty roots were instrumented and divided in four grupos: AHP: filling with AH Plus and gutta-percha (n=10); MTAF: filling with MTA Fillapex and gutta-percha (n=10); positive control: filling with gutta-percha without sealer (n = 5); negative control: sealing with cyanoacrylate to test the seal of the system (n = 5). Results: The medians for dentinal tubule penetration were 6.8% (AHP) and 6.6% (MTAF) (P = 0.82). The average time for bacterial leakage was 8 days in both experimental groups (P = 0.79). Conclusion: MTA Fillapex and AH Plus presented similar behavior regarding dentinal tubule penetration and bacterial leakage.
Sealer 26® cement contains bisphenol epoxy resin associated with calcium hydroxide, presenting smaller radiopacity than other endodontic cements. Aiming to improve this property, iodoform has been added in its composition. However, this addition's possible changes in physical and chemical properties still need to be studied. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the apical sealing ability, solubility, and pH of Sealer 26® alone or with iodoform, at several proportions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three experimental mixtures of Sealer 26®, alone or with iodoform, were prepared and subjected to solubility test. Additionally, these combinations were inserted into polyethylene tubes and immersed in distilled water, and, their pH was evaluated after 24-h and 7-day periods. Subsequently, forty roots of extracted lower incisors subdivided into four groups of 10 specimens each, were retrograde filled with one of the previously described mixtures and gutta-percha points. The roots were immersed in Rhodamine B, under vacuum, for 72 hours. After this period, the specimens were longitudinally sectioned, root fragments photographed, these images scanned, and apical infiltration measured by Image tool software. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis, at a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Marginal leakage and solubility tests did not show any difference among the experimental groups (p > 0.05). pH analysis was only statistically different at 24-h period and between Sealer 26® alone and 1.1g iodoform group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The presence of iodoform in Sealer 26®, at the used proportions, did not alter the solubility, apical marginal leakage and pH properties of the original cement.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Aim: This study investigated the flowability, setting time, pH, calcium release and bond strength of a MTA-based cement (MTA Fillapex®) compared to AH Plus and Sealapex. Materials and methods: For the flowability test, the ISO 6876:2001 specification was utilized and for the setting time test, the ASTM C266-03 specification was utilized. For the pH and calcium release measurements, 10 samples were prepared for each group and analyzed for several different periods. For the push-out test, dentin disks were distributed into three groups, according to the cement utilized and into three subgroups, according to the root third (n = 10). After obturation, the specimens underwent push-out testing. The data were compared statistically using a significance level of 5%. Results: The flowability of all materials was found to be similar (p > 0.05). The setting times were different among the groups tested (MTA Fillapex < Sealapex < AH Plus) (p < 0.05). At days 7 and 28, the MTA Fillapex presented the higher pH values (p < 0.05). At 24 hours and at 14 days, the calcium release of the MTA Fillapex was similar to that of Sealapex (p > 0.05). AH Plus presented the lowest pH and calcium release values (p < 0.05). In all root thirds, the adhesion to the dentin of the MTA Fillapex and Sealapex were significantly lower than that of AH Plus (p < 0.05). Conclusion: MTA Fillapex and Sealapex presented several similar properties and both were found to be different than AH Plus. Clinical significance: This study evaluated the physicochemical and mechanical properties of new MTA-based root canal cement, in order to use this scaler in root canal fillings. MTA Fillapex showed satisfactory properties for clinical use.
The development and maintenance of periapical lesion occurs as a result of bacterial infection of the root canal system. Faced with the failure of endodontic treatment, retreatment is the first option with great potential for success, when performed with proper disinfection of the root canal system. Case report: Patient aged 39 years needing dental care show at clinical examination moderate gingival bleeding in the region of tooth 22 and the presence of radiographic periapical bone rarefaction due to unsatisfactory endodontic treatment. It was indicated the endodontic retreatment. We performed procedures to remove the filling material, root canal preparation using manual and mechanical techniques and completion with the use of root canal medication based on calcium hydroxide. After root canal filling, clinical and radiographic success were demonstrated for the case. Conclusion: We conclude that the non-surgical retreatment with disinfection and proper use of medication to the base of calcium hydroxide promoted success after outcome monitoring for 2 years and 8 months (AU)
Aim: This clinical report presents a new method for retrieving separated instruments from the root canal with minimally invasive procedures. Background: The presence of separated instrument in root canal may interfere in the endodontic treatment prognosis. There are several recommended methods to retrieve separated instruments, but some are difficult in clinically practice. Case report: This study describes two cases of separated instrument removal from the root canal using a stainless-steel prepared needle associated with a K-file. Case 1 presented a fractured gutta-percha condenser within the mandibular second premolar, it was separated during incorrect intracanal medication calcium hydroxide placement. Case 2 had a fractured sewing needle within the upper central incisor that the patient used to remove food debris from the root canal. After cervical preparation, the fractured instruments were fitted inside a prepared needle and then an endodontic instrument (#25 K-file) was adapted with clockwise turning motion between the needle inner wall and the fragment. Conclusion: The endodontic or atypical nonendodontic separated instrument may be easily pull on of the root canal using a single and low cost device. Clinical significance: The methods for retrieving separated instruments from root canal are difficult and destructive procedures. The present case describes a simple method to solve this problem.
Aim The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of three different formulations of sodium hypochlorite on the microhardness of root canal dentin in cervical and apical segments. Methods Twenty-four extracted human teeth had their roots sectioned along their long axes in a buccolingual direction. One half of each root was selected, and transversely sectioned resulting in two segments, cervical and apical, with similar lengths. The specimens were divided into three groups (n = 16), according to the sodium hypochlorite formulation used: (a) group 1, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; (b) group 2, Chlor-XTRA; and (c) group 3, 5.5% sodium hypochlorite gel. These groups were subdivided in two subgroups (n = 8): cervical and apical root segments. Before testing the substances, dentin microhardness was measured on each section, 100 μm from the root canal with a Knoop tester. After 15 min of application, a new measurement was performed on each segment. Data were collected and registered for statistical treatment. Results In both segments, the substances reduced dentin microhardness. No differences were observed between the groups, independent of the analyzed segment (P > 0.05). Conclusions All substances reduced dentin microhardness. Chlor-XTRA and 5.5% sodium hypochlorite gel promoted a reduction similar to the 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)