994 resultados para return period


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Are return migrants more productive than non-migrants? If so, is it a causal effect or simply self-selection? Existing literature has not reached a consensus on the role of return migration for origin countries. To answer these research questions, an empirical analysis was performed based on household data collected in Cape Verde. One of the most common identification problems in the migration literature is the presence of migrant self-selection. In order to disentangle potential selection bias, we use instrumental variable estimation using variation provided by unemployment rates in migrant destination countries, which is compared with OLS and Nearest Neighbor Matching (NNM) methods. The results using the instrumental variable approach provide evidence of labour income gains due to return migration, while OLS underestimates the coefficient of interest. This bias points towards negative self-selection of return migrants on unobserved characteristics, although the different estimates cannot be distinguished statistically. Interestingly, migration duration and occupational changes after migration do not seem to influence post-migration income. There is weak evidence that return migrants from the United States have higher income gains caused by migration than the ones who returned from Portugal.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se averiguar em que medida a satisfação no processo de dádiva de sangue afeta o regresso dos dadores que doam pela primeira vez na vida, ou que se apresentaram pela primeira vez no Serviço de sangue do HESE. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional transversal descritivo. Dos dadores com uma única inscrição no período de 2011 a 2012 inclusive, (531+541 dadores) foram retirados os que entretanto completaram 66 anos (idade limite para a dádiva); os que não tinham contacto telefónico válido; e os que tinham morada fora do Distrito de Évora. Os dadores restantes (327 + 330 dadores), foram então inquiridos através de um questionário efetuado telefonicamente para determinar as causas de não regresso. Resultados: Obtiveram-se 360 respostas válidas ao questionário, correspondentes a 50% da amostra com um IC de 95%. Apesar de estar amplamente demonstrado que a satisfação na dádiva contribui decisivamente para o retorno à dádiva seguinte, apenas 12% da amostra referiu não regressar por algum motivo de insatisfação decorrente do processo de dádiva. Evidentemente, o mérito destes resultados é devido à equipa do Serviço de Imunohemoterapia do HESE. Porém uma outra realidade fica aqui patente, os dadores de primeira vez estão a decrescer há vários anos, e destes, os que regressam são cada vez menos. A manter-se esta tendência, a taxa de renovação da bolsa de dadores poderá tornar-se insuficiente para a manutenção da atual bolsa de dadores. Se o HESE conseguisse recuperar para a dádiva metade da amostra de dadores de primeira vez que não regressam, a sua autonomia em termos de consumo de sangue sairia reforçada, com o incremento de proveitos financeiros consequente. Conclusão: Este trabalho concretiza os objetivos a que se propôs, nomeadamente o de produzir conhecimento útil e de suporte à decisão no âmbito da administração hospitalar. O HESE tem agora ao seu dispor, a caraterização dos dadores de primeira vez e a descrição de como se está a processar a renovação da sua bolsa de dadores.


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This paper studies the effects of monetary policy on mutual fund risk taking using a sample of Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds in the 2000-2012 period. Firstly I estimate time-varying measures of risk exposure (betas) for the individual funds, for the benchmark portfolio, as well as for a representative equally-weighted portfolio, through 24-month rolling regressions of a two-factor model with two systematic risk factors: interest rate risk (TERM) and default risk (DEF). Next, in the second phase, using the estimated betas, I try to understand what portion of the risk exposure is in excess of the benchmark (active risk) and how it relates to monetary policy proxies (one-month rate, Taylor residual, real rate and first principal component of a cross-section of government yields and rates). Using this methodology, I provide empirical evidence that Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds respond to accommodative monetary policy by significantly increasing exposure, in excess of their benchmarks, to default risk rate and slightly to interest risk rate as well. I also find that the increase in funds’ risk exposure to gain a boost in return (search-for-yield) is more pronounced following the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, indicating that the current historic low interest rates may incentivize excessive risk taking. My results suggest that monetary policy affects the risk appetite of non-bank financial intermediaries.


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INTRODUCTION: While the incidence of HIV infection and AIDS is increasing in small Brazilian cities, epidemiological studies are often conducted in large urban centers. METHODS: Our group conducted a retrospective analysis of survival determinants among 358 patients who attended a reference unit in a small city. RESULTS: Death risk was lower among men that had sex with men, patients with an HIV-seropositive partner, and those admitted after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was available. CONCLUSIONS: The study documents the striking beneficial effect of HAART. The finding of other groups with improved survival may aid in the development of programmatic strategies.


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Strong consolidation is one of the most evident developments of banking markets around the world in recent decades. This change is raising questions on how and to what an extent competition is affected by the expansion of the largest banks. The aim of the present study is to measure the degree of competition in the Portuguese commercial banking market in the long-run, during the period ranging from1960 to 2013, by using the non-structural model developed by Panzar and Rosse. The main findings are that the Portuguese banking system, despite the legal restrictions in place, operated mostly in a market with some degree of competition and, at some points in time, presented some interesting competitive features. More recently, it has evolved into functioning as a cartel.


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The 2001-2012 period has been one of very low growth for Portugal. This work project tries to find reasons for this slowdown. Growth in real GDP will be explained by several variables ranging from education, capital, government and world markets. Compensation of employees, capital per worker and the exports of competitors seem to explain a significant part of the slowdown. The ratio of non-tradables to tradables is also included but not significant, maybe due to a poor sample size. Stagnation then seems to be caused both by low growth in input accumulation and productivity as predicted by Amador and Coimbra in 2007.


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INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that affects both humans and animals. Dogs may serve as sentinels and indicators of environmental contamination as well as potential carriers for Leptospira. This study aimed to evaluate the seroprevalence and seroincidence of leptospirosis infection in dogs in an urban low-income community in southern Brazil where human leptospirosis is endemic. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was designed that consisted of sampling at recruitment and four consecutive trimestral follow-up sampling trials. All households in the area were visited, and those that owned dogs were invited to participate in the study. The seroprevalence (MAT titers ≥100) of Leptospira infection in dogs was calculated for each visit, the seroincidence (seroconversion or four-fold increase in serogroup-specific MAT titer) density rate was calculated for each follow-up, and a global seroincidence density rate was calculated for the overall period. RESULTS: A total of 378 dogs and 902.7 dog-trimesters were recruited and followed, respectively. The seroprevalence of infection ranged from 9.3% (95% CI; 6.7 - 12.6) to 19% (14.1 - 25.2), the seroincidence density rate of infection ranged from 6% (3.3 - 10.6) to 15.3% (10.8 - 21.2), and the global seroincidence density rate of infection was 11% (9.1 - 13.2) per dog-trimester. Canicola and Icterohaemorraghiae were the most frequent incident serogroups observed in all follow-ups. CONCLUSIONS: Follow-ups with mean trimester intervals were incapable of detecting any increase in seroprevalence due to seroincident cases of canine leptospirosis, suggesting that antibody titers may fall within three months. Further studies on incident infections, disease burden or risk factors for incident Leptospira cases should take into account the detectable lifespan of the antibody.


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There is a growing interest in social impact assessment across the private, the public and the nonprofit sector. However, there is still limited academic research produced in this area, particularly in what concerns to the application of the Social Return of Investment (SROI) methodology. The goal of this Work Project is to give an overview of the social impact measurement literature and apply the Social Return on Investment, a flagship methodology to measure impact, to the specific case of the Social Innovation Hub (SIH). The findings suggest that each 1€ invested on the SIH generates 1,21€ in terms of social value. While this value seems very appealing to use, there are some risks in monetizing impact in such way, mainly due to the lack of reliable data available for benchmarking purposes.


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The purpose of this research is to study the Return on Equity of Portuguese and Brazilian companies, through the DuPont method. This project analyses whether differences in the ratios depend on specific features of the country, or if it is influenced by the industry where it is located. From the comparisons it is concluded that Brazilian companies pay higher corporate taxes and while the Portuguese companies are more leveraged, it is the Brazilian companies which pay higher interests. It is also noticeable that Portuguese companies take more advantage from the financing decisions and Brazilian on the investing decisions.


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Cities develop according to different patterns, undergoing population growth during some periods and decline (shrinkage) during others. Theories attempting to understand these behaviours include: 1) shrinkage is a natural process in the life cycle of a city, alternating with periods of growth, or 2) shrinkage is an extreme event that places cities into a continuous decline process with no return to population growth. We use retrospective data over a period of 130 years to study 25 Portuguese cities currently facing population decline, and show that both theories coexist in time and space. Five types of shrinking city are revealed: “Persistent Early Shrinkage” due to exodus fromthe rural periphery, “Metropolitan Shrinkage” due to the challenges of urban sprawl, “Recent Shrinkage” in de-industrialisation hotspots, “Cyclic Shrinkage” occurring in political transformation cores, and “Mild Shrinkage” due to life-style disamenity. As diversity of city population trajectories appears to be the norm in both Portugal and other Western European countries, the incorporation of this range into the management of urban transitions is recommended in order to reinforce city resilience.


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Abstract: Dengue is an arbovirosis that ranges from an asymptomatic presentation to a more severe disease, which is characterized by a vascular leakage syndrome where abdominal pain is a major symptom. Transplant recipients are immunosuppressed and are less likely to develop a severe form of the disease because of a reduction in immune-mediated responses that trigger plasma extravasation events. Herein, we report two cases of severe dengue in the early postoperative period of two kidney transplant recipients. Considering the severity of the cases, we emphasize the importance of dengue screening immediately before transplantation in areas endemic for the disease.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Human T-lymphotropic virus types 1/2 (HTLV-1/2) are distributed worldwide and are endemic in specific regions. METHODS: Serological evaluation of the HTLV-1/2 prevalence and co-infection rate [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Chagas disease, and syphilis)] for 2011-2014 was performed with volunteer blood donors from the western part of São Paulo State. RESULTS: Serrana and Araçatuba had higher HTLV seroprevalence rates (0.1%); while Franca, Olimpia, and Bebedouro had lower seroprevalences (0.04%). Co-infection (HBV and syphilis) was present in 12.3% of HTLV-infected blood donors. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide data for the prevalence of HTLV in Brazil and demonstrate the importance of regional and global hemovigilance.


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Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a severe complication in very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns (NB). With the purpose of studying the incidence of IVH, the associated risk factors, and the outcomes for these neonates, we studied all the VLBW infants born in our neonatal unit. Birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, apnea crisis, hydrocephalus, and periventricular leukomalacia were analyzed. The diagnosis of IVH was based on ultrasound scan studies (Papile's classification) performed until the tenth day of life and repeated weekly in the presence of abnormalities. Sixty-seven/101 neonates were studied. The mortality rate was 30.6% (31/101) and the incidence of IVH was 29.8% (20/67) : 70% grade I, 20% grade III and 10% grade IV. The incidence of IVH in NB <1,000 g was 53.8% (p = 0.035) and for gestational age <30 weeks was 47.3% (p = 0.04), both considered risk factors for IVH. The length of hospitalization (p = 0.00015) and mechanical ventilation (p = 0.038) were longer in IHV NB. The IVH NB had a relative risk of 2.3 of developing apnea (p = 0.02), 3.7 of hydrocephalus (p = 0.0007), and 7.7 of periventricular leukomalacia (p < 0.00001). The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the risk factors related to IVH so as to introduce prevention schemes to reduce IVH and to improve outcomes of affected newborns.


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Microlaparoscopy represents the development of endoscopic surgery towards a minimally invasive surgical procedure. The advantages include fewer surgical complications, faster return to daily activities, more comfortable postoperative recovery, and satisfactory aesthetic results. The possibility of performing surgery under sedation may result in shorter hospitalization, lower hospital costs, and easier anesthetic procedures. The authors report their preliminary experience with the use of microlaparoscopy, using optics and 2mm instruments, as well as a review of the literature since the introduction of this new technique. The report of these 16 cases demonstrates that microlaparoscopy is a feasible technique with satisfactory results. On the other hand, this new technique requires precise indications and a training period for the development of the skills necessary for performing these surgeries.


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Nutrition is essential for maintenance of physiologic homeostasis and growth. Hypermetabolic states lead to a depletion of body stores, with decreased immunocompetence and increased morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this paper is to provide an update regarding the provision of appropriate nutrition for the pediatric surgical patient, emphasizing the preoperative and postoperative periods. Modern nutritional support for the surgical patient comprises numerous stages, including assessment of nutritional status, nutritional requirements, and nutritional therapy. Nutritional assessment is performed utilizing the clinical history, clinical examination, anthropometry, and biochemical evaluation. Anthropometric parameters include body weight, height, arm and head circumference, and skinfold thickness measurements. The biochemical evaluation is conducted using determinations of plasma levels of proteins, including album, pre-albumin, transferrin, and retinol-binding protein. These parameters are subject to error and are influenced by the rapid changes in body composition in the peri-operative period. Nutritional therapy includes enteral and/or parenteral nutrition. Enteral feeding is the first choice for nutritional therapy. If enteral feeding is not indicated, parenteral nutrition must be utilized. In all cases, an individualized, adequate diet (enteral formula or parenteral solution) is obligatory to decrease the occurrence of overfeeding and its undesirable consequences.