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BACKGROUND: While reduction of DUP (Duration of Untreated Psychosis) is a key goal in early intervention strategies, the predictive value of DUP on outcome has been questioned. We planned this study in order to explore the impact of three different definition of "treatment initiation" on the predictive value of DUP on outcome in an early psychosis sample. METHODS: 221 early psychosis patients aged 18-35 were followed-up prospectively over 36 months. DUP was measured using three definitions for treatment onset: Initiation of antipsychotic medication (DUP1); engagement in a specialized programme (DUP2) and combination of engagement in a specialized programme and adherence to medication (DUP3). RESULTS: 10% of patients never reached criteria for DUP3 and therefore were never adequately treated over the 36-month period of care. While DUP1 and DUP2 had a limited predictive value on outcome, DUP3, based on a more restrictive definition for treatment onset, was a better predictor of positive and negative symptoms, as well as functional outcome at 12, 24 and 36 months. Globally, DUP3 explained 2 to 5 times more of the variance than DUP1 and DUP2, with effect sizes falling in the medium range according to Cohen. CONCLUSIONS: The limited predictive value of DUP on outcome in previous studies may be linked to problems of definitions that do not take adherence to treatment into account. While they need replication, our results suggest effort to reduce DUP should continue and aim both at early detection and development of engagement strategies.
Given their central role in mercury (Hg) excretion and suitability as reservoirs, bird feathers are useful Hg biomonitors. Nevertheless, the interpretation of Hg concentrations is still questioned as a result of a poor knowledge of feather physiology and mechanisms affecting Hg deposition. Given the constraints of feather availability to ecotoxicological studies, we tested the effect of intra-individual differences in Hg concentrations according to feather type (body vs. flight feathers), position in the wing and size (mass and length) in order to understand how these factors could affect Hg estimates. We measured Hg concentration of 154 feathers from 28 un-moulted barn owls (Tyto alba), collected dead on roadsides. Median Hg concentration was 0.45 (0.076-4.5) mg kg(-1) in body feathers, 0.44 (0.040-4.9) mg kg(-1) in primary and 0.60 (0.042-4.7) mg kg(-1) in secondary feathers, and we found a poor effect of feather type on intra-individual Hg levels. We also found a negative effect of wing feather mass on Hg concentration but not of feather length and of its position in the wing. We hypothesize that differences in feather growth rate may be the main driver of between-feather differences in Hg concentrations, which can have implications in the interpretation of Hg concentrations in feathers. Finally, we recommend that, whenever possible, several feathers from the same individual should be analysed. The five innermost primaries have lowest mean deviations to both between-feather and intra-individual mean Hg concentration and thus should be selected under restrictive sampling scenarios.
The United Kingdom (UK) for last few decades has been faced with a growing need for health personnel and has therefore attracted professionals, particularly overseas nurses. The country has been characterised by a historical migration policy favourable to the recruitment of foreign health staff. However, in the context of deep shortage and high level of diseases and health system weakness, the international health professional recruitment from Sub Saharan Africa has created unprecedented ethical controversies which have pushed the UK to the centre of discussions because of its liberal policies towards international recruitment that have been considered as aggressive. While the 'brain drain' controversy is well known, less attention has been devoted to the specific international health migration controversy and the pivotal role of the UK in the diffusion of ethical code of practice. Using mainly the perspective of the policy analysis of controversy (Roe 1994) and the analysis of discourses (de Haas 2008), our paper comes back respectively to the nature of the controversy and the pivotal role of the UK. It also analyses how the implementation of UK ethical policies - Code of Practice, banned countries list of recruitment, restrictive immigration policies - have been considered as inefficient and unethical in their contents and their targets.
Advanced industrialized nations have experienced severe pollution problems over the past forty years, caused mainly by carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide emissions from automobiles. Catalyst technology has played a major part in minimizing these emissions as required by even more restrictive laws. The catalyst has been optimized over the years to meet the requirements of high activity and long life. The oxidation of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide are in advanced development stage while that of NOx catalysts is far less advanced. In the future, catalyst technology is expected to contribute to overcome the challenges to get a cleaner air.
The use of MT-K10 Montmorillonite immobilized onto agarose was investigated in this work as an alternative binding phase in Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT) devices for the determination of metallic labile species. In addition, agarose itself was also used as the diffusive phase. The percentage of sorption of Zn2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ onto the binding phase was higher than 80% and the desorption process for all elements was also greater than 75%. Elution factors were determined experimentally, ranging from 0.74 for Zn2+ and 0.90 for Cr3+ and Pb2+. The accumulation of all species was linear with time, in agreement with the Fick's 1st law of diffusion. The deployment of the alternative devices in natural waters was compared to commercial devices. Labile concentrations determined by the alternative devices were slightly superior compared to results obtained with the deployment of original DGT devices due to the less restrictive pores of agarose.
Aurinkosähköjärjestelmien käyttäminen sähkön tuotannossa on kasvanut viime vuosina teknologian hinnan laskun ja tiukentuvien ympäristömääräyksien seurauksena. Monet aurinkosähköön keskittyvät yritykset etsivät uusia markkinoita Afrikan kehittyvistä maista. Aurinkosähkön avulla voidaan vastata kehittyvien maiden kasvavaan sähköntarpeeseen ja samalla vähentää maiden hiilidioksidipäästöjä sekä nostaa maiden kehittyvää elintasoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aurinkosähköjärjestelmien viemistä kahteen Afrikan kehittyvään maahan Tansaniaan ja Etelä-Afrikkaan. Työn tavoitteena on kohdemaiden liiketoimintaympäristöjen tutkiminen ja markkinapotentiaalin selvittäminen suomalaisen sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikkaan keskittyvän pk-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Työssä selvitetään Tansanian ja Etelä-Afrikan liiketoimintaympäristöjen ja aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden erityispiirteet. Tuloksissa käsitellään myös sopivinta kansainvälistymistapaa tutkitulle pk-yritykselle sekä haasteita, joita yritys kohtaa Afrikan markkinoilla. Kansainvälistymismalleista tutkimuksessa käsitellään Uppsala-mallia ja verkostomallia.
Sähköavusteisten polkupyörien määrä on kasvussa. Kasvua hidastavana tekijänä voidaan pitää niiden keskimäärin yli 1000 euron hintaa, josta suurin osa johtuu akustosta. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selvittää lineaarigeneraattorin hyödynnettävyyttä sähköavusteisissa polkupyörissä. Lisäksi työssä kuvataan vaiheittain prototyypin suunnittelu ja rakentaminen. Mikäli lineaarigeneraattori-avusteisella sähköpolkupyörällä saavutetaan huomattava pidennys toimintamatkaan, voidaan pyörät varustaa halvemmilla ja kapasiteetiltään pienemmillä akuilla. Lineaarigeneraattorin hankintaa kannustaisi se, että se maksaisi vähemmän kuin vaihto suurempikapasiteettiseen akustoon.
Statistical analyses of measurements that can be described by statistical models are of essence in astronomy and in scientific inquiry in general. The sensitivity of such analyses, modelling approaches, and the consequent predictions, is sometimes highly dependent on the exact techniques applied, and improvements therein can result in significantly better understanding of the observed system of interest. Particularly, optimising the sensitivity of statistical techniques in detecting the faint signatures of low-mass planets orbiting the nearby stars is, together with improvements in instrumentation, essential in estimating the properties of the population of such planets, and in the race to detect Earth-analogs, i.e. planets that could support liquid water and, perhaps, life on their surfaces. We review the developments in Bayesian statistical techniques applicable to detections planets orbiting nearby stars and astronomical data analysis problems in general. We also discuss these techniques and demonstrate their usefulness by using various examples and detailed descriptions of the respective mathematics involved. We demonstrate the practical aspects of Bayesian statistical techniques by describing several algorithms and numerical techniques, as well as theoretical constructions, in the estimation of model parameters and in hypothesis testing. We also apply these algorithms to Doppler measurements of nearby stars to show how they can be used in practice to obtain as much information from the noisy data as possible. Bayesian statistical techniques are powerful tools in analysing and interpreting noisy data and should be preferred in practice whenever computational limitations are not too restrictive.
The formal calibration procedure of a phase fraction meter is based on registering the outputs resulting from imposed phase fractions at known flow regimes. This can be straightforwardly done in laboratory conditions, but is rarely the case in industrial conditions, and particularly for on-site applications. Thus, there is a clear need for less restrictive calibration methods regarding to the prior knowledge of the complete set of inlet conditions. A new procedure is proposed in this work for the on-site construction of the calibration curve from total flown mass values of the homogeneous dispersed phase. The solution is obtained by minimizing a convenient error functional, assembled with data from redundant tests to handle the intrinsic ill-conditioned nature of the problem. Numerical simulations performed for increasing error levels demonstrate that acceptable calibration curves can be reconstructed, even from total mass measured within a precision of up to 2%. Consequently, the method can readily be applied, especially in on-site calibration problems in which classical procedures fail due to the impossibility of having a strict control of all the input/output parameters.
In this Thesis, we study various aspects of ring dark solitons (RDSs) in quasi-two-dimensional toroidally trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, focussing on atomic realisations thereof. Unlike the well-known planar dark solitons, exact analytic expressions for RDSs are not known. We address this problem by presenting exact localized soliton-like solutions to the radial Gross-Pitaevskii equation. To date, RDSs have not been experimentally observed in cold atomic gases, either. To this end, we propose two protocols for their creation in experiments. It is also currently well known that in dimensions higher than one, (ring) dark solitons are susceptible, in general, to an irreversible decay into vortex-antivortex pairs through the snake instability. We show that the snake instability is caused by an unbalanced quantum pressure across the soliton's notch, linking the instability to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes spectrum. In particular, if the angular symmetry is maintained (or the toroidal trapping is restrictive enough), we show that the RDS is stable (long-lived with a lifetime of order seconds) in two dimensions. Furthermore, when the decay does take place, we show that the snake instability can in fact be reversible, and predict a previously unknown revival phenomenon for the original (many-)RDS system: the soliton structure is recovered and all the point-phase singularities (i.e. vortices) disappear. Eventually, however, the decay leads to an example of quantum turbulence; a quantum example of the laminar-to-turbulent type of transition.
Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schumann) is a fruit tree that is attracting attention in Brazil and also in other tropical countries. Its pulp is used to prepare ice-cream, juices, jellies and many other home-made sweets. This species has a very low fecundity, attributed to problems with pollination and self-incompatibility, noted as being restrictive to the agronomic productivity of the species. Controlled pollinations between compatible and incompatible parents were made and flowers were collected at three times: 24, 48 and 72 h after pollinations, during the floral seasons of 1995 and 1998. In flowers collected 24 h after pollination, in both compatible and incompatible crosses, around 70% of ovules showed egg apparatus without evidences of sperm cell delivery; nevertheless some pollen tubes had been observed. Ovaries collected at 48 h showed different behaviors according to the type of cross. In the compatibles, 35% of ovules did not show evidences of gamete fusion. In incompatible crosses this number rose to 50%. Collected ovaries with 72 h, from compatible and incompatible crosses, showed respectively 1.2% and 14.2% of the ovules with the egg apparatus and polar nuclei only. In these ovaries, for the two types of crosses, the presence of sperm nuclei was common and the zygote was still undivided. The incompatibility action is occurring after fertilization, in a late self-incompatibility action.
The purpose of this thesis is to study how and to which extent Finland, Sweden and Norway have adapted their alcohol policies to the framework imposed to them by the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) since the mid-1990s. This is done by studying the underlying mechanisms that have influenced the formation of alcohol policy in the Nordic countries in that period. As a part of this analysis main differences in alcohol policies and alcohol consumption between the three countries are assessed and the phenomenon of cross-border trade with alcohol is discussed. The study examines also the development of Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish alcohol policies between 1994 and 2012 and compares the Nordic alcohol policies with other alcohol policies in Europe as the situation was in 2012. The time frame of the study spans from the mid-1990s to the end of 2013 and is divided into three phases. Studying the role of the Europeanisation process on the formation of alcohol policies has a key role in the analysis. Besides alcohol policies, the analyses comprise the development of alcohol consumption and cross-border trade with alcohol. In addition, a quantitative scale constructed to measure the strictness of alcohol policies is utilised in the analyses. The results from the scale are used to substantiate the qualitative analysis and to test whether the stereotypical view of a strict Nordic alcohol policy is still true. The results from the study clearly corroborate earlier findings on the significance of Europeanisation and the Single Market for the development of alcohol policies in the Nordic countries. Free movement of goods and unhindered competition have challenged the principle of disinterest and enabled private profit seeking in alcohol trade. The Single Market has also contributed to the increase in availability of alcohol and made it more difficult for the Nordic EU member states to maintain restrictive alcohol policies. All in all, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are more liberal in 2013 than they were in 1994. Norway, being outside the EU has, however, managed to maintain a stricter alcohol policy than Finland and Sweden. Norway has also been spared from several EU directives that have affected Finland and Sweden, the most remarkable being the abolishment of the travellers’ import quotas for alcohol within the EU. Due to its position as a non-EU country Norway has been able to maintain high alcohol taxes without being subjected to a ”race to the bottom” regarding alcohol taxes the same way as Finland and Sweden. Finland distinguishes as the country that has liberalised its alcohol policy most during the study period. The changes in alcohol policies were not only induced by Europeanisation and the Single Market, but also by autonomous decision-making and political processes in the individual countries. Furthermore, the study shows that alcohol policy measures are implemented more widely in Europe than before and that there is a slow process of convergence going on regarding alcohol policy in Europe. Despite this, alcohol policies in the Nordic countries are still by far the strictest in all of Europe. From a Europeanisation perspective, the Nordic countries were clearly on the receiving end during the first two study phases (1994–2007), having more to adjust to rules from the EU and the Single Market than having success in uploading and shaping alcohol policy on the European and international field. During the third and final study phase (2008–2013), however, the Nordic countries have increasingly succeeded in contributing to shape the alcohol policy arena in the EU and also more widely through the WHOs global alcohol strategy. The restrictive Nordic policy tradition on which the current alcohol policies in Finland, Sweden and Norway were built on has still quite a solid evidence base. Although the basis of the restrictive alcohol policy has crumbled somewhat during the past twenty years and the policies have become less effective, nothing prevents it from being the base for alcohol policy in the Nordic countries even in the long term. In the future, all that is needed for an effective and successful alcohol policy is a solid evidence base, enough political will and support from the general public.
The objective of the present study was to determine if there is a health-related quality of life (HRQL) instrument, generic or specific, that better represents functional capacity dysfunction in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients. HRQL was evaluated in 20 IPF patients using generic and specific questionnaires (Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 (SF-36) and Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), respectively). Functional status was evaluated by pulmonary function tests, 6-min walking distance test (6MWDT) and dyspnea indexes (baseline dyspnea index) at rest and after exercise (modified Borg scale). There was a restrictive pattern with impairment of diffusion capacity (total lung capacity, TLC = 71.5 ± 15.6%, forced vital capacity = 70.4 ± 19.4%, and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity = 41.5 ± 16.2% of predicted value), a reduction in exercise capacity (6MWDT = 435.6 ± 95.5 m) and an increase of perceived dyspnea score at rest and during exercise (6 ± 2.5 and 7.1 ± 1.3, respectively). Both questionnaires presented correlation with some functional parameters (TLC, forced expiratory volume in 1 s and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity) and the best correlation was with TLC. Almost all of the SGRQ domains presented a strong correlation with functional status, while in SF-36 only physical function and vitality presented a good correlation with functional status. Dyspnea index at rest and 6MWDT also presented a good correlation with HRQL. Our results suggest that a specific instead of a generic questionnaire is a more appropriate instrument for HRQL evaluation in IPF patients and that TLC is the functional parameter showing best correlation with HRQL.
Volatility has a central role in various theoretical and practical applications in financial markets. These include the applications related to portfolio theory, derivatives pricing and financial risk management. Both theoretical and practical applications require good estimates and forecasts for the asset return volatility. The goal of this study is to examine the forecast performance of one of the more recent volatility measures, model-free implied volatility. Model-free implied volatility is extracted from the prices in the option markets, and it aims to provide an unbiased estimate for the market’s expectation on the future level of volatility. Since it is extracted from the option prices, model-free implied volatility should contain all the relevant information that the market participants have. Moreover, model-free implied volatility requires less restrictive assumptions than the commonly used Black-Scholes implied volatility, which means that it should be less biased estimate for the market’s expectations. Therefore, it should also be a better forecast for the future volatility. The forecast performance of model-free implied volatility is evaluated by comparing it to the forecast performance of Black-Scholes implied volatility and GARCH(1,1) forecast. Weekly forecasts for six years period were calculated for the forecasted variable, German stock market index DAX. The data consisted of price observations for DAX index options. The forecast performance was measured using econometric methods, which aimed to capture the biasedness, accuracy and the information content of the forecasts. The results of the study suggest that the forecast performance of model-free implied volatility is superior to forecast performance of GARCH(1,1) forecast. However, the results also suggest that the forecast performance of model-free implied volatility is not as good as the forecast performance of Black-Scholes implied volatility, which is against the hypotheses based on theory. The results of this study are consistent with the majority of prior research on the subject.
This article is devoted to analyze changes in economic policy to be adopted by Mexico if a national development project were implemented. Starting from an evaluation of the main economic and political outcomes of Vicentes Fox administration, the author proposes an alternative development strategy which permits Mexico to overcome economic stagnation. That strategy would be based in recovering the internal market as the dynamical focus of the economy with the purpose of satisfying basic needs of people. To be successful this strategy should to confront the "critical knots" of the Neo-liberal model: to reverse the uneven distribution of income; abandoning the fixing of restrictive monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies; and mobilizing economic surplus by means of a profound revision of debt service schemes. It concludes that to implement a national development project it is required a political and economic strategy to dismantle neoliberalism, which is an antinational structure of power.