918 resultados para recycled carbon fibers PLA 3D printing additive manufacturing FFF
ASHRAE 34, based on ASTM E681, was improved by identifying and rectifying deficiencies in ASTM E681. An ASTM E681 apparatus and procedure was developed with gaseous refrigerant testing in mind. The plumbing was improved by ensuring that the pressure readings could be constantly monitored while decreasing leakage potential. An original electrical system was designed and constructed for the ignition system. Additionally, a control panel was constructed to isolate hazardous electrical elements, and facilitate the testing, while simultaneously organizing the critical plumbing and ignition components. 3D printing efficiently produced heat-resistant, nonreactive, and structurally stable lower electrode spacers, propellers, and propeller bars. The heating system was designed to ensure even temperature throughout the apparatus. The humidity system was designed to accurately condition the air. Recommendations to improve ASTM E681 are provided. The research can be built on to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of ASTM E681.
The research and development of wind turbine blades are essential to keep pace with worldwide growth in the renewable energy sector. Although currently blades are typically produced using glass fiber reinforced composite materials, the tendency for larger size blades, particularly for offshore applications, has increased the interest on carbon fiber reinforced composites because of the potential for increased stiffness and weight reduction. In this study a model of blade designed for large generators (5 MW) was studied on a small scale. A numerical simulation was performed to determine the aerodynamic loading using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Two blades were then designed and manufactured using epoxy matrix composites: one reinforced with glass fibers and the other with carbon fibers. For the structural calculations, maximum stress failure criterion was adopted. The blades were manufactured by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), typical for this type of component. A weight comparison of the two blades was performed and the weight of the carbon fiber blade was approximately 45% of the weight of the fiberglass reinforced blade. Static bending tests were carried out on the blades for various percentages of the design load and deflections measurements were compared with the values obtained from finite element simulations. A good agreement was observed between the measured and calculated deflections. In summary, the results of this study confirm that the low density combined with high mechanical properties of carbon fibers are particularly attractive for the production of large size wind turbine blades
This dissertation is related to the studies of functionalized nanoparticles for self-assembly and as controlled drug delivery system. The whole topic is composed of two parts. In the first part, the research was conducted to design and synthesize a new type of ionic peptide-functionalized copolymer conjugates for self-assembly into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with the ability of multi-drug loading and governing the release rate of each drug for tissue engineering. The self-assembly study confirmed that such peptide-functionalized amphiphilic copolymers underwent different self-assembly behavior. The bigger nanoparticles were more easily assembled into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with larger pore size, while the smaller nanoparticle underwent faster self-assembly to form more compact 3D scaffolds with smaller porosity but more stable structure. Controlled release studies confirmed the ability of governing simultaneous release of different model drugs with independent release rate from a same scaffold. Cytotoxicity tests showed that all synthesized peptides, copolymers and peptide-copolymer conjugates were biocompatible with SW-620 cell lines and NIH3T3 cell lines. This new type of self-assembled scaffolds combined the advantages of peptide nanofibers and versatile controlled release of polymeric nanoparticles to achieve simultaneous multi-drug loading and controlled release of each drug, uniform distribution and flexibility of hydrogel scaffolds. The investigations in second part were first to design and synthesize organic biocide-loaded nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation using a cost-effective one-pot method to synthesize amphiphilic chitosan-g-PMMA nanoparticles loading with ~25-28 wt.% of the fungicide tebuconazole with particle size of ~100 nm diameter by FESEM. FESEM analysis confirmed efficient penetration of nanoparticles throughout the treated wooden stake with dimension of 19 × 19 × 455 mm^3. Leaching studies showed that biocide introduced into sapwood via nanoparticles leached only ~9% compared with the amount leached from tebuconazole solution-treated control, while soil jar tests showed that the nanoparticle-treated wood blocks were effectively protected from biological decay tested against G. trabeum, a brown rot fungus. Copper oxide nanoparticles with and without polymer stabilizers were also investigated to use as inorganic wood preservatives to clarify the factor affecting copper leaching from treated wood. Copper oxide nanoparticles with uniform diameters of ~10 nm and ~50 nm were prepared, and the leachates from southern pine sapwood treated with these nanoparticles were analyzed. It was found by TEM and EDS analysis that significant numbers of nanoparticles leached from the treated wood. The 50 nm nanoparticles leached slightly less than a soluble copper salt control, but 10 nm nanoparticles leached substantially more than the control. The effect of polymer stabilizers on nanoparticle leaching was also investigated. Results showed that polymer stabilizers increased leaching. The trends showed that nanoparticle size was a major factor in copper leaching.
Lo scopo della presente tesi è sviluppare un ambiente per l'ottimizzazione strutturale di componenti per applicazione aerospaziale utilizzando codici open-source. In particolare, il codice Salome viene utilizzato per il disegno automatico delle strutture, il programma Code Aster permette di effettuare l'analisi agli elementi finiti del componente, mentre Octave viene utilizzato per svolgere l'ottimizzazione basata su un algoritmo euristico e per integrare fra di loro i differenti codici. Le tecniche di ottimizzazione dei componenti stanno rivestendo sempre più importanza visto che le moderne tecniche di Additive Manufacturing permettono di realizzare strutture molto complesse che un tempo non era conveniente (o possibile) realizzare con asportazione di materiale. Nella prima parte della tesi si descrivono gli strumenti software utilizzati e la loro integrazione al fine di parametrizzare la generazione di geometrie ed effettuare in modo automatico analisi strutturali. Successivamente si descrivono tre casi di studio in cui la metodologia è stata sperimentata: un primo caso di validazione in cui si è applicato il metodo alla definizione della geometria di minimo peso per una trave a sbalzo con carico concentrato, un secondo test di ottimizzazione di un longherone per aeromobile, un terzo caso applicativo legato alla ottimizzazione di un serbatoio per fluidi in pressione da utilizzare su un satellite.
Corrosion of steel tendons is a major problem for post-tensioned concrete, especially because corrosion of the steel strands is often hard to detect inside grouted ducts. Non-metallic tendons can serve as an alternative material to steel for post-tensioning applications. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), given its higher strength and elastic modulus, as well as excellent durability and fatigue strength, is the most practical option for post-tensioning applications. The primary objective of this research project was to assess the feasibility of the use of innovative carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendons and to develop guidelines for CFRP in post-tensioned bridge applications, including segmental bridges and pier caps. An experimental investigation and a numerical simulation were conducted to compare the performance of a scaled segmental bridge model, post-tensioned with two types of carbon fiber strands and steel strands. The model was tested at different prestress levels and at different loading configurations. While the study confirms feasibility of both types of carbon fiber strands for segmental bridge applications, and their similar serviceability behavior, strands with higher elastic modulus could improve structural performance and minimize displacements beyond service loads. As the second component of the project, a side-by-side comparison of two types of carbon fiber strands against steel strands was conducted in a scaled pier cap model. Two different strand arrangements were used for post-tensioning, with eight and six strands, respectively representing an over-design and a slight under-design relative to the factored demand. The model was tested under service and factored loads. The investigation confirmed the feasibility of using carbon fiber strands in unbonded post-tensioning of pier caps. Considering both serviceability and overload conditions, the general performance of the pier cap model was deemed acceptable using either type of carbon fiber strands and quite comparable to that of steel strands. In another component of this research, creep stress tests were conducted with carbon fiber composite cable (CFCC). The anchorages for all the specimens were prepared using a commercially available expansive grout. Specimens withstood 95% of the guaranteed capacity provided by the manufacturer for a period of five months, without any sign of rupture.
Braille is a communication tool in decline, in America by 80% since 1950, and in the UK to the extent that only 1% of blind people are now thought to read Braille.1, 2 There are a variety of causal factors, including the phasing out of Braille instruction due to the educational mainstreaming of blind children and the resistance to learning Braille by those who lose sight later in life.3Braille is a writing system of raised dots that allows blind people to read and write tactilely. Each Braille character comprises a cell of six potentially raised dots, two dots across and three dots down. It is designed only to communicate the message and does not convey the tonality provided by visual fonts.However, in his book Design Meets Disability, Graham Pullin, observes that: “Braille is interesting and beautiful, as abstract visual and tactile decoration, intriguing and indecipherable to the nonreader ” and continues; “…braille could be decorative for sighted people.”4I assert that the increasing abandonment of Braille frees it from its restrictive constraints, opening it to exploration and experimentation, and that this may result in Braille becoming dynamic expression for the sighted, as well as the partially sighted and blind.Printmaking is well suited for this exploration. Printmaking processes and techniques can result in prints aesthetically compelling to both senses of sight and touch. Established approaches, such as flocking, varnishes, puff-ink, embossing and die cut, combined with experiments in new techniques in laser cutting and 3D printing, create visually and texturally vibrant prints.In this paper I will detail my systematic investigation of sensually expressive printmaking concentrating on the issues surrounding Braille as a printmaking design element paying particular attention to the approaches and techniques used not only in producing its visual style but to those techniques used to keep it integrally tactile.
L’objectif du vaste projet de recherche dans lequel s’inscrit ce mémoire est de guérir le diabète de type 1 en fabriquant un pancréas bioartificiel vascularisé contenant des cellules bêta (i.e. les cellules sécrétant l’insuline). Ce dispositif permettrait de rendre aux personnes atteintes par le diabète de type 1 la capacité de sécréter par elles-mêmes de l’insuline et de réguler leur glycémie. La vascularisation est actuellement un enjeu de taille dans le domaine du génie tissulaire. La plupart des tissus incorporant des cellules générées par le génie tissulaire sont actuellement fortement limités en épaisseur faute d’être vascularisés adéquatement. Pour les tissus dont l’épaisseur dépasse 400 μm, la vascularisation est nécessaire à la survie de la plupart des cellules qui autrement souffriraient d’hypoxie, les empêchant ainsi d’accomplir leurs fonctions [1]. Ce mémoire présente le développement et la mise en service d’un dispositif d’extrusion tridimensionnelle de sucre vitrifié pour la vascularisation d’un pancréas bioartificiel. Ce dispositif a été développé au laboratoire de recherche sur les procédés d’impression 3D ainsi qu’au bureau de design du département de génie mécanique de l’Université Laval. Grâce à cette technique d’impression 3D novatrice et à la caractérisation du procédé, il est maintenant possible de produire rapidement et avec précision des structures temporaires en sucre vitrifié pour la fabrication de réseaux vasculaires tridimensionnels complexes. Les structures temporaires peuvent, après leur production, être utilisées pour réaliser le moulage rapide de constructions vascularisées avec des matériaux tels que du polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) ou des hydrogels chargés de cellules biologiques. De par la nature du matériel utilisé, les moules temporaires peuvent être facilement et rapidement dissous dans une solution aqueuse et laisser place à un réseau de canaux creux sans créer de rejets toxiques, ce qui représente un avantage majeur dans un contexte de bio-ingénierie.
Il progetto di dottorato che verrà presentato in questa tesi è focalizzato sullo sviluppo di un metodo sperimentale per la produzione di protesi personalizzate utilizzando il processo di fabbricazione additiva di Selective Laser Melting (SLM). L’obiettivo è quello di definire una condizione di processo ottimizzata per applicazioni in ambito chirurgico che possa essere generalizzabile, ovvero che ne garantisca la riproducibilità al variare dell’anatomia del paziente e che rappresenti la base per estendere il metodo ad altre componenti protesiche. Il lavoro si è sviluppato lungo due linee principali, la cui convergenza ha permesso di realizzare prototipi di protesi complete utilizzando un solo processo: da una parte la produzione di componenti a massima densità per il raggiungimento di elevate resistenze meccaniche, buona resistenza ad usura e corrosione e controllo di tensioni residue e deformazione delle parti stampate. Dall’altra si sono studiate strutture reticolari a geometria e porosità controllata per favorire l’osteointegrazione della componente protesica post impianto. In questo studio sono stati messe a confronto le possibili combinazioni tra parametri di processo e sono state individuate le correlazioni con le proprietà finali dei componenti stampati. Partendo da queste relazioni si sono sviluppate le strategie tecnologiche per la progettazione e la produzione dei componenti. I test sperimentali svolti e i risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato la fattibilità dell’utilizzo del processo SLM per la produzione di protesi personalizzate e sono stati fabbricati i primi prototipi funzionali. La fabbricazione di protesi personalizzate richiede, però, anche la progettazione e la produzione di strumentario chirurgico ad hoc. Per questo motivo, parallelamente allo studio della lega di Cromo Cobalto, sono stati eseguiti i test anche su campioni in INOX 316L. Anche in questo caso è stato possibile individuare una finestra operativa di processo che garantisse proprietà meccaniche comparabili, e in alcuni casi superiori, a quelle ottenute con processi convenzionali.
Dando continuità all’attività di ricerca intrapresa durante il mio precedente tirocinio presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DIN di Bologna, lo scopo della mia tesi è stato quello di chiarire i meccanismi di stabilità di fase della lega ad alta entropia CoCrFeMnNi ed esplorare la sua natura metastabile alle medio-alte temperature (tra i 450-1150°C). Nell’ottica di possibili future applicazioni industriali, è stato inoltre valutato l’effetto che la produzione via Additive Manufacturing può avere su proprietà e comportamenti delle leghe ad alta entropia. Sperimentalmente sono state fatte importanti osservazioni, a volte in contrasto con la letteratura precedente, che aprono la strada ad ulteriori e più specifiche indagini verso la comprensione dei complessi meccanismi che recentemente hanno reso queste leghe così interessanti per la ricerca a livello mondiale.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is nowadays considered an important alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. AM technology shows several advantages in literature as design flexibility, and its use increases in automotive, aerospace and biomedical applications. As a systematic literature review suggests, AM is sometimes coupled with voxelization, mainly for representation and simulation purposes. Voxelization can be defined as a volumetric representation technique based on the model’s discretization with hexahedral elements, as occurs with pixels in the 2D image. Voxels are used to simplify geometric representation, store intricated details of the interior and speed-up geometric and algebraic manipulation. Compared to boundary representation used in common CAD software, voxel’s inherent advantages are magnified in specific applications such as lattice or topologically structures for visualization or simulation purposes. Those structures can only be manufactured with AM employment due to their complex topology. After an accurate review of the existent literature, this project aims to exploit the potential of the voxelization algorithm to develop optimized Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) tools. The final aim is to manipulate and support mechanical simulations of lightweight and optimized structures that should be ready to be manufactured with AM with particular attention to automotive applications. A voxel-based methodology is developed for efficient structural simulation of lattice structures. Moreover, thanks to an optimized smoothing algorithm specific for voxel-based geometries, a topological optimized and voxelized structure can be transformed into a surface triangulated mesh file ready for the AM process. Moreover, a modified panel code is developed for simple CFD simulations using the voxels as a discretization unit to understand the fluid-dynamics performances of industrial components for preliminary aerodynamic performance evaluation. The developed design tools and methodologies perfectly fit the automotive industry’s needs to accelerate and increase the efficiency of the design workflow from the conceptual idea to the final product.
The rate of diagnosis and treatment of degenerative spine disorders is increasing, increasing the need for surgical intervention. Posterior spine fusion is one surgical intervention used to treat various spine degeneration pathologies To minimize the risk of complications and provide patients with positive outcomes, preoperative planning and postsurgical assessment are necessary. This PhD aimed to investigate techniques for the surgical planning and assessment of spine surgeries. Three main techniques were assessed: stereophotogrammetric motion analysis, 3D printing of complex spine deformities and finite element analysis of the thoracolumbar spine. Upon reviewing the literature on currently available spine kinematics protocol, a comprehensive motion analysis protocol to measure the multi-segmental spine motion was developed. Using this protocol, the patterns of spine motion in patients before and after posterior spine fixation was mapped. The second part investigated the use of virtual and 3D printed spine models for the surgical planning of complex spine deformity correction. Compared to usual radiographic images, the printed model allowed optimal surgical intervention, reduced surgical time and provided better surgeon-patient communication. The third part assessed the use of polyetheretherketone rods auxiliary to titanium rods to reduce the stiffness of posterior spine fusion constructs. Using a finite element model of the thoracolumbar spine, the rods system showed a decrease in the overall stress of the uppermost instrumented vertebra when compared to regular fixation approaches. Finally, a retrospective biomechanical assessment of a lumbopelvic reconstruction technique was investigated to assess the patients' gait following the surgery, the implant deformation over the years and the extent of bony fusion between spine and implant. In conclusion, this thesis highlighted the need to provide surgeons with new planning and assessment techniques to better understand postsurgical complications. The methodologies investigated in this project can be used in the future to establish a patient-specific planning protocol.
Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) technology is one of the most commonly used metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques to produce highly customized and value-added parts. The AlSi10Mg alloy has received more attention in the L-PBF process due to its good printability, high strength/weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and relatively low cost. However, a deep understanding of the effect of heat treatments on this alloy's metastable microstructure is still required for developing tailored heat treatments for the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy to overcome the limits of the as-built condition. Several authors have already investigated the effects of conventional heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy but often overlooked the peculiarities of the starting supersatured and ultrafine microstructure induced by rapid solidification. For this reason, the effects of innovative T6 heat treatment (T6R) on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy were assessed. The short solution soaking time (10 min) and the relatively low temperature (510 °C) reduced the typical porosity growth at high temperatures and led to a homogeneous distribution of fine globular Si particles in the Al matrix. In addition, it increased the amount of Mg and Si in the solid solution available for precipitation hardening during the aging step. The mechanical (at room temperature and 200 °C) and tribological properties of the T6R alloy were evaluated and compared with other solutions, especially with an optimized direct-aged alloy (T5 alloy). Results showed that the innovative T6R alloy exhibits the best mechanical trade-off between strength and ductility, the highest fatigue strength among the analyzed conditions, and interesting tribological behavior. Furthermore, the high-temperature mechanical performances of the heat-treated L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy make it suitable for structural components operating in mild service conditions at 200 °C.
In this thesis, the focus is on utilizing metasurfaces to improve radiation characteristics of planar structures. The study encompasses various aspects of metasurface applications, including enhancing antenna radiation characteristics and manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves, such as polarization conversion and anomalous reflection. The thesis introduces the design of a single-port antenna with dual-mode operation, integrating metasurfaces. This antenna serves as the front-end for a next-generation tag, functioning as a position sensor with identification and energy harvesting capabilities. It operates in the lower European Ultra-Wideband (UWB) frequency range for communication/localization and the UHF band for wireless energy reception. The design aims for a low-profile stack-up that remains unaffected by background materials. Researchers worldwide are drawn to metasurfaces due to their EM wave manipulation capabilities. The thesis also demonstrates how a High-Impedance Surface (HIS) can enhance the antenna's versatility through metasurface application, including conformal design using 3D-printing technology, ensuring adaptability for various deformation and tracking/powering scenarios. Additionally, the thesis explores two distinct metasurface applications. One involves designing an angularly stable super-wideband Circular Polarization Converter (CPC) operating from 11 to 35GHz with an impressive relative impedance bandwidth of 104.3%. The CPC shows a stable response even at oblique incidences up to 40 degrees, with a Peak Cross-Polarization Ratio (PCR) exceeding 62% across the entire band. The second application focuses on an Intelligent Reflective Surface (IRS) capable of redirecting incoming waves in unconventional directions. Tunability is achieved through an artificially developed ferroelectric material (HfZrO) and distributed capacitive elements (IDC) to fine-tune impedance and phase responses at the meta-atom level. The IRS demonstrates anomalous reflection for normal incident waves. These innovative applications of metasurfaces offer promising advancements in antenna design, EM wave manipulation, and versatile wireless communication systems.
This comprehensive study explores the intricate world of 3D printing, with a focus on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). It sheds light on the critical factors that influence the quality and mechanical properties of 3D printed objects. Using an optical microscope with 40X magnification, the shapes of the printed beads is correlated to specific slicing parameters, resulting in a 2D parametric model. This mathematical model, derived from real samples, serves as a tool to predict general mechanical behaviour, bridging the gap between theory and practice in FDM printing. The study begins by emphasising the importance of geometric parameters such as layer height, line width and filament tolerance on the final printed bead geometry and the resulting theoretical effect on mechanical properties. The introduction of VPratio parameter (ratio between the area of the voids and the area occupied by printed material) allows the quantification of the variation of geometric slicing parameters on the improvement or reduction of mechanical properties. The study also addresses the effect of overhang and the role of filament diameter tolerances. The research continues with the introduction of 3D FEM (Finite Element Analysis) models based on the RVE (Representative Volume Element) to verify the results obtained from the 2D model and to analyse other aspects that affect mechanical properties and not directly observable with the 2D model. The study also proposes a model for the examination of 3D printed infill structures, introducing also an innovative methodology called “double RVE” which speeds up the calculation of mechanical properties and is also more computationally efficient. Finally, the limitations of the RVE model are shown and a so-called Hybrid RVE-based model is created to overcome the limitations and inaccuracy of the conventional RVE model and homogenization procedure on some printed geometries.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are well renowned for their excellent mechanical properties, superior strength-to-weight characteristics, low thermal expansion coefficient, and fatigue resistance over any conventional polymer or metal. Due to the high stiffness of carbon fibers and thermosetting matrix, CFRP laminates may display some drawbacks, limiting their use in specific applications. Indeed, the overall laminate stiffness may lead to structural problems arising from their laminar structure, which makes them susceptible to structural failure by delamination. Moreover, such stiffness given by the constituents makes them poor at damping vibration, making the component more sensitive to noise and leading, at times, to delamination triggering. Nanofibrous mat interleaving is a smart way to increase the interlaminar fracture toughness: the use of thermoplastic polymers, such as poly(ε- caprolactone) (PCL) and polyamides (Nylons), as nonwovens are common and well established. Here, in this PhD thesis, a new method for the production of rubber-rich nanofibrous mats is presented. The use of rubbery nanofibers blended with PCL, widely reported in the literature, was used as matrix tougheners, processing DCB test results by evaluating Acoustic Emissions (AE). Moreover, water-soluble electrospun polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibers were proposed as an innovative method for reinforcing layers and hindering delamination in epoxy-based CFRP laminates. A nano-modified CFRP was then aged in water for 1 month and its delamination behaviour compared with the ones of the commercial laminate. A comprehensive study on the use of nanofibers with high rubber content, blended with a crystalline counterpart, as enhancers of the interlaminar properties were then investigated. Finally, PEO, PCL, and Nylon 66 nanofibers, plain or reinforced with Graphene (G), were integrated into epoxy-matrix CFRP to evaluate the effect of polymers and polymers + G on the laminate mechanical properties.