960 resultados para quantitative structure activity relation
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of nucleosides and deoxynucleosides, generating ribose 1-phosphate and the purine base, which is an important step of purine catabolism pathway. The lack of such an activity in humans, owing to a genetic disorder, causes T-cell impairment, and drugs that inhibit this enzyme may have the potential of being utilized as modulators of the immunological system to treat leukemia, autoimmune diseases, and rejection in organ transplantation. Here, we describe kinetics and crystal structure of human PNP in complex with 7-methyl-6-thio-guanosine, a synthetic substrate, which is largely used in activity assays. Analysis of the structure identifies different protein conformational changes upon ligand binding, and comparison of kinetic and structural data permits an understanding of the effects of atomic substitution on key positions of the synthetic substrate and their consequences to enzyme binding and catalysis. Such knowledge may be helpful in designing new PNP inhibitors. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: The peptide Paulistine was isolated from the venom of wasp Polybia paulista. This peptide exists under a natural equilibrium between the forms: oxidised - with an intra-molecular disulphide bridge; and reduced - in which the thiol groups of the cysteine residues do not form the disulphide bridge. The biological activities of both forms of the peptide are unknown up to now. Methods: Both forms of Paulistine were synthesised and the thiol groups of the reduced form were protected with the acetamidemethyl group [Acm-Paulistine] to prevent re-oxidation. The structure/activity relationships of the two forms were investigated, taking into account the importance of the disulphide bridge. Results: Paulistine has a more compact structure, while Acm-Paulistine has a more expanded conformation. Bioassays reported that Paulistine caused hyperalgesia by interacting with the receptors of lipid mediators involved in the cyclooxygenase type II pathway, while Acm-Paullistine also caused hyperalgesia, but mediated by receptors involved in the participation of prostanoids in the cyclooxygenase type II pathway. Conclusion: The acetamidemethylation of the thiol groups of cysteine residues caused small structural changes, which in turn may have affected some physicochemical properties of the Paulistine. Thus, the dissociation of the hyperalgesy from the edematogenic effect when the actions of Paulistine and Acm-Paulistine are compared to each other may be resulting from the influence of the introduction of Acm-group in the structure of Paulistine. General significance: The peptides Paulistine and Acm-Paulistine may be used as interesting tools to investigate the mechanisms of pain and inflammation in future studies. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Neste estudo objetivou-se realizar um mapeamento que revelasse as produções científicas das/os pesquisadoras/es vinculadas/os a grupos de pesquisa situados na Universidade Federal do Pará, visando analisar como a temática gênero ganhava evidência em pesquisas realizadas no cenário acadêmico-científico daquela instituição, no período de 1995-2006. Nesse sentido, foram levantados os seguintes questionamentos: 1) O que se tem discutido, no campo acadêmico, em tomo das questões de gênero? 2) Como está evidenciada a produção científica generificada na base de dados dos grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no CNPq durante o período 1995 a 2006? 3) Como se apresenta a produção generificada das/os pesquisadoras/es, nos grupos de pesquisa, a partir dos indicadores estatísticos no Campus da UFPA de Belém? Os dados foram analisados quanti/qualitativamente por meio do cruzamento dos indicadores de produtividade científica - disponíveis no site do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (http://www.cnpq.br) - com os referenciais teóricos balizadores da temática gênero - Louro (2001) e Rosemberg (2001) -, aspecto que permitiu fazer uma radiografia da produção generificada no cenário nacional para posterior incursão na produção dos grupos de pesquisa da UFP A. Constatou-se que grande parte das pesquisas em tomo do gênero tem abordado principalmente questões alusivas à mulher e que aquelas pesquisas refutam as explicações de cunho biologicista na composição de femininos e masculinos, bem como asseveram que culturalmente há relações de poder entre os sexos; além disso, o estudo revelou que no panorama nacional o gênero encontrou guarida principalmente nos grupos de pesquisa na área das Ciências Humanas; no tocante à participação feminina na Ciência, observou-se um parâmetro androcêntrico na estrutura do fazer científico, aspecto esse que ressoa no quantitativo das produções acadêmicas de autoria feminina, posto que elas ainda precisam conciliar a carreira profissional com as exigências do mundo privado; mas, apesar do domínio masculino nas produções científicas, os estudos sobre gênero ganham envergadura nas pesquisas desenvolvidas por mulheres, tanto em nível nacional como local. No que tange especificamente aos indicadores da UFP A, o gênero ganhou lugar de destaque na produção paraense e essas/es intelectuais têm se esmerado naquele campo exibindo uma produção freqüente em um período de 11 anos, embora tenham que assumir um acréscimo incomensurável de trabalho em conseqüência de a maioria fazer parte dos quadros docentes em programas de pós- graduação vigentes na UFP A. Com isso, reafirma-se que os grupos de pesquisa da Instituição em destaque, ainda que com menor expressão quantitativa em relação ao cenário nacional, são de grande relevância para a fertilização dos estudos de gênero na região Norte e para a projeção dessa Universidade como lugar institucional em que se produzem pesquisas que garantem a ela destaque nacional.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Asteraceae, one of the largest families among angiosperms, is chemically characterised by the production of sesquiterpene lactones (SLs). A total of 1,111 SLs, which were extracted from 658 species, 161 genera, 63 subtribes and 15 tribes of Asteraceae, were represented and registered in two dimensions in the SISTEMATX, an in-house software system, and were associated with their botanical sources. The respective 11 block of descriptors: Constitutional, Functional groups, BCUT, Atom-centred, 2D autocorrelations, Topological, Geometrical, RDF, 3D-MoRSE, GETAWAY and WHIM were used as input data to separate the botanical occurrences through self-organising maps. Maps that were generated with each descriptor divided the Asteraceae tribes, with total index values between 66.7% and 83.6%. The analysis of the results shows evident similarities among the Heliantheae, Helenieae and Eupatorieae tribes as well as between the Anthemideae and Inuleae tribes. Those observations are in agreement with systematic classifications that were proposed by Bremer, which use mainly morphological and molecular data, therefore chemical markers partially corroborate with these classifications. The results demonstrate that the atom-centred and RDF descriptors can be used as a tool for taxonomic classification in low hierarchical levels, such as tribes. Descriptors obtained through fragments or by the two-dimensional representation of the SL structures were sufficient to obtain significant results, and better results were not achieved by using descriptors derived from three-dimensional representations of SLs. Such models based on physico-chemical properties can project new design SLs, similar structures from literature or even unreported structures in two-dimensional chemical space. Therefore, the generated SOMs can predict the most probable tribe where a biologically active molecule can be found according Bremer classification.
Antagonistic interactions between host plants and mistletoes often form complex networks of interacting species. Adequate characterization of network organization requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Therefore, we assessed the distribution of interactions between mistletoes and hosts in the Brazilian Pantanal and characterized the network structure in relation to nestedness and modularity. Interactions were highly asymmetric, with mistletoes presenting low host specificity (i.e., weak dependence) and with hosts being highly susceptible to mistletoe-specific infections. We found a non-nested and modular pattern of interactions, wherein each mistletoe species interacted with a particular set of host species. Psittacanthus spp. infected more species and individuals and also caused a high number of infections per individual, whereas the other mistletoes showed a more specialized pattern of infection. For this reason, Psittacanthus spp. were regarded as module hubs while the other mistletoe species showed a peripheral role. We hypothesize that this pattern is primarily the result of different seed dispersal systems. Although all mistletoe species in our study are bird dispersed, the frugivorous assemblage of Psittacanthus spp. is composed of a larger suite of birds, whereas Phoradendron are mainly dispersed by Euphonia species. The larger assemblage of bird species dispersing Psittacanthus seeds may also increase the number of hosts colonized and, consequently, its dominance in the study area. Nevertheless, other restrictions on the interactions among species, such as the differential capacity of mistletoe infections, defense strategies of hosts and habitat types, can also generate or enhance the observed pattern.
An antioxidant structure-activity study is carried out in this work with ten flavonoid compounds using quantum chemistry calculations with the functional of density theory method. According to the geometry obtained by using the B3LYP/6-31G(d) method, the HOMO, ionization potential, stabilization energies, and spin density distribution showed that the flavonol is the more antioxidant nucleus. The spin density contribution is determinant for the stability of the free radical. The number of resonance structures is related to the pi-type electron system. 3-hydroxyflavone is the basic antioxidant structure for the simplified flavonoids studied here. The electron abstraction is more favored in the molecules where ether group and 3-hydroxyl are present, nonetheless 2,3-double bond and carbonyl moiety are facultative.
Drug discovery has moved toward more rational strategies based on our increasing understanding of the fundamental principles of protein-ligand interactions. Structure( SBDD) and ligand-based drug design (LBDD) approaches bring together the most powerful concepts in modern chemistry and biology, linking medicinal chemistry with structural biology. The definition and assessment of both chemical and biological space have revitalized the importance of exploring the intrinsic complementary nature of experimental and computational methods in drug design. Major challenges in this field include the identification of promising hits and the development of high-quality leads for further development into clinical candidates. It becomes particularly important in the case of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that affect disproportionately poor people living in rural and remote regions worldwide, and for which there is an insufficient number of new chemical entities being evaluated owing to the lack of innovation and R&D investment by the pharmaceutical industry. This perspective paper outlines the utility and applications of SBDD and LBDD approaches for the identification and design of new small-molecule agents for NTDs.
This study evaluated the antioxidant activity of five resveratrol analogs by relating the activity of the molecule with its chemical structure. The five resveratrol analogs were synthesized and the antioxidant activity was evaluated using the DPPH method. The resveratrol was used as the reference standard. A descriptive statistical analysis and ANOVA followed by the Tukey test, with the aid of software. The antioxidant activity of resveratrol analogs was considered statistically different, with the analog A which showed activity superior to the others. The five analogs presented lower antioxidant activity than the reference standard (p <0.001). According to the findings, hydroxylation was the molecular modification that gave the best evaluated antioxidant activity result. Resveratrol analogs may have an important antioxidative activity, but with the one with the higher IC50 was presented by the natural compound.
Formate dehydrogenase from Candida boidinii (FDH) was immobilized on three different magnetic supports: one composed by magnetite nanoparticles directly silanized with ARTS (aminopropyltriethoxysilane), i.e. MagNP-APTS: the second one containing a silica gel coated magnetite core which was further silanized with APTS (MagNP@SiO2-APTS), and the third one consisting of magnetite-APTS coated with Glyoxyl-Agarose (MagNP-Glyoxyl-Agarose). The catalytic activity of the three FDH systems was investigated as a function of pH and temperature. The silica gel coated nanoparticles provided the highest conversion rates; however, in terms of recycling, magnetite without the silica shell led to the most stable system. By using the enzyme tryptophan residues as internal fluorescence probes, the structure-activity behavior was investigated in the presence of the formate and NAD(+) substrates, revealing a rather contrasting behavior in the three cases. Because of its peculiar behavior, a direct interaction of the magnetic nanoparticles with the catalytic sites seems to be implicated in the case of MagNP-APTS. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The crystallographically determined structure of biologically active 4,4-dichloro-1,3-diphenyl-4-telluraoct-2-en-1-one, 3, shows the coordination geometry for Te to be distorted psi-pentagonal bipyramidal based on a C2OCl3(lone pair) donor set. Notable is the presence of an intramolecular axial Te center dot center dot center dot O (carbonyl) interaction, a design element included to reduce hydrolysis. Raman and molecular modelling studies indicate the persistence of the Te center dot center dot center dot O(carbonyl) interaction in the solution (CHCl3) and gasphases, respectively. Docking studies of 3' (i.e. original 3 less one chloride) with Cathepsin B reveals a change in the configuration about the vinyl C = C bond. i.e. to E from Z (crystal structure). This isomerism allows the optimisation of interactions in the complex which features a covalent Te-SGCys29 bond. Crucially, the E configuration observed for 3' allows for the formation of a hypervalent Te center dot center dot center dot O interaction as well as an O center dot center dot center dot H-O hydrogen bond with the Gly27 and Glu122 residues, respectively. Additional stabilisation is afforded by a combination of interactions spanning the S1, S2, S1' and S2' sub-sites of Cathepsin B. The greater experimental inhibitory activity of 3 compared with analogues is rationalised by the additional interactions formed between 3' and the His110 and His111 residues in the occluding loop, which serve to hinder the entrance to the active site. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
On the development of novel cocaine-analogues for in vivo imaging of the dopamine transporter status
The present thesis is concerned with the development of novel cocaine-derived dopamine transporter ligands for the non-invasive exploration of the striatal and extra-striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) in living systems. The presynaptic dopamine transporter acquires an important function within the mediation of dopaminergic signal transduction. Its availability can serve as a measure for the overall integrity of the dopaminergic system. The DAT is upregulated in early Parkinson’s disease (PD), resulting in an increased availability of DAT-binding sites in the striatal DAT domains. Thereby, DAT imaging has become an important routine diagnostic tool for the early diagnosis of PD in patients, as well as for the differentiation of PD from symptomatically similar medical conditions. Furthermore, the dopaminergic system is involved in a variety of psychiatric diseases. In this regard, DAT-selective imaging agents may provide detailed insights into the scientific understanding of the biochemical background of both, the progress as well as the origins of the symptoms. DAT-imaging may also contribute to the determination of the dopaminergic therapeutic response for a given medication and thereby contribute to more convenient conditions for the patient. From an imaging point of view, the former demands a high availability of the radioactive probe to facilitate broad application of the modality, whereas the latter profits from short-lived probes, suitable for multi-injection studies. Therefore, labelling with longer-lived 18F-fluoride and in particular the generator nuclide 68Ga is worthwhile for clinical routine imaging. In contrast, the introduction of a 11C-label is a prerequisite for detailed scientific studies of neuronal interactions. The development of suitable DAT-ligands for medical imaging has often been complicated by the mixed binding profile of many compounds that that interact with the DAT. Other drawbacks have included high non-specific binding, extensive metabolism and slow accumulation in the DAT-rich brain areas. However, some recent examples have partially overcome the mentioned complications. Based on the structural speciality of these leads, novel ligand structures were designed and successfully synthesised in the present work. A structure activity relationship (SAR) study was conducted wherein the new structural modifications were examined for their influence on DAT-affinity and selectivity. Two of the compounds showed improvements in in vitro affinity for the DAT as well as selectivity versus the serotonin transporter (SERT) and norepinephrine transporter (NET). The main effort was focussed on the high-affinity candidate PR04.MZ, which was subsequently labelled with 18F and 11C in high yield. An initial pharmacological characterisation of PR04.MZ in rodents revealed highly specific binding to the target brain structures. As a result of low non-specific binding, the DAT-rich striatal area was clearly visualised by autoradiography and µPET. Furthermore, the radioactivity uptake into the DAT-rich brain regions was rapid and indicated fast binding equilibrium. No radioactive metabolite was found in the rat brain. [18F]PR04.MZ and [11C]PR04.MZ were compared in the primate brain and the plasma metabolism was studied. It was found that the ligands specifically visualise the DAT in high and low density in the primate brain. The activity uptake was rapid and quantitative evaluation by Logan graphical analysis and simplified reference tissue model was possible after a scanning time of 30 min. These results further reflect the good characteristics of PR04.MZ as a selective ligand of the neuronal DAT. To pursue 68Ga-labelling of the DAT, initial synthetic studies were performed as part of the present thesis. Thereby, a concept for the convenient preparation of novel bifunctional chelators (BFCs) was developed. Furthermore, the suitability of novel 1,4,7-triazacyclononane based N3S3-type BFCs for biomolecule-chelator conjugates of sufficient lipophilicity for the penetration of the blood-brain-barrier was elucidated.
A thorough investigation was made of the structure-property relation of well-defined statistical, gradient and block copolymers of various compositions. Among the copolymers studied were those which were synthesized using isobornyl acrylate (IBA) and n-butyl acrylate (nBA) monomer units. The copolymers exhibited several unique properties that make them suitable materials for a range of applications. The thermomechanical properties of these new materials were compared to acrylate homopolymers. By the proper choice of the IBA/nBA monomer ratio, it was possible to tune the glass transition temperature of the statistical P(IBA-co-nBA) copolymers. The measured Tg’s of the copolymers with different IBA/nBA monomer ratios followed a trend that fitted well with the Fox equation prediction. While statistical copolymers showed a single glass transition (Tg between -50 and 90 ºC depending on composition), DSC block copolymers showed two Tg’s and the gradient copolymer showed a single, but very broad, glass transition. PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers of different composition ratios were also studied and revealed a microphase separated morphology of mostly cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies confirmed the phase separated morphology of the copolymers. Tensile studies showed the linear PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers having a relatively low elongation at break that was increased by replacing the PMBL hard blocks with the less brittle random PMBL-r-PMMA blocks. The 10- and 20-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers which were studied revealed even more unique properties. SAXS results showed a mixture of cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix, as well as lamellar. Despite PMBL’s brittleness, the triblock and multi-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers could become suitable materials for high temperature applications due to PMBL’s high glass transition temperature and high thermal stability. The structure-property relation of multi-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers was also investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed a phase separated morphology of cylindrical PMMA domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies found that these materials possess typical elastomeric behavior in a broad range of service temperatures up to at least 250°C. The ultimate tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the 10- and 20-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers are significantly higher than those of their 3-arm or linear ABA type counterparts with similar composition, indicating a strong effect of the number of arms on the tensile properties. Siloxane-based copolymers were also studied and one of the main objectives here was to examine the possibility to synthesize trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers of gradient distribution of trifluoropropyl groups along the chain. DMA results of the PDMS-PMTFPS siloxane copolymers synthesized via simultaneous copolymerization showed that due to the large difference in reactivity rates of 2,4,6-tris(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (F) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), a copolymer of almost block structure containing only a narrow intermediate fragment with gradient distribution of the component units was obtained. A more dispersed distribution of the trifluoropropyl groups was obtained by the semi-batch copolymerization process, as the DMA results revealed more ‘‘pure gradient type’’ features for the siloxane copolymers which were synthesized by adding F at a controlled rate to the polymerization of the less reactive D. As with trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, vinyl-containing polysiloxanes may be converted to a variety of useful polysiloxane materials by chemical modification. But much like the trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, as a result of so much difference in the reactivities between the component units 2,4,6-trivinyl-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (V) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), thermal and mechanical properties of the PDMS-PMVS copolymers obtained by simultaneous copolymerization was similar to those of block copolymers. Only the copolymers obtained by semi-batch method showed properties typical for gradient copolymers.
Herzwirksame Glykoside sind in der Natur sowohl im Tier- als auch im Pflanzenreich zu finden und werden regelmäßig zur Therpaie von Herzinsuffizienz eingesetzt. In letzter Zeit belegten viele Studien, dass herzwirksame Glykoside vielversprechende Substanzen für die Behandlung von Krebs darstellen. Ihr Wirkmechanismus basiert auf der Hemmung der Na+/K+-ATPase. Die Na+/K+-ATPase spielt neuerdings eine wichtige Rolle in der Krebsbiologie, da sie viele relevante Signalwege beeinflusst. Multiresistenzen gegen Arzneimittel sind oftmals verantwortlich für das Scheitern einer Chemotherapie. Bei multi-drug-resistenten Tumoren erfolgt ein Transport der Chemotherapeutika aus der Krebszelle hinaus durch das Membranprotein P-Glykoprotein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Zytotoxizität von 66 herzwirksamen Glykosiden und ihren Derivaten in sensitiven und resistenten Leukämie-Zellen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Naturstoffe die Zell-Linien in verschiedenen molaren Bereichen abtöten. Allerdings waren die Resistenz-Indizes niedrig (d. h. die IC50 Werte waren in beiden Zell-Linien ähnlich). Die untersuchten 66 Substanzen besitzen eine große Vielfalt an chemischen Substituenten. Die Wirkung dieser Substituenten auf die Zytotoxizität wurde daher durch Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (SAR) erforscht. Des Weiteren wiesen quantitative Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (QSAR) und molekulares Docking darauf hin, dass die Na+/K+-ATPase in sensitiven und resistenten Zellen unterschiedlich stark exprimiert wird. Eine Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen wurde durch Western Blot bestätigt und die Wirkung dieser auf relevante Signalwege durch Next-Generation-Sequenzierung weiter verfolgt. Dadurch konnte eine Verbindung zwischen der Überexpression von P-Glykoprotein und der Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase hergestellt werden. Der zweite Aspekt der Arbeit war die Hemmung von P-Glykoprotein durch herzwirksame Glykoside, welche durch Hochdurchsatz-Durchflusszytometrie getestet wurde. Sechs wirksame Glykoside konnten den P-Glykoprotein-vermittelten Transport von Doxorubicin inhibieren. Zudem konnte die Zytotoxität von Doxorubicin in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen teilweise wieder zurück erlangt werden. Unabhängig von herzwirksamen Glykosiden war die Bewertung der Anwendung von molekularem Docking in der P-Glykoprotein Forschung ein weiterer Aspekt der Arbeit. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass molekulares Docking fähig ist, zwischen den verschiedenen Molekülen zu unterscheiden, die mit P-Glykoprotein interagieren. Die Anwendbarkeit von molekularem Docking in Bezug auf die Bestimmung der Bindestelle einer Substanz wurde ebenfalls untersucht.