689 resultados para quality index
Background: In order to prevent chronic, non communicable disease, it is essential that lifestyle is modified to include a diet high in fiber. Aim: To assess the effect oat bran (OB) in conjunction with nutrition counseling (NC) have on lipid and glucose profile, anthropometric parameters, quality of diet, and ingestion of ultraprocessed foods (UPF) and additives in hypercholesterolemia sufferers. Method: This was a 90-day, double-blind, placebo-controlled, block-randomized trial undertaken on 132 men and women with LDL-c ≥ 130 mg/dL. The participants were sorted into two groups: OB Group (OBG) and Placebo Group (PLG), and were given NC and 40g of either OB or rice flour, respectively. Lipid and glucose profile were assessed, as were the anthropometric data, quality of diet (Diet Quality Index revised for the Brazilian population - DQI-R) and whether or not UPF or additives were consumed. Results: Both groups showed a significant decrease in anthropometric parameters and blood pressure, as well as a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol. There was also an improvement in DQI-R in both groups and a decrease in consumption of UPF. Blood sugar, HOMA-IR and QUICKI values were found to be significantly lower only in the OBG. Conclusion: Our findings in lipid profile and anthropometric parameters signify that NC has a beneficial effect, which is attributable to the improved quality of diet and reduced consumption of UPF. Daily consumption of 40 g of OB was found to be of additional benefit, in decreasing insulin-resistance parameters.
O estilo de vida, atualmente, tem bastante influência na higiene do sono. São diversos os fatores que contribuem tanto para a sua manutenção como para a sua falha. O trabalho por turnos está frequentemente associado a elevadas cargas de stresse e fadiga devido a situações imprevisíveis e perigosas que possam advir da área profissional, da rotatividade do horário laboral, a um sono deficiente, à falta de atividades desportivas e de lazer, bem como à má alimentação. Estilo de vida, este, que reduz a qualidade de vida em geral e aumenta drasticamente a probabilidade de surgir doenças quer ao nível físico como mental. O sono, por sua vez, é um fenómeno universal de grande importância para o desenvolvimento humano. A qualidade do sono é determinada por vários fatores, entre eles as rotinas de sono. Torna-se, assim, importante estudar as rotinas de forma a incrementar o conhecimento sobre este determinante. A alternância do dia-noite –claro/escuro -, os horários de trabalho, os horários de lazer, as atividades familiares são todos fatores exógenos que sincronizam o ciclo sono-vigília. Estudar a qualidade de sono em profissionais que trabalham por turnos é de extrema relevância visto tratar-se de uma população cada vez mais em risco e em que se considera que o sono seja um dos fatores mais comprometidos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo caraterizar e avaliar a qualidade do sono em profissionais, em função dos horários de trabalho. A metodologia utilizada é quantitativa e centrou-se na aplicação do questionário IQSP – Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Buysse et al. (1989), adaptado e traduzido para português. O questionário foi aplicado a 50 indivíduos pertencentes à Polícia Marítima, na Zona Norte de Portugal Continental, na maioria (92%) homens com idades compreendidas entre os 36 e os 55 anos. Do total de participantes, 76% (n=38) encontra-se a trabalhar por turnos. A análise dos dados foi efetuada através do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 22, tendo sido realizadas análises descritivas, inferenciais e correlacionais. Com maior relevância, no presente estudo, conclui-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na qualidade do sono entre aqueles que trabalham por turnos e os que têm horário fixo, bem como, que a qualidade do sono também não se diferencia em função da idade, do tempo de profissão e da existência de filhos pequenos. Conclui-se, ainda, que a qualidade do sono parece estar relacionada com a satisfação com o horário de trabalho.
El presente trabajo analiza la definición de la categoría posición socioeconómica (PSE) y las variables con las cuales se representa en los productos académicos del campo de la actividad física, además de su relación con la categoría de imagen corporal. Para lograr el objetivo, se rastrean elementos que permiten dar cuenta si los documentos de investigación se abordan desde alguno de los dos contextos: determinantes (DDSS) o determinación social de la salud (DSS). Se inicia con un rastreo global por medio de los motores de búsqueda, las bases de datos y los repositorios institucionales. Posteriormente se parametriza la ruta, desde las categorías imagen corporal (IC) y PSE. Las investigaciones pretenden dar cuenta de la evaluación a 15 años del programa "Salud para Todos" de la ONU de 2001, en el marco de los Objetivos Del Milenio. Se revisaron resúmenes de los productos, descartando aquellos donde la categoría PSE o sus descriptores asociados tuvieran un papel secundario. Se limitó a Latinoamérica y España por su tradición histórica colonizadora; con el ánimo de conocer la postura de esta comunidad frente al proceso globalizado de la salud en el mundo. Al grupo final se le aplican criterios parametrizados a partir de la revisión teórica, para responder los interrogantes basados en las implicaciones que tiene la PSE en el pensamiento actual de la producción científica en el campo de la actividad física; y cómo las otras categorías de análisis se ven o no manifiestas. El índice de calidad científica CASPe, determina la pertinencia de los textos. En el aspecto teórico, se encuentra que la categoría PSE, a pesar de ser muy utilizada, tiene una conceptualización difusa. Por tal motivo, se propone una definición de PSE sustentada en el pensamiento sociológico. En el aspecto empírico, al rastrear las variables con que se reemplaza la PSE en las investigaciones, se encuentran grandes diferencias y el uso de múltiples y disímiles subcategorías.
Introducción: La relación entre el sueño y la calidad de vida constituye una de las problemáticas de gran importancia en el ámbito de las condiciones de trabajo de funcionarios y personal médico de las unidades prestadoras de servicios hospitalarios. Estudios han evidenciado una relación entre la calidad del sueño y la calidad de vida y la falta de sueño se ha asociado con errores en los procedimientos y lesiones ocupacionales. Objetivo: Relacionar la calidad del sueño con la calidad de vida en personal de salud de una Institución de IV nivel, en la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela). Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios del personal de salud de un Hospital de IV nivel (93 registros) en la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela). Se emplearon variables sociodemográficas, las relacionadas con calidad del sueño y provenientes de la encuesta “Índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh” y con calidad de vida incluidas en el cuestionario SF-36. Se utilizo el programa estadístico SPSS para el análisis y se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Para relacionar las variables se emplearon las pruebas de Shapiro Wilk y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: El total de los trabadores que ingresaron al estudio tuvieron un rango de edad entre 19 y 70 años y una desviación estándar de 10,9 años. Respecto al género, el 79,6% (n=74) fueron mujeres, y el 20,4% (n=19) fueron hombres. Con relación al componente de calidad de vida, se encontró que la mayor puntuación se asocia con el desempeño emocional (61,3%), la Vitalidad (73,5%), la Función Física (91%), el Dolor Físico (100%) y la Función Social (100%). Igualmente, se encontró que la totalidad de los trabajadores encuestados refirieron ser malos dormidores (91.4%). Al correlacionar la calidad de sueño con la calidad de vida, se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa, específicamente con el componente Latencia de sueño (p=0.008), Eficiencia habitual de sueño (p=0,001), Perturbaciones del Sueño (p=0,040) y Disfunción diurna (p= 0,008). Conclusión Este estudio reporto que la falta de sueño tiene relación con la calidad de vida del personal de salud y que la totalidad de los trabajadores de este estudio refirieron ser malos dormidores, hechos que demandan la atención de los programas de salud de las empresas, para promover medidas preventivas y correctivas respecto a las condiciones laborales como parte del bienestar de las personas.
This research investigates the quality of sonbolrood river by using Hylsenhof HFBI indicators and identified Macroinvertebrates invertebrates community in the family level. This study took place during 1388-1389 with four sampling season in four stations respectively in the forests of Kalyj kheyl village in Savadkuh (first station), industrial area of Islamabad (second Station), earth dam of Sonbolrood (third station) and the Place crosses Sonbolrood with Babolrood river (fourth Station). Macroinvertebrates invertebrates collected by quantitative sampler of Sorbr and they were isolated in laboratory by loop and they were identified in the family level. Generally, Macroinvertebrates of Sonbolrood river were formed three branches: Arthropods and flat worms and mollusks, including 3 tiers, 6 orders and 14 families that showed the maximum diversity and density in autumn and the least diversity and density in summer at all stations, also the third and fourth stations respectively were highest and lowest diversity and density. The water quality of Sonbolrood river based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) is evaluated with excellent condition for all stations except third station. Sonbolrood river with having high slope, rocky and sandy bed, with self-refining act, completely is a proper ecosystem for aquatic organisms, but it is done due to increased organic matter and sewage factory located in industrial zone in the third station and then the increased water pollution caused by nurturing the water warm fish in the earth dam of Sonbolrood. (because of this, the water quality at third station based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) are evaluated in a fairly good condition) and adding domestic sewages of adjacent villages like Seyedkola village and Shirdarkola caused increased pollution and increased trophy of Macroinvertebrates that are resistant to pollution and affect upon Macroinvertebrates community.
A method of comparing data on protozoan communities with chemical parameters is presented. Using data from an extensive survey of the River Hanjiang in China, each species of protozoa has been given a species pollution value (SPV) related to its occurrence in waters with different degrees of pollution. A comprehensive chemical index is calculated for each site based on water quality standards for eight chemical parameters. The index is calculated from the relationship between the observed levels of each chemical at a site, compared with the limits of the drinking water quality standards of the People's Republic of China. From the distribution of each species at sites with differing chemical index values, a SPV is calculated. The SPV for each species is obtained by summing the logarithmic value of 10 times the chemical pollution divided by the number of chemical parameters, then divided by the stations where the species occurs. The community pollution value (CPV), which is the average SPVs of all protozoa at a site, is used to evaluate water quality. The CPV has been shown to have a close correlation with the degree of water pollution. It is not necessary for all the protozoa in a sample to have SPVs listed in this paper, provided at least 56% of the protozoa in a sample have an SPV value, the CPV will be applicable.
In Mediterranean areas, conventional tillage increases soil organic matter losses, reduces soil quality, and contributes to climate change due to increased CO2 emissions. CO2 sequestration rates in soil may be enhanced by appropriate agricultural soil management and increasing soil organic matter content. This study analyzes the stratification ratio (SR) index of soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and C:N ratio under different management practices in an olive grove (OG) in Mediterranean areas (Andalusia, southern Spain). Management practices considered in this study are conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT). In the first case, CT treatments included addition of alperujo (A) and olive leaves (L). A control plot with no addition of olive mill waste was considered (CP). In the second case, NT treatments included addition of chipped pruned branches (NT1) and chipped pruned branches and weeds (NT2). The SRs of SOC increased with depth for all treatments. The SR of SOC was always higher in NT compared to CT treatments, with the highest SR of SOC observed under NT2. The SR of N increased with depth in all cases, ranging between 0.89 (L-SR1) and 39.11 (L-SR3 and L-SR4).The SR of C:N ratio was characterized by low values, ranging from 0.08 (L-SR3) to 1.58 (NT1-SR2) and generally showing higher values in SR1 and SR2 compared to those obtained in SR3 and SR4. This study has evaluated several limitations to the SR index such as the fact that it is descriptive but does not analyze the behavior of the variable over time. In addition, basing the assessment of soil quality on a single variable could lead to an oversimplification of the assessment. Some of these limitations were experienced in the assessment of L, where SR1 of SOC was the lowest of the studied soils. In this case, the higher content in the second depth interval compared to the first was caused by the intrinsic characteristics of this soil's formation process rather than by degradation. Despite the limitations obtained SRs demonstrate that NT with the addition of organic material improves soil quality.
Euphorbia tirucalli Lineu (Aveloz) belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and is used in the treatment of cancer and warts. Some studies have reported that phorbol esters are the active principles responsible for the antitumor activity of Aveloz. The production of these molecules occurs in greater quantity in May, during the morning. This study aimed to evaluate whether the physico-chemical parameters of Aveloz homeopathic aqueous solutions such as pH, electrical conductivity and refractive index change due to storage time. Such parameters were measured regularly for 180 days. All solutions were prepared according to the method of grinding with lactose and subsequent dissolution in aqueous medium, as described in the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, using as starting point the Aveloz latex collected in May. Homeopathic aqueous solutions containing only lactose were also prepared and evaluated as a control group. The potencies that were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH and refractive index were: 4cH, 7cH, 9cH, 12cH, 14cH, 15cH, 29cH, 30cH. As a result, we found out that there was only statistical difference (p=0.035) in electrical conductivity between the homeopathic solutions containing Aveloz and the homeopathic solutions without Aveloz, when 15cH potency was compared. We also observed that the electrical conductivity increased with the aging of the solutions but is not directly related to the pH or the refractive index of the solutions, indicating that the aging process may alter the electrical conductivity of the homeopathic medicines. The presence of gas inside the glass that stores these solutions may affect the electrical conductivity measurements. Finally, no statistically significant difference was observed (p> 0.05) in the pH and refractive index.
In the world stage, the environmental condition has been a big public policies issue. A clear understanding of the parameters that determine the state of the environment is essential for estimation of the quality of life of the population, not least since ecosystems are highly complex. Consequently, definition of public policies demands the use of evaluation tools that can combine and quantify information in a clear way. The use of indicators and indices that are able to translate the complexity of environmental conditions in cities into simpler terms has been increasingly effective in decision-making, since they assist in general evaluation of the situation in question, identification of priority actions and anticipation of future trends. In an attempt to evaluate the environmental conditions of the Brazilian city, Sorocaba, an Environmental Quality Fuzzy Index (IFQAmb) was proposed. In this work this methodology is improved. After reviewing the IFQAmb methodology, a number of changes in the index are proposed. Additional variables are suggested, derived from a State Environment Department program whose objective is to grant municipalities the title of Municipio Verde e Azul (Green and Blue City). In addition, a new rule base is being drafted to enable consideration of all possibilities, since in the existing version the use of specific criteria eliminates a significant number of rules. The changes seek to define with clarity and precision the conceptual aspects and structure of the IFQAmb, so that it can provide an even more effective evaluation of environmental performance, guiding future actions in order to improve the living conditions of the population of Sorocaba.
Human population growth and increased industrial activity in recent decades have contributed to a range of environmental problems, including the contamination of groundwater and surface water. In order to help in the management of these resources, water quality indices are used as tools to summarize multiple parameters and express them in the form of a single number. The ability to provide both an integrated assessment of changes in environmental variables, as well as performance tracking, has resulted in such indices being increasingly employed in surface water monitoring programs. The aim of this study was to develop an Index for Public Supply Water Quality (IPS) using a fuzzy inference methodology. Linguistic systems generally provide satisfactory tools for qualitative purposes, enabling the inclusion of descriptive variables with reduced loss of individual information. Validation of the technique was achieved by analysis of measurement data obtained for the Sorocaba River, provided by CETESB. The new procedure proved more rigorous, compared to classical IPS. It could be readily applied in the evaluation of other water bodies, or be adjusted to incorporate additional parameters also considered important for the assessment of water quality.
Although an essential condition for the occurrence of human development, economic growth is not always efficiently converted into quality of life by nation-states. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to measure the social efficiency-the ability of a nation-state to convert its produced wealth into quality of life-of a set of 101 countries. To achieve this goal, the Data Envelopment Analysis method was used in its standard, cross-multiplicative and inverted form, by means of a new approach called 'triple index'. The main results indicated that the former Soviet republics and Eastern European countries stood out in terms of social efficiency. The developed countries, notwithstanding their high social indicators, did not excel in efficiency; however, the countries of south of Africa, despite having the worst social conditions, were also the most inefficient.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Aim of study: This paper presents a novel index, the Riparian Forest Evaluation (RFV) index, for assessing the ecological condition of riparian forests. The status of riparian ecosystems has global importance due to the ecological and social benefits and services they provide. The initiation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) requires the assessment of the hydromorphological quality of natural channels. The Directive describes riparian forests as one of the fundamental components that determine the structure of riverine areas. The RFV index was developed to meet the aim of the Directive and to complement the existing methodologies for the evaluation of riparian forests. Area of study: The RFV index was applied to a wide range of streams and rivers (170 water bodies) inSpain. Materials and methods: The calculation of the RFV index is based on the assessment of both the spatial continuity of the forest (in its three core dimensions: longitudinal, transversal and vertical) and the regeneration capacity of the forest, in a sampling area related to the river hydromorphological pattern. This index enables an evaluation of the quality and degree of alteration of riparian forests. In addition, it helps to determine the scenarios that are necessary to improve the status of riparian forests and to develop processes for restoring their structure and composition. Main results: The results were compared with some previous tools for the assessment of riparian vegetation. The RFV index got the highest average scores in the basins of northernSpain, which suffer lower human influence. The forests in central and southern rivers got worse scores. The bigger differences with other tools were found in complex and partially altered streams and rivers. Research highlights: The study showed the index’s applicability under diverse hydromorphological and ecological conditions and the main advantages of its application. The utilization of the index allows a better understanding of the status of riparian forests, and enhances improvements in the conservation and management of riparian areas.
On cover: IQSI manual.