957 resultados para pulpwood logistics


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A fenntarthatóság központi kérdés a gazdálkodástudományban, ezen belül a logisztikában, hiszen a környezetre rótt szennyezésben e vállalati működési területnek is jelentős a szerepe. A szerzők dolgozata egy konkrét hazai esettanulmány segítségével vizsgálja a kérdéskört. Azt elemzik, vajon egy, az Európai Unióban is új kamiontípus (az ún. EuroCombi) alkalmazása a logisztikai folyamatokban milyen externális hatásokkal jár. Elemzésükben kísérletet tesznek ezeknek az externális hatásoknak a pénzben kifejezett mérésére. Azért fontos mindez, mert e mérés és számszerűsítés nélkül lehetetlen ezeknek a hatásoknak az internalizálása, vagyis belsővé tétele. Így mérés nélkül sem az érintett vállalatok tulajdonosai, sem azok belső döntéshozói, de a külső szabályozó szereplők sem tudják bevonni e hatásokat gazdasági döntéseikbe. Ez a mérés nem egyszerű feladat, de nem is lehetetlen. Mindenképpen alapját, előfeltételét képezi azonban annak, hogy ilyen jellegű döntéseknél az érintettek a társadalmi, környezeti érdekeket is érvényesíteni tudják. ____ Sustainability is a key issue today both for practitioners and researchers. This is true especially for logisticians. Logistics is a function that has a significant CO2 emission and also destructs transportation infrastructure that burden our environment. The article is focusing on these issues with the help of a Hungarian case study. It analysis the effect of applying a new, long and heavy type of truck, called EuroCombi. It presents a methodology usable for measuring these negative external effects in Forint. Without proper measurement internalization of costs these externalities generate is impossible. As it will be presented in details, such a measurement is although not very easy but achievable.


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The design of reverse logistics networks has now emerged as a major issue for manufacturers, not only in developed countries where legislation and societal pressures are strong, but also in developing countries where the adoption of reverse logistics practices may offer a competitive advantage. This paper presents a new model for partner selection for reverse logistic centres in green supply chains. The model offers three advantages. Firstly, it enables economic, environment, and social factors to be considered simultaneously. Secondly, by integrating fuzzy set theory and artificial immune optimization technology, it enables both quantitative and qualitative criteria to be considered simultaneously throughout the whole decision-making process. Thirdly, it extends the flat criteria structure for partner selection evaluation for reverse logistics centres to the more suitable hierarchy structure. The applicability of the model is demonstrated by means of an empirical application based on data from a Chinese electronic equipment and instruments manufacturing company.


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Purpose – In the field of humanitarianism, cluster thinking has been suggested as a solution to the lack of coordinated disaster response. Clusters for diverse functions, including sheltering, logistics and water and sanitation, can be viewed as an effort to achieve functional coordination. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a greater understanding of the potential of cluster concepts using supply chain coordination and inter‐cluster coordination. The focus is on the conceptual level rather than on specific means of coordination. Design/methodology/approach – The cluster concept in humanitarian relief, along with some key empirical issues, is based on a case study. The concept is then compared to the literature on clusters and coordination in order to develop a theoretical framework with propositions on the tradeoffs between different types of coordination. Findings – The results provide important reflections on one of the major trends in contemporary development of humanitarian logistics. This paper shows that there is a tradeoff between different types of coordination, with horizontal coordination inside cluster drawing attention away from important issues of the supply chain as well as the need to coordinate among the clusters. Research limitations/implications – There is a need for more in‐depth case studies of experiences with clusters in various operations. Various perspectives should be taken into account, including the field, responding agencies, beneficiaries, donors, military and commercial service providers, both during and between disasters. Practical implications – The paper presents the tradeoffs between different types of coordination, in which basic aims such as standardisation through functional coordination, must be balanced with cross‐functional and vertical coordination in order to more successfully serve the users' composite needs. Originality/value – The focus on possible trade‐offs between different types of coordination is an important complement to the literature, which often assumes simultaneous high degrees of horizontal and vertical coordination.


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Purpose: There is a need for theory development within the field of humanitarian logistics to understand logistics needs in different stages of a crisis and how to meet these. This paper aims to discuss three dimensions identified in logistics and organization theories and how they relate to three different cases of humanitarian logistics operations - the regional concept of the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, the development and working of the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre and coordination challenges of military logistics in UN mandated peacekeeping operations. The purpose is to build a framework to be used in further studies. Design/methodology/approach: A framework for the study of humanitarian logistics along three dimensions is developed, followed by a discussion of the chosen cases in relation to these dimensions. The framework will be used as basis for the case studies to be undertaken for the purpose of understanding and identification of new questions and needs for other or revised concepts from theory. Findings: The paper shows the relevance of a wide literature to the issues pertinent to humanitarian logistics. There is considerable promise in extant literature on logistics, SCM and coordination, but this needs to be confronted with the particular issues seen in the humanitarian logistics setting to achieve further theory development. Originality/value: The major contribution of the paper lies in its breadth of theoretical perspectives presented and combined in a preliminary theoretical framework. This is applied more specifically in the three case studies described in the paper.


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This thesis studies, in collaboration with a Finnish logistics service company, gainsharing and the development of a gainsharing models in a logistics outsourcing context. The purpose of the study is to create various gainsharing model variations for the use of a service provider and its customers in order to develop and enhance the customer’s processes and operations, create savings and improve the collaboration between the companies. The study concentrates on offering gainsharing model alternatives for companies operating in internal logistics outsourcing context. Additionally, the prerequisites for the gainsharing arrangement are introduced. In the beginning of the study an extensive literature review is conducted. There are three main themes explored which are the collaboration in an outsourcing context, key account management and gainsharing philosophy. The customer expectations and experiences are gathered by interviewing case company’s employees and its key customers. In order to design the gainsharing model prototypes, customers and other experts’ knowledge and experiences are utilized. The result of this thesis is five gainsharing model variations that are based on the empirical and theoretical data. In addition, the instructions related to each created model are given to the case company, but are not available in this paper


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The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to study the suitability of transportation of liquid wastes to the portfolio of the case company. After the preliminary study the waste types were narrowed down to waste oil and oily waste from ports. The thesis was executed by generating a business plan. The qualitative research of this Master’s Thesis was executed as a case study by collecting information from multiple sources. The business plan was carried out by first familiarizing oneself with literature related to business planning which was then used as a base for the interview of the customer and interviews of the personnel of the case company. Additionally, internet sources and informal conversational interviews with the personnel of the case company were used and these interviews took place during the preliminary study and this thesis. The results of this thesis describe the requirements for the case company that must be met to be able to start operations. Import of waste oil fits perfectly to the portfolio of the case company and it doesn’t require any big investments. Success of the import of waste oil is affected by price of crude oil, exchange rate of ruble and legislation among others. Transportation of oily waste from ports, in turn, is not a core competence of the case company so more actions are required to start operating such as subcontracting with a waste management company.


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This thesis is dedicated to enhancement and development of Imatra`s logistics potential in order to increase its key parameters and improve the efficiency of the region. To find out the most promising logistics projects was proposed a tool “integral-matrix analysis” which enables to make the priority among the list of proposed projects. Description and functionality of the tool are explained in detail. As a result of analysis, the list of priority projects for the development of the region is presented. Project with the greatest potential is implemented in the thesis work. In conclusion, recommendations for the further development of economic potential of the region are given. The thesis is basically focused on literature review, overlook of secondary and primary data (including the results of the interviews, which were carried out among companies that represent the logistics market). Primary data was collected in interviews with the representatives of the companies, who regularly use logistics services. Total effects that make various Russian regions and companies on the Finnish logistics is summed up and discussed.


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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US Cycle logistics is emerging as a promising alternative in urban freight transport. Compared to fossil fuelled vans, the use of cycles for delivering goods within urban areas offers advantages in terms of environmental friendliness, economic efficiency, flexibility, and liveability of urban neighbourhood. At the same time, cycle logistics has to face limits in terms of weight and volume of goods that can be delivered, distances that can be covered, and spatial urban structures that can be served. This latter issue has till now received less attention in the scientific literature: it is generally recognized that cycle logistics performs at its best in inner urban areas, but no systematic study has been realized to identify specific spatial requisites for the effectiveness of cycle logistics. This paper provides a brief review of the main issues that emerge from the literature over cycle logistics, and contributes to stimulate the debate over the spatial dimension of cycle logistics: it presents a classification of cycle logistics schemes, on the basis of their integration with other urban logistic facilities and of the spatial structure of delivery operations. A three-level classification is proposed, depending on the type of goods consolidation: only distribution without consolidation, consolidation in a fixed urban consolidation centre, or consolidation in a mobile depot; for each level, operational examples and case studies are provided. This systematizing typology could support both public and private operators in decisions about the organization of cycle logistics facilities, such as the location of urban consolidation centres or the composition of cycle fleets.


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Part 21: Mobility and Logistics


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Many important problems in communication networks, transportation networks, and logistics networks are solved by the minimization of cost functions. In general, these can be complex optimization problems involving many variables. However, physicists noted that in a network, a node variable (such as the amount of resources of the nodes) is connected to a set of link variables (such as the flow connecting the node), and similarly each link variable is connected to a number of (usually two) node variables. This enables one to break the problem into local components, often arriving at distributive algorithms to solve the problems. Compared with centralized algorithms, distributed algorithms have the advantages of lower computational complexity, and lower communication overhead. Since they have a faster response to local changes of the environment, they are especially useful for networks with evolving conditions. This review will cover message-passing algorithms in applications such as resource allocation, transportation networks, facility location, traffic routing, and stability of power grids.


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La eliminación de barreras entre países es una consecuencia que llega con la globalización y con los acuerdos de TLC firmados en los últimos años. Esto implica un crecimiento significativo del comercio exterior, lo cual se ve reflejado en un aumento de la complejidad de la cadena de suministro de las empresas. Debido a lo anterior, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de alternativas para obtener altos niveles de productividad y competitividad dentro de las empresas en Colombia, ya que el entorno se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo, saturado de competencia no sólo nacional, sino también internacional. Para mantenerse en una posición competitiva favorable, las compañías deben enfocarse en las actividades que le agregan valor a su negocio, por lo cual una de las alternativas que se están adoptando hoy en día es la tercerización de funciones logísticas a empresas especializadas en el manejo de estos servicios. Tales empresas son los Proveedores de servicios logísticos (LSP), quienes actúan como agentes externos a la organización al gestionar, controlar y proporcionar actividades logísticas en nombre de un contratante. Las actividades realizadas pueden incluir todas o parte de las actividades logísticas, pero como mínimo la gestión y ejecución del transporte y almacenamiento deben estar incluidos (Berglund, 2000). El propósito del documento es analizar el papel de los Operadores Logísticos de Tercer nivel (3PL) como promotores del desempeño organizacional en las empresas colombianas, con el fin de informar a las MIPYMES acerca de los beneficios que se obtienen al trabajar con LSP como un medio para mejorar la posición competitiva del país.