834 resultados para psychosocial morbidity


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Antecedentes: Las patologías osteomusculares del miembro superior son una importante causa de morbilidad laboral a nivel mundial y en nuestro país, particularmente en el sector de la floricultura. Del desarrollo de estos desórdenes se derivan importantes costos derivados del ausentismo laboral, incapacidades y secuelas. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior con calificación de origen de enfermedad laboral, en los trabajadores con diagnóstico de patología musculo esquelética de miembro superior y su relación con algunos factores ocupacionales y demográficos. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se revisaron datos secundarios procedentes de una base de datos del servicio de salud ocupacional entre enero y mayo de 2015, correspondiente a 465 operarios (no administrativos) a término indefinido de una empresa floricultora de Bogotá, incluyendo únicamente aquellos trabajadores con patologías osteomusculares de miembro superior, que contaban con la clasificación en el diagnóstico ya sea como enfermedad laboral o enfermedad común y mayores de edad. Se excluyeron 19 trabajadores, quienes habían sido reubicados en nuevos sitios de trabajo y no se contó con la información para determinar su actividad antes de realizar el cambio. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: sexo, edad, antigüedad y el cargo desempeñados por los operarios. La relación entre variables se realizó con la prueba de chi2 de Pearson. Se midió la magnitud de la asociación por medio de OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Se incluyó a 373 operarios a término fijo, con una media de edad de 39 años (DE=5.55) y una media de antigüedad en el cargo de 6 años (DE=1.15). El 82.84% correspondió al sexo femenino. La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral osteomuscular de miembro superior fue del 54,4%. En el análisis de relación entre la calificación de la enfermedad, y demás variables (sexo, antigüedad en el cargo, edad, actividad desempeñada, localización de la lesión); se encontró que: estar entre los 40 a 49 años (OR= 1,7; IC-95%:1,12 – 2,79), diagnóstico de síndrome de manguito (OR= 4.45; IC-95%: 2.48 – 8.23) y el síndrome de túnel de carpo (OR= 4.22; IC-95%: 2.45 – 7.41) se asociaron a enfermedad laboral. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior en los operarios de un cultivo de flores de la Sabana de Bogotá es del (54,4%). Se encontró una mayor asociación con el síndrome del manguito rotador y enfermedad laboral. No se encontró asociación entre la enfermedad laboral y la actividad desempeñada, el tiempo de exposición, ni con el sexo del trabajador.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más diagnosticado en los hombres y el segundo en las mujeres a nivel mundial. Hasta 1.000 casos nuevos se diagnostican en Colombia cada año, por lo que es importante conocer la experiencia con esta patología en un centro de experiencia recientemente creado en el “Méderi, Hospital Universitario Mayor”. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de la población con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal atendida entre agosto 2012 y diciembre 2014 que corresponde al tiempo de funcionamiento del servicio de Coloproctología. Resultados: Se atendieron un total de 152 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en la institución. Se operó el 91% de los pacientes. El estadío más frecuente fue el IV. Solo el 4.9% presentó dehiscencia de anastomosis, datos concordantes con la literatura cuando el manejo es a cargo de expertos. El subtipo histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado y la mortalidad perioperatoria de 2.63%. Discusión: El cáncer colorrectal es una entidad con alta morbimortalidad lo cual puede cambiar si se realizan pruebas de tamizaje, para realizar un manejo temprano y oportuno. Además juega un papel importante la experiencia del cirujano y la discusión de los pacientes en juntas multidisciplinarias. Palabras clave: cáncer de colon, cáncer de recto, epidemiología, estadificación


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This paper studies whether a combination of group rehabilitation in conjunction with psychosocial therapy enhances conversational fluency and diminishes communication handicap in cochlear implant recipients.


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This paper investigates the effectiveness of a group-based psychosocial rehabilitation program for cochlear implant patients and their frequent communication partners.


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This study compares associations between demographic profiles, long bone lengths, bone mineral content, and frequencies of stress indicators in the preadult populations of two medieval skeletal assemblages from Denmark. One is from a leprosarium, and thus probably represents a disadvantaged group (Naestved). The other comes from a normal, and in comparison rather privileged, medieval community (AEbelholt). Previous studies of the adult population indicated differences between the two skeletal collections with regard to mortality, dental size, and metabolic and specific infectious disease. The two samples were analyzed against the view known as the "osteological paradox" (Wood et al. [1992] Curr. Anthropol. 33:343-370), according to which skeletons displaying pathological modification are likely to represent the healthier individuals of a population, whereas those without lesions would have died without acquiring modifications as a result of a depressed immune response. Results reveal that older age groups among the preadults from Naestved are shorter and have less bone mineral content than their peers from AEbelholt. On average, the Naestved children have a higher prevalence of stress indicators, and in some cases display skeletal signs of leprosy. This is likely a result of the combination of compromised health and social disadvantage, thus supporting a more traditional interpretation. The study provides insights into the health of children from two different biocultural settings of medieval Danish society and illustrates the importance of comparing samples of single age groups.


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Diabetes incurs heavy personal and health system costs. Self-management is required if complications are to be avoided. Adolescents face particular challenges as they learn to take responsibility for their diabetes. A systematic review of educational and psychosocial programmes for adolescents with diabetes was undertaken. This aimed to: identify and categorise the types of programmes that have been evaluated; assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions; identify areas where further research is required. Sixty-two papers were identified and Subjected to a narrative review. Generic programmes focus on knowledge/skills, psychosocial issues, and behaviour/self-management. They result in modest improvements across a range of outcomes but improvements are often not sustained, suggesting a need for continuous support, possibly integrated into normal care. In-hospital education at diagnosis confers few advantages over home treatment. The greatest returns may be obtained by targeting poorly controlled individuals. Few studies addressed resourcing issues and robust cost-effectiveness appraisals are required to identify interventions that generate the greatest returns on expenditure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To describe how quantitative data obtained from applying a series of indicators for preventable drug related morbidity (PDRM) in the electronic patient record in English general practice can be used to facilitate changes aimed at helping to improve medicines management. Design: A multidisciplinary discussion forum held at each practice facilitated by a clinical researcher. Subjects and setting: Eight English general practices. Outcome measures: Issues discussed at the multidisciplinary discussion forum and ideas generated by practices for tackling these issues. Progress made by practices after 1, 3, and 6 months. Results: A number of clinical issues were raised by the practices and ideas for moving them forward were discussed. The issues that were easiest and most straightforward to deal with (for example, reviewing specific patient groups) were quickly addressed in most instances. Practices were less likely to have taken steps towards addressing issues at a systems level. Conclusions: Data generated from applying PDRM indicators can be used to facilitate practice-wide discussion on medicines management. Different practices place different priority levels on the issues they wish to pursue. Individual practice "ownership'' of these, together with having a central committed figure at the practice, is key to the success of the process.


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Research has identified associations between indicators of social disadvantage and the presence of child sleep problems. We examined the longitudinal development of infant sleep in families experiencing high (n = 58) or low (n = 64) levels of psychosocial adversity, and the contributions of neonatal self-regulatory capacities and maternal settling strategies to this development. Assessments of infant sleep at 4-, 7-, and 12-weeks postpartum indicated no differences in sleeping difficulties between high- and low-adversity groups. However, more infant sleep difficulties were reported in the high- versus low-adversity groups at 12- and 18-month follow-ups. Neonatal self-regulatory capacities were not related to the presence or absence of adversity, or to subsequent infant sleep quality. However, there were group differences in maternal settling strategies that did predict subsequent infant sleep difficulties. The pattern of sleep disturbance observed in association with maternal psychosocial adversity at 18-months was consistent with risk for broader impairments in child functioning.


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Background: High rates of co-morbidity between Generalized Social Phobia (GSP) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) have been documented. The reason for this is unclear. Family studies are one means of clarifying the nature of co-morbidity between two disorders. Methods: Six models of co-morbidity between GSP and GAD were investigated in a family aggregation study of 403 first-degree relatives of non-clinical probands: 37 with GSP, 22 with GAD, 15 with co-morbid GSP/GAD, and 41 controls with no history of GSP or GAD. Psychiatric data were collected for probands and relatives. Mixed methods (direct and family history interviews) were utilised. Results: Primary contrasts (against controls) found an increased rate of pure GSP in the relatives of both GSP probands and co-morbid GSP/GAD probands, and found relatives of co-morbid GSP/GAD probands to have an increased rate of both pure GAD and comorbid GSP/GAD. Secondary contrasts found (i) increased GSP in the relatives of GSP only probands compared to the relatives of GAD only probands; and (ii) increased GAD in the relatives of co-morbid GSP/GAD probands compared to the relatives of GSP only probands. Limitations: The study did not directly interview all relatives, although the reliability of family history data was assessed. The study was based on an all-female proband sample. The implications of both these limitations are discussed. Conclusions: The results were most consistent with a co-morbidity model indicating independent familial transmission of GSP and GAD. This has clinical implications for the treatment of patients with both disorders. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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This study has explored the underlying causes of preventable drug-related admissions to hospital, from primary care through semi-structured interviews and review of patients’ medical records. Analysis of the data has revealed that communication failures between different groups of healthcare professionals and between healthcare professionals and patients contribute to preventable drug-related admissions, as do knowledge gaps about medication in both healthcare professionals and patients. In addition, working conditions for community pharmacists severely limit their ability to effectively act as a safety barrier to patients receiving inappropriate medication. Limitations include heavy workloads, lack of access to patients’ clinical information, poor relationships with general practitioners and time restrictions. The results of this study represent an important addition to our understanding of the contribution of human error as an underlying cause of preventable drug-related morbidity, and the factors which contribute to errors occurring in the primary healthcare setting.


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Future research is required into the prevalence of loneliness, anxiety and depression in adults with visual impairment, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for improving psychosocial well-being such as counselling, peer support and employment programmes.


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The psychiatric and psychosocial evaluation of the heart transplant candidate can identify particular predictors for postoperative problems. These factors, as identified during the comprehensive evaluation phase, provide an assessment of the candidate in context of the proposed transplantation protocol. Previous issues with compliance, substance abuse, and psychosis are clear indictors of postoperative problems. The prolonged waiting list time provides an additional period to evaluate and provide support to patients having a terminal disease who need a heart transplant, and are undergoing prolonged hospitalization. Following transplantation, the patient is faced with additional challenges of a new self-image, multiple concerns, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately, the success of the heart transplantation remains dependent upon the recipient's ability to cope psychologically and comply with the medication regimen. The limited resource of donor hearts and the high emotional and financial cost of heart transplantation lead to an exhaustive effort to select those patients who will benefit from the improved physical health the heart transplant confers.