543 resultados para protoni linac ess ifmif tokamak reattore solenoide iter larmor lebt spallazione
Se explican los cuatro principales conceptos que constituyen la base del contenido temático del curso: el lenguaje de los medios; las instituciones; el público y la representación que hacen del mundo a través de estereotipos y mensajes ocultos y que ayudan al público a consumir los medios de comunicación. También, se estudian las diferentes formas que presentan éstos, desde los que trasmiten imágenes en movimiento y a través del sonido, hasta los medios impresos y las nuevas tecnologías. Así, se abarca desde distintos programas de televisión y radio hasta el cine, la música, las revistas y periódicos, los cómics y la publicidad.
RESUMO: Objectivo: Face à exiguidade de estudos em Portugal nesta temática, o objectivo do estudo foi a análise entre a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR), e a prevalência da pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças do 4º ano do 1º ciclo. Método: Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), evocando-se estudos tranversais e de RCT, cruzando-se com resultados do estudo observacional, do Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Armando Lucena, do concelho de Mafra, distrito de Lisboa. Do estudo de RSL, e estudo observacional, fez-se a análise da verificação da associação inversa, entre a “aptidão cardiorespiratória, a pré-obesidade e obesidade”. O estudo observacional, foi transversal, incidindo sobre 143 crianças, (73 raparigas) dos 9-12 anos de idade do concelho de Mafra. Foram utilizados os pontos de corte da International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), para definir a pré-obesidade e obesidade. Registou-se o IMC e a % Massa Gorda por bioimpedância. A avaliação da ACR foi efectuada através do teste Vaivém 20 metros Fitnessgram, utilizando-se equação de Fernhall et al., (1998). Os alunos foram avaliados por questionário sobre actividade física (AF) extra-curricular (QAD, Telama et al., 1997); os pais sobre os níveis AF (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) e estatuto sócio-económico (ESE). Resultados: Os resultados do estudo observacional, corroboram os de outros estudos RSL. Não houve diferenças entre géneros na prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade: rapazes (20.55% e 8.21%) e raparigas (34.28% e 5.71%) (p<0.176). As crianças com maior ACR têm menor IMC (p<0.01) e MG (p<0.001) e a idade não esteve associada à ACR. Os pré-obesos são na sua maioria insuficientemente activos, e os normoponderais são insuficientemente activos (p=0.033). Não houve associação entre o ESE e AF dos pais e o IMC, ACR ou QAD dos alunos. Com base nos resultados encontrados na revisão, procurou-se situar diferentes abordagens teóricas sobre a actividade física, dando ênfase principal à importância “ da promoção (acesso) da actividade física através da educação física orientada pedagogicamente em todos os ciclos de ensino. Conclusão: As crianças que tiveram maior ACR registaram menor IMC e MG, independente da idade e do sexo. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis de ESE e AF dos pais, não está associada aos resultados da ACR, IMC e MG das crianças. ABSTRACT: Objective: Given the paucity of studies in Portugal on this theme, the goal of the study was to analyse the of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children attending the fourth year of primary school. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted, in which cross-cutting studies and RCT were covered and, intersected with observational results obtained, from the group of Schools Professor Armando Lucena, located in, the municipality of Mafra, Lisbon district. From the systematic review of literature (SRL), plus the observational study, the verification analysis of the inverse association between 'cardiorespiratory fitness, pre-obesity and obesity' was performed.The observational study was cross-sectional, focusing on 143 children (73 girls) of 9-12 years old. To define overweight and obesity the IOTF cutoffs were used. BMI and percentage of fat mass were recorded by means of bioelectrical impedance. The assessment was made through the CRF test shuttle Fitnessgram 20 meters, using the equation proposed by Fernhall et al., (1998). Students were assessed by questionnaire on physical activity (PA), extra-curricular PA (PAF Telama et al., 1997); parents were questioned regarding their PA levels (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) and socio-economic status (SES). Results: The results of the observational study, corroborate, other SRL studies. There were no gender differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity: men (20. 55% and 8.21%) and girls (34.28% and 5.71%) (p <0.176). Children with higher BMI have a lower CRF (p <0.01) and MG (p <0.001). Age was not observed to be associated with CRF. The pre-obese are mostly insufficiently active, and the normalweight are insufficiently active (p = 0.033). There was no association between the PA, the ESS, the parents, and the BMI, the CRF or the PAF of the students. Based on the results found in the review, different theoretical approaches regarding physical activity were. Emphasis was given to the importance of promoting the access to physical activity through pedagogically oriented physical education in all cycles of education. Conclusion: Children who had higher ACR showed lower FAT and BMI, regardless of age and sex. Furthermore, it was found that parents’ SES and PA variables are, not associated to children’s CRF, BMI and FAT.
O processo de construção de uma comunidade europeia de segurança iniciou-se em 1953. Apenas em 2003 foi adotada uma Estratégia Europeia de Segurança e só em 2010, com a entrada em vigor do Tratado de Lisboa, se criou uma política comum de segurança e defesa. Desde 2003, nestes 10 anos de PESD/PCSD, foram lançadas cerca de 30 missões em regiões diferentes como os Balcãs, a África Subsahariana, o Sahel e o espaço da ex-União Soviética, tocando áreas tão vastas como a reforma do setor da segurança, a formação e controlo alfandegário, o combate à pirataria ou a formação militar. Portugal participou em 11 dessas missões. O elenco de riscos e ameaças constantes da Estratégia Europeia de Segurança, revisto e atualizado em 2008, é exaustivo e mantém-se ajustado à presente situação internacional. As dificuldades da UE, no domínio da PCSD, prendem-se sobretudo com um conjunto de défices, em particular de vontade política e de recursos materiais e finanaceiros e não com a revisão da EES. Uma abordagem pragmática, que passe pela melhor definição de prioridaddes, de estratégias regionais, do reforço das capacidades e das industriais de defesa, seria a melhor orientação que o Conselho EUropeu de Dezembro de 2013 poderia dar às Instituições Europeias e aos Estados membros, no sentido de um esforço conjunto com vista a manter e a reforçar o papel da União Europeia enquanto fornecedor de segurança no sistema internacional.
La eficacia de la prueba Indiciaria en el Proceso Penal Ecuatoriano, a tomado una nueva dimensión en nuestro sistema procesal, ya que a partir de la vigencia del nuevo Código de Procedimiento Penal, se ha orientado a garantizar la aplicación del debido proceso, en todos los parámetros que la constitución establece, en el presente trabajo estudiamos diferentes tópicos como presunción , sospecha , conjetura, vestigio, huella y rastro donde podría aparecer la prueba indiciaria, sin embargo nuestra legislación establece que deben ser varios unívocos y concordantes, sostengo que con el nuevo sistema un solo indicio realizado como prueba puede ser suficiente para condenar o absolver a una persona en el actual sistema, por el adelanto científico de la ciencia. El nuevo sistema Procesal garantista de derechos, lo analizaremos desde varios puntos de vista, unos de carácter general otros constitucional y también en la parte adjetiva y sustantiva de la ley penal, entonces hablaremos de la prueba indiciaria en el Iter Criminis, en el nexo causal, en la versión preprocesal del sospechoso, en la reconstrucción de los hechos, la presunción de inocencia, en el in dubio pro reo, en la autonomía y decisión personal del Juez y en especial en la Cadena de custodia. La estudiaremos en lasa diferentes teorías del delito como la finalista de la acción, la teoría de la imputación objetiva y el derecho penal del enemigo, es decir llegaremos hasta las últimas tendencias del derecho penal, con la única finalidad de tener una cobertura de este tipo de prueba en forma general.
La presente investigación, trata de conocer al servidor público, su naturaleza jurídicaadministrativa, clases, así como su rol frente a la administración pública; se estudia el servicio público como actividad encaminada a satisfacer una necesidad de carácter general, bien sea que su prestación este a cargo del Estado directamente, de concesionarios o mediante procedimientos peculiares del derecho público. Trata de las disposiciones constitucionales referente a la función pública, sus organismos y dependencias, las servidoras y servidores públicos que actúan en virtud de una potestad estatal, las competencias y facultades que les atribuye la Constitución y la ley. Dentro de las responsabilidades se puntualiza las tres principales que son: La administrativa, civil y penal y la competencia que ejerce la Contraloría General del Estado en estos casos. En lo referente al peculado, se realiza una síntesis histórica, citando varios conceptos y los comentarios, su clasificación en peculado propio, impropio, por uso oficial diferente, lo que permite conocer de manera objetiva cada uno de estos delitos. Se presenta el peculado en el Ecuador, su evolución a través de los Códigos Penales y los cambios que se han venido presentando a través del tiempo, se ha identificado el peculado bancario en nuestra legislación, el que se aparta de la figura de la malversación de fondos. En esta tesis se ha determinado que el delito de peculado es eminentemente doloso, por cuanto agota toda la fase del iter crimines; mientras que, lo que conocemos como peculado culposo, que está inmerso netamente dentro del campo administrativo. Se concluye con las conclusiones y recomendaciones de rigor.
El objetivo primordial de la presente investigación, reside en identificar el régimen jurídico del contrato por el cual se modulan los servicios de certificación reconocida de firma electrónica entre empresarios, es decir, el titular de firma electrónica reconocida (Firmante/Suscriptor) y el prestador de servicios de certificación (PSC), de conformidad con la legislación española y comunitaria europea. A objeto de identificar sus características esenciales, la naturaleza jurídica, el contenido contractual así como la disciplina normativa que resulta aplicable a este negocio jurídico, nuestro estudio ha sido fragmentado en cinco Capítulos. Iniciamos el Capítulo Primero exponiendo las nociones generales así como los antecedentes históricos, técnicos y legislativos que hacen al negocio jurídico objeto de estudio, pasando inmediatamente después a describir la función económica que éste cumple. Luego, en una aproximación preliminar bosquejaremos su definición inicial, diferenciándolo de otros contratos de certificación especiales, para culminar efectuando una descripción de la práctica habitual de la certificación reconocida, delimitando de entrada el contenido del contrato que se ha tomado en cuenta para nuestra investigación. Posteriormente en el Capítulo Segundo concebimos el concepto del contrato que nos ocupa, identificando los caracteres particulares que denota, lo que finalmente nos permitirá establecer su naturaleza jurídica. A poco, nos detendremos en la tarea de identificar el marco legal en que se desenvuelve la certificación reconocida, determinando la normativa que le resulta aplicable y describiendo el modo en que se produce su integración en el contrato. El Capítulo Tercero se ha destinado para el análisis de los elementos subjetivos (determinando los requisitos de capacidad del PSC, Firmante/Suscriptor y el Usuario verificador del certificado reconocido), los elementos objetivos (Certificado reconocido, Datos y Dispositivos, tanto de creación como de verificación de firma electrónica), para finalmente efectuar las consideraciones pertinentes con relación a los elementos formales del contrato. Solventadas estas cuestiones en el Capítulo Cuarto revisaremos las distintas etapas el iter contractual, haciendo notar que las mismas se verifican unas veces en línea (on line) y otras fuera de línea (off line), desde la fase de formación o preparación del contrato, atravesando por el momento de su perfeccionamiento y desembocando finalmente en el período de ejecución del negocio jurídico, donde nos abocaremos al estudio detallado de su contenido, identificando el conjunto de obligaciones que atingen a cada uno de los sujetos involucrados en la certificación reconocida. El Capítulo Quinto se ha reservado para efectuar un análisis de las hipótesis de responsabilidad civil del PSC derivadas de los servicios de certificación reconocida, identificando su origen (contractual o extracontractual), determinando su naturaleza (objetiva o subjetiva) y detectando los supuestos de limitación y/o exoneración a la responsabilidad del PSC. Para completar nuestro estudio, efectuamos un somero repaso de la responsabilidad civil emergente para el Firmante/Suscriptor. Finalmente abordaremos las conclusiones generales que se desprenden de nuestra investigación, identificando una posible nueva clasificación del comercio electrónico atendiendo precisamente a la forma de contratación.
A size-structured plant population model is developed to study the evolution of pathogen-induced leaf shedding under various environmental conditions. The evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) of the leaf shedding rate is determined for two scenarios: i) a constant leaf shedding strategy and ii) an infection load driven leaf shedding strategy. The model predicts that ESS leaf shedding rates increase with nutrient availability. No effect of plant density on the ESS leaf shedding rate is found even though disease severity increases with plant density. When auto-infection, that is increased infection due to spores produced on the plant itself, plays a key role in further disease increase on the plant, shedding leaves removes disease that would otherwise contribute to disease increase on the plant itself. Consequently leaf shedding responses to infections may evolve. When external infection, that is infection due to immigrant spores, is the key determinant, shedding a leaf does not reduce the force of infection on the leaf shedding plant. In this case leaf shedding will not evolve. Under a low external disease pressure adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy is more efficient than adopting a constant leaf shedding strategy, since a plant adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy does not shed any leaves in the absence of infection, even when leaf shedding rates are high. A plant adopting a constant leaf shedding rate sheds the same amount of leaves regardless of the presence of infection. Based on the results we develop two hypotheses that can be tested if the appropriate plant material is available.
A size-structured plant population model is developed to study the evolution of pathogen-induced leaf shedding under various environmental conditions. The evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) of the leaf shedding rate is determined for two scenarios: i) a constant leaf shedding strategy and ii) an infection load driven leaf shedding strategy. The model predicts that ESS leaf shedding rates increase with nutrient availability. No effect of plant density on the ESS leaf shedding rate is found even though disease severity increases with plant density. When auto-infection, that is increased infection due to spores produced on the plant itself, plays a key role in further disease increase on the plant, shedding leaves removes disease that would otherwise contribute to disease increase on the plant itself. Consequently leaf shedding responses to infections may evolve. When external infection, that is infection due to immigrant spores, is the key determinant, shedding a leaf does not reduce the force of infection on the leaf shedding plant. In this case leaf shedding will not evolve. Under a low external disease pressure adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy is more efficient than adopting a constant leaf shedding strategy, since a plant adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy does not shed any leaves in the absence of infection, even when leaf shedding rates are high. A plant adopting a constant leaf shedding rate sheds the same amount of leaves regardless of the presence of infection. Based on the results we develop two hypotheses that can be tested if the appropriate plant material is available.
Altruism and selfishness are 30–50% heritable in man in both Western and non-Western populations. This genetically based variation in altruism and selfishness requires explanation. In non-human animals, altruism is generally directed towards relatives, and satisfies the condition known as Hamilton's rule. This nepotistic altruism evolves under natural selection only if the ratio of the benefit of receiving help to the cost of giving it exceeds a value that depends on the relatedness of the individuals involved. Standard analyses assume that the benefit provided by each individual is the same but it is plausible in some cases that as more individuals contribute, help is subject to diminishing returns. We analyse this situation using a single-locus two-allele model of selection in a diploid population with the altruistic allele dominant to the selfish allele. The analysis requires calculation of the relationship between the fitnesses of the genotypes and the frequencies of the genes. The fitnesses vary not only with the genotype of the individual but also with the distribution of phenotypes amongst the sibs of the individual and this depends on the genotypes of his parents. These calculations are not possible by direct fitness or ESS methods but are possible using population genetics. Our analysis shows that diminishing returns change the operation of natural selection and the outcome can now be a stable equilibrium between altruistic and selfish alleles rather than the elimination of one allele or the other. We thus provide a plausible genetic model of kin selection that leads to the stable coexistence in the same population of both altruistic and selfish individuals. This may explain reported genetic variation in altruism in man.
A detailed spectrally-resolved extraterrestrial solar spectrum (ESS) is important for line-by-line radiative transfer modeling in the near-infrared (near-IR). Very few observationally-based high-resolution ESS are available in this spectral region. Consequently the theoretically-calculated ESS by Kurucz has been widely adopted. We present the CAVIAR (Continuum Absorption at Visible and Infrared Wavelengths and its Atmospheric Relevance) ESS which is derived using the Langley technique applied to calibrated observations using a ground-based high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) in atmospheric windows from 2000–10000 cm-1 (1–5 μm). There is good agreement between the strengths and positions of solar lines between the CAVIAR and the satellite-based ACE-FTS (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-FTS) ESS, in the spectral region where they overlap, and good agreement with other ground-based FTS measurements in two near-IR windows. However there are significant differences in the structure between the CAVIAR ESS and spectra from semi-empirical models. In addition, we found a difference of up to 8 % in the absolute (and hence the wavelength-integrated) irradiance between the CAVIAR ESS and that of Thuillier et al., which was based on measurements from the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science satellite and other sources. In many spectral regions, this difference is significant, as the coverage factor k = 2 (or 95 % confidence limit) uncertainties in the two sets of observations do not overlap. Since the total solar irradiance is relatively well constrained, if the CAVIAR ESS is correct, then this would indicate an integrated “loss” of solar irradiance of about 30 W m-2 in the near-IR that would have to be compensated by an increase at other wavelengths.
The extraterrestrial solar spectrum (ESS) is an important component in near infrared (near-IR) radiative transfer calculations. However, the impact of a particular choice of the ESS in these regions has been given very little attention. A line-by-line (LBL) transfer model has been used to calculate the absorbed solar irradiance and solar heating rates in the near-IR from 2000-10000 cm−1(1-5 μm) using different ESS. For overhead sun conditions in a mid-latitude summer atmosphere, the absorbed irradiances could differ by up to about 11 Wm−2 (8.2%) while the tropospheric and stratospheric heating rates could differ by up to about 0.13 K day−1 (8.1%) and 0.19 K day−1 (7.6%). The spectral shape of the ESS also has a small but non-negligible impact on these factors in the near-IR.
The relative levels of trust in the police are explored, using data from the fifth round of the European Social Survey (ESS) which covered mainly 28 European countries. In this article, the position of Germany is examined within the international context. German trust in the police, for both German natives and ethnic minorities, for those 15 and over is high in comparison to other European countries. The article also tests if it is the fair treatment of citizens by the police, or the high value placed on rule adherence and conformity, that is driving the German citizen’s trust. It shows that the German police is trusted due to their perceived fairness, effectiveness and shared moral values, rather than on value placed on conformity to authority.
In arthropods, most cases of morphological dimorphism within males are the result of a conditional evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) with status-dependent tactics. In conditionally male-dimorphic species, the status` distributions of male morphs often overlap, and the environmentally cued threshold model (ET) states that the degree of overlap depends on the genetic variation in the distribution of the switchpoints that determine which morph is expressed in each value of status. Here we describe male dimorphism and alternative mating behaviors in the harvestman Serracutisoma proximum. Majors express elongated second legs and use them in territorial fights; minors possess short second legs and do not fight, but rather sneak into majors` territories and copulate with egg-guarding females. The static allometry of second legs reveals that major phenotype expression depends on body size (status), and that the switchpoint underlying the dimorphism presents a large amount of genetic variation in the population, which probably results from weak selective pressure on this trait. With a mark-recapture study, we show that major phenotype expression does not result in survival costs, which is consistent with our hypothesis that there is weak selection on the switchpoint. Finally, we demonstrate that switchpoint is independent of status distribution. In conclusion, our data support the ET model prediction that the genetic correlation between status and switchpoint is low, allowing the status distribution to evolve or to fluctuate seasonally, without any effect on the position of the mean switchpoint.
Fractal structures appear in many situations related to the dynamics of conservative as well as dissipative dynamical systems, being a manifestation of chaotic behaviour. In open area-preserving discrete dynamical systems we can find fractal structures in the form of fractal boundaries, associated to escape basins, and even possessing the more general property of Wada. Such systems appear in certain applications in plasma physics, like the magnetic field line behaviour in tokamaks with ergodic limiters. The main purpose of this paper is to show how such fractal structures have observable consequences in terms of the transport properties in the plasma edge of tokamaks, some of which have been experimentally verified. We emphasize the role of the fractal structures in the understanding of mesoscale phenomena in plasmas, such as electromagnetic turbulence.
The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The architecture of the new system uses Java language as programming environment. Since application parameters and hardware in a joint experiment are complex with a large variability of components, requirements and specification solutions need to be flexible and modular, independent from operating system and computer architecture. To describe and organize the information on all the components and the connections among them, systems are developed using the extensible Markup Language (XML) technology. The communication between clients and servers uses remote procedure call (RPC) based on the XML (RPC-XML technology). The integration among Java language, XML and RPC-XML technologies allows to develop easily a standard data and communication access layer between users and laboratories using common software libraries and Web application. The libraries allow data retrieval using the same methods for all user laboratories in the joint collaboration, and the Web application allows a simple graphical user interface (GUI) access. The TCABR tokamak team in collaboration with the IPFN (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa) is implementing this remote participation technologies. The first version was tested at the Joint Experiment on TCABR (TCABRJE), a Host Laboratory Experiment, organized in cooperation with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the framework of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on ""Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks"". (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.