950 resultados para prey-predator demography


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Diets of 76 species of fish larvae from most oceans of the world were inventoried on the basis of information in 40 published studies. Although certaln geographlc, size- and taxon-specific patterns were apparent, certain zooplankton taxa appeared in the diets of larvae of a variety of fish species in numerous localities. Included were six genera of calanoid copepods (Acartia, Calanus, Centropages, Paracalanus, Pseudocaianus, Temora), three genera of cyclopoid copepods (Corycaeus, Oilhona, Oncata), harpacticoid copepods, copepod nauplii, tintinoids, cladocerans of the genera Evadne and Podon, barnacle nauplii, gastropod larvae, pteropods of the genus Limacina, and appendicularians. Literature on feeding habits of these zooplankters reveals that most of the copepods are omnivorous, feeding upon both phytoplankton and other zooplankton. Some taxa, such as Calanus, Paracalanus, Pseudocalanus, and copepod nauplii appear to be primarily herbivorous, while others, such as Acartia, Centropages, Temora, and cyclopoids exhibit broad omnivory or carnivory. The noncopepod zooplankters are primarily filter-feeders upon pbytoplankton and/or bacterioplankton. Despite the importance of zooplankters in larval fish food webs, spectic knowledge of the feeding ecology of many taxa is poor. Further, much present knowledge comes only from laboratory investigations that may not accurately portray feeding habits of zooplankters in nature. Lack of knowledge of the feeding ecology of many abundant zooplankters, which are also important in larval fish food webs, precludes realistic understanding of pelagic ecosystem dynamics. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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ENGLISH: From morphometric data, tagging results and reaction of the stock to fishing, it is inferred that the yellowfin tuna of the Eastern Pacific form a distinct population which intermingles little, if at all, with populations to the westward. Excellent statistics of catch and effort, and records of total catch, available since 1934, during rapid growth of the fishery, have made possible application of a generalized mathematical predator-prey model to estimate the effect of fishing on the population, and the average abundance and yield corresponding to different amounts of fishing effort, and also to estimate the rate of fishing mortality per unit of effort. From serial samples of size composition of catches, and from tagging experiments, it has been possible to determine rates of growth and of total mortality. These kinds of information permit application of the catch-per-recruit model of Beverton and Holt. Combination of the results of application of the Beverton and Holt model and of the generalized predator-prey model, leads to inference of the relationship between stock size and recruitment. The form of the relationship is remarkably similar to the theoretical model developed by W. E. Ricker. These studies, based on the data of the near-surface fishery by baitboats and purse seiners, indicate clearly that the increased intensity of fishing has caused diminution of the stocks to the point where they are somewhat "overfished"-that is, incapable of supporting the maximum sustainable average harvest. SPANISH: De los datos morfométricos, de los resultados de las marcaciones y de la reacción del stock a la pesca, se infiere que el atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental forma una población diferente que se mezcla poco, si es que llega a mezclarse, con las poblaciones del oeste. Las excelentes estadísticas de la captura y el esfuerzo y los registros de la pesca global disponibles desde 1934, durante el rápido crecimiento de la pesquería, han hecho posible la aplicación de un modelo matemático generalizado depredador-presa para estimar el efecto de la pesca en la población y el promedio de la abundancia y del rendimiento correspondientes a los diferentes valores del esfuerzo de pesca, y también para estimar la tasa de la mortalidad de pesca por unidad de esfuerzo. Gracias a las muestras en serie de la composición de tamaños de las capturas y a los experimentos de marcación, ha sido posible determinar las tasas del crecimiento y de la mortalidad total. Estos tipos de información permiten la aplicación del modelo de la captura-porrecluta de Beverton y Holt. La combinación de los resultados de la aplicación del modelo de Beverton y Holt y del modelo generalizado depredador-presa, conduce a la inferencia de la relación entre el tamaño del stock y el reclutamiento. La forma de la relación es notoriamente similar al modelo teórico desarrollado por W. E. Ricker. Estos estudios, basados en los datos de la pesquería cerca de la superficie efectuada por barcos de carnada y rederos, indican claramente que el aumento de la intensidad de la pesca ha causado la disminución de los stocks hasta el punto de dejarlos algo "superexplotados", o sea, incapacitados para mantener una producción máxima promedio. (PDF contains 50 pages.)


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In recent times, some specialists have begun to study the subject of food selection of fish in an organized way, thus highlighting its importance. In the present work, the author intends to evaluate the impact of predation on the eupelagic zooplanktonic biocenosis of Lake Maggiore, producing, in this way, as far as possible, a basis for a better understanding of the population dynamics of the species of zooplankton directly involved. Another aspect which has been studied is that related to the mechanism of selective capture set in action by the predator. To this end the study tries to bear in mind that the subject should be interpreted as a function of numerous factors acting contemporaneously, that is as the interaction of characters peculiar to the predator and to the prey. The species studied, locally called ”bondella”, belongs to the family Salmonidae, subfamily Coregoninae and was introduced into Lake Maggiore in 1950.


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Understanding the diet of crocodilians is important because diet affects condition, behavior, growth, and reproduction. By examining the diet of crocodilians, valuable knowledge is gained about predator-prey interactions and prey utilization among habitats. In this study, I examined the diet and condition of adult American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in three central Florida lakes, Griffin, Apopka, and Woodruff. Two hundred adult alligators were captured and lavaged from March through October 2001, from April through October 2002, and from April through August 2003. Alligators ate a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate prey, but vertebrates were more abundant and fish dominated alligator diets in the lakes. Species composition of fish varied among the lakes. The majority of the diet of alligators from Lakes Apopka and Woodruff was fish, 90% and 84% respectively. Lake Apopka alligators consumed a significantly (P = 0.006) higher proportion of fish in their diet. Fish were 54% of the diet of Lake Griffin alligators and the infrequent occurrence of reptiles, mammals, birds, and amphibians often resulted in a large biomass. Differences in alligator diets among lakes may be due to differences in sample size (higher numbers of samples from Lake Griffin), prey availability, habitat, prey vulnerability, or prey size. Alligator condition (Fulton’s Condition Factor, K) was significantly (P < 0.001) different among the lakes. Alligators from Lake Apopka had the highest condition, followed by those from Lake Griffin, and alligators from Lake Woodruff had the lowest condition. Composition of fish along with diversity and equitability of fish in alligator diets may have contributed to differences in condition among lakes. Condition was probably also due to factors other than diet such as alligator hunting behavior, alligator density, or year-round optimal temperature that prolongs feeding. The observed diet and condition differences probably reflect both habitat differences and prey availability in these three lakes.


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Results from long-term investigations on biomanipulation show that indirect effects are at least as important as direct effects are for the stability of biomanipulation. Three types of indirect effects can be distinguished: (1) a change in quantity or quality of the resource base, (2) behavioural change of the prey, and (3) development of anti-predator traits. Although indirect effects of type (2), (e.g. a change in the pattern of vertical migration of zooplankton), and type (3), (e.g. development of helmets and neck teeth in Daphnia), are important mechanisms, the most essential indirect effects regarding biomanipulation belong to type (1). An example of the latter will be demonstrated: the complex of indirect effects of enhanced grazing by large herbivores on the phosphorus metabolism of the lake. It is concluded that control of the indirect effects is absolutely necessary to stabilize biomanipulation measures, but this is much more difficult than the control of direct effects and needs deeper insights into the structuring mechanisms of food webs. Proper management of fish stocks, in combination with the control of phosphorus load and/or the physical conditions, seems to be the most promising way of controlling the indirect effects of biomanipulation.


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Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to discern fish from insects and adapt their hunting technique to capture fish. We show that bats react only to targets protruding above the water and discern fish from insects based on prey disappearance patterns. Stationary fish trigger short and shallow dips and a terminal echolocation pattern with an important component of the narrowband and low frequency calls. When the fish disappears during the attack process, bats regulate their attack increasing the number of broadband and high frequency calls in the last phase of the echolocation as well as by lengthening and deepening their dips. These adjustments may allow bats to obtain more valuable sensorial information and to perform dips adjusted to the level of uncertainty on the location of the submerged prey. The observed ultrafast regulation may be essential for enabling fishing to become cost-effective in bats, and demonstrates the ability of bats to rapidly modify and synchronise their sensorial and motor features as a response to last minute stimulus variations.


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Elops lacerta is a juvenil's predator of all the fish species living in the same biotope. its preys follow three systematic orders: 1 - Fishes: they are the most important in the stomachal contents of Elops lacerta, and are dominated by clupeidae, mainly by Ethmalosa fimbriata; 2 - Shrimps: mainly the Peneidae, are not very important; 3 - Molluscs: they are the less important preys and are represented by only one Pelecypoda family: the Corbulidae. This earlier predator feeds rather at night than during the day. It has neither preferential prey nor apparent seasonal variations in its food habits.


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We investigated the feeding ecology of juvenile salmon during the critical early life-history stage of transition from shallow to deep marine waters by sampling two stations (190 m and 60 m deep) in a northeast Pacific fjord (Dabob Bay, WA) between May 1985 and October 1987. Four species of Pacific salmon—Oncorhynchus keta (chum) , O. tshawytscha (Chinook), O. gorbuscha (pink), and O. kisutch (coho)—were examined for stomach contents. Diets of these fishes varied temporally, spatially, and between species, but were dominated by insects, euphausiids, and decapod larvae. Zooplankton assemblages and dry weights differed between stations, and less so between years. Salmon often demonstrated strongly positive or negative selection for specific prey types: copepods were far more abundant in the zooplankton than in the diet, whereas Insecta, Araneae, Cephalapoda, Teleostei, and Ctenophora were more abundant in the diet than in the plankton. Overall diet overlap was highest for Chinook and coho salmon (mean=77.9%)—species that seldom were found together. Chum and Chinook salmon were found together the most frequently, but diet overlap was lower (38.8%) and zooplankton biomass was not correlated with their gut fullness (%body weight). Thus, despite occasional occurrences of significant diet overlap between salmon species, our results indicate that interspecific competition among juvenile salmon does not occur in Dabob Bay.


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Knowing where pinnipeds forage is vital to managing and protecting their populations, and for assessing potential interactions with fisheries. We assessed the spatial relationship between the seasonal distribution of Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) outfitted with satellite transmitters and the seasonal distributions of potential harbor seal prey species in San Francisco Bay, California. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between the number of harbor seal locations in an area of the San Francisco Bay and the abundance of specific prey species in the same area. The influence of scale on the analyses was assessed by varying the scale of analysis from 1 to 10 km. There was consistency in the prey species targeted by harbor seals year-round, although there were seasonal differences between the most important prey species. The highest correlations between harbor seals and their prey were found for seasonally abundant benthic species, located within about 10 km of the primary haul-out site. Probable foraging habitat for harbor seals was identified, based on areas with high abundances of prey species that were strongly correlated with harbor seal distribution. With comparable local data inputs, this approach has potential application to pinniped management in other areas, and to decisions about the location of marine reserves designed to protect these species.


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Quantification of predator-prey body size relationships is essential to understanding trophic dynamics in marine ecosystems. Prey lengths recovered from predator stomachs help determine the sizes of prey most influential in supporting predator growth and to ascertain size-specific effects of natural mortality on prey populations (Bax, 1998; Claessen et al., 2002). Estimating prey size from stomach content analyses is often hindered because of the degradation of tissue and bone by digestion. Furthermore, reconstruction of original prey size from digested remains requires species-specific reference materials and techniques. A number of diagnostic guides for freshwater (Hansel et al., 1988) and marine (Watt et al., 1997; Granadeiro and Silva, 2000) prey species exist; however they are limited to specific geographic regions (Smale et al., 1995; Gosztonyi et al., 2007). Predictive equations for reconstructing original prey size from diagnostic bones in marine fishes have been developed in several studies of piscivorous fishes of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (Scharf et al., 1998; Wood, 2005). Conversely, morphometric relationships for cephalopods in this region are scarce despite their importance to a wide range of predators, such as finfish (Bowman et al., 2000 ; Staudinger, 2006), elasmobranchs (Kohler, 1987), and marine mammals (Gannon et al., 1997; Williams, 1999).


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It is evident from several field experiments with vertical longlines and archival tags, as well as concurrent studies of predator-prey relationships, that adult specimens of the deep-water flatfish Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) make regular excursions several hundred meters through the water column. The distribution of longline catches within the water column is confined to a well-defined depth layer overlapping with the distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), an important prey species, and depth recordings from archival tags overlap with Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), the other major fish prey. The degree of pelagic use varies with fish size as well as seasons. Smaller individuals are found further off the bottom, and pelagic activity is greatest during early autumn. Interaction with pelagic prey species can influence results from bottom trawl surveys.


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Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) has had the highest abundance of any groundfish species in the Gulf of Alaska since the 1970s (Matarese et al., 2003; Turnock et al., 2005; Blood et al., 2007); however, commercial catches have been restricted because Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) are caught as bycatch in the fishery. Arrowtooth flounder plays a key role in the ecosystem because it is a dominant organism within the food web, both as an apex predator of fish and invertebrates, as well as an important prey for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma; Aydin et al., 2002). Walleye pollock is the dominant groundfish in the Bering Sea, a principal groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska, and the primary prey for marine mammals. The distribution of arrowtooth flounder extends from Cape Navarin and the eastern Sea of Okhotsk in Russia, across the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and south to the coast of central California (Shuntov, 1964; Britt and Martin, 2001; Chetvergov, 2001; Weinberg et al., 2002; Zenger, 2004). Because of the importance of arrowtooth flounder in the marine ecosystem of A laska, a maturity study of this species was undertaken to determine age-at-maturity, which is essential for age-based stock management models. Before these results, management has had to rely upon a length-at-maturity-based estimate (Zimmermann, 1997) to manage stocks in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), Bering Sea, and Aleutian Islands. The central GOA was selected as the location for this maturity study Age- and length-at-maturity of female arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska because it contains approximately 70% of the total Gulf of Alaska arrowtooth flounder biomass (1.9×106 t, age 3 and older)— the highest percentage in the world (Shuntov, 1964; Britt and Martin, 2001; Weinberg et al., 2002; Wilderbuer and Nichol, 2006).


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Data on the trophic dynamics of fishes are needed for management of ecosystems such as Chesapeake Bay. Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) are an abundant seasonal resident of the bay and have the potential to impact foodweb dynamics. Analyses of diet data for late juvenile and adult summer flounder collected from 2002−2006 in Chesapeake Bay were conducted to characterize the role of this flatfish in this estuary and to contribute to our understanding of summer flounder trophic dynamics throughout its range. Despite the diversity of prey, nearly half of the diet comprised mysid shrimp (Neomysis spp.) and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). Ontogenetic differences in diet and an increase in diet diversity with increasing fish size were documented. Temporal (inter- and intra-annual) changes were also detected, as well as trends in diet reflecting peaks in abundance and diversity of prey. The preponderance of fishes in the diet of summer flounder indicates that this species is an important piscivorous predator in Chesapeake Bay.


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In this study we analyzed the diets of 26 nekton species collected from two years (2000 and 2002) off Oregon and northern California to describe dominant nekton trophic groups of the northern California Current (NCC) pelagic ecosystem. We also examined interannual variation in the diets of three nekton species. Cluster analysis of predator diets resulted in nekton trophic groups based on the consumption of copepods, euphausiids, brachyuran larvae, larval juvenile fishes, and adult nekton. However, many fish within trophic groups consumed prey from multiple trophic levels—euphausiids being the most widely consumed. Comparison of diets between years showed that most variation occurred with changes in the contribution of euphausiids and brachyuran larvae to nekton diets. The importance of euphausiids and other crustacean prey to nekton indicates that omnivory is an important characteristic of the NCC food web; however it may change during periods of lower or higher upwelling and ecosystem production.