795 resultados para preschools and schools


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The creation of the University of São Paulo in the early 1930’s brought about arguments in the projects about its organization. The idea was to establish the Polytechnic School of São Paulo as the core of the future institution. However, the option adopted in 1934 allocated this position to the newly created Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters. This caused a strong reaction by both former professional schools that were incorporated into the university, above all the Polytechnic School. This article sets out to describe the conflicts between the Polytechnic School and the Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters during the tumultuous beginnings of the University of São Paulo.


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This paper presents aspects of Early Childhood Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, considering collaborative teaching as a relevant strategy in this mode. Thus, had been aimed to review the literature on collaborative learning in kindergarten and verify the knowledge of teachers on this pedagogical strategy. The survey was conducted in Child Education Centers and Schools municipal daycare, totaling 4 units and 45 participants. Empirical data were collected through a closed questionnaire, tabulated and analyzed qualitative and qualitatively. The results indicate the recognition of preschool teachers in need of support and assistance regarding collaborative teaching, highlighting the need for continuous training in the performance of special education teacher in this context.


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This work by questioning the methodology and curriculum standardization and the separation between theory and practice, both of the top training courses for educators and schools in general, proposes to investigate, through action research, writing and analysis of narratives drawn from the author's experiences as a volunteer educator for a Brazilian educational project inspired by the experience of the Portugal's Escola da Ponte, the (trans)formation of educators in educational praxis, ie, the training that is not represented in formatting. Experiences, reflections and analyzes developed are in line to share new possibilities in the training of education professionals to effectively contribute to the methodological and curricular flexibility and with no dissociation between practice and theory present in current and anachronistic higher education courses educators, as well as the vast majority of elementary schools, both public and private and secondary levels


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Thi report summarizes the results of the first year of the Reading First Initiative in Nebraska. Results show that teachers and schools have made a real effort to change. Student performance in the earlier grades has shown great promise for the following years, however, growth in fluency and comprehension in grades 2 and 3 were not as impressive and require additional attention. Overall, students make at least a year’s progress in most schools and most demographic groups. Schools can make much better use of the data they were collecting and need further direction in this area The assessment results were triangulated by observations in the classrooms, interviews, and teacher responses to professional development- teachers know how to teach PA and the alphabetic principle but were still struggling with: finding time and effective strategies for fluency training teaching comprehension strategies teaching self monitoring. Growing gaps for SPED, Ethnic minorities, and ELL students suggest an emphasis on the secondary and tertiary levels of intervention in the schools.


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O texto analisa produções acadêmicas que exploram possíveis relações entre gestão escolar e avaliação, com base em dissertações e teses, artigos de periódicos e anais da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (Anped) e da Associação Nacional de Política e Administração da Educação (Anpae), totalizando 25 documentos. O foco aqui aprofundado originou-se de Estado da Arte sobre gestão, autonomia e o funcionamento de órgãos colegiados em escolas públicas, que abrangeu o período entre os anos de 2000 a 2008 e reuniu 753 fontes documentais. A partir da identificação de eixos temáticos aglutinadores da produção em pauta, o texto busca explicitar contribuições teórico-metodológicas das pesquisas para compreensão da referida temática, bem como apontar eventuais subsídios para gestores de escolas e de redes. Verificou-se que, embora ainda incipiente, investigações que se dedicam a analisar as relações entre avaliações em larga escala e gestão escolar tendem a aumentar em curto espaço de tempo, tendo em vista a centralidade que o tema vem conquistando nas diretrizes políticas da área da educação.


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Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit den Eindrücken einer vom Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien in Mainz durchgeführten Lehrforschung, die staatliche Institutionen in Nordghana untersuchte. Obwohl unsere Arbeiten verschiedene Institutionen und verschiedene Forschungsfragen thematisierten, ließ sich in Gesprächen ein gemeinsames Motiv erkennen: die Konstruktion einer binären Dichotomie zwischen enlightened und unenlightened durch sprachliche und nicht-sprachliche Routinen der Bürokraten im Umgang mit ihren Klienten. Wir interessieren uns im vorliegenden Artikel nicht für Modernität und Entwicklung als universellen oder lokal angeeigneten Prozess, sondern untersuchen die Praktiken mit denen Akteure mittels der Konzepte Modernität, Entwicklung, Aufklärung und Erziehung Differenzen zwischen sich und ihren Klienten konstruieren und funktionale Kategorien zu schaffen, sowie die Bruchstellen dieses Konstruktionsprozesses. Anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Gerichten, Polizei, Kulturinstitutionen und Schulen erläutern wir die Praxis der Differenzierung, die als eine Form der Alltagsbewältigung für die Bürokraten erscheint.


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Romana Mazerova. The Culture of the Deaf Community in the Czech Republic Mazerova set out to discover if the deaf community in the Czech Republic can be said to have its own culture and if so what this is. She began with a comprehensive survey of the history of the deaf from 1786 to the present day, identifying a major turning point in the exclusion of sign language from the education of the deaf around 1930, a move then reinforced in the communist period to the extent that teachers of the deaf had to sign a commitment not to use sign language in their lessons. She also noted the difference between so-called signed Czech, which is an exact translation of the spoken language, and Czech sign language, which has its own structure and even dialects. Following the historical research, Mazerova studied a range of Czech and foreign materials relating to the culture of the deaf, interviewed deaf people about their experiences in school, their participation in the activities of associations for the deaf, and their experiences as a deaf person in a hearing society (these interviews are recorded on video), and visited various associations, clubs and schools for the deaf throughout the country. She concluded that while deaf people share certain behaviours which are quite distinct from those of hearing Czechs, there is little sense of a community as such. The vast majority of deaf people were not born into the deaf community and while feel that they belong together, they do not identify themselves as part of a deaf community and do not work together as a community to achieve their goals.


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First meeting, common interests and ways together The European Centre for Social Welfare, Training and Research situated in Vienna, was our first meeting place. W. Lorenz was interested in the international comparison of the different concepts and perspectives of social welfare problems in the European countries and the different developments in the training of social professions in Europe. The challenge of intercultural, antiracist social work in the context of Erasmus-Intensive Seminars To organize an intensive seminar with the aim to train students and colleagues for intercultural and antiracist competence in social professions, we formed an European network of European universities and schools of s.w. in Vienna (VIENNET), with the support of ECCE (European Centre of Community Education) in Koblenz. “The group discovered that working on these issues in an international context raises issues of ‘difference’ with renewed acuteness”(cit. W. Lorenz). We learned to cope with a variety of differences: biographical, language, theoretical and institutional backgrounds and discourse traditions. A Venue for an Intensive Seminar In choosing a venue for an Intensive Seminar we were relatively free. We locked for a place, “one dream about”, to support in the best way our seminar aims, to promote a base built on knowledge, skills and values particularly in the area of inner/outer borders, disadvantage, ignorance, minorities, majorities, vulnerable groups, racism and xenophobia. In a small village in Burgenland (Austria), very close to the Hungarian border, we thought to have found it. Future Prospect Are we only representatives of our background institutions or did we act and exposed ourselves as persons with a very specific biography and training experience. Can we sustain this created network, as a network of experts and friends in the field of intercultural, antiracist social work? This question is still open.


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El objetivo es presentar categorías construidas por Vigotsky desde un enfoque psicológico y educativo, para enriquecer perspectivas sobre relaciones entre adolescentes y escuelas, integrando el contexto social e histórico en el que se inscriben. Se problematiza la concepción de fracaso escolar y de educabilidad de los sujetos, que los reduce a problemas individuales. Los textos de Vigotsky en Paidología del adolescente , escritos hace casi ochenta años, anticipan y proveen insumos significativos para la agenda de problemas contemporáneos sobre el desarrollo de los sujetos y las prácticas educativas. Se enfocan las unidades de análisis en el estudio de fenómenos psicoeducativos, para explicar y comprender conductas, funciones y procesos, desde planos personales, interpersonales y socioculturales. El recorrido del autor, pionero del enfoque socio-histórico-cultural, abarca dimensiones complejas, como intereses, pensamiento conceptual, imaginación y personalidad, analizando los procesos psíquicos superiores como desarrollos de la historia cultural de los adolescentes. Se articula el análisis de la obra con la revisión que autores contemporáneos post-vigotskianos realizan de la categoría de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo. La lectura puede ampliar la perspectiva de agentes psicoeducativos sobre problemas y estrategias de intervención, tomando distancia de una lógica aplicacionista y enriqueciendo las lógicas de implicación y transformación situacional


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El objetivo es presentar categorías construidas por Vigotsky desde un enfoque psicológico y educativo, para enriquecer perspectivas sobre relaciones entre adolescentes y escuelas, integrando el contexto social e histórico en el que se inscriben. Se problematiza la concepción de fracaso escolar y de educabilidad de los sujetos, que los reduce a problemas individuales. Los textos de Vigotsky en Paidología del adolescente , escritos hace casi ochenta años, anticipan y proveen insumos significativos para la agenda de problemas contemporáneos sobre el desarrollo de los sujetos y las prácticas educativas. Se enfocan las unidades de análisis en el estudio de fenómenos psicoeducativos, para explicar y comprender conductas, funciones y procesos, desde planos personales, interpersonales y socioculturales. El recorrido del autor, pionero del enfoque socio-histórico-cultural, abarca dimensiones complejas, como intereses, pensamiento conceptual, imaginación y personalidad, analizando los procesos psíquicos superiores como desarrollos de la historia cultural de los adolescentes. Se articula el análisis de la obra con la revisión que autores contemporáneos post-vigotskianos realizan de la categoría de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo. La lectura puede ampliar la perspectiva de agentes psicoeducativos sobre problemas y estrategias de intervención, tomando distancia de una lógica aplicacionista y enriqueciendo las lógicas de implicación y transformación situacional


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El objetivo es presentar categorías construidas por Vigotsky desde un enfoque psicológico y educativo, para enriquecer perspectivas sobre relaciones entre adolescentes y escuelas, integrando el contexto social e histórico en el que se inscriben. Se problematiza la concepción de fracaso escolar y de educabilidad de los sujetos, que los reduce a problemas individuales. Los textos de Vigotsky en Paidología del adolescente , escritos hace casi ochenta años, anticipan y proveen insumos significativos para la agenda de problemas contemporáneos sobre el desarrollo de los sujetos y las prácticas educativas. Se enfocan las unidades de análisis en el estudio de fenómenos psicoeducativos, para explicar y comprender conductas, funciones y procesos, desde planos personales, interpersonales y socioculturales. El recorrido del autor, pionero del enfoque socio-histórico-cultural, abarca dimensiones complejas, como intereses, pensamiento conceptual, imaginación y personalidad, analizando los procesos psíquicos superiores como desarrollos de la historia cultural de los adolescentes. Se articula el análisis de la obra con la revisión que autores contemporáneos post-vigotskianos realizan de la categoría de Zona de Desarrollo Próximo. La lectura puede ampliar la perspectiva de agentes psicoeducativos sobre problemas y estrategias de intervención, tomando distancia de una lógica aplicacionista y enriqueciendo las lógicas de implicación y transformación situacional


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Desde que en 2007-2008 se pusiera en práctica por vez primera la metodología MOOC (Cursos Abierto Online y Masivo), el proceso de innovación educativa se ha acelerado gracias a iniciativas tan potentes como Udacity, Coursera o MITx. Su impacto potencial en el mundo universitario y de la enseñanza en general han llevado a replantear el futuro de la educación a gran escala. El éxito de los MOOCs ha sido exponencial, desde los 50 matriculados en el curso de David Wiley sobre Educación Abierta (año 2007) hasta los más de 2.5 millones de inscritos en Coursera en 2012. Hasta este punto, se ha vivido un proceso de reafirmación y apuesta por el modelo tanto por parte de la sociedad como de las instituciones educativas de mayor prestigio en el mundo. A pesar de encontrarnos aun en un marco metodológico claramente experimental, ya nadie puede negar el éxito cosechado por los MOOCs y el previsible futuro que parece aguardarles. En este documento se presenta el caso UniMOOC como el primer MOOC para emprendedores en español, un proyecto que comienza a definirse en la primavera de 2012, y que cuenta con una proyección orientada a alcanzar los 60.000 alumnos en su primera edición.


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"One of a series of bulletins on what Cleveland's public schools are doing."


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"The rose of Dixie".--The third ingredient.--The hiding of Black Bill.--Schools and schools.--Thimble, thimble.--Supply and demand.--Buried treasure.--To him who waits.--He also serves.--The moment of victory.--The head-hunter.--No story.--The higher pragmatism.--Best-seller.--Rus in urbe.--A poor rule.


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Based on this new data, the Illinois EPA has requested that the Illinois Attorney General initiate legal action against H. Kramer relative to its contribution to a violation of the lead National Ambient Air Quality Standard.