683 resultados para poison frog
Phyllomedusine frogs are an extraordinary source of biologically active peptides. At least 8 families of antimicrobial peptides have been reported in this frog clade, the dermaseptins being the most diverse. By a peptidomic approach, integrating molecular cloning, Edman degradation sequencing and tandem mass spectrometry, a new family of antimicrobial peptides has been identified in Cruziohyla calcarifer. These 15 novel antimicrobial peptides of 20–32 residues in length are named cruzioseptins. They are characterized by having a unique shared N-terminal sequence GFLD– and the sequence motifs –VALGAVSK– or –GKAAL(N/G/S) (V/A)V– in the middle of the peptide. Cruzioseptins have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and low haemolytic effect. The most potent cruzioseptin was CZS-1 that had a MIC of 3.77 μM against the Gram positive bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus and the yeast Candida albicans. In contrast, CZS-1 was 3–fold less potent against the Gram negative bacterium, Escherichia coli (MIC 15.11 μM). CZS-1 reached 100% haemolysis at 120.87 μM. Skin secretions from unexplored species such as C. calcarifer continue to demonstrate the enormous molecular diversity hidden in the amphibian skin. Some of these novel peptides may provide lead structures for the development of a new class of antibiotics and antifungals of therapeutic use.
Here we report the identification of a novel tryptophyllin-3 peptide with arterial smooth muscle relaxation activity from the skin secretion of the purple-sided leaf frog, Phyllomedusa baltea. This new peptide was named baltikinin and had the following primary structure, pGluDKPFGPPPIYPV, as determined by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation sequencing and from cloned skin precursor-encoding cDNA. A synthetic replicate of baltikinin was found to have a similar potency to bradykinin in relaxing arterial smooth muscle (half maximal effective concentration (EC50) is 7.2 nM). These data illustrate how amphibian skin secretions can continue to provide novel potent peptides that act through functional targets in mammalian tissues.
The chemical compounds synthesised and secreted from the dermal glands of amphibian have diverse bioactivities that play key roles in the hosts' innate immune system and in causing diverse pharmacological effects in predators that may ingest the defensive skin secretions. As new biotechnological methods have developed, increasing numbers of novel peptides with novel activities have been discovered from this source of natural compounds. In this study, a number of defensive skin secretion peptide sequences were obtained from the European edible frog, P. kl. esculentus, using a 'shotgun' cloning technique developed previously within our laboratory. Some of these sequences have been previously reported but had either obtained from other species or were isolated using different methods. Two new skin peptides are described here for the first time. Esculentin-2c and Brevinin-2Tbe belong to the Esculentin-2 and Brevinin-2 families, respectively, and both are very similar to their respective analogues but with a few amino acid differences. Further, [Asn-3, Lys-6, Phe-13] 3-14-bombesin isolated previously from the skin of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda, was identified here in the skin of P. kl. esculentus. Studies such as this can provide a rapid elucidation of peptide and corresponding DNA sequences from unstudied species of frogs and can rapidly provide a basis for related scientific studies such as those involved in systematic or the evolution of a large diverse gene family and usage by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents.
Bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) are one of the most extensively studied frog secretions-derived peptide families identified from many amphibian species. The diverse primary structures of BRPs have been proven essential for providing valuable information in understanding basic mechanisms associated with drug modification. Here, we isolated, identified and characterized a dodeca-BRP (RAP-L1, T6-BK), with primary structure RAPLPPGFTPFR, from the skin secretions of Chinese large odorous frogs, Odorrana livida. This novel peptide exhibited a dose-dependent contractile property on rat bladder and rat ileum, and increased the contraction frequency on rat uterus ex vivo smooth muscle preparations; it also showed vasorelaxant activity on rat tail artery smooth muscle. In addition, the analogue RAP-L1, T6, L8-BK completely abolished these effects on selected rat smooth muscle tissues, whilst it showed inhibition effect on bradykinin-induced rat tail artery relaxation. By using canonical antagonist for bradykinin B1 or B2 type receptors, we found that RAP-L1, T6-BK -induced relaxation of the arterial smooth muscle was very likely to be modulated by B2 receptors. The analogue RAP-L1, T6, L8-BK further enhanced the bradykinin inhibitory activity only under the condition of co-administration with HOE140 on rat tail artery, suggesting a synergistic inhibition mechanism by which targeting B2 type receptors.
Les délinquants sexuels sadiques sont généralement décrits comme une entité clinique particulière commettant des délits graves. Or, la notion même de sadisme sexuel pose un nombre important de problèmes. Parmi ceux-ci, on retrouve des problèmes de validité et de fidélité. Perçu comme une maladie dont on est atteint ou pas, le sadisme a été étudié comme si les sadiques étaient fondamentalement différents. À l’heure actuelle, plusieurs travaux laissent croire que la majorité des troubles psychologiques se présentent comme une différence d'intensité (dimension) plutôt qu’une différence de nature (taxon). Même si la conception médicale prévaut encore en ce qui concerne le sadisme sexuel, plusieurs évoquent l’idée qu’il pourrait être mieux conceptualisé à l’aide d’une approche dimensionnelle. En parallèle, nos connaissances sur les facteurs contributifs au développement du sadisme sexuel sont limitées et reposent sur de faibles appuis empiriques. Jusqu'à présent, très peu d'études se sont intéressées aux facteurs menant au développement du sadisme sexuel et encore moins ont tenté de valider leurs théories. En outre, nos connaissances proviennent majoritairement d'études de cas portant sur les meurtriers sexuels, un sous-groupe très particulier de délinquants fréquemment motivé par des intérêts sexuels sadiques. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n'a proposé jusqu'à présent de modèle développemental portant spécifiquement sur le sadisme sexuel. Pourtant, l'identification de facteurs liés au développement du sadisme sexuel est essentielle dans notre compréhension ainsi que dans l'élaboration de stratégie d'intervention efficace. La présente thèse s'inscrit dans un contexte visant à clarifier le concept de sadisme sexuel. Plus spécialement, nous nous intéressons à sa structure latente, à sa mesure et à ses origines développementales. À partir d'un échantillon de 514 délinquants sexuels évalué au Massachusetts Treatment Center, la viabilité d’une conception dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel sera mise à l’épreuve à l'aide d'analyses taxométriques permettant d'étudier la structure latente d'un construit. Dans une seconde étape, à l'aide d'analyses de Rasch et d'analyses appartenant aux théories de la réponse à l'item à deux paramètres, nous développerons la MTC Sadism Scale (MTCSS), une mesure dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel. Dans une troisième et dernière étape, un modèle développemental sera élaboré à l'aide d'équations structurales. La présente thèse permettra de contribuer à la clarification du concept de sadisme sexuel. Une clarification de la structure latente et des facteurs développementaux permettra de saisir les devis de recherche les plus à même de capturer les aspects essentiels. En outre, ceci permettra d'identifier les facteurs pour lesquels une intervention est la plus appropriée pour réduire la récidive, ou la gravité de celle-ci.
Les délinquants sexuels sadiques sont généralement décrits comme une entité clinique particulière commettant des délits graves. Or, la notion même de sadisme sexuel pose un nombre important de problèmes. Parmi ceux-ci, on retrouve des problèmes de validité et de fidélité. Perçu comme une maladie dont on est atteint ou pas, le sadisme a été étudié comme si les sadiques étaient fondamentalement différents. À l’heure actuelle, plusieurs travaux laissent croire que la majorité des troubles psychologiques se présentent comme une différence d'intensité (dimension) plutôt qu’une différence de nature (taxon). Même si la conception médicale prévaut encore en ce qui concerne le sadisme sexuel, plusieurs évoquent l’idée qu’il pourrait être mieux conceptualisé à l’aide d’une approche dimensionnelle. En parallèle, nos connaissances sur les facteurs contributifs au développement du sadisme sexuel sont limitées et reposent sur de faibles appuis empiriques. Jusqu'à présent, très peu d'études se sont intéressées aux facteurs menant au développement du sadisme sexuel et encore moins ont tenté de valider leurs théories. En outre, nos connaissances proviennent majoritairement d'études de cas portant sur les meurtriers sexuels, un sous-groupe très particulier de délinquants fréquemment motivé par des intérêts sexuels sadiques. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n'a proposé jusqu'à présent de modèle développemental portant spécifiquement sur le sadisme sexuel. Pourtant, l'identification de facteurs liés au développement du sadisme sexuel est essentielle dans notre compréhension ainsi que dans l'élaboration de stratégie d'intervention efficace. La présente thèse s'inscrit dans un contexte visant à clarifier le concept de sadisme sexuel. Plus spécialement, nous nous intéressons à sa structure latente, à sa mesure et à ses origines développementales. À partir d'un échantillon de 514 délinquants sexuels évalué au Massachusetts Treatment Center, la viabilité d’une conception dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel sera mise à l’épreuve à l'aide d'analyses taxométriques permettant d'étudier la structure latente d'un construit. Dans une seconde étape, à l'aide d'analyses de Rasch et d'analyses appartenant aux théories de la réponse à l'item à deux paramètres, nous développerons la MTC Sadism Scale (MTCSS), une mesure dimensionnelle du sadisme sexuel. Dans une troisième et dernière étape, un modèle développemental sera élaboré à l'aide d'équations structurales. La présente thèse permettra de contribuer à la clarification du concept de sadisme sexuel. Une clarification de la structure latente et des facteurs développementaux permettra de saisir les devis de recherche les plus à même de capturer les aspects essentiels. En outre, ceci permettra d'identifier les facteurs pour lesquels une intervention est la plus appropriée pour réduire la récidive, ou la gravité de celle-ci.
By mid 2003, the Brazilian people accompanied astonished, in the press, the news about the death of more than 20 persons due to ingestion of a pharmaceutical product containing a suspension of barium sulfate (Celobar®) commonly used as a radiological contrast. Analysis of the product indicated the presence of barium carbonate (about 13% weight/weight) which reacts easily with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach liberating barium ions, a severe poison. In this article, we briefly discuss the possible economic, personal and technical causes that led to this disaster.
Fuel cell systems offer excellent efficiencies when compared to internal combustion engines, which result in reduced fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. One of the areas requiring research for the success of fuel cell technology is the H2 fuel purification to reduce CO, which is a poison to fuel cells. Molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes have a potential application in this area. In this work showed activated transport, a characteristic of ultramicroporous (dp
Environmental poisoning is most commonly associated with chronic longterm exposure to toxins rather than to acute exposure. Such repeated exposure to sublethal doses of compounds and elements presents problems in risk assessment. This is primarily because the data are unavailable to describe relationships between dose and effect at lower levels of exposure to toxins. Bioavailability of toxins also presents a problem because the data on bioavailability are sparse and seldom as high as the default of 100% bioavailability commonly used in risk assessment. Examples are presented of two toxins: arsenic as an elemental anthropogenic and geologic poison and ciguatoxin, a polyether ladder compound, as a toxin produced naturally by dinoflagellates. Bioavailability drives the toxicity of arsenic from contaminated sites, whereas tissue accumulation drives the toxicity of ciguatoxin. Considerable benefit is derived from the harmonization of regulatory processes where there is linkage of health and environmental factors in the derivation of credible risk assessment.
Despite several studies on adult amphibians, only larvae of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) have been reported to possess the ability to compensate for the effects of cool temperature on locomotor performance by thermal acclimation. In this study, we investigated whether this thermal acclimatory ability is shared by adult L. peronii. We exposed adult L. peronii to either 18 or 30 degrees C for 8 weeks and tested their swimming and jumping performance at six temperatures between 8 and 35 degrees C. Acute changes in temperature affected both maximum swimming and jumping performance, however there was no difference between the two treatment groups in locomotor performance between 8 and 30 degrees C. Maximum swimming velocity of both groups increased from 0.62 +/- 0.02 at 8 degrees C to 1.02 +/- 0.03 m s(-1) at 30 degrees C, while maximum jump distance increased from similar to 20 to > 60 cm over the same temperature range. Although adult L. peronii acclimated to 18 degrees C failed to produce a locomotor response at 35 degrees C, this most likely reflected a change in thermal tolerance limits with acclimation rather than modifications in the locomotor system. As all adult amphibians studied to date are incapable of thermally acclimating locomotor performance, including adults of L. peronii, this acclimatory capacity appears to be absent from the adult stage of development. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The volume of the extracellular compartment (tubular system) within intact muscle fibres from cane toad and rat was measured under various conditions using confocal microscopy. Under physiological conditions at rest, the fractional volume of the tubular system (t-sys(Vol)) was 1.38 +/- 0.09% (n = 17),1.41 +/- 0.09% (n = 12) and 0.83 +/- 0.07% (n = 12) of the total fibre volume in the twitch fibres from toad iliofibularis muscle, rat extensor digitorum longus muscle and rat soleus muscle, respectively. In toad muscle fibres, the t-sys(Vol) decreased by 30% when the tubular system was fully depolarized and decreased by 15% when membrane cholesterol was depleted from the tubular system with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin but did not change as the sarcomere length was changed from 1.93 to 3.30 mum. There was also an increase by 30% and a decrease by 25% in t-sys(Vol) when toad fibres were equilibrated in solutions that were 2.5-fold hypertonic and 50% hypotonic, respectively. When the changes in total fibre volume were taken into consideration, the t-sys(Vol) expressed as a percentage of the isotonic fibre volume did actually decrease as tonicity increased, revealing that the tubular system in intact fibres cannot be compressed below 0.9% of the isotonic fibre volume. The results can be explained in terms of forces acting at the level of the tubular wall. These observations have important physiological implications showing that the tubular system is a dynamic membrane structure capable of changing its volume in response to the membrane potential, cholesterol depletion and osmotic stress but not when the sarcomere length is changed in resting muscle.
Confocal imaging of impermeant fluorescent dyes trapped in the tubular (t-) system of skeletal muscle fibres of rat and cane toad was used to examine changes in the morphology of the t-system upon mechanical skinning, the time course of dye loss from the sealed t-systern in mechanically skinned fibres and the influence of rapid application and removal of glycerol on the morphology of the sealed t-system. In contrast to intact fibres, which have a t-systern open to the outside, the sealed t-systern of toad mechanically skinned fibres consistently displayed local swellings (vesicles). The occurrence of vesicles in the sealed t-system of rat-skinned fibres was infrequent. Application and removal of 200-400 mM glycerol to the sealed t-system did not produce any obvious changes in its morphology. The dyes fluo-3, fura-2 and Oregon green 488 were lost from the sealed t-system of toad fibres at different rates suggesting that the mechanism of organic anion transport across the tubular wall was not by indiscriminate bulk transport. The rate of fluo-3 and fura-2 loss from the sealed t-system of rat fibres was greater in rat than in toad fibres and could be explained by differences in surface area: volume ratio of the t-system in the two fibre types. Based on the results presented here and on other results from this laboratory, an explanation is given for the formation of numerous vesicles in toad-skinned fibres and lack of vesicle formation in rat-skinned fibres. This explanation can also help with better understanding the mechanism responsible for vacuole formation in intact fibres. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A method was developed that allows conversion of changes in maximum Ca2+-dependent fluorescence of a fixed amount of fluo-3 into volume changes of the fluo-3-containing solution. This method was then applied to investigate by confocal microscopy the osmotic properties of the sealed tubular (t-) system of toad and rat mechanically skinned fibers in which a certain amount Of fluo-3 was trapped. When the osmolality of the myoplasmic environment was altered by simple dilution or addition of sucrose within the range 190-638 mosmol kg(-1), the sealed t-system of toad fibers behaved almost like an ideal osmometer, changing its volume inverse proportionally to osmolality However, increasing the osmolality above 638 to 2,550 mosmol kg(-1) caused hardly any change in t-system volume. In myoplasmic solutions made hypotonic to 128 mosmol kg(-1), a loss of Ca2+ from the sealed t-system of toad fibers Occurred, presumably through either stretch-activated cationic channels or store-operated Ca2+ channels. In contrast to the behavior of the t-system in toad fibers, the volume of the sealed t-system of rat fibers changed little (by
Three dermaseptins, DS 01, DD K, and DD L, were compared with respect to their structural features and interactions with liposomes. Circular dichroic spectra at alcohols of different chain lengths revealed that DS 01 has the higher helicogenic potential in hydrophobic media. Binding of DS 01, DD K, and DD L to liposomes induced significant blue shifts of the emission spectra of the single tryptophan located at position 3 of all sequences indicating association of the peptides with bilayers. Kinetics evaluation of atomic force microscopy images evidenced the strong fusogenic activity of DS 01 whereas DD K and DD L showed increased lytic activities. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.