874 resultados para plasma treatment


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Composite coatings were obtained on A3 steel by hot dipping aluminum(HDA) at 720 ℃ for 6 min and micro-plasma oxidation(MPO) in alkali electrolyte. The surface morphology, element distribution and interface structure of composite coatings were studied by means of XRD, SEM and EDS. The results show that the composite coatings obtained through HDA/MPO on A3 steel consist of four layers. From the surface to the substrate, the layer is loose Al2O3 ceramic, compact Al2O3 ceramic, Al and FeAl intermetallic compound layer in turn. The adhesions among all the layers are strengthened because the ceramic layer formed at the Al surface originally, FeAl intermetallic compound layer and substrate are combined in metallurgical form through mutual diffusion during HDA process.Initial experiment results disclose that the anti-corrosion performance and wear resistance of composite coating are obviously improved through HDA/MPO treatment.


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A two-dimensional model has been developed based on the experimental results of stainless steel remelting with the laminar plasma technology to investigate the transient thermo-physical characteristics of the melt pool liquids. The influence of the temperature field, temperature gradient, solidification rate and cooling rate on the processing conditions has been investigated numerically. Not only have the appropriate processing conditions been determined according to the calculations, but also they have been predicted with a criterion established based on the concept of equivalent temperature area density (ETAD) that is actually a function of the processing parameters and material properties. The comparison between the resulting conditions shows that the ETAD method can better predict the optimum condition.


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Nano-sized TiNi powder with an average size of 50nm was consolidated using spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 800 °C for 5min. A layer of anatase TiO 2 coating was formed on the sintered TiNi by chemical reaction with a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution at 60 °C followed by heat treatment at 400 °C to enhance the bioactivity of the metal surface. Cell culture using osteoblast cells and a biomimetic test in simulated body fluid proved the biocompatibility of the chemically treated SPS TiNi. © IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on tribological properties of plasma-sprayed Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal (QC) coating after laser re-melting treatment. The laser treatment resulted in a more uniform, denser and harder microstructure than that of the as-sprayed coatings. Tribological experiments on the coatings were conducted under reciprocating motion at high frequency in the temperature range from 25 to 650 degreesC. Remarkable influence of temperature on the friction behavior of the coating was recorded and analyzed. Microstructural analysis indicated that the wear mechanisms of the re-melted QC coatings changed from abrasive wear at room temperature, to adhesive wear at 400 degreesC and severe adhesive wear at 650 degreesC owing to the material transfer of the counterpart ball. It was also observed that the ratio of the icosahedral (i)-phase to beta-Al-50(Fe,CU)(50) phase in the coating was higher after test at 400 'C than that at 650 'C. The variation of the ratio UP of coating and of the property of the counterpart ball and coating with the temperature are the two main factors influencing the wear mechanisms and value of the friction coefficient.


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Ceramic coatings were formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) on aluminized steel. Characteristics of the average anodic voltages versus treatment time were observed during the PEO process. The micrographs, compositions and mechanical properties of ceramic coatings were investigated. The results show that the anodic voltage profile for processing of aluminized steel is similar to that for processing bulk Al alloy during early PEO stages and that the thickness of ceramic coating increases approximately linearly with the Al layer consumption. Once the Al layer is completely transformed, the FeAl intermetallic layer begins to participate in the PEO process. At this point, the anodic voltage of aluminized steel descends, and the thickness of ceramic coating grows more slowly. At the same time, some micro-cracks are observed at the Al2O3/FeAl interface. The final ceramic coating mainly consists of gamma-Al2O3, mullite, and alpha-Al2O3 phases. PEO ceramic coatings have excellent elastic recovery and high load supporting performance. Nanohardness of ceramic coating reaches about 19.6 GPa. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Composite coatings were obtained on A3 steel by hot dipping aluminum(HAD) at 720 degreesC for 6 min and micro-plasma oxidation (MPO) in alkali electrolyte. The surface morphology, element distribution and interface structure of composite coatings were studied by means of XRD, SEM and EDS. The results show that the composite coatings obtained through HAD/MPO on A3 steel consist of four layers. From the surface to the substrate, the layer is loose Al2O3 ceramic, compact Al2O3 ceramic, At and FeAl intermetallic compound layer in turn. The adhesions among all the layers are strengthened because the ceramic layer formed at the At surface originally, FeAl intermetallic compound layer and substrate are combined in metallurgical form through mutual diffusion during HAD process. Initial experiment results disclose that the anti-corrosion performance and wear resistance of composite coating are obviously improved through HAD/MPO treatment.


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Background: Cognitive impairments are seen in first psychotic episode (FEP) patients. The neurobiological underpinnings that might underlie these changes remain unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels are associated with cognitive impairment in FEP patients compared with healthy controls. Methods: 45 FEP patients and 45 healthy controls matched by age, gender and educational level were selected from the Basque Country area of Spain. Plasma BDNF levels were assessed in healthy controls and in patients. A battery of cognitive tests was applied to both groups, with the patients being assessed at 6 months after the acute episode and only in those with a clinical response to treatment. Results: Plasma BDNF levels were altered in patients compared with the control group. In FEP patients, we observed a positive association between BDNF levels at six months and five cognitive domains (learning ability,immediate and delayed memory, abstract thinking and processing speed) which persisted after controlling for medications prescribed, drug use, intelligence quotient (IQ) and negative symptoms. In the healthy control group, BDNF levels were not associated with cognitive test scores. Conclusion: Our results suggest that BDNF is associated with the cognitive impairment seen after a FEP. Further investigations of the role of this neurotrophin in the symptoms associated with psychosis onset are warranted.


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[EN] Neurodegeneration together with a reduction in neurogenesis are cardinal features of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) induced by a combination of toxic amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and a loss of trophic factor support. Amelioration of these was assessed with diverse neurotrophins in experimental therapeutic approaches. The aim of this study was to investigate whether intranasal delivery of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF-Endoret), an autologous pool of morphogens and proteins, could enhance hippocampal neurogenesis and reduce neurodegeneration in an amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 (APP/PS1) mouse model. Neurotrophic and neuroprotective actions were firstly evident in primary neuronal cultures, where cell proliferation and survival were augmented by Endoret treatment. Translation of these effects in vivo was assessed in wild type and APP/PS1 mice, where neurogenesis was evaluated using 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BdrU), doublecortin (DCX), and NeuN immunostaining 5 weeks after Endoret administration. The number of BrdU, DCX, and NeuN positive cell was increased after chronic treatment. The number of degenerating neurons, detected with fluoro Jade-B staining was reduced in Endoret-treated APP/PS1 mice at 5 week after intranasal administration. In conclusion, Endoret was able to activate neuronal progenitor cells, enhancing hippocampal neurogenesis, and to reduce Aβ-induced neurodegeneration in a mouse model of AD.


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Antireflection coatings at the center wavelength of 1053 nm were prepared on BK7 glasses by electron-beam evaporation deposition (EBD) and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). Parts of the two kinds of samples were post-treated with oxygen plasma at the environment temperature after deposition. Absorption at 1064 nm was characterized based on surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was measured by a 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser with a pulse width of 38 ps. Leica-DMRXE Microscope was applied to gain damage morphologies of samples. The results revealed that oxygen post-treatment could lower the absorption and increase the damage thresholds for both kinds of as-grown samples. However, the improving effects are not the same. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A carcinogênese epitelial ovariana tem sido foco de estudos científicos em todo o mundo desenvolvido. A angiogênese tumoral ovariana é um processo multifatorial que resulta em vários produtos pró-angiogênicos. Entre eles, o fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF) é predominante. Os objetivos deste estudo foram relacionar as dosagens do VEGF dos fluidos peritoneais, do plasma periférico e do infundíbulo pélvico aos níveis de citorredução em pacientes operadas de adenocarcinoma epitelial de ovário (CEO); formular um modelo probabilístico de citorredução e utilizar estas dosagens para estimar a probabilidade do desfecho de citorredução. Além disto, foi criada uma nova variável chamada carga de VEGF. Pelo procedimento step-wise a citorredução foi melhor descrita pela carga de VEGF, mas faltou Normalidade aos resíduos, não sendo possível a adequação de um modelo matemático. Porém, a curva ROC, forneceu uma área sob a curva de 0,84, com sensibilidade de 71,4 % e especificidade variando de 69,5 a 73,9%. O ponto de corte ótimo foi 15,52 log de picograma de carga de VEGF. A odds-ratio (OR) calculada para citorredução ótima descrita pela carga de VEGF foi de 11 (IC= 2,59 ; 46,78). No grupo com estágio avançado (III e IV), a OR foi de 6 (IC= 1,15; 31,22). Apesar do pequeno número de casos, esta nova variável pode vir a ser um auxiliar na determinação de situações onde cirurgia citorredutora deixa de ser a pedra fundamental do tratamento primário do CEO e a indução quimioterápica passe a ter o principal papel na citorredução química antes da cirugia nestes casos.


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O carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) representa 95% das neoplasias penianas e afeta quase sempre pacientes não circuncidados estando muitas vezes associado à falta de higiene local adequada e à fimose. No Brasil a sua incidência é de 2,7 % porém em algumas áreas do país pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados por ano. O tumor pode ocorrer em qualquer parte do órgão sexual masculino e o tipo de estadiamento empregado é controverso. A classificação de Broders é a mais utilizada. Estudos sugerem a relação entre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de pênis com a infecção por HPV (Papiloma Vírus Humano). O método de avaliação dos linfonodos inguinais permanece controverso sendo difícil a diferenciação entre linfadenomegalia inflamatória reacional e metastática. O exame físico não é um preditor confiável do comprometimento linfonodal pois pacientes com linfonodos palpáveis podem não apresentar metástases. Há poucas publicações sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese e progressão do CEP. Apesar de vários marcadores terem sido avaliados, atualmente a aplicação clínica destes é limitada. A maior parte dos marcadores estudados requer procedimentos invasivos para obtenção do tecido tumoral. Existe a necessidade de encontrar através de uma técnica pouco invasiva marcadores tumorais circulantes capazes de diferenciar portadores de CEP com e sem envolvimento metastático. Neste tipo de neoplasia, a descoberta de biomarcadores que avaliem o prognóstico é relevante, pois o exame físico não é um indicador confiável do comprometimento linfonodal e da sobrevida.Os objetivos foram 1) revisar e discutir a epidemiologia, a etiologia, os diversos tipos de abordagem cirúrgica e as controvérsias no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de pênis 2) investigar através da plataforma ClinProt/ MALDI / TOF a presença de marcadores plasmáticos capazes de discriminar indivíduos saudáveis de pacientes afetados por carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) 3) avaliar a importância destes marcadores na evolução da doença. Foram coletados e analisados pela plataforma ClinProt / MALDI / TOF o plasma de 36 indivíduos saudáveis e 25 pacientes com CEP invasivo, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2011, nos serviços de urologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer e do Hospital Mário Kröeff (Rio de Janeiro). Nossos resultados apontaram para um conjunto de dois peptídeos (A = m / z 1897,22 + -9 Da e B = m / z 2021,99 + -9 Da) que foram capazes de diferenciar pacientes com CEP de indivíduos controles. Esses peptídeos foram posteriormente identificados como fragmentos C3 e C4 A/B do sistema complemento. A validação cruzada, utilizando toda casuística apresentou 62,5% e 86,76% de sensibilidade e de especificidade, respectivamente, com uma alta sensibilidade (100%) e especificidade (97%) nos pacientes que morreram pela doença. Além disso, os pacientes com envolvimento ganglionar obtiveram uma sensibilidade e uma especificidade de 80 % e 97%, respectivamente. Ficou demonstrado que à medida que a doença progride mais subexpressos está o conjunto de peptídeos quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados podem ser úteis como ferramentas para a avaliação do prognóstico destes pacientes.


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The present study reports the behavioural and enzymological responses in a freshwater teleost fish, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, exposed to acute and sublethal toxicities of mercuric chloride. During acute treatment, significant behavioural changes like erratic swimming, excess mucus secretion and increased opercular movements were noticed. During acute and sublethal treatments, both aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase activity increased throughout the study period. Comparing the treatments, the changes in enzyme activities were found high in acute treatment and all the values were significant at 5% level. The above findings can be used as non-specific biomarkers of environmental pollutants.


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The present study was conducted to assess the potential toxicity of the effluent from a large sewage treatment plant (GBD-STP) in Beijing. Japanese medakas (Oryzias latipes) at reproduction active period were exposed to a serial of graded concentrations of the effluent or 100 ng l(-1) of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2, positive control). Growth, gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), reproductive success, induction potency of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish and that of 7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase activity (EROD) in male fish liver were used as test endpoints. The growth suppression of fish was observed in a dose-dependent manner, resulting in significant differences in both body length and body weight of medaka above 5% effluent. This effluent can inhibit the growth of gonad of medakas and are more sensitive to male than to female. At exposure concentration of 40% and higher, there was an unexpected decrease of HSI values, which may be resulted from sub-lethal toxicity of effluent to fish liver. VTG of plasma in males were induced in all exposure concentration levels, but not in a dose-dependent manner. The concentration of 5% effluent would be the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) affecting reproductive success when examining fertile individuals, fecundity and fertilization rate. The overt CYP1A response and higher reproductive toxicity may be indicative of low process efficiency of this STP. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Surface fluorination of poly (trimethylsilylpropyne) (PTMSP) membranes by CF4 plasma was studied. The surface fluorination of the membranes was carried out in an atmosphere of CF4 in a capacitively coupled discharge apparatus with external electrodes. Dramatic increase in selectivity (P(O2)/P(N2)) was observed. The effect of fluorination conditions such as duration of treatment and discharge power on the permeabilities of the membranes was studied. X-ray photoelectron spectrometric data of modified PTMSP membranes showed a drastic alternation in the surface layer. The P(O2) and P(O2)/P(N2) of the membranes were observed to be dependent on the F/C atomic ratio. At F/C > 1, the P(O2/P(N2) value of the membranes could be more than four.