271 resultados para peritoneum exudate


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A comprehensive genetic analysis of 60 Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 isolates from different geographic origins and epidemiological settings is presented. Twenty-four isolates were recovered from the joints of calves during sporadic episodes of polyarthritis in geographically distinct regions of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, including two clones of the type strain PG5O. A further three Australian isolates were also recovered from the tympanic bulla, retropharyngeal lymph node and the lung and another three isolates had unconfirmed histories. Six isolates originated from Germany, Portugal, Nigeria, and France. Twenty-four epidemiologically related isolates of Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 were recovered from multiple tissue sites and body fluids of infected calves with polyarthritis, mastitic milk, and from the stomach contents, lung and liver from aborted foetuses in three large, centrally managed dairy herds in New South Wales, Australia. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of genomic DNA differentiated 29 Cfol profiles among these 60 isolates and grouped all 24 epidemiologically related isolates in a defined pattern showing a clonal origin. Three isolates of this clonal cluster were recovered from mastitic milk and the synovial exudate of clinically-affected calves and appeared sporadically for periods up to 18 months after the initial outbreak of polyarthritis indicating a persistent, close association of the organism with cattle in these herds. The Cfol profile representative of the clonal cluster was distinguishable from profiles of isolates recovered from multiple, unrelated cases of polyarthritis in Queensland and New South Wales and from other countries. All 24 isolates from the clonal cluster possessed a plasmid (pBG7AU) with a molecular size of 1022 bp. DNA sequence analysis of pBG7AU identified two open reading frames sharing 81 and 99% DNA sequence similarity with hypothetical replication control proteins A and B respectively, previously described in plasmid pADB201 isolated from M. mycoides subspecies mycoides. Other isolates of bovine group 7, epidemiologically unrelated to the clonal cluster, including two clones of the type strain PG5O, possessed a similar-sized plasmid. These data confirm that Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 is capable of migrating to, and multiplying within, different tissue sites within a single animal and among different animals within a herd.


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The use of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for treatment of bacterial infections, including systemic processes like sepsis, is an evolving field of investigation. This study was designed to investigate the potential use of MSCs, harvested from compact bone, and their interactions with the innate immune system, during polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We also wanted to elucidate the role of endogenous heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in MSCs during a systemic bacterial infection. MSCs harvested from the bones of HO-1 deficient (-/-) and wild-type (+/+) mice improved the survival of HO-1(-/-) and HO-1(+/+) recipient mice when administered after the onset of polymicrobial sepsis induced by CLP, compared with the administration of fibroblast control cells. The MSCs, originating from compact bone in mice, enhanced the ability of neutrophils to phagocytize bacteria in vitro and in vivo and to promote bacterial clearance in the peritoneum and blood after CLP. Moreover, after depleting neutrophils in recipient mice, the beneficial effects of MSCs were entirely lost, demonstrating the importance of neutrophils for this MSC response. MSCs also decreased multiple organ injury in susceptible HO-1(-/-) mice, when administered after the onset of sepsis. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the beneficial effects of treatment with MSCs after the onset of polymicrobial sepsis is not dependent on endogenous HO-1 expression, and that neutrophils are crucial for this therapeutic response.


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Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease that can lead to chronic pain and subfertility. Endometriotic lesions found in different locations are heterogeneous and may represent a collection of related but distinct conditions. Whether there is a relationship between hormonal contraceptive (HC) use and endometriosis is still controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine whether HC use affected the prevalence of endometriotic lesions differently based on lesion location. Data was retrospectively collected from 161 patients presenting to the Berne University Women's Hospital between 2008 and 2012 for laparoscopic investigation. Women with histologically proven endometriosis were included in the study and patients were grouped according to lesion location and HC use. The results of the study indicate that HC users are significantly less likely to have endometriotic lesions on the ovaries, although in contrast, no difference was observed in the incidence of lesions in the rectovaginal septum (RVS) or peritoneal region. In addition, women using HC who were diagnosed with endometriotic lesions on the peritoneum were significantly younger than women with lesions in other locations. In conclusion, women with endometriosis who are currently using HC are less likely to have ovarian endometriotic lesions than in alternate locations.


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Endometriosis is characterised by the growth of ectopic lesions at multiple locations outside the uterine cavity and may be considered a collection of distinct but related conditions. The exact aetiology of endometriosis is still not clear although a role for inflammation is increasingly accepted. We therefore investigated the inflammatory activity of eutopic tissue and that of the matching ectopic lesions from different locations by measuring the genetic expression of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines. The gene expression in matching eutopic and ectopic tissue was compared, as was the gene expression in lesions from different locations. A significantly higher mRNA expression of the chemokines ENA-78 and RANTES and the cytokines IL-6 and TNF α was observed in endometriotic lesions of the rectovaginal septum (RVS) compared to that of matching eutopic tissue. Comparisons across lesion locations showed a significantly higher expression of IL-6 and TNF α in the RVS compared to lesions from either the ovaries or the peritoneum. These results show that the production of some inflammatory chemokines and cytokines is significantly increased in the ectopic endometrial tissue compared to matching eutopic tissue. Furthermore, IL-6 and TNF α are produced in significantly higher quantities in RVS lesions compared to other lesions.


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INTRODUCTION To present the accuracy of reduction, complications and results two years after open reduction and internal fixation of displaced acetabular fractures involving the anterior column (AC) through the Pararectus approach. Frequencies for conversion to total hip replacement in the early follow up, the clinical outcome in preserved hips, and the need for an extension of the approach (1st window of the ilioinguinal approach) are compared to the literature about the modified Stoppa approach. METHODS Forty-eight patients (mean age 62 years, range: 16–98; 41 male) with displaced acetabular fractures involving the AC (AC: n = 9; transverse fracture: n = 2; AC and hemitransverse: n = 24; both column: n = 13) were treated between 12/2009 and 12/2011 using the Pararectus approach. Surgical data and accuracy of reduction (using computed tomography) were assessed. Patients were routinely followed up at eight weeks, 6, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. Failure was defined as the need for total hip arthroplasty. Twenty-four months postoperatively the outcome was rated according to Matta. RESULTS In four patients there were four intraoperative complications (minor vascular damage in two, small perforations of the peritoneum in two) which were managed intraoperatively. Fracture reduction showed statistically significant decreases (mean ± SD, pre- vs. postoperative, in mm) in “step-offs”: 2.6 ± 1.9 vs. 0.1 ± 0.3, p < 0.001 and “gaps”: 11.2 ± 6.8 vs. 0.7 ± 0.9, p < 0.001. Accuracy of reduction was “anatomical” in 45, “imperfect” in three. Five (13%) from 38 available patients required a total hip arthroplasty. Of 33 patients with a preserved hip the clinical outcome was graded as “excellent” in 13 or “good” in 20; radiographically, 27 were graded as “excellent”, four as “good” and two as “fair”. An extension of the approach was infrequently used (1st window ilioinguinal approach in 2%, mini-incision at the iliac crest in 21%). CONCLUSION In the treatment of acetabular fractures involving the anterior column the Pararectus approach allowed for anatomic restoration with minimal access morbidity. Results obtained by means of the Pararectus approach after two years at least parallel those reported after utilisation of the modified Stoppa approach. In contrast to the modified Stoppa approach, a relevant extension of the Pararectus approach was almost not necessary.


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The ATLS program by the American college of surgeons is probably the most important globally active training organization dedicated to improve trauma management. Detection of acute haemorrhagic shock belongs to the key issues in clinical practice and thus also in medical teaching. (In this issue of the journal William Schulz and Ian McConachrie critically review the ATLS shock classification Table 1), which has been criticized after several attempts of validation have failed [1]. The main problem is that distinct ranges of heart rate are related to ranges of uncompensated blood loss and that the heart rate decrease observed in severe haemorrhagic shock is ignored [2]. Table 1. Estimated blood loos based on patient's initial presentation (ATLS Students Course Manual, 9th Edition, American College of Surgeons 2012). Class I Class II Class III Class IV Blood loss ml Up to 750 750–1500 1500–2000 >2000 Blood loss (% blood volume) Up to 15% 15–30% 30–40% >40% Pulse rate (BPM) <100 100–120 120–140 >140 Systolic blood pressure Normal Normal Decreased Decreased Pulse pressure Normal or ↑ Decreased Decreased Decreased Respiratory rate 14–20 20–30 30–40 >35 Urine output (ml/h) >30 20–30 5–15 negligible CNS/mental status Slightly anxious Mildly anxious Anxious, confused Confused, lethargic Initial fluid replacement Crystalloid Crystalloid Crystalloid and blood Crystalloid and blood Table options In a retrospective evaluation of the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) database blood loss was estimated according to the injuries in nearly 165,000 adult trauma patients and each patient was allocated to one of the four ATLS shock classes [3]. Although heart rate increased and systolic blood pressure decreased from class I to class IV, respiratory rate and GCS were similar. The median heart rate in class IV patients was substantially lower than the value of 140 min−1 postulated by ATLS. Moreover deterioration of the different parameters does not necessarily go parallel as suggested in the ATLS shock classification [4] and [5]. In all these studies injury severity score (ISS) and mortality increased with in increasing shock class [3] and with increasing heart rate and decreasing blood pressure [4] and [5]. This supports the general concept that the higher heart rate and the lower blood pressure, the sicker is the patient. A prospective study attempted to validate a shock classification derived from the ATLS shock classes [6]. The authors used a combination of heart rate, blood pressure, clinically estimated blood loss and response to fluid resuscitation to classify trauma patients (Table 2) [6]. In their initial assessment of 715 predominantly blunt trauma patients 78% were classified as normal (Class 0), 14% as Class I, 6% as Class II and only 1% as Class III and Class IV respectively. This corresponds to the results from the previous retrospective studies [4] and [5]. The main endpoint used in the prospective study was therefore presence or absence of significant haemorrhage, defined as chest tube drainage >500 ml, evidence of >500 ml of blood loss in peritoneum, retroperitoneum or pelvic cavity on CT scan or requirement of any blood transfusion >2000 ml of crystalloid. Because of the low prevalence of class II or higher grades statistical evaluation was limited to a comparison between Class 0 and Class I–IV combined. As in the retrospective studies, Lawton did not find a statistical difference of heart rate and blood pressure among the five groups either, although there was a tendency to a higher heart rate in Class II patients. Apparently classification during primary survey did not rely on vital signs but considered the rather soft criterion of “clinical estimation of blood loss” and requirement of fluid substitution. This suggests that allocation of an individual patient to a shock classification was probably more an intuitive decision than an objective calculation the shock classification. Nevertheless it was a significant predictor of ISS [6]. Table 2. Shock grade categories in prospective validation study (Lawton, 2014) [6]. Normal No haemorrhage Class I Mild Class II Moderate Class III Severe Class IV Moribund Vitals Normal Normal HR > 100 with SBP >90 mmHg SBP < 90 mmHg SBP < 90 mmHg or imminent arrest Response to fluid bolus (1000 ml) NA Yes, no further fluid required Yes, no further fluid required Requires repeated fluid boluses Declining SBP despite fluid boluses Estimated blood loss (ml) None Up to 750 750–1500 1500–2000 >2000 Table options What does this mean for clinical practice and medical teaching? All these studies illustrate the difficulty to validate a useful and accepted physiologic general concept of the response of the organism to fluid loss: Decrease of cardiac output, increase of heart rate, decrease of pulse pressure occurring first and hypotension and bradycardia occurring only later. Increasing heart rate, increasing diastolic blood pressure or decreasing systolic blood pressure should make any clinician consider hypovolaemia first, because it is treatable and deterioration of the patient is preventable. This is true for the patient on the ward, the sedated patient in the intensive care unit or the anesthetized patients in the OR. We will therefore continue to teach this typical pattern but will continue to mention the exceptions and pitfalls on a second stage. The shock classification of ATLS is primarily used to illustrate the typical pattern of acute haemorrhagic shock (tachycardia and hypotension) as opposed to the Cushing reflex (bradycardia and hypertension) in severe head injury and intracranial hypertension or to the neurogenic shock in acute tetraplegia or high paraplegia (relative bradycardia and hypotension). Schulz and McConachrie nicely summarize the various confounders and exceptions from the general pattern and explain why in clinical reality patients often do not present with the “typical” pictures of our textbooks [1]. ATLS refers to the pitfalls in the signs of acute haemorrhage as well: Advanced age, athletes, pregnancy, medications and pace makers and explicitly state that individual subjects may not follow the general pattern. Obviously the ATLS shock classification which is the basis for a number of questions in the written test of the ATLS students course and which has been used for decades probably needs modification and cannot be literally applied in clinical practice. The European Trauma Course, another important Trauma training program uses the same parameters to estimate blood loss together with clinical exam and laboratory findings (e.g. base deficit and lactate) but does not use a shock classification related to absolute values. In conclusion the typical physiologic response to haemorrhage as illustrated by the ATLS shock classes remains an important issue in clinical practice and in teaching. The estimation of the severity haemorrhage in the initial assessment trauma patients is (and was never) solely based on vital signs only but includes the pattern of injuries, the requirement of fluid substitution and potential confounders. Vital signs are not obsolete especially in the course of treatment but must be interpreted in view of the clinical context. Conflict of interest None declared. Member of Swiss national ATLS core faculty.


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Background. Assessment of estrogen receptor (ER) expression has inconsistent utility as a prognostic marker in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. In breast and endometrial cancers, the use of estrogen-induced gene panels, rather than ER expression alone, has shown improved prognostic capability. Specifically, over-expression of estrogen-induced genes in these tumors is associated with a better prognosis and signifies estrogen sensitivity that can be exploited with hormone antagonizing agents. It was therefore hypothesized that estrogen-induced gene expression in ovarian carcinoma would successfully predict outcomes and differentiate between tumors of varying estrogen sensitivities. Methods. Two hundred nineteen (219) patients with ovarian cancer who underwent surgery at M. D. Anderson between 2004 and 2007 were identified. Of these, eighty-three (83) patients were selected for inclusion because they had advanced stage, high-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum, had not received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and had readily available frozen tissue for study. All patients had also received adjuvant treatment with platinum and taxane agents. The expression of seven genes known to be induced by estrogen in the female reproductive tract (EIG121, sFRP1, sFRP4, RALDH2, PR, IGF-1, and ER) was measured using qRT-PCR. Unsupervised cluster analyses of multiple gene permutations were used to categorize patients as high or low estrogen-induced gene expressors. QPCR gene expression results were then compared to ER and PR immunohistochemical (IHC) expression. Cox proportional hazards models were used to evaluate the effects of both individual genes and selected gene clusters on patient survival. Results. Median follow-up time was 38.7 months (range 1-68 months). In a multivariate model, overall survival was predicted by sFRP1 expression (HR 1.10 [1.02-1.19], p=0.01) and EIG121 expression (HR 1.28 [1.10-1.49], p<0.01). A cluster defined by EIG121 and ER was further examined because that combination appeared to reasonably segregate tumors into distinct groups of high and low estrogen-induced gene expressors. Shorter overall survival was associated with high estrogen-induced gene expressors (HR 2.84 [1.11-7.30], p=0.03), even after adjustment for race, age, body mass index, and residual disease at debulking. No difference in IHC ER or PR expression was noted between gene clusters. Conclusion. In sharp contrast to breast and endometrial cancers, high estrogen-induced gene expression predicts shorter overall survival in patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. An estrogen-induced gene biomarker panel may have utility as prognostic indicator and may be useful to guide management with estrogen antagonists in this population.^


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This prospective observational cohort study investigated whether diabetic dental patients with poor glycemic control experience a higher risk of post-operative complications and diminished wound healing abilities after an oral surgical procedure such as implant placement. This study compared soft tissue oral wound healing complications between poorly controlled diabetic patients, well controlled diabetic patients and non-diabetic patients following surgical implant placement in the mandible with a total of 131 patients. A one week post-surgical follow-up visit involved an oral wound examination that consisted of evaluating for edema, erythema, exudate, oral pain, problems with flap closure, infection, and hematoma. Analyses were performed to determine significance differences in frequency of oral wound complications between the 3 diabetic groups. Two-by-two contingency tables using chi-square analysis were used to evaluate for significant differences in the proportion of each post-operative oral wound healing complication. This was done separately between non-diabetics and diabetics and between well-controlled and poorly controlled diabetics to calculate odds ratios. Confidence intervals were also calculated. This preliminary study showed that many of the complications were found not to be associated with diabetic status. Other complications such as edema and problems with flap closure were found to be less likely to occur in diabetics compared to non-diabetics and even in poorly controlled diabetics when compared to well-controlled diabetics. The results did not support the hypothesis that diabetic dental patients experience a higher risk than non-diabetic patients of post-operative soft tissue oral wound complications.^


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A newly described subset of monocytes has been identified in peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from the malignant ascites of patients with ovarian cancer. These cells were characterized by the production of IL-10 and TGF-β2, but not IL-12, IL-1α, or TNF-α, and expressed CD14, CD16, and CD54, but not HLA-DR, CD80, CD86, CD11a, CD11b, or CD25 cell surface antigens. Since this subset of monocytes could affect the modulation of tumor immune responses in vivo, studies were undertaken to determine their effect on the activation and proliferation of autologous T-cells from the peritoneal cavity of patients with ovarian carcinoma. Cytokine transcripts, including IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-γ were detected in T-cells isolated from patient specimens that also contained the IL-10 producing monocytes, although the IFN-γ and IL-2 proteins could not be detected in T-cells co-incubated with the IL-10 producing monocytes in vitro. Additionally, IL-10 producing monocytes co-cultured with autologous T-cells inhibited the proliferation of the T-cells in response to PHA. T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production could be restored by the addition of neutralizing antibodies to IL-10R and TGF-β to the co-culture system. These results suggested that this subset of monocytes may modulate antitumor immune responses by inhibiting T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production. Further studies determined that the precursors to the inhibitory monocytes were tumor-associated and only present in the peripheral blood of patients with ovarian cancer and not present in the peripheral blood of healthy donors. These precursors could be induced to the suppressor phenotype by the addition of IL-2 and GM-CSF, two cytokines detected in the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients. Lastly, it was shown that the suppressor monocytes from the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients could be differentiated to a non-inhibitory phenotype by the addition of TNF-α and IFN-γ to the culture system. The differentiated monocytes did not produce IL-10, expressed the activation antigens HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86, and were able to stimulate autologous T-cells in vitro. Since a concomitant reduction in immune function is associated with tumor growth and progression, the effects of these monocytes are of considerable importance in the context of tumor immunotherapy. ^


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Durante las campañas 2007/08 y 2008/09, en explotaciones comerciales de zapallo coreano (Cucurbita moschata Duch) de las zonas hortícolas de Mendoza y San Juan, se observaron sobre los frutos numerosas lesiones circulares, de 3 a 6 mm de diámetro, de aspecto húmedo, algo deprimidas hacia el centro, con un exudado gomoso color ámbar. Cuando las lesiones superficiales se unían, se desarrollaba una podredumbre gelatinosa hacia el interior de los tejidos, que podía profundizar hasta la cavidad seminal. El resultado final de la afección era una podredumbre seca y costrosa, que abarcaba gran parte del fruto, inutilizándolo para ser comercializado. En follaje también se observaron síntomas de la enfermedad, como manchas cloróticas angulares de 2 a 3 mm de lado, que en ocasiones se fusionaban. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la etiología de la enfermedad. Para ello, se tomaron y analizaron muestras de frutos y hojas afectadas, durante ambas temporadas. Se concluyó que la sintomatología es causada por una bacteria, que de acuerdo con los estudios morfobioquímicos y patogénicos es Xanthomonas cucurbitae (Bryan) Vauterin et al. Esta investigación constituye la primera cita de este patógeno afectando frutos en Argentina.


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Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) accumulates high tissue Se concentrations and volatilizes Se in relatively nontoxic forms, such as dimethylselenide. This study showed that the presence of bacteria in the rhizosphere of Indian mustard was necessary to achieve the best rates of plant Se accumulation and volatilization of selenate. Experiments with the antibiotic ampicillin showed that bacteria facilitated 35% of plant Se volatilization and 70% of plant tissue accumulation. These results were confirmed by inoculating axenic plants with rhizosphere bacteria. Compared with axenic controls, plants inoculated with rhizosphere bacteria had 5-fold higher Se concentrations in roots (the site of volatilization) and 4-fold higher rates of Se volatilization. Plants with bacteria contained a heat-labile compound in their root exudate; when this compound was added to the rhizosphere of axenic plants, Se accumulation in plant tissues increased. Plants with bacteria had an increased root surface area compared with axenic plants; the increased area was unlikely to have caused their increased tissue Se accumulation because they did not accumulate more Se when supplied with selenite or selenomethionine. Rhizosphere bacteria also possibly increased plant Se volatilization because they enabled plants to overcome a rate-limiting step in the Se volatilization pathway, i.e. Se accumulation in plant tissues.


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Arginase (EC transcript level and activity were measured in soybean (Glycine max L.) embryos from the reserve deposition stage to postgermination. Using a cDNA probe for a small soybean arginase gene family, no transcript was detected in developing embryos. However, arginase transcripts increased sharply on germination, reaching a maximum at 3 to 5 d after germination. There was low but measurable in vitro arginase specific activity in developing embryos (less than 6% of seedling maximum). During germination arginase specific activity increased in parallel with the sharply increasing arginase transcript level. Seedling arginase activity was largely localized in cotyledons. Arginase activity was assayed in vivo by measuring urea accumulation in a urease-deficient mutant. No urea was detected in developing embryos, whereas accumulated urea paralleled arginase specific activity and transcript level in germinating seedlings. As in planta embryos, cultured cotyledons did not accumulate urea when arginine (Arg) was provided with other amino acids in a “mock” seed-coat exudate. Arg as the sole nitrogen source was converted to urea but did not support cotyledon growth. There appeared to be a lack of recruitment of the low-level arginase activity to hydrolyze free Arg in developing embryos, thus avoiding a futile urea cycle.


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The interaction of particulates with resident macrophages is a consistent feature in certain forms of crystal-induced inflammation, for example, in synovial tissues, lung, and the peritoneum. The mitogenic activity of basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals on synovial fibroblasts has been considered relevant to the synovial hyperplasia observed in crystal-induced arthritis. The aim of the study was to determine whether microcrystals such as these could enhance macrophage survival and induce DNA synthesis, thus indicating that they may contribute to the tissue hyperplasia.


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Pollen tubes navigate the route from stigma to ovule with great accuracy, but the cues that guide them along this route are not known. We reproduced the environment on the stigma of Nicotiana alata by immersing pollen in stigma exudate or oil close to an interface with an aqueous medium. The growth of pollen in this culture system mimicked growth on stigmas: pollen grains hydrated and germinated, and pollen tubes grew toward the aqueous medium. The rate-limiting step in pollen germination was the movement of water through the surrounding exudate or oil. By elimination of other potential guidance cues, we conclude that the directional supply of water probably determined the axis of polarity of pollen tubes and resulted in growth toward the interface. We propose that a gradient of water in exudate is a guidance cue for pollen tubes on the stigma and that the composition of the exudate must be such that it is permeable enough for pollen hydration to occur but not so permeable that the supply of water becomes nondirectional. Pollen tube penetration of the stigma may be the most frequently occurring hydrotropic response of higher plants.


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We investigated Zn compartmentation in the root, Zn transport into the xylem, and Zn absorption into leaf cells in Thlaspi caerulescens, a Zn-hyperaccumulator species, and compared them with those of a related nonaccumulator species, Thlaspi arvense. 65Zn-compartmental analysis conducted with roots of the two species indicated that a significant fraction of symplasmic Zn was stored in the root vacuole of T. arvense, and presumably became unavailable for loading into the xylem and subsequent translocation to the shoot. In T. caerulescens, however, a smaller fraction of the absorbed Zn was stored in the root vacuole and was readily transported back into the cytoplasm. We conclude that in T. caerulescens, Zn absorbed by roots is readily available for loading into the xylem. This is supported by analysis of xylem exudate collected from detopped Thlaspi species seedlings. When seedlings of the two species were grown on either low (1 μm) or high (50 μm) Zn, xylem sap of T. caerulescens contained approximately 5-fold more Zn than that of T. arvense. This increase was not correlated with a stimulated production of any particular organic or amino acid. The capacity of Thlaspi species cells to absorb 65Zn was studied in leaf sections and leaf protoplasts. At low external Zn levels (10 and 100 μm), there was no difference in leaf Zn uptake between the two Thlaspi species. However, at 1 mm Zn2+, 2.2-fold more Zn accumulated in leaf sections of T. caerulescens. These findings indicate that altered tonoplast Zn transport in root cells and stimulated Zn uptake in leaf cells play a role in the dramatic Zn hyperaccumulation expressed in T. caerulescens.