999 resultados para paper electrophoresis


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The procedure to conduct horizontal starch gel electrophoresis on enzymes is described in detail. Areas covered are (I) collection and storage of specimens, (2) preparation of tissues, (3) preparation of a starch gel, (4) application of enzyme extracts to a gel, (5) setting up a gel for electrophoresis, (6) slicing a gel, and (7) staining a gel. Recipes are also included for 47 enzyme stains and 3 selected gel buffers. (PDF file contains 26 pages.)


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Aquaculture in the Philippines is a long-standing activity but has witnessed relatively recent, rapid, technical change with the introduction of hatchery technology and commercial feed-mills changing the production possibilities for a fishpond operator. We are confronted with a diversity of aquaculture practices in the coastal areas of the Philippines, with new technologies being incorporated into more traditional systems. As a first step to understanding the sector, we therefore present a typology of farming systems with the motivation of generating domains (farm “types”) over which we can compare performance on a number of indicators. Our typology, restricted to brackish-water pond systems, is constructed using multivariate methods (principal components analysis, cluster analysis). Eight variables are used relating to the management of the farm across all the major factors of production. A stratified net sample of 136 observations provides the data for the analysis, from a farm-level survey carried out between January and June 2003 in the two main brackish-water production regions in the Philippines. We define five farm types from this analysis. In later work we will show how the use of this typology can be used for comparative study of economic, social and ecological performance at the farm-level. [PDF contains 42 pages]


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After reviewing the rather thin literature on the subject, we investigate the relationship between aquaculture and poverty based on a case study of five coastal communities in the Philippines. The analysis relies on a data set collated through a questionnaire survey of 148 households randomly selected in these five communities. The methodological approach combines the qualitative analysis of how this relationship is perceived by the surveyed households and a quantitative analysis of the levels and determinants of poverty and inequality in these communities. There is overwhelming evidence that aquaculture benefits the poor in important ways and that it is perceived very positively by the poor and non-poor alike. In particular, the poor derive a relatively larger share of their income from aquaculture than the rich, and a lowering of the poverty line only reinforces this result. Further, a Gini decomposition exercise shows unambiguously that aquaculture represents an inequality-reducing source of income. We believe that the pro-poor character of brackish water aquaculture in the study areas is explained by the fact that the sector provides employment to a large number of unskilled workers in communities characterized by large surpluses of labour. Our results also suggest that the analysis of the relationship between aquaculture and poverty should not focus exclusively on the socio-economic status of the farm operator/owner, as has often been the case in the past. [PDF contains 51 pages]


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The UNDP/FAO supported Federal Fisheries Project for the Development of Artisanal and Inshore Fisheries in Nigeria has the specific objective of increasing fish production through an integrated approach aimed at upgrading the rural coastal fishermen and improving their living conditions. The project has an operating life-span of three years and envisages a total outlay of nearly N3 million in terms of personnel and services. This paper attempts to review the activities of the project during the first two years of the operational phase and highlight some of its specific achievements.


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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is usually considered as a dielectric material and the PDMS microchannel wall can be treated as an electrically insulated boundary in an applied electric field. However, in certain layouts of microfluidic networks, electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel walls may not be negligible, which must be carefully considered in the microfluidic circuit design. In this paper, we report on the experimental characterization of the electrical leakage current through PDMS microfluidic channel walls of different configurations. Our numerical and experimental studies indicate that for tens of microns thick PDMS channel walls, electrical leakage through the PDMS wall could significantly alter the electrical field in the main channel. We further show that we can use the electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel wall to control the electrolyte flow inside the microfluidic channel and manipulate the particle motion inside the microfluidic channel. More specifically, we can trap individual particles at different locations inside the microfluidic channel by balancing the electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic migration of the particle.


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A new dual simultaneous detector was developed for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and moveable contactless conductivity detection (MCCD) were combined together for the first time. The two detection systems shared a common detection cell and could respond simultaneously. They were mutually independent and advantageous in analyses of mixtures containing organic and inorganic ions. The confocal LIF had high sensitivity and the MCCD could move along the separation channel and detect in different positions of the channel. The detection conditions of the dual detector were optimized. Rhodamine B was used to evaluate the performance of the dual detector. The limit of detection of the confocal LIF was < 5 nM, and that of the MCCD was 0.1 mu M. The dual detector had highly sensitivity and could offer response easily, rapidly and simultaneously. 


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This paper highlights some of the practices involved in integrated aquaculture such as poultry-cum-fish, pig-cum-fish, sheep and goat-cum-fish and grasscutter-cum-fish. Also the role of fisheries in alleviating protein deficiency was reviewed. Successful research findings on these practices in aquaculture at the Federal College of Forestry, Jericho, Ibadan (Nigeria) will eventually lead to alleviating protein deficiency of the inhabitants of the largest city in West African thus alleviating poverty in the nation


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This paper reviews the production trials of rice-cum-fish culture. Rice and various fish species using rotation and concurrent methods of cultivation are used. The farming system is mostly practiced and researched in to in Southeast Asian countries. It addresses the problems of high external inputs, sustainable aquaculture, poverty and nutrition in the rural population, insect pests, use of insecticides, weeds control and under-utilization of agricultural lands. The production trials yields are summarized and a summary of annual income per hectare from rice and fish have been given. The yield however depends to a large extent on the species stocked, culture period, fertility of the soil and water, degree of supplemental feeding and culturing methods. The production results are discussed. Niger state is blessed with abundant wetlands/rice fields suitable for the practice. However, ecological differences from country to country and region to region, research and development trials are necessary to ensure a successful adoption of the technology to farmers in the State


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The environmental impact of agro-chemicals for fish production was extensively reviewed. The positive contribution of agro- chemicals and the devastating effect on aquaculture was x-rayed to alert users to this obvious environmental problem. Lime and fertilizers are commonly used in fish farming to increase pH of pond soil and water and to increase alkalinity and hardness, reduce humic acid content and to initiate primary and secondary productivity. Devastating effect of lime on environment is likely to be minimal. In the case of fertilizers, over utilization of this agro-chemical could impair water quality as phytoplankton bloom become excessive which consequently raises BOD. The use of Therapeutants in aquaculture was discovered to be more popular in Europe and North America than in the tropics (Africa). Commonly used therapeutants include antibiotics and antimicrobials. For fish pathology chemicals like formalin, potassium permanganate, Dipterex and malachite green are widely in use. Effluent from farms where these chemicals are commonly in use can distort the aquatic ecosystem. The changes in water quality, aquatic community structure and productivity caused by intensive aquaculture are typical of the impacts of pollution from a wide variety of sources like sewage, agricultural run-off and effluent discharges from industry