968 resultados para pair-correlation functions


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We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations.


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The out of equilibrium evolution for an Edwards‐Anderson spin glass is followed for a tenth of a second, a long enough time to let us make safe predictions about the behaviour at experimental scales. This work has been made possible by Janus, an FPGA based special purpose computer. We have thoroughly studied the spin glass correlation functions and the growth of the coherence length for L = 80 lattices in 3D. Our main conclusion is that these spin glasses follow noncoarsening dynamics, at least up to the experimentally relevant time scales.


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Las funciones de segundo orden son cada vez más empleadas en el análisis de procesos ecológicos. En este trabajo presentamos dos funciones de 2º orden desarrolladas recientemente que permiten analizar la interacción espacio-temporal entre dos especies o tipos funcionales de individuos. Estas funciones han sido desarrolladas para el estudio de interacciones entre especies en masas forestales a partir de la actual distribución diamétrica de los árboles. La primera de ellas es la función bivariante para procesos de puntos con marca Krsmm, que permite analizar la correlación espacial de una variable entre los individuos pertenecientes a dos especies en función de la distancia. La segunda es la función de reemplazo , que permite analizar la asociación entre los individuos pertenecientes a dos especies en función de la diferencia entre sus diámetros u otra variable asociada a dichos individuos. Para mostrar el comportamiento de ambas funciones en el análisis de sistemas forestales en los que operan diferentes procesos ecológicos se presentan tres casos de estudio: una masa mixta de Pinus pinea L. y Pinus pinaster Ait. en la Meseta Norte, un bosque de niebla de la Región Tropical Andina y el ecotono entre las masas de Quercus pyrenaica Willd. y Pinus sylvestris L. en el Sistema Central, en los que tanto la función Krsmm como la función r se utilizan para analizar la dinámica forestal a partir de parcelas experimentales con todos los árboles localizados y de parcelas de inventario.


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We introduce a unified Gaussian quantum operator representation for fermions and bosons. The representation extends existing phase-space methods to Fermi systems as well as the important case of Fermi-Bose mixtures. It enables simulations of the dynamics and thermal equilibrium states of many-body quantum systems from first principles. As an example, we numerically calculate finite-temperature correlation functions for the Fermi Hubbard model, with no evidence of the Fermi sign problem. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We summarize recent theoretical results for the signatures of strongly correlated ultra-cold fermions in optical lattices. In particular, we focus on collective mode calculations, where a sharp decrease in collective mode frequency is predicted at the onset of the Mott metal-insulator transition; and correlation functions at finite temperature, where we employ a new exact technique that applies the stochastic gauge technique with a Gaussian operator basis.


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First principles simulations of the quantum dynamics of interacting Bose gases using the stochastic gauge representation are analysed. In a companion paper, we showed how the positive-P representation can be applied to these problems using stochastic differential equations. That method, however, is limited by increased sampling error as time evolves. Here, we show how the sampling error can be greatly reduced and the simulation time significantly extended using stochastic gauges. In particular, local stochastic gauges (a subset) are investigated. Improvements are confirmed in numerical calculations of single-, double- and multi-mode systems in the weak-mode coupling regime. Convergence issues are investigated, including the recognition of two modes by which stochastic equations produced by phase-space methods in general can diverge: movable singularities and a noise-weight relationship. The example calculated here displays wave-like behaviour in spatial correlation functions propagating in a uniform 1D gas after a sudden change in the coupling constant. This could in principle be tested experimentally using Feshbach resonance methods.


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In this thesis we study at perturbative level correlation functions of Wilson loops (and local operators) and their relations to localization, integrability and other quantities of interest as the cusp anomalous dimension and the Bremsstrahlung function. First of all we consider a general class of 1/8 BPS Wilson loops and chiral primaries in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We perform explicit two-loop computations, for some particular but still rather general configuration, that confirm the elegant results expected from localization procedure. We find notably full consistency with the multi-matrix model averages, obtained from 2D Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, when interacting diagrams do not cancel and contribute non-trivially to the final answer. We also discuss the near BPS expansion of the generalized cusp anomalous dimension with L units of R-charge. Integrability provides an exact solution, obtained by solving a general TBA equation in the appropriate limit: we propose here an alternative method based on supersymmetric localization. The basic idea is to relate the computation to the vacuum expectation value of certain 1/8 BPS Wilson loops with local operator insertions along the contour. Also these observables localize on a two-dimensional gauge theory on S^2, opening the possibility of exact calculations. As a test of our proposal, we reproduce the leading Luscher correction at weak coupling to the generalized cusp anomalous dimension. This result is also checked against a genuine Feynman diagram approach in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Finally we study the cusp anomalous dimension in N=6 ABJ(M) theory, identifying a scaling limit in which the ladder diagrams dominate. The resummation is encoded into a Bethe-Salpeter equation that is mapped to a Schroedinger problem, exactly solvable due to the surprising supersymmetry of the effective Hamiltonian. In the ABJ case the solution implies the diagonalization of the U(N) and U(M) building blocks, suggesting the existence of two independent cusp anomalous dimensions and an unexpected exponentation structure for the related Wilson loops.


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The generating functional method is employed to investigate the synchronous dynamics of Boolean networks, providing an exact result for the system dynamics via a set of macroscopic order parameters. The topology of the networks studied and its constituent Boolean functions represent the system's quenched disorder and are sampled from a given distribution. The framework accommodates a variety of topologies and Boolean function distributions and can be used to study both the noisy and noiseless regimes; it enables one to calculate correlation functions at different times that are inaccessible via commonly used approximations. It is also used to determine conditions for the annealed approximation to be valid, explore phases of the system under different levels of noise and obtain results for models with strong memory effects, where existing approximations break down. Links between Boolean networks and general Boolean formulas are identified and results common to both system types are highlighted. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The microscopic origin of the intermediate phase in two prototypical covalently bonded AxB1-x network glass forming systems, where A=Ge or Si, B=Se, and 0=x=1, was investigated by combining neutron diffraction with first-principles molecular-dynamics methods. Specifically, the structure of glassy GeSe4 and SiSe4 was examined, and the calculated total structure factor and total pair-correlation function for both materials are in good agreement with experiment. The structure of both glasses differs markedly from a simple model comprising undefective AB4 corner-sharing tetrahedra in which all A atoms are linked by B2 dimers. Instead, edge-sharing tetrahedra occur and the twofold coordinated Se atoms form three distinct structural motifs, namely, Se-Se2, Se-SeGe (or Se-SeSi), and Se-Ge2 (or Se-Si2). This identifies several of the conformations that are responsible for the structural variability in GexSe1-x and SixSe1-x glasses, a quantity that is linked to the finite width of the intermediate phase window.


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The role of the Sm3+ ions in the structure of vitreous Sm2O3•4P2O5 has been investigated using the neutron diffraction anomalous dispersion technique, which employs the wavelength dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the neutron scattering length close to an absorption resonance. The data described here represent the first successful complete neutron anomalous dispersion study on an amorphous material. This experimental methodology permits one to determine exclusively the closest Sm• •• Sm separation. Knowledge of the R•••R (R = rare-earth) pairwise correlation is key to understanding the optical and magnetic properties of rare-earth phosphate glasses. The anomalous difference correlation function, ΔT''(r), shows a dominant feature pertaining to a Sm•••Sm separation, centred at 4.8 Å. The substantial width and marked asymmetry of this peak indicates that the minimum approach of Sm3+ ions could be as close as 4 Å. Information on other pairwise correlations is also revealed via analysis of T (r) and ΔT (r) correlation functions: Sm3+ ions display an average co-ordination number, n Sm(O), of 7, with a mean Sm–O bond length of 2.375(5) Å whilst the PO4 tetrahedra have a mean P–O bond length of 1.538(2) Å. Second- and third-neighbour correlations are also identified. These results corroborate previous findings. Such consistency lends support to the application of the anomalous dispersion technique to determine separations.


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Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.


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Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.


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We provide a theoretical explanation of the results on the intensity distributions and correlation functions obtained from a random-beam speckle field in nonlinear bulk waveguides reported in the recent publication by Bromberg et al. [Nat. Photonics 4, 721 (2010) ].. We study both the focusing and defocusing cases and in the limit of small speckle size (short-correlated disordered beam) provide analytical asymptotes for the intensity probability distributions at the output facet. Additionally we provide a simple relation between the speckle sizes at the input and output of a focusing nonlinear waveguide. The results are of practical significance for nonlinear Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry in both optical waveguides and Bose-Einstein condensates. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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We study a Luttinger liquid (LL) coupled to a generic environment consisting of bosonic modes with arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. The LL can be either in the conducting phase and perturbed by a weak scatterer or in the insulating phase and perturbed by a weak link. The environment modes can also be scattered by the imperfection in the system with arbitrary transmission and reflection amplitudes. We present a general method of calculating correlation functions under the presence of the environment and prove the duality of exponents describing the scaling of the weak scatterer and of the weak link. This duality holds true for a broad class of models and is sensitive to neither interaction nor environmental modes details, thus it shows up as the universal property. It ensures that the environment cannot generate new stable fixed points of the renormalization group flow. Thus, the LL always flows toward either conducting or insulating phase. Phases are separated by a sharp boundary which is shifted by the influence of the environment. Our results are relevant, for example, for low-energy transport in (i) an interacting quantum wire or a carbon nanotube where the electrons are coupled to the acoustic phonons scattered by the lattice defect; (ii) a mixture of interacting fermionic and bosonic cold atoms where the bosonic modes are scattered due to an abrupt local change of the interaction; (iii) mesoscopic electric circuits.


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We present experimental measurements of intensity spatiotemporal dynamics in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. Depending on the power, the laser operates in different spatio-temporal regimes varying from partial mode-locking near the generation threshold to almost stochastic radiation and a generation of short-lived pulses at high power. The transitions between the generation regimes are evident in intensity spatio-temporal dynamics. Two-dimensional auto-correlation functions provide an additional insight into temporal and spatial properties of the observed regimes.