997 resultados para nickel(II)


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Enforcement of chirality upon a macrocyclic tetramine ligand structure by the introduction of an asymmetric pendent arm which does not significantly modify the macrocycle conformation has no significant effect upon the geometry of the coordination sphere of a bound metal. Where substitution engendering chirality does cause a change in the ligand conformation, in particular for a ligand of restricted stereochemistry, these effects can be much greater. Thus, conversion of 3,7-diazacycloheptane to a macrocycle via attachment of chiral sidearms and ring closure through a template reaction leads to cyclam derivatives with unusual coordination properties. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPCIH) family of ligands are typically tridentate N,N,O chelators that exhibit very high in vitro activity in mobilizing intracellular Fe and are promising candidates for the treatment of Fe overload diseases. Complexation of ferrous perchlorate with HPCIH in MeCN solution gives the expected six-coordinate complex Fe-II(PCIH)(2). However, complexation of Fe-II with 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde picolinoyl hydrazone (HPCPH, an isomer of HPCIH) under the same conditions leads to spontaneous assembly of an unprecedented asymmetric, mixed-ligand dinuclear triple helical complex Fe-2(II)(PCPH)(2)(PPH), where PPH2- is the dianion of bis(picolinoyl) hydrazine. The X-ray crystal structure of this complex shows that each ligand binds simultaneously to both metal centres in a bidentate fashion. The dinuclear complex exhibits two well separated and totally reversible Fe-III/II redox couples as shown by cyclic voltammetry in MeCN solution.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.


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A ocorrência e destino de fármacos no ambiente aquático tem vindo a ser reconhecido como um problema emergente em química ambiental. Alguns compostos são resistentes à degradação nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, ETARs, enquanto que outros, ainda que sofram degradação parcial, continuam a ser lançados nos meios aquáticos em quantidades apreciáveis. O Ibuprofeno, IB, um dos anti­ inflamatórios mais consumidos por todo o mundo, é um dos fármacos mais detectados no meio hídrico. Apesar dos sistemas de tratamento convencionais utilizados nas ETARs removerem até 90% do IB das águas residuais, é frequente o efluente descarregado conter ainda quantidades significativas deste poluente. A presença destes compostos no ambiente deve ser avaliada dado que possuem actividade biológica, mesmo a baixas concentrações. Os processos avançados de oxidação com peróxido de hidrogénio, na presença de catalisadores heterogéneos, permitem melhorar significativamente a remoção deste tipo de compostos em águas. Assim, foi objectivo deste trabalho o estudo da utilização de peróxido de hidrogénio como agente oxidante na remoção de IB em soluções aquosas, na presença de complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II) disperso em PDMS ou encapsulado em zeólitos NaY. Para o doseamento do fármaco em solução foi necessário desenvolver um método analítico consistindo de separação cromatográfica por HPLC e detecção e quantificação por UV-Vis. Não houve necessidade de recorrer a um passo de pré­ concentração de amostras por extracção em fase sólida (SPE) devido ao facto das concentrações de IB medidas ao longo do trabalho se terem sempre encontrado acima do LOQ (811 g L-1) do método analítico por injecção directa. Deste estudo pode concluir-se que o catalisador que apresentou melhor actividade catalítica e consequentemente maior remoção do IB em solução, foi o complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II), disperso em PDMS. Foi avaliada a influência, na conversão do IB, de diferentes parâmetros como a concentração inicial de peróxido de hidrogénio adicionada, quantidade de catalisador utilizada na mistura reaccional e temperatura. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os aumentos destes parâmetros conduzem a um aumento da actividade catalítica da reacção. A estabilidade catalítica do acetilacetonato de Ni (II)/PDMS, foi avaliada em ensaios consecutivos com a mesma amostra e nas mesmas condições, tendo-se observado que, após 8 utilizações, o catalisador perde ligeiramente a actividade (cerca de 11% do seu valor inicial). ABSTRACT: The presence and fate of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is an emergent issue in environmental chemistry. Some compounds are poorly removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) while others, in spite of being partially removed, are still present in the WWTPs effluents and discharged in the receiving water bodies. Ibuprofen, IB, a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, is one of the most used and also one of the most frequently detected pharmaceutical contaminants in aquifers worldwide. Its removal by conventional wastewater treatment processes used in most WWTPs is usually high (up to 90% of incoming IB may be removed), but duet the high loads present in the influents, still significant amounts of IB usually leave the WWTPs in the treated effluents. The presence of these compounds in the environment must be evaluated considering that they may have some biological activity even at low concentrations. Advanced oxidation processes using hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts, provide a significantly improved removal of this type of substances from waters. Therefore, it was the aim of this work to study the use of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent in the removal of IB from aqueous solutions, in the presence of the catalyst nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS or encapsulated in the NaY zeolite. For the quantification of the pharmaceutical in aqueous solution it was necessary to develop an analytical methodology based in chromatographic separation by HPLC and with UV-Vis detection and quantification. There was no need for a pre­concentration step of the samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) as the IB concentrations measured were always above the limit of quantification (811 bL1 of) the analytical method. The results from this study have shown that the catalyst which presented the best catalytic activity and the highest IB removal in solution was nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS.


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A detailed investigation of the hydrolysis of nickel in the lower concentration range has been made. The results have been analysed on the basis of 'Core + links' theory and on the assumption of the formation of one predominant complex. Evidence is obtained for the formation of Ni2 (OH)62- and its stability constant is calculated to be 1038.78


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The constitutive behaviour of agr-beta nickel silver in the temperature range 600�850 °C and strainrate range 0.001�100s�1 was characterized with the help of a processing map generated on the principles of the dynamic materials model. On the basis of the flow-stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by [2m/(m+1)], wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained, agr-beta nickel silver exhibits a single domain at temperatures greater than 700 °C and at strain rates lower than 1 s�1 with a maximum efficiency of power dissipation of about 42% occurring at about 850 °C and at 0.1 s�1. In the domain, the agr phase undergoes dynamic recrystallization and controls the deformation of the alloy, while the beta phase deforms superplastically. Optimum conditions for the processing of agr-beta nickel silver are 850 °C and 0.1 s�1. The material undergoes unstable flow at strain rates of 10 and 100 s�1 and in the temperature range 600�750 °C, manifestated in the form of adiabatic shear bands.


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The coarsening kinetics of Ni3 Si(γ') precipitate in a binary Ni-Si alloy containing 6.5 wt. % silicon was studied by magnetic techniques and transmission electronmicroscopy. A calibration curve was established to determine the concentration of silicon in the matrix. The variation of the Si content of the Ni-rich matrix as a function of time follows Lifshitz and Wagner theory for diffusion controlled coarsening phenomena. The estimated values of equilibrium solubility of silicon in the matrix represent the true coherent equilibrium solubilities.

The experimental particle-size distributions and average particle size were determined from dark field electron micrographs. The average particle size varies linearly with t-1/3 as suggested by Lifshitz and Wagner. The experimental distributions of particle sizes differ slightly from the theoretical curve at the early stages of aging, but the agreement is satisfactory at the later stages. The values of diffusion coefficient of silicon, interfacial free energy and activation energy were calculated from the results of coarsening kinetics. The experimental value of effective diffusion coefficient is in satisfactory agreement with the value predicted by the application of irreversible the rmodynamics to the process of volume constrained growth of coherent precipitate during coarsening. The coherent γ' particles in Ni-Sialloy unlike those in Ni-Al and Ni-Ti seem to lose coherency at high temperature. A mechanism for the formation of semi-coherent precipitate is suggested.


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Nickel-containing catalysts are developed to oligomerize light olefins. Two nickel-containing zincosilicates (Ni-CIT-6 and Ni-Zn-MCM-41) and two nickel-containing aluminosilicates (Ni-HiAl-BEA and Ni-USY) are synthesized as catalysts to oligomerize propylene into C3n (C6 and C9) products. All catalysts oligomerize propylene, with the zincosilicates demonstrating higher average selectivities to C3n products, likely due to the reduced acidity of the Zn heteroatom.

To test whether light alkanes can be incorporated into this oligomerization reaction, a supported homogeneous catalyst is combined with Ni-containing zincosilicates. The homogeneous catalyst is included to provide dehydrogenation/hydrogenation functions. When this tandem catalyst system is evaluated using a propylene/n-butane feed, no significant integration of alkanes are observed.

Ni-containing zincosilicates are reacted with 1-butene and an equimolar propylene/1-butene mixture to study other olefinic feeds. Further, other divalent metal cations such as Mn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ are exchanged onto CIT-6 samples to investigate stability and potential use for other reactions. Co-CIT-6 oligomerizes propylene, albeit less effectively than Ni-CIT-6. The other M-CIT-6 samples, while not able to oligomerize light olefins, may be useful for other reactions, such as deNOx.

Molecular sieves are synthesized, characterized, and used to catalyze the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction. The Al concentration in SSZ-13 samples is varied to investigate the effect of Al number on MTO reactivity when compared to a SAPO-34 sample with only isolated Si Brønsted acid sites. These SSZ-13 samples display reduced transient selectivity behavior and extended reaction lifetimes as Si/Al increases; attributable to fewer paired Al sites. MTO reactivity for the higher Si/Al SSZ-13s resembles the SAPO-34 sample, suggesting that both catalysts owe their stable reaction behavior to isolated Brønsted acid sites.

Zeolites CHA and RHO are prepared without the use of organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs), dealuminated by steam treatments (500°C-800°C), and evaluated as catalysts for the MTO reaction. The effects of temperature and steam partial pressure during steaming are investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Ar physisorption show that steaming causes partial structural collapse of the zeolite, with degradation increasing with steaming temperature. 27Al MAS NMR spectra of steamed materials reveal the presence of tetrahedral, pentacoordinate, and hexacoordinate aluminum.

Proton forms of as-synthesized CHA (Si/Al=2.4) and RHO (Si/Al=2.8) rapidly deactivate under MTO testing conditions (400°C, atmospheric pressure). CHA samples steamed at 600°C performed best among samples tested, showing increased olefin selectivities and catalyst lifetime. Acid washing these steamed samples further improved activity. Reaction results for RHO were similar to CHA, with the RHO sample steamed at 800°C producing the highest light olefin selectivities. Catalyst lifetime and C2-C3 olefin selectivities increase with increasing reaction temperature for both CHA-type and RHO-type steamed samples.


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Expedient synthetic approaches to the highly functionalized polycyclic alkaloids communesin F and perophoramidine are described using a unified approach featuring a key decarboxylative allylic alkylation to access a crucial and highly congested 3,3-disubstituted oxindole. Described are two distinct, stereoselective alkylations that produce structures in divergent diastereomeric series possessing the critical vicinal all-carbon quaternary centers needed for each synthesis. Synthetic studies toward these challenging core structures have revealed a number of unanticipated modes of reactivity inherent to these complex alkaloid scaffolds. Finally, a previously unknown mild and efficient deprotection protocol for the o-nitrobenzyl group is disclosed – this serendipitous discovery permitted a concise endgame for the formal syntheses of both communesin F and perophoramidine.

In addition, the atroposelective synthesis of PINAP ligands has been accomplished via a palladium-catalyzed C–P coupling process through dynamic kinetic resolution. These catalytic conditions allow access to a wide variety of alkoxy- and benzyloxy-substituted PINAP ligands in high enantiomeric excess.

An efficient and exceptionally mild intramolecular nickel-catalyzed carbon–oxygen bond-forming reaction between vinyl halides and primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols has been achieved. This operationally simple method allows direct access to cyclic vinyl ethers in high yields in a single step.

Finally, synthetic studies toward polycyclic ineleganolide are described. The entire fragmented carbon framework has been constructed from this work. Highly (Z)-selective olefination was achieved by the method by the Ando group.


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We report a detailed and full computational investigation on the hydrovinylation reaction of styrene with the Ni(II)-phospholane catalytic system, which was originally presumed to proceed through a cationic mechanism involving a nickel hydride intermediate. The following general features emerge from this study on a specific catalyst complex that was found to give quantitative yield and moderate selectivity: (a) the activation barrier for the initiation (18.8 kcal/mol) is higher than that for the reaction due to a low-lying square-planar pentenyl chelate intermediate originating from a Ni(II)-allyl catalyst precursor. Consequently there is an induction period for the catalysis; (b) the exit of product from the catalyst is via a β-H-transfer step instead of the usual β-H elimination pathway, which has a very high activation energy due to a trans effect of the phospholane ligand; (c) the turnover-limiting and enantio- determining transition state is also the β-H-transfer; (d) because of the absence of a hydride intermediate, the unwanted isomerization of the product is prevented; (e) since the enantio-discrimination is decided at the H-transfer stage itself, the configuration of the product in a catalytic cycle influences the enantioselectivity in the subsequent cycle; (f) the trans effect of the sole strong ligand in the d8 square-planar Ni(II), the stability of the η3-benzyl intermediate, and the availability of three coordination sites enable regioselective hydrovinylation over the possible oligomerization/polymerization of the olefin substrates and linear hydrovinylation. This work has also confirmed the previously recognized role of the hemilabile group at various stages in the mechanism.


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Four new 5-aminoisophthalates of cobalt and nickel have been prepared employing hydro/solvothermal methods: [Co2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (I), [Ni2(C8H5NO4)2(C4H4N2)(H2O)2]·3H2O (II), [Co2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (III), and [Ni2(H2O)(μ3-OH)2(C8H5NO4)] (IV). Compounds I and II are isostructural, having anion-deficient CdCl2 related layers bridged by a pyrazine ligand, giving rise to a bilayer arrangement. Compounds III and IV have one-dimensional M−O(H)−M chains connected by the 5-aminoisophthalate units forming a three-dimensional structure. The coordinated as well as the lattice water molecules of I and II could be removed and inserted by simple heating−cooling cycles under the atmospheric conditions. The removal of the coordinated water molecule is accompanied by changes in the coordination environment around the M2+ (M = Co, Ni) and color of the samples (purple to blue, Co; green to dark yellow, Ni). This change has been examined by a variety of techniques that include in situ single crystal to single crystal transformation studies and in situ IR and UV−vis spectroscopic studies. Magnetic studies indicate antiferromagnetic behavior in I and II, a field-induced magnetism in III, and a canted antiferromagnetic behavior in IV.


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New metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [Ni(C12N2H10)(H2O)][C6H3(COO)2(COOH)] (I), [Co2(H2O)6][C6H3(COO)3]2·(C4N2H12)(H2O)2 (II), [Ni2(H2O)6][C6H3(COO)3]2·(C4N2H12)(H2O)2 (III), [Ni(C13N2H14)(H2O)][C6H3(COO)2(COOH)] (IV), [Ni3(H2O)8][C6H3(COO)3] (V) and [Co(C4N2H4)(H2O)][C6H3(COO)3] (VI) {C6H3(COOH)3 = trimesic acid, C12N2H10 = 1,10-phenanthroline, C4N2H12 = piperazine dication, C13N2H14 = 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane and C4N2H4 = pyrazine} have been synthesized by using an interface between two immiscible solvents, water and cyclohexanol. The compounds are constructed from the connectivity between the octahedral M2+ (M = Ni, Co) ions coordinated by oxygen atoms of carboxylate groups and water molecules and/or by nitrogen atoms of the ligand amines and the carboxylate units to form a variety of structures of different dimensionality. Strong hydrogen bonds of the type O-H···O are present in all the compounds, which give rise to supramolecularly organized higher-dimensional structures. In some cases ··· interactions are also observed. Magnetic studies indicate weak ferromagnetic interactions in I, IV and V and weak antiferromagnetic interactions in the other compounds (II, III and VI). All the compounds have been characterized by a variety of techniques.


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The impedance of sealed nickel/cadmium cells is measured at low states-of-charge that correspond to a cell e.m.f. range of 0.0 to 1.3 V. The results show that the impedance exhibits a pronounced maximum between 0.3 and 0.45 V. It is concluded that the impedance maxima are due to physicochemical processes taking place at the nickel oxide electrode. The impedance of the nickel oxide electrode is dominated by three different phenomena: (i) a Ni(II)/Ni(III) reaction between 1.3 and 0.8 V; (ii) a double-layer impedance between 0.8 and 0.3 V; (iii) a hydrogen evolution reaction between 0.3 and 0.0 V.