328 resultados para neurosurgery


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OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO), one of the most powerful endogenous vasodilators, is thought to play a major role in the development of delayed vasospasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). However, the role of the production of cerebral NO in patients with SAH is not known. In other SAH studies, NO metabolites such as nitrite and nitrate have been demonstrated to be decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and in plasma. METHODS: In this study, a microdialysis probe was used, along with a multiparameter sensor, to measure NO metabolites, brain tissue oxygen tension, brain tissue carbon dioxide tension, and pH in the cortex of patients with severe SAH who were at risk for developing secondary brain damage and vasospasm. NO metabolites, glucose, and lactate were analyzed in the dialysates to determine the time course of NO metabolite changes and to test the interrelationship between the analytes and clinical variables. RESULTS: Brain tissue oxygen tension was strongly correlated to dialysate nitrate and nitrite (r2 = 0.326; P < 0.001); however, no correlation was noted between brain tissue oxygen tension and NO metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (r2 = 0.018; P = 0.734). No significant correlation between NO production, brain tissue carbon dioxide tension, and dialysate glucose and lactate was observed. CONCLUSION: Cerebral ischemia and compromised substrate delivery are often responsible for high morbidity rates and poor outcomes after SAH. The relationship between brain tissue oxygen and cerebral NO metabolites that we demonstrate suggests that substrate delivery and NO are linked in the pathophysiology of vasospasm after SAH.


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OBJECT: Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized as probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Evidence obtained in animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation by excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with measurements of intracranial pressure (ICP), patient outcome, and levels of dialysate glutamate and lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ion dysfunction. METHODS: Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale Score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed using flame photometry, and dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients, respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable xenon computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, dialysate potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mM) for 3 hours or more. A mean amount of dialysate potassium greater than 2 mM throughout the entire monitoring period was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome, as were progressively rising levels of dialysate potassium. The presence of dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate (p < 0.0001) levels. Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). CONCLUSIONS: Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase in dialysate potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the concept that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP, which the authors speculate may be due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered vasoreactivity in cerebral blood vessels caused by higher levels of potassium after trauma. Additional studies in which potassium-sensitive microelectrodes are used are needed to validate these ionic events more clearly.


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OBJECT: Early impairment of cerebral blood flow in patients with severe head injury correlates with poor brain tissue O2 delivery and may be an important cause of ischemic brain damage. The purpose of this study was to measure cerebral tissue PO2, lactate, and glucose in patients after severe head injury to determine the effect of increased tissue O2 achieved by increasing the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2). METHODS: In addition to standard monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure, the authors continuously measured brain tissue PO2, PCO2, pH, and temperature in 22 patients with severe head injury. Microdialysis was performed to analyze lactate and glucose levels. In one cohort of 12 patients, the PaO2 was increased to 441+/-88 mm Hg over a period of 6 hours by raising the FiO2 from 35+/-5% to 100% in two stages. The results were analyzed and compared with the findings in a control cohort of 12 patients who received standard respiratory therapy (mean PaO2 136.4+/-22.1 mm Hg). The mean brain PO2 levels increased in the O2-treated patients up to 359+/-39% of the baseline level during the 6-hour FiO2 enhancement period, whereas the mean dialysate lactate levels decreased by 40% (p < 0.05). During this O2 enhancement period, glucose levels in brain tissue demonstrated a heterogeneous course. None of the monitored parameters in the control cohort showed significant variations during the entire observation period. CONCLUSIONS: Markedly elevated lactate levels in brain tissue are common after severe head injury. Increasing PaO2 to higher levels than necessary to saturate hemoglobin, as performed in the O2-treated cohort, appears to improve the O2 supply in brain tissue. During the early period after severe head injury, increased lactate levels in brain tissue were reduced by increasing FiO2. This may imply a shift to aerobic metabolism.


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OBJECT: In this study, the authors prospectively evaluated long-term psychosocial and neurocognitive performance in patients suffering from nonaneurysmal, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and investigated the association between the APOE-epsilon4 genotype and outcome in these patients. METHODS: All patients admitted to the authors' institution between January 2001 and January 2003 with spontaneous nonaneurysmal SAH were prospectively examined (mean follow-up 59.8 months). The APOE genotype was determined in all patients by polymerase chain reaction from a blood sample. Of the 30 patients included in this study, 11 were carriers of the epsilon4 allele. RESULTS: All patients showed a good recovery and regained full independence with no persisting neurological deficits. The patients with the epsilon4 allele, however, scored significantly higher on the Beck Depression Inventory (22.1 +/- 6.3 vs 14.1 +/- 5.1). At follow-up, depression was more persistent in the group with the epsilon4 allele compared with the group that lacked the allele. This finding reached statistical significance (p < 0.05). Selective attention was impaired in all patients during the first year of follow-up, with an earlier recovery noted in the patients without the epsilon4 allele. Moreover, there was a tendency toward a linear relationship between the Beck Depression Inventory and the d2 Test of Attention. Two patients who carried the epsilon4 allele did not return to their employment even after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this study suggest that the APOE genotypes may be associated with the psychosocial and neurocognitive performance after spontaneous nonaneurysmal SAH, even in the absence of neurological impairment. Physicians should consider patient genotype in assessing the long-term consequences of nonaneurysmal SAH.


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OBJECTIVE: Meticulous sealing of opened air cells in the petrous bone is necessary for the prevention of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistulae after vestibular schwannoma surgery. We performed a retrospective analysis to determine whether muscle or fat tissue is superior for this purpose. METHODS: Between January 2001 and December 2006, 420 patients underwent retrosigmoidal microsurgical removal by a standardized procedure. The opened air cells at the inner auditory canal and the mastoid bone were sealed with muscle in 283 patients and with fat tissue in 137 patients. Analysis was performed regarding the incidence of postoperative CSF fistulae and correlation with the patient's sex and tumor grade. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative CSF leak after application of fat tissue was lower (2.2%) than after use of muscle (5.7%). Women had less postoperative CSF leakage (3.4%) than men (5.6%). There was an inverse correlation with tumor grade. Patients with smaller tumors seemed to have a higher rate of CSF leakage than those with large tumors without hydrocephalus. Only large tumors with severe dislocation of the brainstem causing hydrocephalus showed a higher incidence of CSF leaks. CONCLUSION: Fat implantation is superior to muscle implantation for the prevention of CSF leakage after vestibular schwannoma surgery and should, therefore, be used for the sealing of opened air cells in cranial base surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence and impact of an intracerebral hematoma (ICH) on treatment and outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. METHODS: Data of 585 consecutive patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage from June 1999 to December 2005 were prospectively entered in a database. ICH was diagnosed and size was measured by computed tomographic scan before aneurysm occlusion. Fifty patients (8.5%) presented with an ICH larger than 50 cm3. The treatment decision (coil, clip, or hematoma evacuation) was based on an interdisciplinary approach. Patients were stratified into good (Hunt and Hess Grades I-III) versus poor (Hunt and Hess Grades IV and V) grade, and outcome was assessed according to the modified Rankin Scale at 6 months. RESULTS: Overall, 358 patients presented in good grade, with 4 of them having ICH (1.1%); and 227 patients presented in poor grade, with 46 of them having ICH (20.3%, P < 0.01). In good-grade patients with an ICH (n = 4), a favorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale score of 0-2) was achieved in 1 patient (25%), and in 246 patients (75%) without an ICH (P = 0.053; odds ratio, 0.11). A favorable outcome was achieved in 5 poor-grade patients (12.8%) with an ICH and in 40 patients (23.7%) without an ICH (P = 0.19; odds ratio, 0.47). Time to treatment was significantly shorter in patients with an ICH than without an ICH (median, 7 versus 26 h; P < 0.001) and shortest in patients with favorable outcome (3.5 hours; P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The current data confirm that the presence of an ICH is a predictor of unfavorable outcome. However, despite large ICHs, a significant number of patients have a good outcome. To achieve a favorable outcome, ultra-early treatment with hematoma evacuation and aneurysm obliteration seems to be mandatory.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the risk of shunt-dependent hydrocephalus after treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms by clipping versus coiling. METHODS: We analyzed 596 patients prospectively added to our database from July of 1999 to November of 2005 concerning the risk of shunt dependency after clipping versus coiling. Factors analyzed included age; sex; Hunt and Hess grade; Fisher grade; acute hydrocephalus; intraventricular hemorrhage; angiographic vasospasm; and number, size, and location of aneurysms. In addition, a meta-analysis of available data from the literature was performed identifying four studies with quantitative data on the frequency of clip, coil, and shunt dependency. RESULTS: The institutional series revealed Hunt and Hess grade, Fisher grade, acute hydrocephalus, intraventricular hemorrhage, and angiographic vasospasm as significant (P < 0.05) risk factors for shunt dependency after a univariate analysis. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, we isolated intraventricular hemorrhage, acute hydrocephalus, and angiographic vasospasm as independent, significant risk factors for shunt dependency. The meta-analysis, including the current data, revealed a significantly higher risk for shunt dependency after coiling than after clipping (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Clipping of a ruptured aneurysm may be associated with a lower risk for developing shunt dependency, possibly by clot removal. This might influence long-term outcome and surgical decision making.


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OBJECTIVE: Perforating arteries are commonly involved during the surgical dissection and clipping of intracranial aneurysms. Occlusion of perforating arteries is responsible for ischemic infarction and poor outcome. The goal of this study is to describe the usefulness of near-infrared indocyanine green videoangiography (ICGA) for the intraoperative assessment of blood flow in perforating arteries that are visible in the surgical field during clipping of intracranial aneurysms. In addition, we analyzed the incidence of perforating vessels involved during the aneurysm surgery and the incidence of ischemic infarct caused by compromised small arteries. METHODS: Sixty patients with 64 aneurysms were surgically treated and prospectively included in this study. Intraoperative ICGA was performed using a surgical microscope (Carl Zeiss Co., Oberkochen, Germany) with integrated ICGA technology. The presence and involvement of perforating arteries were analyzed in the microsurgical field during surgical dissection and clip application. Assessment of vascular patency after clipping was also investigated. Only those small arteries that were not visible on preoperative digital subtraction angiography were considered for analysis. RESULTS: The ICGA was able to visualize flow in all patients in whom perforating vessels were found in the microscope field. Among 36 patients whose perforating vessels were visible on ICGA, 11 (30%) presented a close relation between the aneurysm and perforating arteries. In one (9%) of these 11 patients, ICGA showed occlusion of a P1 perforating artery after clip application, which led to immediate correction of the clip confirmed by immediate reestablishment of flow visible with ICGA without clinical consequences. Four patients (6.7%) presented with postoperative perforating artery infarct, three of whom had perforating arteries that were not visible or distant from the aneurysm. CONCLUSION: The involvement of perforating arteries during clip application for aneurysm occlusion is a usual finding. Intraoperative ICGA may provide visual information with regard to the patency of these small vessels.


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OBJECTIVE: Numerous studies have reported the technical aspects and results of surgical and/or endovascular treatment of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (cDAVF) and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (sDAVF). Only a few of them have addressed the question of thrombophilic conditions, which may be relevant as pathogenetic factors or can increase the risk for venous thromboembolic events. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare thrombophilic risk factors in patients with cDAVF and sDAVF with no history of trauma. METHODS: A total of 43 patients (25 with cDAVF and 18 with sDAVF) were included in this study. Blood samples were analyzed for G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene and factor V Leiden mutation. In all patients, prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, fibrinogen, antithrombin, protein C and S activity, von Willebrand factor antigen, ristocetin cofactor activity, D-dimer, coagulation factor VIII activity, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor were determined. Screening was performed for the occurrence of lupus antiphospholipid and cardiolipin antibodies. RESULTS: The prevalence of G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene was significantly higher in patients with cDAVF (n = 6) compared with patients with sDAVF (n = 0; P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test). A factor V Leiden mutation was found in 3 patients with sDAVF and in 1 patient with cDAVF (P = 0.29, Fisher's exact test). No significant difference was found for other parameters, except for fibrinogen, but decreased protein C activity was more frequent in patients with cDAVF compared with patients with sDAVF (4 versus 1). Decreased protein S activity was encountered in 3 patients (2 with sDAVF and 1 with cDAVF). Cardiolipin antibodies were found in 2 patients with cDAVF but in none with sDAVF, whereas only 1 patient with sDAVF had lupus antiphospholipid antibodies. CONCLUSION: In both groups of patients with dural arteriovenous fistulae, genetic thrombophilic abnormalities occurred in a higher percentage than in the general population. The differences of the genetic abnormalities may be involved in different pathophysiological mechanism(s) in the development of these distinct neurovascular entities.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to report our preliminary results regarding microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after nerve biopsy, in an attempt to reduce the well-described sensory morbidity and neuroma formation. METHODS: Three patients with a suspected diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy underwent sural nerve biopsies to establish definitive diagnoses. A 10-mm segment of the sural nerve was resected with local anesthesia. After harvesting of the specimen, the proximal and distal nerve stumps were carefully mobilized and united with epineural suture techniques, under a surgical microscope. Sensory evaluations (assessing the presence of hypesthesia/dysesthesia or pain) of the lateral aspect of the foot, in regions designated Areas 1, 2, and 3, were performed before and 6 and 12 months after the biopsies. A visual analog scale was used for pain estimation. RESULTS: The biopsy material was sufficient for histopathological examinations in all cases, leading to conclusive diagnoses (vasculitis in two cases and amyloidosis in one case). The early post-biopsy hypesthesia, which was present for 4 to 8 weeks, improved to preoperative levels as early as 6 months after the nerve repair. Sensory evaluations performed at 6- and 12-month follow-up times demonstrated that none of the patients complained of pain at the biopsy site or distally in the area innervated by the sural nerve. Ultrasonography performed at the 12-month follow-up examination revealed normal sural nerve morphological features, with no neuroma formation, comparable to findings for the contralateral site. CONCLUSION: Microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after biopsy can eliminate or reduce sensory disturbances such as paraesthesia, hypesthesia, and dysesthesia distal to the biopsy site, in the distribution of the sensory innervation of the sural nerve, and can prevent painful neuroma formation. To our knowledge, this article is the first in the literature to report on microsurgical repair of the sural nerve after nerve biopsy. Decreased side effects suggest that this technique can become a standard procedure after sural nerve biopsy, which is commonly required to establish the diagnosis of various diseases, such as peripheral nerve pathological conditions, vasculitis, and amyloidosis. More cases should be analyzed, however, to explore the usefulness of the technique and the reliability of sural nerve biopsy samples in attempts to obtain conclusive diagnoses.


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BACKGROUND: Spontaneous cervicocephalic artery dissection (sCAD) of more than two cervical arteries is rare. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Vascular and potential sCAD risk factors, triggering events, clinical and neuroimaging findings, and outcome of patients with multiple sCAD were studied. Patients were drawn from prospective hospital-based sCAD registries. RESULTS: Of 740 consecutive patients with sCAD, 11 (1.5%) had three, and one had four (0.1%) sCAD. Eight of these 12 patients were women. One patient had additional dissections of the celiac trunk and hepatic artery. Vascular risk factors included hypertension (n = 1), hypercholesterolaemia (n = 6), current smoking (n = 5) and migraine (n = 6). No patient had a family history of sCAD, fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) or connective tissue disease. SCAD was preceded by a minor trauma in five and infection in four patients. Clinical manifestations included ischaemic stroke (n = 8), transient ischaemic attack (n = 3), headache (n = 9), neck pain (n = 4), Horner syndrome (n = 5), pulsatile tinnitus (n = 2) and dysgeusia (n = 1). Brain MRI revealed ischaemic infarcts that affected one vessel territory in seven and two territories in two patients. The 3-month outcome was favourable (modified Rankin scale score 0-1) in 10 patients (83%). No new recurrent stroke or sCAD occurred during a mean follow-up of 50 (SD 29) months. CONCLUSION: Multiple sCAD occurred preferentially in women and caused clinical symptoms and signs mainly in one vascular territory. In none of the patients was FMD or any other underlying arteriopathy apparent. The majority of multiple sCAD was preceded by a minor trauma or infection. Clinical outcome was favourable in most patients, and long-term prognosis benign. The data suggest that transient vasculopathy may be a major mechanism for multiple sCAD.


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OBJECT: The authors studied the long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus up to 2 years postoperatively in patients with primary non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. The results are briefly compared with those reported for DBS in DYT1 dystonia (Oppenheim dystonia), which is caused by the DYT1 gene. METHODS: Enrollment in this prospective expanded pilot study was limited to adult patients with severely disabling, medically refractory non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. Six consecutive patients underwent follow-up examinations at defined intervals of 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years postsurgery. There were five women and one man, and their mean age at surgery was 45.5 years. Formal assessments included both the Burke-Fahn-Marsden dystonia scale and the recently developed Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Two patients had primary generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and four suffered from choreoathetosis secondary to infantile cerebral palsy. Bilateral quadripolar DBS electrodes were implanted in all instances, except in one patient with markedly asymmetrical symptoms. There were no adverse events related to surgery. The Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in the two patients with generalized dystonia improved by 78 and 71% at 3 months, by 82 and 69% at 1 year, and by 78 and 70% at 2 years postoperatively. This was paralleled by marked amelioration of disability scores. The mean improvement in Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in patients with choreoathetosis was 12% at 3 months, 29% at 1 year, and 23% at 2 years postoperatively, which was not significant. Two of these patients thought that they had achieved marked improvement at 2 years postoperatively, although results of objective evaluations were less impressive. In these two patients there was a minor but stable improvement in disability scores. All patients had an improvement in pain scores at the 2-year follow-up review. Medication was tapered off in both patients with generalized dystonia and reduced in two of the patients with choreoathetosis. All stimulation-induced side effects were reversible on adjustment of the DBS settings. Energy consumption of the batteries was considerably higher than in patients with Parkinson disease. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic pallidal DBS is a safe and effective procedure in generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and it may become the procedure of choice in patients with medically refractory dystonia. Postoperative improvement of choreoathetosis is more modest and varied, and subjective ratings of outcome may exceed objective evaluations.