897 resultados para middle layer


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Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MED2002 Lisbon, Portugal, July 9-12, 2002


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Real-time monitoring applications may be used in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and may generate packet flows with strict quality of service requirements in terms of delay, jitter, or packet loss. When strict delays are imposed from source to destination, the packets must be delivered at the destination within an end-to-end delay (EED) hard limit in order to be considered useful. Since the WSN nodes are scarce both in processing and energy resources, it is desirable that they only transport useful data, as this contributes to enhance the overall network performance and to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer admission control (CLAC) mechanism to enhance the network performance and increase energy efficiency of a WSN, by avoiding the transmission of potentially useless packets. The CLAC mechanism uses an estimation technique to preview packets EED, and decides to forward a packet only if it is expected to meet the EED deadline defined by the application, dropping it otherwise. The results obtained show that CLAC enhances the network performance by increasing the useful packet delivery ratio in high network loads and improves the energy efficiency in every network load.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)


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Os adesivos têm sido alvo de estudo ao longo dos últimos anos para ligação de componentes a nível industrial. Devido à crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, torna-se necessária a existência de modelos de previsão de resistência que sejam fiáveis e robustos. Neste âmbito, a determinação das propriedades dos adesivos é fundamental para o projeto de ligações coladas. Uma abordagem recente consiste no uso de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), que permitem simular o comportamento à fratura das juntas de forma bastante fiável. Esta técnica requer a definição das leis coesivas em tração e corte. Estas leis coesivas dependem essencialmente de 2 parâmetros: a tensão limite e a tenacidade no modo de solicitação respetivo. O ensaio End-Notched Flexure (ENF) é o mais utilizado para determinar a tenacidade em corte, porque é conhecido por ser o mais expedito e fiável para caraterizar este parâmetro. Neste ensaio, os provetes são sujeitos a flexão em 3 pontos, sendo apoiados nas extremidades e solicitados no ponto médio para promover a flexão entre substratos, o que se reflete numa solicitação de corte no adesivo. A partir deste ensaio, e após de definida a tenacidade em corte (GIIc), existem alguns métodos para estimativa da lei coesiva respetiva. Nesta dissertação são definidas as leis coesivas em corte de três adesivos estruturais através do ensaio ENF e um método inverso de ajuste dos dados experimentais. Para o efeito, foram realizados ensaios experimentais considerado um adesivo frágil, o Araldite® AV138, um adesivo moderadamente dúctil, o Araldite® 2015 e outro dúctil, o SikaForce® 7752. O trabalho experimental consistiu na realização dos ensaios ENF e respetivo tratamento dos dados para obtenção das curvas de resistência (curvas-R) através dos seguintes métodos: Compliance Calibration Method (CCM), Direct Beam Theory (DBT), Corrected Beam Theory (CBT) e Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM). Os ensaios foram simulados numericamente pelo código comercial ABAQUS®, recorrendo ao Métodos de Elementos Finitos (MEF) e um MDC triangular, com o intuito de estimar a lei coesiva de cada um dos adesivos em solicitação de corte. Após este estudo, foi feita uma análise de sensibilidade ao valor de GIIc e resistência coesiva ao corte (tS 0), para uma melhor compreensão do efeito destes parâmetros na curva P- do ensaio ENF. Com o objetivo de testar adequação dos 4 métodos de obtenção de GIIc usados neste trabalho, estes foram aplicados a curvas P- numéricas de cada um dos 3 adesivos, e os valores de GIIc previstos por estes métodos comparados com os respetivos valores introduzidos nos modelos numéricos. Como resultado do trabalho realizado, conseguiu-se obter uma lei coesiva única em corte para cada um dos 3 adesivos testados, que é capaz de reproduzir com precisão os resultados experimentais.


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O desenvolvimento aplicacional é uma área em grande expansão no mercado das tecnologias de informação e como tal, é uma área que evolui rápido. Os impulsionadores para esta característica são as comunicações e os equipamentos informáticos, pois detêm características mais robustas e são cada vez mais rápidos. A função das aplicações é acompanhar esta evolução, possuindo arquiteturas mais complexas/completas visando suportar todos os pedidos dos clientes, através da produção de respostas em tempos aceitáveis. Esta dissertação aborda várias arquiteturas aplicacionais possíveis de implementar, mediante o contexto que esteja inserida, como por exemplo, um cenário com poucos ou muitos clientes, pouco ou muito capital para investir em servidores, etc. É fornecido um nivelamento acerca dos conceitos subjacentes ao desenvolvimento aplicacional. Posteriormente é analisado o estado de arte das linguagens de programação web e orientadas a objetos, bases de dados, frameworks em JavaScript, arquiteturas aplicacionais e, por fim, as abordagens para definir objetivos mensuráveis no desenvolvimento aplicacional. Foram implementados dois protótipos. Um deles, numa arquitetura multicamada com várias linguagens de programação e tecnologias. O segundo, numa única camada (monolítica) com uma única linguagem de programação. Os dois protótipos foram testados e comparados com o intuito de escolher uma das arquiteturas, num determinado cenário de utilização.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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PURPOSE: The epilepsy associated with hypothalamic hamartomas (HHs) has typical clinical, electrophysiologic, and behavioral manifestations refractory to drug therapy and with unfavorable evolution. It is well known that only sessile lesions produce epilepsy, but no correlation has been established between the different types of sessile hamartomas and the diverse manifestations of the epilepsy. We correlate anatomic details of the hamartoma and the clinical and neurophysiologic manifestations of the associated epilepsy. METHODS: HHs of seven patients with epilepsy (ages 2- 25 years) were classified as to lateralization and connection to the anteroposterior axis of the hypothalamus by using high-resolution brain magnetic resonance imaging. We correlated the anatomic classification with the clinical and neurophysiologic manifestations of the epilepsy as evaluated in long-term (24 h) video-EEG recordings. RESULTS: HHs ranged in size from 0.4 to 2.6 cc, with complete lateralization in six of seven patients. Ictal manifestations showed good correlation with the lobar involvement of ictal/interictal EEGs. These manifestations suggest the existence of two types of cortical involvement, one associated with the temporal lobe, produced by hamartomas connected to the posterior hypothalamus (mamillary bodies), and the other associated with the frontal lobe, seen in lesions connecting to the middle hypothalamus. CONCLUSIONS: A consistent clinical and neurophysiologic pattern of either temporal or frontal lobe cortical secondary involvement was found in the patients of our series. It depends on whether the hamartoma connects to the mamillary bodies (temporal lobe cases) or whether it connects to the medial hypothalamus (frontal lobe cases).


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Digital microfluidics (DMF) is a field which has emerged in the last decade as a re-liable and versatile tool for sensing applications based on liquid reactions. DMF allows the discrete displacement of droplets, over an array of electrodes, by the application of voltage, and also the dispensing from a reservoir, mixing, merging and splitting fluidic operations. The main drawback of these devices is due to the need of high driving volt-ages for droplet operations. In this work, alternative dielectric layers combinations were studied aiming the reduction of these driving voltages. DMF chips were designed, pro-duced and optimized according to the theory of electrowetting-on-dielectric, adopting different combinations of parylene-C and tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) as dielectric ma-terials, and Teflon as hydrophobic layer. With both devices’ configurations, i.e., Parylene as single dielectric, and multilayer chips combining Parylene and Ta2O5, it was possible to perform all the fluidic opera-tions in the microliter down to hundreds of nanoliters range. Multilayer chips presented significant reduction on driving voltages for droplet op-erations in silicone oil filler medium: from 70 V (parylene only) down to 30 V (parylene/Ta2O5) for dispensing; and from 50 V (parylene only) down to 15 V (parylene/Ta2O5) for movement. Peroxidase colorimetric reactions were successfully performed as proof-of-concept, using multilayer configuration devices.


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White Color tuning is an attractive feature that Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) offer. Up until now, there hasn’t been any report that mix both color tuning abilities with device stability. In this work, White OLEDs (W-OLEDs) based on a single RGB blend composed of a blue emitting N,N′-Di(1-naphthyl)-N,N′-diphenyl-(1,1′-biphenyl)-4,4′-diamine (NPB) doped with a green emitting Coumarin-153 and a red emitting 4-(Dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran (DCM1) dyes were produced. The final device structure was ITO/Blend/Bathocuproine (BCP)/ Tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminium (Alq3)/Al with an emission area of 0.25 cm2. The effects of the changing in DCM1’s concentration (from 0.5% to 1% wt.) allowed a tuning in the final white color resulting in devices capable of emitting a wide range of tunes – from cool to warm – while also keeping a low device complexity and a high stabilitty. Moreover, an explanation on the optoelectrical behavior of the device is presented. The best electroluminescense (EL) points toward 160 cd/m2 of brightness and 1.1 cd/A of efficiency, both prompted to being enhanced. An Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) analysis allowed to study both the effects of BCP as a Hole Blocking Layer and as an aging probe of the device. Finally, as a proof of concept, the emission was increased 9 and 64 times proving this structure can be effectively applied for general lighting.


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Fully comprehending brain function, as the scale of neural networks, will only be possi-ble with the development of tools by micro and nanofabrication. Regarding specifically silicon microelectrodes arrays, a significant improvement in long-term performance of these implants is essential. This project aims to create a silicon microelectrode coating that provides high-quality electrical recordings, while limiting the inflammatory response of chronic implants. To this purpose, a combined chitosan and gold nanoparticles coating was produced allied with electrodes modification by electrodeposition with PEDOT/PSS in order to reduce the im-pedance at 1kHz. Using a dip-coating mechanism, the silicon probe was coated and then charac-terized both morphologically and electrochemically, with focus on the stability of post-surgery performance in anesthetized rodents. Since not only the inflammatory response analysis is vital, the electrodes recording degradation over time was also studied. The produced film presented a thickness of approximately 50 μm that led to an increase of impedance of less than 20 kΩ in average. On a 3 week chronic implant, the impedance in-crease on the coated probe was of 641 kΩ, compared with 2.4 MΩ obtained for the uncoated probe. The inflammatory response was also significantly reduced due to the biocompatible film as proved by histological tests.