974 resultados para math computation
The sustained demand for faster,more powerful chips has beenmet by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SOC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MPSOC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NOCS) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the on-chip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation focuses on all of the above points, by describing a NoC architectural implementation called ×pipes; a NoC simulation environment within a cycle-accurate MPSoC emulator called MPARM; a NoC design flow consisting of a front-end tool for optimal NoC instantiation, called SunFloor, and a set of back-end facilities for the study of NoC physical implementations. This dissertation proves the viability of NoCs for current and upcoming designs, by outlining their advantages (alongwith a fewtradeoffs) and by providing a full NoC implementation framework. It also presents some examples of additional extensions of NoCs, allowing e.g. for increased fault tolerance, and outlines where NoCsmay find further application scenarios, such as in stacked chips.
In this work we introduce an analytical approach for the frequency warping transform. Criteria for the design of operators based on arbitrary warping maps are provided and an algorithm carrying out a fast computation is defined. Such operators can be used to shape the tiling of time-frequency plane in a flexible way. Moreover, they are designed to be inverted by the application of their adjoint operator. According to the proposed mathematical model, the frequency warping transform is computed by considering two additive operators: the first one represents its nonuniform Fourier transform approximation and the second one suppresses aliasing. The first operator is known to be analytically characterized and fast computable by various interpolation approaches. A factorization of the second operator is found for arbitrary shaped non-smooth warping maps. By properly truncating the operators involved in the factorization, the computation turns out to be fast without compromising accuracy.
Neuronal circuits in the retina analyze images according to qualitative aspects such as color or motion, before the information is transmitted to higher visual areas of the brain. One example, studied for over the last four decades, is the detection of motion direction in ‘direction selective’ neurons. Recently, the starburst amacrine cell, one type of retinal interneuron, has emerged as an essential player in the computation of direction selectivity. In this study the mechanisms underlying the computation of direction selective calcium signals in starburst cell dendrites were investigated using whole-cell electrical recordings and two-photon calcium imaging. Analysis of the somatic electrical responses to visual stimulation and pharmacological agents indicated that the directional signal (i) is not computed presynaptically to starburst cells or by inhibitory network interactions. It is thus computed via a cell-intrinsic mechanism, which (ii) depends upon the differential, i.e. direction selective, activation of voltage-gated channels. Optically measuring dendritic calcium signals as a function of somatic voltage suggests (iii) a difference in resting membrane potential between the starburst cell’s soma and its distal dendrites. In conclusion, it is proposed that the mechanism underlying direction selectivity in starburst cell dendrites relies on intrinsic properties of the cell, particularly on the interaction of spatio-temporally structured synaptic inputs with voltage-gated channels, and their differential activation due to a somato-dendritic difference in membrane potential.
Präsentiert wird ein vollständiger, exakter und effizienter Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Nachbarschaftsgraphen eines Arrangements von Quadriken (Algebraische Flächen vom Grad 2). Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Berechnung des vollen 3D Arrangements. Dabei greifen wir auf eine bereits existierende Implementierung zur Berechnung der exakten Parametrisierung der Schnittkurve von zwei Quadriken zurück. Somit ist es möglich, die exakten Parameterwerte der Schnittpunkte zu bestimmen, diese entlang der Kurven zu sortieren und den Nachbarschaftsgraphen zu berechnen. Wir bezeichnen unsere Implementierung als vollständig, da sie auch die Behandlung aller Sonderfälle wie singulärer oder tangentialer Schnittpunkte einschließt. Sie ist exakt, da immer das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis berechnet wird. Und schließlich bezeichnen wir unsere Implementierung als effizient, da sie im Vergleich mit dem einzigen bisher implementierten Ansatz gut abschneidet. Implementiert wurde unser Ansatz im Rahmen des Projektes EXACUS. Das zentrale Ziel von EXACUS ist es, einen Prototypen eines zuverlässigen und leistungsfähigen CAD Geometriekerns zu entwickeln. Obwohl wir das Design unserer Bibliothek als prototypisch bezeichnen, legen wir dennoch größten Wert auf Vollständigkeit, Exaktheit, Effizienz, Dokumentation und Wiederverwendbarkeit. Über den eigentlich Beitrag zu EXACUS hinaus, hatte der hier vorgestellte Ansatz durch seine besonderen Anforderungen auch wesentlichen Einfluss auf grundlegende Teile von EXACUS. Im Besonderen hat diese Arbeit zur generischen Unterstützung der Zahlentypen und der Verwendung modularer Methoden innerhalb von EXACUS beigetragen. Im Rahmen der derzeitigen Integration von EXACUS in CGAL wurden diese Teile bereits erfolgreich in ausgereifte CGAL Pakete weiterentwickelt.
In numerosi campi scientici l'analisi di network complessi ha portato molte recenti scoperte: in questa tesi abbiamo sperimentato questo approccio sul linguaggio umano, in particolare quello scritto, dove le parole non interagiscono in modo casuale. Abbiamo quindi inizialmente presentato misure capaci di estrapolare importanti strutture topologiche dai newtork linguistici(Degree, Strength, Entropia, . . .) ed esaminato il software usato per rappresentare e visualizzare i grafi (Gephi). In seguito abbiamo analizzato le differenti proprietà statistiche di uno stesso testo in varie sue forme (shuffolato, senza stopwords e senza parole con bassa frequenza): il nostro database contiene cinque libri di cinque autori vissuti nel XIX secolo. Abbiamo infine mostrato come certe misure siano importanti per distinguere un testo reale dalle sue versioni modificate e perché la distribuzione del Degree di un testo normale e di uno shuffolato abbiano lo stesso andamento. Questi risultati potranno essere utili nella sempre più attiva analisi di fenomeni linguistici come l'autorship attribution e il riconoscimento di testi shuffolati.
A highly dangerous situations for tractor driver is the lateral rollover in operating conditions. Several accidents, involving tractor rollover, have indeed been encountered, requiring the design of a robust Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS). The aim of the thesis was to evaluate tractor behaviour in the rollover phase so as to calculate the energy absorbed by the ROPS to ensure driver safety. A Mathematical Model representing the behaviour of a generic tractor during a lateral rollover, with the possibility of modifying the geometry, the inertia of the tractor and the environmental boundary conditions, is proposed. The purpose is to define a method allowing the prediction of the elasto-plastic behaviour of the subsequent impacts occurring in the rollover phase. A tyre impact model capable of analysing the influence of the wheels on the energy to be absorbed by the ROPS has been also developed. Different tractor design parameters affecting the rollover behaviour, such as mass and dimensions, have been considered. This permitted the evaluation of their influence on the amount of energy to be absorbed by the ROPS. The mathematical model was designed and calibrated with respect to the results of actual lateral upset tests carried out on a narrow-track tractor. The dynamic behaviour of the tractor and the energy absorbed by the ROPS, obtained from the actual tests, showed to match the results of the model developed. The proposed approach represents a valuable tool in understanding the dynamics (kinetic energy) and kinematics (position, velocity, angular velocity, etc.) of the tractor in the phases of lateral rollover and the factors mainly affecting the event. The prediction of the amount of energy to be absorbed in some cases of accident is possible with good accuracy. It can then help in designing protective structures or active security devices.
Il presente lavoro si propone di sviluppare una analogia formale tra sistemi dinamici e teoria della computazione in relazione all’emergenza di proprietà biologiche da tali sistemi. Il primo capitolo sarà dedicato all’estensione della teoria delle macchine di Turing ad un più ampio contesto di funzioni computabili e debolmente computabili. Mostreremo quindi come un sistema dinamico continuo possa essere elaborato da una macchina computante, e come proprietà informative quali l’universalità possano essere naturalmente estese alla fisica attraverso questo ponte formale. Nel secondo capitolo applicheremo i risultati teorici derivati nel primo allo sviluppo di un sistema chimico che mostri tali proprietà di universalità, ponendo particolare attenzione alla plausibilità fisica di tale sistema.
A general approach is presented for implementing discrete transforms as a set of first-order or second-order recursive digital filters. Clenshaw's recurrence formulae are used to formulate the second-order filters. The resulting structure is suitable for efficient implementation of discrete transforms in VLSI or FPGA circuits. The general approach is applied to the discrete Legendre transform as an illustration.
The Rankin convolution type Dirichlet series D-F,D-G(s) of Siegel modular forms F and G of degree two, which was introduced by Kohnen and the second author, is computed numerically for various F and G. In particular, we prove that the series D-F,D-G(s), which shares the same functional equation and analytic behavior with the spinor L-functions of eigenforms of the same weight are not linear combinations of those. In order to conduct these experiments a numerical method to compute the Petersson scalar products of Jacobi Forms is developed and discussed in detail.
This letter presents a new recursive method for computing discrete polynomial transforms. The method is shown for forward and inverse transforms of the Hermite, binomial, and Laguerre transforms. The recursive flow diagrams require only 2 additions, 2( +1) memory units, and +1multipliers for the +1-point Hermite and binomial transforms. The recursive flow diagram for the +1-point Laguerre transform requires 2 additions, 2( +1) memory units, and 2( +1) multipliers. The transform computation time for all of these transforms is ( )
Clenshaw’s recurrenee formula is used to derive recursive algorithms for the discrete cosine transform @CT) and the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT). The recursive DCT algorithm presented here requires one fewer delay element per coefficient and one fewer multiply operation per coeflident compared with two recently proposed methods. Clenshaw’s recurrence formula provides a unified development for the recursive DCT and IDCT algorithms. The M v e al gorithms apply to arbitrary lengtb algorithms and are appropriate for VLSI implementation.