852 resultados para light curves


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Following the deregulation experience of retail electricity markets in most countries, the majority of the new entrants of the liberalized retail market were pure REP (retail electricity providers). These entities were subject to financial risks because of the unexpected price variations, price spikes, volatile loads and the potential for market power exertion by GENCO (generation companies). A REP can manage the market risks by employing the DR (demand response) programs and using its' generation and storage assets at the distribution network to serve the customers. The proposed model suggests how a REP with light physical assets, such as DG (distributed generation) units and ESS (energy storage systems), can survive in a competitive retail market. The paper discusses the effective risk management strategies for the REPs to deal with the uncertainties of the DAM (day-ahead market) and how to hedge the financial losses in the market. A two-stage stochastic programming problem is formulated. It aims to establish the financial incentive-based DR programs and the optimal dispatch of the DG units and ESSs. The uncertainty of the forecasted day-ahead load demand and electricity price is also taken into account with a scenario-based approach. The principal advantage of this model for REPs is reducing the risk of financial losses in DAMs, and the main benefit for the whole system is market power mitigation by virtually increasing the price elasticity of demand and reducing the peak demand.


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The increase of electricity demand in Brazil, the lack of the next major hydroelectric reservoirs implementation, and the growth of environmental concerns lead utilities to seek an improved system planning to meet these energy needs. The great diversity of economic, social, climatic, and cultural conditions in the country have been causing a more difficult planning of the power system. The work presented in this paper concerns the development of an algorithm that aims studying the influence of the issues mentioned in load curves. Focus is given to residential consumers. The consumption device with highest influence in the load curve is also identified. The methodology developed gains increasing importance in the system planning and operation, namely in the smart grids context.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Bioquímica - especialidade Biotecnologia, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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A Salmonella é um microrganismo responsável por grande parte das doenças alimentares, podendo por em causa a saúde pública da área contaminada. Uma deteção rápida, eficiente e altamente sensível e extremamente importante, sendo um campo em franco desenvolvimento e alvo de variados e múltiplos estudos na comunidade cientifica atual. Foi desenvolvido um método potenciométrico para a deteção de Salmonellas, com elétrodos seletivos de iões, construídos em laboratório com pontas de micropipetas, fios de prata e sensores com composição otimizada. O elétrodo indicador escolhido foi um ESI seletivo a cadmio, para redução da probabilidade de interferências no método, devido a pouca abundancia do cadmio em amostras alimentares. Elétrodos seletivos a sódio, elétrodos de Ag/AgCl de simples e de dupla juncão foram também construídos e caracterizados para serem aplicados como elétrodos de referência. Adicionalmente otimizaram-se as condições operacionais para a analise potenciométrica, nomeadamente o elétrodo de referencia utilizado, condicionamento dos elétrodos, efeito do pH e volume da solução amostra. A capacidade de realizar leituras em volumes muito pequenos com limites de deteção na ordem dos micromolares por parte dos ESI de membrana polimérica, foi integrada num ensaio com um formato nao competitivo ELISA tipo sanduiche, utilizando um anticorpo primário ligado a nanopartículas de Fe@Au, permitindo a separação dos complexos anticorpo-antigénio formados dos restantes componentes em cada etapa do ensaio, pela simples aplicação de um campo magnético. O anticorpo secundário foi marcado com nanocristais de CdS, que são bastante estáveis e é fácil a transformação em Cd2+ livre, permitindo a leitura potenciométrica. Foram testadas várias concentrações de peroxido de hidrogénio e o efeito da luz para otimizar a dissolução de CdS. O método desenvolvido permitiu traçar curvas de calibração com soluções de Salmonellas incubadas em PBS (pH 4,4) em que o limite de deteção foi de 1100 CFU/mL e de 20 CFU/mL, utilizando volumes de amostra de 10 ƒÊL e 100 ƒÊL, respetivamente para o intervalo de linearidade de 10 a 108 CFU/mL. O método foi aplicado a uma amostra de leite bovino. A taxa de recuperação media obtida foi de 93,7% } 2,8 (media } desvio padrão), tendo em conta dois ensaios de recuperação efetuados (com duas replicas cada), utilizando um volume de amostra de 100 ƒÊL e concentrações de 100 e 1000 CFU/mL de Salmonella incubada.


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This paper studies forest fires from the perspective of dynamical systems. Burnt area, precipitation and atmospheric temperatures are interpreted as state variables of a complex system and the correlations between them are investigated by means of different mathematical tools. First, we use mutual information to reveal potential relationships in the data. Second, we adopt the state space portrait to characterize the system’s behavior. Third, we compare the annual state space curves and we apply clustering and visualization tools to unveil long-range patterns. We use forest fire data for Portugal, covering the years 1980–2003. The territory is divided into two regions (North and South), characterized by different climates and vegetation. The adopted methodology represents a new viewpoint in the context of forest fires, shedding light on a complex phenomenon that needs to be better understood in order to mitigate its devastating consequences, at both economical and environmental levels.


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The process of visually exploring underwater environments is still a complex problem. Underwater vision systems require complementary means of sensor information to help overcome water disturbances. This work proposes the development of calibration methods for a structured light based system consisting on a camera and a laser with a line beam. Two different calibration procedures that require only two images from different viewpoints were developed and tested in dry and underwater environments. Results obtained show, an accurate calibration for the camera/projector pair with errors close to 1 mm even in the presence of a small stereos baseline.


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In this work we propose the development of a stereo SLS system for underwater inspection operations. We demonstrate how to perform a SLS calibration both in dry and underwater environments using two different methods. The proposed methodology is able to achieve quite accurate results, lower than 1 mm in dry environments. We also display a 3D underwater scan of a known object size, a sea scallop, where the system is able to perform a scan with a global error lower than 2% of the object size.


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BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas are aggressive, incurable tumors characterized by extensive diffuse invasion of the normal brain parenchyma. Novel therapies at best prolong survival; their costs are formidable and benefit is marginal. Economic restrictions thus require knowledge of the cost-effectiveness of treatments. Here, we show the cost-effectiveness of enhanced resections in malignant glioma surgery using a well-characterized tool for intraoperative tumor visualization, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided neurosurgery compared with white-light surgery in adult patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma, adopting the perspective of the Portuguese National Health Service. METHODS: We used a Markov model (cohort simulation). Transition probabilities were estimated with the use of data from 1 randomized clinical trial and 1 noninterventional prospective study. Utility values and resource use were obtained from published literature and expert opinion. Unit costs were taken from official Portuguese reimbursement lists (2012 values). The health outcomes considered were quality-adjusted life-years, lifeyears, and progression-free life-years. Extensive 1-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are below €10 000 in all evaluated outcomes, being around €9100 per quality-adjusted life-year gained, €6700 per life-year gained, and €8800 per progression-free life-year gained. The probability of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery cost-effectiveness at a threshold of €20000 is 96.0% for quality-adjusted life-year, 99.6% for life-year, and 98.8% for progression-free life-year. CONCLUSION: 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery appears to be cost-effective in newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas compared with white-light surgery. This example demonstrates cost-effectiveness analyses for malignant glioma surgery to be feasible on the basis of existing data.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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We compared, for Triatoma brasiliensis, the egg-laying process and the mortality of adults under conditions of almost permanent darkness and with normal laboratory luminosity. Mortality did not differ between groups. The egg-laying per vial and per female was significantly greater in the group of normal luminosity. We consider that it is not recommendable to keep the adults of this species under complete darkness. Other biological aspects should be analysed in relation to luminosity.


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The present measures adopted to prevent transfusion-associated Chagas' disease include screening of blood donors. and/or the inactivation of T. cruzi in collected blood using gentian violet (GV) as a trypanocidal agent. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of the combined use of AMT and UV-A in inactirating T. cruzi in infected human platelet cuncentrates. Human platelet concentrates were infected with T. cruzi (2x10/ml) of the Y strain transfered to PL 269 (Fenwal Laboratories) containers and treated with GV (250řg,/ml). and ascorbic acid (1 mg/ml); GV. ascorbic acid and UV-A; GV and UV-A; AMT (40/tG/ml) and ascorbic acid; AMT, ascorbic acid and UV-A; AMT and UV-A; UV-A alone; and untreated (control). All UV-A treated platelet concentrates were exposed to UV-A doses of 24, 92, 184, 276, 368 and 644 kj/m². and the microscopical research of active T. cruzi was performed, using the microhematocrit technique, 1, 6 and 24 hours after each treatment. A high number of active forms of T. cruzi was observed in all condictions, except when GV was used as the trypanocidal agent, providing evidence of the failure of AMT and UV-A in inactivating T cruzi in infected human platelet concentrates.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores