953 resultados para life cycle cost
During the PhD program in chemistry, curriculum in environmental chemistry, at the University of Bologna the sustainability of industry was investigated through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the chemical sector in order to investigate reactions dealing with the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering principles, evaluating their sustainability in comparison with traditional pathways by a life cycle perspective. The environmental benefits associated with a reduction in the synthesis steps and the use of renewable feedstock were assessed through a holistic approach selecting two case studies with high relevance from an industrial point of view: the synthesis of acrylonitrile and the production of acrolein. The current approach wants to represent a standardized application of LCA methodology to the chemical sector, which could be extended to several case studies, and also an improvement of the current databases, since the lack of data to fill the inventories of the chemical productions represent a huge limitation, difficult to overcome and that can affects negatively the results of the studies. Results emerged from the analyses confirms that the sustainability in the chemical sector should be evaluated from a cradle-to-gate approach, considering all the stages and flows involved in each pathways in order to avoid shifting the environmental burdens from a steps to another. Moreover, if possible, LCA should be supported by other tools able to investigate the other two dimensions of sustainability represented by the social and economic issues.
Per lo svolgimento della tesi ci si è rivolti ad un'azienda particolarmente conosciuta per la sua attenzione alle tematiche ambientali: la Mengozzi Rifiuti Sanitari S.p.A.. L'impianto, sito a Forlì, comprende una sezione dedicata alla gestione di contenitori in materiale plastico per rifiuti sanitari e una sezione per la termovalorizzazione di questi. Si è incentrato lo studio sulla prima parte dell'impianto che si occupa della produzione, del trasporto verso la struttura in cui è utilizzato, del ritorno in azienda e del riuso per più cicli previa sanificazione fino al riciclo per lo stampaggio di nuovi contenitori. Si è pensato di prendere in considerazione i bidoni che sono gestiti dalla Mengozzi S.p.A. e se ne è svolta un'analisi LCA comparativa tra il contenitore effettivamente in carico all'azienda e un altro ipotetico con le medesime caratteristiche strutturali ma gestito diversamente (incenerito dopo un solo utilizzo). Essendo il contenitore di plastica si è inoltre svolta una comparazione tra 2 materiali termoplastici di massa aventi caratteristiche molto simili, quali sono il polietilene ad alta densità (HDPE) e il polipropilene (PP). Il software che è stato utilizzato per condurre l'analisi è SimaPro 7.3 e il metodo lo svizzero IMPACT 2002+. Nello svolgimento si sono considerati 12 bidoni monouso che hanno in pratica la stessa funzione dell'unico bidone sanificato dopo ogni utilizzo e infine riciclato. Dall'analisi è emerso (come facilmente ipotizzabile) che il bidone riusato genera un impatto ambientale nettamente minore rispetto a quello monouso mentre non vi è apprezzabile differenza tra differente tipologia di materiale termoplastico costituente il bidone stesso: L'importanza della scelta della più adeguata modalità di gestione del fine vita e del materiale di composizione in termini ambientali è più marcata a causa di un'attenzione sempre crescente verso le tematiche di sostenibilità.
I materiali plastici trovano ampie applicazioni in ogni aspetto della vita e delle attività industriali. La maggior parte delle plastiche convenzionali non sono biodegradabili e il loro accumulo è una minaccia per il pianeta. I biopolimeri presentano vantaggi quali: la riduzione del consumo delle risorse e la riduzione delle emissioni CO2, offrendo un importante contributo allo sviluppo sostenibile. Tra i biopolimeri più interessanti troviamo il poliidrossibutirrato (PHB), l’oggetto di questo studio, che è il più noto dei poliidrossialcanoati. Questo polimero biodegradabile mostra molte somiglianze con il polipropilene. La tesi consiste nell’applicazione del Life Cycle Assessment a processi di estrazione del PHB da colture batteriche. In essa sono valutate le prestazioni ambientali di 4 possibili processi alternativi, sviluppati dal CIRI EA, che utilizzano il dimetilcarbonato (DMC) e di 3 processi che utilizzano solventi alogenati (cloroformio, diclorometano, dicloroetano). Per quanto riguarda i processi che utilizzano come solvente di estrazione il DMC, due sono gli aspetti indagati e per i quali differiscono le alternative: la biomassa di partenza (secca o umida), e il metodo di separazione del polimero dal solvente (per evaporazione del DMC oppure per precipitazione). I dati primari di tutti gli scenari sono di laboratorio per cui è stato necessario realizzare un up scaling industriale di tutti i processi. L’up scaling è stato realizzato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Chimica Ambientale e dei Materiali. La valutazione delle prestazioni ambientali è stata fatta rispetto a tutte le categorie d’impatto raccomandate dall’Handbook della Commissione Europea, di queste solo alcune sono state analizzate nel dettaglio. Tutti i risultati mostrano un andamento simile, in cui gli impatti dei processi che utilizzano DMC sono inferiori a quelli dei solventi alogenati. Fra i processi che impiegano DMC, l’alternativa più interessante appare quella che impiega biomassa di partenza secca e raccolta del PHB per precipitazione.
P>1. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is a disease of salmonid fish caused by the endoparasitic myxozoan, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, which uses freshwater bryozoans as primary hosts. Clinical PKD is characterised by a temperature-dependent proliferative and inflammatory response to parasite stages in the kidney.;2. Evidence that PKD is an emerging disease includes outbreaks in new regions, declines in Swiss brown trout populations and the adoption of expensive practices by fish farms to reduce heavy losses. Disease-related mortality in wild fish populations is almost certainly underestimated because of e.g. oversight, scavenging by wild animals, misdiagnosis and fish stocking.;3. PKD prevalences are spatially and temporally variable, range from 0 to 90-100% and are typically highest in juvenile fish.;4. Laboratory and field studies demonstrate that (i) increasing temperatures enhance disease prevalence, severity and distribution and PKD-related mortality; (ii) eutrophication may promote outbreaks. Both bryozoans and T. bryosalmonae stages in bryozoans undergo temperature- and nutrient-driven proliferation.;5. Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is likely to achieve persistent infection of highly clonal bryozoan hosts through vertical transmission, low virulence and host condition-dependent cycling between covert and overt infections. Exploitation of fish hosts entails massive proliferation and spore production by stages that escape the immune response. Many aspects of the parasite's life cycle remain obscure. If infectious stages are produced in all hosts then the complex life cycle includes multiple transmission routes.;6. Patterns of disease outbreaks suggest that background, subclinical infections exist under normal environmental conditions. When conditions change, outbreaks may then occur in regions where infection was hitherto unsuspected.;7. Environmental change is likely to cause PKD outbreaks in more northerly regions as warmer temperatures promote disease development, enhance bryozoan biomass and increase spore production, but may also reduce the geographical range of this unique multihost-parasite system. Coevolutionary dynamics resulting from host-parasite interactions that maximise fitness in previous environments may pose problems for sustainability, particularly in view of extensive declines in salmonid populations and degradation of many freshwater habitats.
Indoor air pollution from combustion of solid fuels is the fifth leading contributor to disease burden in low-income countries. This, and potential to reduce environmental impacts, has resulted in emphasis on use of improved stoves. However, many efforts have failed to meet expectations and effective coverage remains limited. A disconnect exists between technologies, delivery methods, and long-term adoption. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework to increase long-term success of improved stove projects. The framework integrates sustainability factors into the project life-cycle. It is represented as a matrix and checklist which encourages consideration of social, economic, and environmental issues in projects. A case study was conducted in which an improved stove project in Honduras was evaluated using the framework. Results indicated areas of strength and weakness in project execution and highlighted potential improvements for future projects. The framework is also useful as a guide during project planning.
Information management is a key aspect of successful construction projects. Having inaccurate measurements and conflicting data can lead to costly mistakes, and vague quantities can ruin estimates and schedules. Building information modeling (BIM) augments a 3D model with a wide variety of information, which reduces many sources of error and can detect conflicts before they occur. Because new technology is often more complex, it can be difficult to effectively integrate it with existing business practices. In this paper, we will answer two questions: How can BIM add value to construction projects? and What lessons can be learned from other companies that use BIM or other similar technology? Previous research focused on the technology as if it were simply a tool, observing problems that occurred while integrating new technology into existing practices. Our research instead looks at the flow of information through a company and its network, seeing all the actors as part of an ecosystem. Building upon this idea, we proposed the metaphor of an information supply chain to illustrate how BIM can add value to a construction project. This paper then concludes with two case studies. The first case study illustrates a failure in the flow of information that could have prevented by using BIM. The second case study profiles a leading design firm that has used BIM products for many years and shows the real benefits of using this program.
Biofuels are alternative fuels that have the promise of reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and decreasing emission of greenhouse gases from energy consumption. This thesis analyses the environmental impacts focusing on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production and delivery of biofuel using the new Integrated Hydropyrolysis and Hydroconversion (IH2) process. The IH2 process is an innovative process for the conversion of woody biomass into hydrocarbon liquid transportation fuels in the range of gasoline and diesel. A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with diverse feedstocks production systems and delivery to the IH2 facility plus producing and using these new renewable liquid fuels. The biomass feedstocks analyzed include algae (microalgae), bagasse from a sugar cane-producing locations such as Brazil or extreme southern US, corn stover from Midwest US locations, and forest feedstocks from a northern Wisconsin location. The life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings of 58%–98% were calculated for IH2 gasoline and diesel production and combustion use in vehicles compared to fossil fuels. The range of savings is due to different biomass feedstocks and transportation modes and distances. Different scenarios were conducted to understand the uncertainties in certain input data to the LCA model, particularly in the feedstock production section, the IH2 biofuel production section, and transportation sections.
The objective of this research is to investigate the consequences of sharing or using information generated in one phase of the project to subsequent life cycle phases. Sometimes the assumptions supporting the information change, and at other times the context within which the information was created changes in a way that causes the information to become invalid. Often these inconsistencies are not discovered till the damage has occurred. This study builds on previous research that proposed a framework based on the metaphor of ‘ecosystems’ to model such inconsistencies in the 'supply chain' of life cycle information (Brokaw and Mukherjee, 2012). The outcome of such inconsistencies often results in litigation. Therefore, this paper studies a set of legal cases that resulted from inconsistencies in life cycle information, within the ecosystems framework. For each project, the errant information type, creator and user of the information and their relationship, time of creation and usage of the information in the life cycle of the project are investigated to assess the causes of failure of precise and accurate information flow as well as the impact of such failures in later stages of the project. The analysis shows that the misleading information is mostly due to lack of collaboration. Besides, in all the studied cases, lack of compliance checking, imprecise data and insufficient clarifications hinder accurate and smooth flow of information. The paper presents findings regarding the bottleneck of the information flow process during the design, construction and post construction phases. It also highlights the role of collaboration as well as information integration and management during the project life cycle and presents a baseline for improvement in information supply chain through the life cycle of the project.
Algae are considered a promising source of biofuels in the future. However, the environmental impact of algae-based fuel has high variability in previous LCA studies due to lack of accurate data from researchers and industry. The National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) project was designed to produce and evaluate new technologies that can be implemented by the algal biofuel industry and establish the overall process sustainability. The MTU research group within NAABB worked on the environmental sustainability part of the consortium with UOP-Honeywell and with the University of Arizona (Dr. Paul Blowers). Several life cycle analysis (LCA) models were developed within the GREET Model and SimaPro 7.3 software to quantitatively assess the environment viability and sustainability of algal fuel processes. The baseline GREET Harmonized algae life cycle was expanded and replicated in SimaPro software, important differences in emission factors between GREET/E-Grid database and SimaPro/Ecoinvent database were compared, and adjustments were made to the SimaPro analyses. The results indicated that in most cases SimaPro has a higher emission penalty for inputs of electricity, chemicals, and other materials to the algae biofuels life cycle. A system-wide model of algae life cycle was made starting with preliminary data from the literature, and then progressed to detailed analyses based on inputs from all NAABB research areas, and finally several important scenarios in the algae life cycle were investigated as variations to the baseline scenario. Scenarios include conversion to jet fuel instead of biodiesel or renewable diesel, impacts of infrastructure for algae cultivation, co-product allocation methodology, and different usage of lipid-extracted algae (LEA). The infrastructure impact of algae cultivation is minimal compared to the overall life cycle. However, in the scenarios investigating LEA usage for animal feed instead of internal recycling for energy use and nutrient recovery the results reflect the high potential variability in LCA results. Calculated life cycle GHG values for biofuel production scenarios where LEA is used as animal feed ranged from a 55% reduction to 127% increase compared to the GREET baseline scenario depending on the choice of feed meal. Different allocation methods also affect LCA results significantly. Four novel harvesting technologies and two extraction technologies provided by the NAABB internal report have been analysis using SimaPro LCA software. The results indicated that a combination of acoustic extraction and acoustic harvesting technologies show the most promising result of all combinations to optimize the extraction of algae oil from algae. These scenario evaluations provide important insights for consideration when planning for the future of an algae-based biofuel industry.
Renewable hydrocarbon biofuels are being investigated as possible alternatives to conventional liquid transportation fossil fuels like gasoline, kerosene (aviation fuel), and diesel. A diverse range of biomass feedstocks such as corn stover, sugarcane bagasse, switchgrass, waste wood, and algae, are being evaluated as candidates for pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading to produce drop-in hydrocarbon fuels. This research has developed preliminary life cycle assessments (LCA) for each feedstock-specific pathway and compared the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the hydrocarbon biofuels to current fossil fuels. As a comprehensive study, this analysis attempts to account for all of the GHG emissions associated with each feedstock pathway through the entire life cycle. Emissions from all stages including feedstock production, land use change, pyrolysis, stabilizing the pyrolysis oil for transport and storage, and upgrading the stabilized pyrolysis oil to a hydrocarbon fuel are included. In addition to GHG emissions, the energy requirements and water use have been evaluated over the entire life cycle. The goal of this research is to help understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of the feedstocks and the resultant hydrocarbon biofuels based on three environmental indicators; GHG emissions, energy demand, and water utilization. Results indicate that liquid hydrocarbon biofuels produced through this pyrolysis-based pathway can achieve greenhouse gas emission savings of greater than 50% compared to petroleum fuels, thus potentially qualifying these biofuels under the US EPA RFS2 program. GHG emissions from biofuels ranged from 10.7-74.3 g/MJ from biofuels derived from sugarcane bagasse and wild algae at the extremes of this range, respectively. The cumulative energy demand (CED) shows that energy in every biofuel process is primarily from renewable biomass and the remaining energy demand is mostly from fossil fuels. The CED for biofuel range from 1.25-3.25 MJ/MJ from biofuels derived from sugarcane bagasse to wild algae respectively, while the other feedstock-derived biofuels are around 2 MJ/MJ. Water utilization is primarily from cooling water use during the pyrolysis stage if irrigation is not used during the feedstock production stage. Water use ranges from 1.7 - 17.2 gallons of water per kg of biofuel from sugarcane bagasse to open pond algae, respectively.
A longitudinal bone survey was conducted in 86 female Wistar rats in order to assess mineral density kinetics from young age (5 weeks: 115 g) till late adulthood (64 weeks: 586 g). In vivo quantitative radiographic scanning was performed on the caudal vertebrae, taking trabecular mass as the parameter. Measurements were expressed as Relative Optical Density (ROD) units by means of a high resolution densitometric device. Results showed a progressive increase in mineral density throughout the life cycle, with a tendency to level in the higher weight range, indicating that progressive mineral aposition occurs in rats in dependency of age. This phenomenon, however, should be always considered within the context of continuous skeletal growth and related changes typical of this species. Twelve different animals were also examined following induction of articular inflammation with Freund's adjuvant in six of them. Bone survey conducted 12 to 18 days after inoculation revealed a significant (P less than 0.01) reduction in trabecular bone mass of scanned vertebrae in comparison with the weight-matched untreated controls. It is concluded that the in vivo quantitative assessment of bone density illustrated in this report represents a sensitive and useful tool for the long-term survey of naturally occurring or experimentally induced bone changes. Scanning of the same part of the skeleton can be repeated, thereby avoiding sacrifice of the animal and time-consuming preparation of post-mortem material.
This paper asks how takeover and failure hazards change as listed firms get older. The hypothesis is that they increase because firms gradually run out of growth opportunities. We find the opposite. Both takeover and failure hazard drop significantly with age. The decline in takeover hazard can be explained with Loderer, Stulz, and Waelchli’s (2013) “buggy whip makers” hypothesis: Because old firms are comparatively well-managed and are affected by limited agency problems, on average, they offer little value added potential to acquirers. Failure hazard drops because to learning. The results are robust to various alternative interpretations and cannot be explained by unobserved heterogeneity. While hazards decline with age, they do not go to zero. This explains why, eventually, all listed firms disappear