917 resultados para liability dollarization


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões


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IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA - HIPÓTESIS Según la NIC 39, el valor razonable es la cantidad por la que puede ser intercambiado un activo o cancelado un pasivo entre un comprador y un vendedor interesados y debidamente informados, en condiciones de independencia mutua. La definición del FASB (SFAC 7) es muy similar, y define el valor razonable como el monto mediante el que un activo podría ser enajenado en una transacción entre partes independientes, dispuestas a realizar la operación en situaciones diferentes a la de una liquidación o a la de una venta forzada. Puede apreciarse que esta definición de valor razonable es limitada porque, a excepción de escenarios que se correspondan con mercados perfectos y completos, el concepto puede abarcar valores de entrada, valores de salida y valores en uso, los cuales pueden ser muy diferentes (Beaver, 1987). El valor de entrada es el valor de adquisición o de reemplazo, el valor de salida es el precio al cual un activo puede ser vendido o liquidado, y el valor en uso es el valor incremental de una empresa atribuible a un activo (se correspondería con el valor presente mencionado anteriormente). Dado que el IASB y la FASB se ocupan de la valuación de activos que una empresa posee, y no de activos que serán adquiridos en un futuro, su definición de valor razonable debería ser interpretada desde la perspectiva del vendedor. Por lo tanto, el concepto de valor razonable que manejan el IASB y la FASB se asemeja a un valor de salida, tal como lo propusieron Chambers y Stirling hace bastantes años atrás.Planteado esto, lo que tratará de dilucidar este proyecto de investigación es si este concepto de valor razonable es realmente novedoso o es una simple regresión a los valores corrientes de salida defendidos por los autores de la década del setenta. OBJETIVOS GENERALES Y ESPECÍFICOS General Analizar si el concepto “valor razonable” tal como es definido por la normativa actual se corresponde con una definición novedosa o es una adaptación/modificación/regresión de conceptos ya existentes (valores corrientes de salida). Específicos Revisar la literatura específica desde el punto de vista de la teoría contable y las normas de las que dispone la profesión referidas a los siguientes aspectos: a) Valores corrientes b) Valor razonable MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS El análisis que se llevará a cabo comprenderá dos aspectos. El primero consiste en la revisión de la doctrina contable. Para ello se analizará bibliografía significativa y trabajos de eventos académicos relacionados con el valor razonable. En segundo término se revisará la normativa profesional a nivel nacional e internacional. Después de concluido con los pasos anteriores se analizará la novedad del concepto valor razonable y su semejanza con el valor corriente de salida planteado por los autores de la década del setenta. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO – IMPACTO Se pretende revisar si el concepto valor razonable planteado por la normativa actual resulta realmente novedoso o es una adaptación de viejos conceptos planteados en la década del setenta del siglo pasado. El proyecto resulta importante porque es un tema no desarrollado en la literatura, ni planteado en congresos. Se estima lograr material de publicación y presentación en eventos académicos. According to the NIC 39, fair value is the quantity for the one that can be exchanged an asset or cancelled a liability between a buyer and a seller interested and due informed, in conditions of mutual independence. The definition of the FASB (SFAC 7) is very similar, and defines fair value as the amount by means of which an assets might be alienated in a transaction between independent parts, ready to realize the operation in situations different from that of a liquidation or to that of a forced sale. This definition of reasonable value is limited because, with the exception of scenes that fit with perfect and complete markets, the concept can include values of entry, values of exit and values in use, which can be very different (Beaver, 1987). The value of entry is the value of acquisition or of replacement, the value of exit is the price to which an asset can be sold or liquidated, and the value in use is the incremental value of a company attributable to an asset. Provided that the IASB and the FASB deal with the appraisal of assets that a company possesses, and not of assets that will be acquired in a future, this definition of fair value should be interpreted from the perspective of the seller. Therefore, the concept of reasonable value that they handle the IASB and the FASB is alike a value of exit, as Chambers and Stirling proposed it enough years ago behind. We will review if the concept of "fair value" is really new or if it is an adaptation of old concepts.


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In this article some historical and contemporary environmental conflicts are described. The international environmental liability of mining corporations is discussed. Comparisons are made with conflicts in the United States and in South Africa which fall under the rubric of the Environmental Justice movement. Such conflicts are fought out in many languages, and the economic valuation of damages is only one of such languages. Who has the power to impose particular languages of valuation? Who rules over the ways and means of simplifying complexity, deciding that some points of view are out of order? Who has power to determine which is the bottom-line in an environmental discussion?


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It is often argued that even if optimal ex-post, settlement dilutes deterrence ex-ante. We analyze the interest for the tax authority of committing, ex-ante, to a settlement strategy. We show that to commit to the use of settlements is ex-ante optimal when the tax authority receives signals that provide statistical information about the taxpayers' true tax liability. The more informative the signal, the larger the additional expected evenue raised by the tax authority when using settlement as a policy tool.


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Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en la Columbia Law School of New York, Estados Unidos, entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre del 2006. El Derecho comunitario europeo y español regulan la reparación de los daños causados por el uso o la proximidad de un producto defectuoso mediante gracias al impulso ideológico ejercido por la jurisprudencia norteamericana. El principio de responsabilidad objetiva rector de la directiva europea es fruto de un transfondo operado en los Estados Unidos en los años sesenta, coincidiendo con la revolución tecnològica y el inicio de la producción y del consumo masivos. Tales fenómenos suscitaron la búsqueda de mecanismos jurídicos aptos para canalizar la reparación de los daños inherentes a las actividades industriales tecnológicamente avanzadas. Su principal efecto fue la preocupación por una más justa distribución social de los llamados “costes del progreso”, preocupación que, jurídicamente, desembocó en la solución de la responsabilidad aun sin culpa del fabricante por los daños derivados de su producción industrial. El mérito de tal solución corresponde a determinados teóricos norteamericanos de la responsabilidad empresarial, quienes, inspirándose en ideas formuladas a inicios del siglo XX por los especialistas en Derecho laboral, concluyeron que es la empresa productora quien está en mejor situación de soportar el coste del accidente industrial: al imponerse al fabricante una responsabildad desvinculada de su eventual culpa en la causación del accidente, repercutirá en el precio de sus productos el coste del seguro de responsabilidad civil que se verá abocado a contratar para hacer frente a su responsabilidad objetiva o por riesgo, de manera que el coste de los accidentes acabará siendo soportado por el público consumidor al pagar el sobreprecio de los productos que adquiere. Las repercusiones de tal construcción han sido tanto normativas como judiciales.


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In automobile insurance, it is useful to achieve a priori ratemaking by resorting to gene- ralized linear models, and here the Poisson regression model constitutes the most widely accepted basis. However, insurance companies distinguish between claims with or without bodily injuries, or claims with full or partial liability of the insured driver. This paper exa- mines an a priori ratemaking procedure when including two di®erent types of claim. When assuming independence between claim types, the premium can be obtained by summing the premiums for each type of guarantee and is dependent on the rating factors chosen. If the independence assumption is relaxed, then it is unclear as to how the tari® system might be a®ected. In order to answer this question, bivariate Poisson regression models, suitable for paired count data exhibiting correlation, are introduced. It is shown that the usual independence assumption is unrealistic here. These models are applied to an automobile insurance claims database containing 80,994 contracts belonging to a Spanish insurance company. Finally, the consequences for pure and loaded premiums when the independence assumption is relaxed by using a bivariate Poisson regression model are analysed.


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We analyse risk-taking behaviour of banks in the context of spatial competition. Banks mobilise unsecured deposits by offering deposit rates, which they invest either in a prudent or a gambling asset. Limited liability along with high return of a successful gamble induce moral hazard at the bank level. We show that when the market power is low, banks invest in the gambling asset. On the other hand, for sufficiently high levels of market power, all banks choose the prudent asset to invest in. We further show that a merger of two neighboring banks increases the likelihood of prudent behaviour. Finally, introduction of a deposit insurance scheme exacerbates banks’ moral hazard problem.


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This paper develops a general theoretical framework within which a heterogeneous group taxpayers confront a market that supplies a variety of schemes for reducing tax liability, and uses this framework to explore the impact of a wide range of anti-avoidance policies. Schemes differ in their legal effectiveness and hence in the risks to which they expose taxpayers - risks which go beyond the risk of audit considered in the conventional literature on evasion. Given the individual taxpayer’s circumstances, the prices charged for the schemes and the policy environment, the model predicts (i) whether or not any given taxpayer will acquire a scheme, and (ii) if they do so, which type of scheme they will acquire. The paper then analyses how these decisions, and hence the tax gap, are influenced by four generic types of policy: Disclosure – earlier information leading to faster closure of loopholes; Penalties – introduction of penalties for failed avoidance; Policy Design – fundamental policy changes that design out opportunities for avoidance; Product Register - the introduction of GAARs or mini-GAARs that give greater clarity about how different types of scheme will be treated. The paper shows that when considering the indirect/behavioural effects of policies on the tax gap it is important to recognise that these operate on two different margins. First policies will have deterrence effects – their impact on the quantum of taxpayers choosing to acquire different types schemes as distinct to acquiring no scheme at all. There will be a range of such deterrence effects reflecting the range of schemes available in the market. But secondly, since different schemes generate different tax gaps, policies will also have switching effects as they induce taxpayers who previously acquired one type of scheme to acquire another. The first three types of policy generate positive deterrence effects but differ in the switching effects they produce. The fourth type of policy produces mixed deterrence effects.


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We extend the linear reforms introduced by Pf¨ahler (1984) to the case of dual taxes. We study the relative effect that linear dual tax cuts have on the inequality of income distribution -a symmetrical study can be made for dual linear tax hikes-. We also introduce measures of the degree of progressivity for dual taxes and show that they can be connected to the Lorenz dominance criterion. Additionally, we study the tax liability elasticity of each of the reforms proposed. Finally, by means of a microsimulation model and a considerably large data set of taxpayers drawn from 2004 Spanish Income Tax Return population, 1) we compare different yield-equivalent tax cuts applied to the Spanish dual income tax and 2) we investigate how much income redistribution the dual tax reform (Act ‘35/2006’) introduced with respect to the previous tax.


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This paper considers a long-term relationship between two agents who both undertake a costly action or investment that together produces a joint benefit. Agents have an opportunity to expropriate some of the joint benefit for their own use. Two cases are considered: (i) where agents are risk neutral and are subject to limited liability constraints and (ii) where agents are risk averse, have quasi-linear preferences in consumption and actions but where limited liability constraints do not bind. The question asked is how to structure the investments and division of the surplus over time so as to avoid expropriation. In the risk-neutral case, there may be an initial phase in which one agent overinvests and the other underinvests. However, both actions and surplus converge monotonically to a stationary state in which there is no overinvestment and surplus is at its maximum subject to the constraints. In the risk-averse case, there is no overinvestment. For this case, we establish that dynamics may or may not be monotonic depending on whether or not it is possible to sustain a first-best allocation. If the first-best allocation is not sustainable, then there is a trade-off between risk sharing and surplus maximization. In general, surplus will not be at its constrained maximum even in the long run.