973 resultados para late onset cancer
The spatial patterns of the diffuse, primitive, and classic β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits were compared in cortical regions in early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease (EO-FAD) linked to mutations of the amyloid precursor protein APP) or presenilin 1 (PSEN1) genes, late-onset familial AD (LO-FAD), and sporadic AD (SAD). The objective was to determine whether genetic factors influenced the spatial patterns of the Aβ deposits. Aβ deposits were distributed either in clusters which were regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater or in larger, non-regularly distributed clusters. There were no significant differences in spatial pattern of the diffuse deposits between patient groups but mean cluster size of the diffuse deposits was larger in FAD compared with SAD. Primitive Aβ deposits were more frequently distributed in regular clusters and less frequently distributed in large clusters in FAD compared with SAD. Classic Aβ deposits were more frequently distributed in regularly spaced clusters and less frequently distributed in large clusters in LO-FAD compared with EO-FAD. There were no significant differences in the spatial patterns or cluster sizes of Aβ deposits in cases classified according to apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. These results suggest (1) greater deposition of Aβ in the form of clusters of diffuse deposits in FAD, (2) a greater proportion of diffuse deposits may be converted to primitive deposits in SAD, (3) classic deposits are more widely distributed in EO-FAD, and (4) the presence of APOE allele ε4 has little effect on the spatial patterns of Aβ deposits.
A Principal Components Analysis of neuropathological data from 79 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases was performed to determine whether there was evidence for subtypes of the disease. Two principal components were extracted from the data which accounted for 72% and 12% of the total variance respectively. The results suggested that 1) AD was heterogeneous but subtypes could not be clearly defined; 2) the heterogeneity, in part, reflected disease onset; 3) familial cases did not constitute a distinct subtype of AD and 4) there were two forms of late onset AD, one of which was associated with less senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangle development but with a greater degree of brain atherosclerosis.
A principal components analysis was carried out on neuropathological data collected from 79 cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosed in a single centre. The purpose of the study was to determine whether on neuropathological criteria there was evidence for clearly defined subtypes of the disease. Two principal components (PC1 and PC2) were extracted from the data. PC1 was considerable more important than PC2 accounting for 72% of the total variance. When plotted in relation to the first two principal components the majority of cases (65/79) were distributed in a single cluster within which subgroupings were not clearly evident. In addition, there were a number of individual, mainly early-onset cases, which were neither related to each other nor to the main cluster. The distribution of each neuropathological feature was examined in relation to PC1 and 2, Disease onset, rhe degree of gross brain atrophy, neuronal loss and the devlopment of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were negatively correlated with PC1. The devlopment of SP and NFT and the degree of brain athersclerosis were positively correlated with PC2. These results suggested: 1) that there were different forms of AD but no clear division of the cases into subclasses could be made based on the neuropathological criteria used; the cases showing a more continuous distribution from one form to another, 2) that disease onset was an important variable and was associated with a greater development of pathological changes, 3) familial cases were not a distinct subclass of AD; the cases being widely distributed in relation to PC1 and PC2 and 4) that there may be two forms of late-onset AD whic grade into each other, one of which was associated with less SP and NFT development but with a greater degree of brain atherosclerosis.
The principal work reported in this thesis is the examination of autonomic profile of ciliary muscle innervation as a risk factor in myopia development. Deficiency in sympathetic inhibitory control of accommodation has been proposed as a contributory factor in the development of late onset myopia (LOM). Complementary measurements of ocular biometry, oculomotor function and dynamic accommodation response were carried out on the same subject cohort, thus allowing cross-correlation of these factors with. autonomic profile. Subjects were undergraduate and postgraduate students of Aston University. A 2.5 year longitudinal study of refractive error progression in 40 subjects revealed the onset of LOM in 10, initially emmetropic, young adult subjects (age range 18-24 years) undertaking substantial amounts of near work. A controlled, double blind experimental protocol was conducted concurrently to measure post-task open-loop accommodative regression following distance (0 D) or near (3 D above baseline tonic accommodation) closed-loop tasks of short (10 second) or long (3 minute) duration. Closed-loop tasks consisted of observation of a high contrast Maltese cross target; open-loop conditions were imposed by observation of a 0.2 c/deg Difference of Gaussian target. Accommodation responses were recorded continuously at 42 Hz using a modified Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 open-view infra-red optometer. Blockade of the sympathetic branch of accommodative control was achieved by topical instillation of the non-selective b-adrenoceptor antagonist timolol maleate. Betaxolol hydrochloride (non-selective b1-adrenoceptor antagonist) and normal saline were employed as control agents. Retarded open-loop accommodative regression under b2 blockade following the 3 minute near task indicated the presence of sympathetic facility. Sympathetic inhibitory facility in accommodation control was found in similar proportions between LOM and stable emmetropic subjects. A cross-sectional study (N=60) of autonomic profile showed that sympathetic innervation of ciliary muscle is present in similar proportions between emmetropes, early-, and late-onset myopes. Sympathetic facility was identified in 27% of emmetropes, 21% of EOMs and 29% of LOMs.
The binding issue of th is thesis was the examination of workload, induced by relinotopic and spatiotopic stimuli, on both the ocu lomotor and cardiovascular systems together with investigating the covariation between the two systems - the 'eye-heart' link. Further, the influence of refractive error on ocular accommodation and cardiovascular function was assessed. A clinical evaluation was undertaken to assess the newly available open-view infrared Shin-Nippon NVision-K 5001 optometer, its benefit being the capability to measure through pupils = 2.3 mm. Measurements of refractive error taken with the NVision-K were found to be both accurate (Difference in Mean Spherical Equivalent: 0.14 ± 0.35 D; p = 0.67) and repeatable when compared to non-cycloplegic subjective refraction. Due to technical difficulties, however, the NVision-K could not be used for the purpose of the thesis, as such, measures of accommodation were taken using the continuously recording Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 openview infrared optometer, coupled with a piezo-electric finger pulse transducer to measure pulse. Heart rate variability (HRV) was spectrally analysed to determine the systemic sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). A large sample (n = 60), cross-sectional study showed late-onset myopes (LOMs) display less accurate responses when compared to other refractive groups at high accommodative demand levels (3 .0 0 and 4.0D). Tonic accommodation (TA) was highest in the hypermetropes, fo llowed by emmetropes and early-onset myopes while the LOM subjects demonstrated statistically significant lower levels of TA. The root-meansquare (RMS) value of the accommodative response was shown to amplify with increased levels of accommodative demand. Changes in refractive error only became significant between groups at higher demand levels (3.0 D and 4.0 D) with the LOMs showing the largest magnification in oscilIations. Examination of the stimulus-response cross-over point with the unit ratio line and TA showed a correlation between the two (r = 0.45, p = 0.001), where TA is approximately twice the dioptric value of the stimulus-response cross-over point. Investigation of the relationship between ocular accommodation and systemic ANS function demonstrated covariation between the systems. Subjects with a faster heart rate (lower heart period) tended to have a higher TA value (r = -0.27, p < 0.05). Further, an increase in accommodative demand accompanies a faster heart rate. The influence of refractive error on the cardiovascular response to changes in accommodative demand, however, was equivocal. Examination of the microfluctuations ofacconunodation demonstrated a correlation between the temporal frequency location of the accommodative high Frequency component (HFC) and the arterial pulse frequency. The correlation was present at a range of accommodative demands from 0.0 D to 4.0 D and in all four refractive groups, suggesting that the HFC was augmented by physiological factors. Examination of the effect of visual cognition on ocular accommodation and the ANS confirmed that increasing levels of cognition affect the accommodative mechanism. The accommodative response shifted away from the subject at both near and far. This shift in accommodative response accompanied a decay in the systemic parasympathetic innervation to the heart. Differences between refractive groups also existed with LOMs showing less accurate responses compared to emmetropes. This disparity, however, appeared to be augmented by the systemic sympathetic nervous system. The investigations discussed explored Ihe role of oculomotor and cardiovascular fu nction in workload enviromnents, providing evidence for a behavioural link between the cardiovascular and oculomotor systems.
It has been proposed that early-onset myopia (EOM) i.e. myopia onset before the age of 15 is primarily inherited whereas late-onset myopia (LOM) i.e. myopia onset after the age of 16 is induced by environmental factors, principally sustained near vision. No consensus exists as to which aspect of the near vision response; accommodation, vergence or their synergistic cross links promotes LOM development. Furthermore, the mechanism by which near vision could induce elongation of posterior chamber is obscure although there is evidence to show that ciliary muscle tone plays an important role. By comparing accommodation and vergence responses of emmetropes (EMMs), EOMs and LOMs under both open- and closed-loop conditions, this thesis aims to define further the oculomotor correlates of myopic development. A Canon Autoref R-1 optometer was used to measure accommodation responses while an Apple IIe controlled the flashed Maddox Rod sequence used when measuring vergence. Both techniques permitted open- and closed-loop measures to be obtained. The results presented demonstrate that it is unlikely that those individuals susceptible to LOM can be distinguished with regard to oculomotor responses or innervational characteristics of the ciliary muscle. The aetiology of LOM may be associated with ciliary muscle function but account needs to be taken of interactions between the ciliary muscle, choriod, sclera and introcular pressure and further research is necessary before those EMMs susceptible to LOM can be identified.
In this thesis a modified Canon IR optometer was used to record static and continuous responses of accommodation during sustained visual tasks. The instrument was assessed with regard to the ocular exit pupil used, its frequency response and noise levels. Experimental work concerned essentially the temporal characteristics and neurological basis of the accommodative mechanism. In the absence of visual stimuli, the accommodative system assumes a resting or tonic accommodative (TA) position, which may be modified by periods of sustained fixation. The rate of regression from a near task to TA in darkness has exhibited differences between regression rates for enunetropes (EMMs) compared with late-onset myopes (WMs). The rate of accommodative regression from a task set at 3D above TA was examined for a group of 10 EMMs and 10 LOMs for 3 conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol retarded the regression to TA for a sub-group of EMMs. The patterns of regression for the remaining emmetropes mirrored that for the LOMs, the drugs showing no difference in rate of regression compared with the saline condition. This provides support for the conjecture that LOMs and certain EMMs appear to be deficient in a sympathetic inhibitory component to the ciliary muscle which may attenuate adaptational changes in tonus and which leave them susceptible to the development of LOM. It is well established that the steady-state accommodative response is characterised by temporal changes in lens power having 2 dominant frequency components: a low frequency component (LFC: < 0.6Hz) and a high frequency component (HFC: 1.0-2.2Hz). This thesis investigates various aspects of these microfluctuations of accommodation.The HFC of accommodative fluctuations was shown to be present in central and peripheral lens zones, although the magnitude of the rms of accommodative microfluctuations was found to be reduced in the lens periphery. These findings concur with the proposal that the lens capsule acts as a force distributor, transmitting the tension from the zonules evenly over the whole of the lens surface.An investigation into the correlation between arterial pulse and the HFC of accommodative fluctuations showed that the peak frequency of the HFC was governed by the arterial pulse frequency. It was proposed that the microflucutations comprised a combination of neurological control (LFC) and physiological variations (HFC).The effect of timolol maleate on the steady-state accommodative response for a group of 10 emmetropes showed that timolol reduced significantly the rms of accommodative microfluctuations in treated but not untreated eyes. Consequently, the effect was considered to be locally, rather than systemically induced.The influence of the sympathetic system on within-task measurements of accommodation was examined by recording the accommodative response of 3 subjects to a sinusoidally moving target at 6 temporal frequencies from 0.05Hz to 0.5Hz for 3 drug conditions: saline, timolol and betaxolol. Timolol caused a reduced gain for frequencies below 0.3 whereas betaxolol reduced accommodative gain for all frequencies. It was proposed that the results for timolol were consistent with temporal response characteristics of sympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle whereas the betaxolol results were thought to be a manifestation of fatigue resulting from the CNS depressant effect of the drug.
It is well established that a synkinetic relationship exists between the accommodation and vergence components of the oculomotor near response such that increased accommodation will initiate a vergence response (i.e. accommodative convergence) and conversely increased vergence will drive accommodation (i.e. convergent accommodation) . The synkinesis associated with sustained near-vision was examined in a student population consisting of emmetropes, late-onset myopes (LOMs) i.e. myopia onset at 15 years of age or later and early-onset myopes (EOMs) i.e. myopia onset prior to 15 years of age. Oculomotor synkinesis was investigated both under closed-loop conditions and with either accommodation or vergence open-loop. Objective measures of the accommodative response were made using an infra-red optometer. Differences in near-response characteristics were observed between LOMs and EOMs under both open- and closed-loop conditions. LOMs exhibit significantly higher levels of disparity-induced accommodation (accommodation driven by vergence under closed-loop conditions) and lower response accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratios when compared with EOMs. However no difference in convergent accommodation/convergence (CA/C) ratios were found between the three refractive groups. Accommodative adaptation was examined by comparing the pre- to post-task shift in dark focus (DF) following near-vision tasks. Accommodative adaptation was observed following tasks as brief as 15s. Following a 45s near-vision task, subjects having pre-task DF greater than +0.750 exhibited a marked negative shift in post-task DF which was shown to be induced by beta-adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle. However no evidence was found to support the proposal of reduced adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle in LOMs. Disparity-vergence produced a reduction in accommodative adaptation suggesting that oculomotor adaptation was not driven by the output of the near-response crosslinks. In order to verify this proposition, the effect of vergence adaptation on CA/C was investigated and it was observed that prism adaptation produced no significant change in the CA/C ratio. This would indicate that in a model of accommodation-vergence interaction, the near response cross-links occur after the input to the adaptive components of the oculomotor response rather than before the adaptive elements as reported in previous literature. The findings of this thesis indicate differences in the relative composition of the aggregate accommodation and vergence responses in the three refractive groups examined. They may also have implications with regard to the aetiology of late-onset myopia.
In the absence of adequate visual stimulation accommodation adopts an intermediate resting position, appropriately termed tonic accommodation (TA). A period of sustained fixation can modify the tonic resting position, and indicate the adaptation properties of TA. This thesis investigates various factors contributing to the accommodative response during sustained visual tasks, in particular the adaptation of TA. Objective infra-red optometry was chosen as the most effective method of measurement of accommodation. This technique was compared with other methods of measuring TA and the results found to be well correlated. The inhibitory sympathetic input to the ciliary muscle provides the facility to attenuate the magnitude and duration of adaptive changes in TA. This facility is, however, restricted to those individuals having relatively high levels of pre-task TA. Furthermore, the facility is augmented by substantial levels of concurrent parasympathetic activity. The imposition of mental effort can induce concurrent changes in TA which are predominantly positive and largely the result of an increase in parasympathetic innervation of the ciliary muscle although there is some evidence for sympathetic attentuation at higher levels of TA. In emmetropes sympathetic inhibition can modify the effect of mental effort on the steady-state accommodative response at near. Late-onset myopes (onset after the age of 15 years) have significantlylower values of TA then emmetropes. Similarly, late-onset myopes show lower values of steady-state accommodative response for nearstimuli. The imposition of mental effort induces concurrent increases in TA and steady-state accommodative response in the myopic group which are significantly greater than those for emmetropes. Estimates of TA made under bright empty-field conditions are well correlated with those made under darkroom conditions. The method by which the accommodative loop is opened has no significant effect on the magnitude and duration of post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task. Significant differences in the post-task shifts in TA induced by a near vision task exist between emmetropes and late-onset myopes, the post-task shifts being more sustained for the myopic group.
The most influential theory to explain the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been the "Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis" (ACH) first formulated in 1992. The ACH proposes that the deposition of ß-amyloid (Aß) is the initial pathological event in AD leading to the formation of senile plaques (SPs) and then to neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) death of neurons, and ultimately dementia. This paper examines two questions regarding the ACH: (1) is there a relationship between the pathogenesis of SPs and NFTs, and (2) what is the relationship of these lesions to disease pathogenesis? These questions are examined in relation to studies of the morphology and molecular determinants of SPs and NFTs, the effects of gene mutation, degeneration induced by head injury, the effects of experimentally induced brain lesions, transgenic studies, and the degeneration of anatomical pathways. It was concluded that SPs and NFTs develop independently and may be the products rather than the causes of neurodegeneration in AD. A modification to the ACH is proposed which may better explain the pathogenesis of AD, especially of late-onset cases of the disease.
Since the earliest descriptions of Alzheimer's disease (AD), many theories have been advanced as to its cause. These include: (1) exacerbation of aging, (2) degeneration of anatomical pathways, including the cholinergic and cortico-cortical pathways, (3) an environmental factor such as exposure to aluminium, head injury, or malnutrition, (4) genetic factors including mutations of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN) genes and allelic variation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E), (5) mitochondrial dysfunction, (6) a compromised blood brain barrier, (7) immune system dysfunction, and (8) infectious agents. This review discusses the evidence for and against each of these theories and concludes that AD is a multifactorial disorder in which genetic and environmental risk factors interact to increase the rate of normal aging ('allostatic load'). The consequent degeneration of neurons and blood vessels results in the formation of abnormally aggregated 'reactive' proteins such as ß-amyloid (Aß) and tau. Gene mutations influence the outcome of age-related neuronal degeneration to cause early onset familial AD (EO-FAD). Where gene mutations are absent and a combination of risk factors present, Aß and tau only slowly accumulate not overwhelming cellular protection systems until later in life causing late-onset sporadic AD (LO-SAD). Aß and tau spread through the brain via cell to cell transfer along anatomical pathways, variation in the pathways of spread leading to the disease heterogeneity characteristic of AD.
Purpose: Evidence exists for an additional inhibitory accommodative control system mediated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This work aims to show the relative prevalence of sympathetic inhibition in young emmetropic and myopic adults, and to evaluate the effect of sympathetic facility on accommodative and oculomotor function. Methods: Profiling of ciliary muscle innervation was carried out in 58 young adult subjects (30 emmetropes, 14 early onset myopes, 14 late onset myopes) by examining post-task open-loop accommodation responses, recorded continuously by a modified open-view infrared optometer. Measurements of amplitude of accommodation, tonic accommodation, accommodative lag at near, AC/A ratio, and heterophoria at distance and near were made to establish a profile of oculomotor function. Results: Evidence of sympathetic inhibitory facility in ciliary smooth muscle was observed in 27% of emmetropes, 21% of early-onset myopes and 29% of late-onset myopes. Twenty-six percent of all subjects demonstrated access to sympathetic facility. Closed-loop oculomotor function did not differ significantly between subjects with sympathetic facility, and those with sympathetic deficit. Conclusions: Emmetropic and myopic groups cannot be distinguished in terms of the relative proportions having access to sympathetic inhibition. Presence of sympathetic innervation does not have a significant effect on accommodative function under closed-loop viewing conditions. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A large number of risk factors have been associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This article discusses the validity of the major risk factors that have been identified including age, genetics, exposure to aluminium, head injury, malnutrition and diet, mitochondrial dysfunction, vascular disease, immune system dysfunction, and infection. Rare forms of early-onset familial AD (FAD) are strongly linked to the presence of specific gene mutations, viz. mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin (PSEN1/2) genes. By contrast, late-onset sporadic AD (SAD) is a multifactorial disorder in which age-related changes, genetic risk factors, such as allelic variation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene, vascular disease, head injury and risk factors associated with diet, the immune system, mitochondrial function, and infection may all be involved. Life-style changes that may reduce the effect of these risk factors and therefore, the risk of AD are discussed.
Purpose. Whereas many previous studies have identified the association between sustained near work and myopia, few have assessed the influence of concomitant levels of cognitive effort. This study investigates the effect of cognitive effort on near-work induced transient myopia (NITM). Methods. Subjects comprised of six early onset myopes (EOM; mean age 23.7 yrs; mean onset 10.8 yrs), six late-onset myopes (LOM; mean age 23.2 yrs; mean onset 20.0 yrs) and six emmetropes (EMM; mean age 23.8 yrs). Dynamic, monocular, ocular accommodation was measured with the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor. Subjects engaged passively or actively in a 5 minute arithmetic sum checking task presented monocularly on an LCD monitor via a Badal optical system. In all conditions the task was initially located at near (4.50 D) and immediately following the task instantaneously changed to far (0.00 D) for a further 5 minutes. The combinations of active (A) and passive (P) cognition were randomly allocated as P:P; A:P; A:A; P:A. Results. For the initial near task, LOMs were shown to have a significantly less accurate accommodative response than either EOMs or EMMs (p < 0.001). For the far task, post hoc analyses for refraction identified EOMs as demonstrating significant NITM compared to LOMs (p < 0.05), who in turn showed greater NITM than EMMs (p < 0.001). The data show that for EOMs the level of cognitive activity operating during the near and far tasks determines the persistence of NITM; persistence being maximal when active cognition at near is followed by passive cognition at far. Conclusions. Compared with EMMs, EOMs and LOMs are particularly susceptible to NITM such that sustained near vision reduces subsequent accommodative accuracy for far vision. It is speculated that the marked NITM found in EOM may be a consequence of the crystalline lens thinning shown to be a developmental feature of EOM. Whereas the role of small amounts of retinal defocus in myopigenesis remains equivocal, the results show that account needs to be taken of cognitive demand in assessing phenomena such as NITM.
A large number of possible risk factors have been associated with Alzheimer'sdisease (AD).This chapter discusses the validity of the major risk factors that have been identifiedincluding age, genetics, exposure to aluminum, head injury, malnutrition and diet,mitochondrial dysfunction, vascular disease, immune system dysfunction, and infectionand proposes a hypothesis to explain how these various risk factors may cause ADpathology.Rare forms of early-onset familial AD (FAD) are strongly linked to the presence ofspecific gene mutations, viz. mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) andpresenilin (PSEN1/2) genes. By contrast, late-onset sporadic AD (SAD) is amultifactorial disorder in which age-related changes, genetic risk factors, such as allelicvariation in apolipoprotein E (Apo E) gene, vascular disease, head injury and risk factorsassociated with diet, immune system, mitochondrial function, and infection may all beinvolved.These risk factors interact to increase the rate of normal aging (=allostatic load')which over a lifetime results in degeneration of neurons and blood vessels and as aconsequence, the formation of abnormally aggregated =reactive' proteins such as ß-amyloid (Aß) and tau leading to the development of senile plaques (SP) andneurofibrillary tangles (NFT) respectively. Life-style changes that may reduce theallostatic load and therefore, the risk of dementia are discussed.