975 resultados para lama - 1990-luku
Abstract: Happy days for everyone? Finnish political parties' advertising on television in the 1990s
This project was undertaken to study the relationships between the performance of locally available asphalts and their physicochemical properties under Iowa conditions with the ultimate objective of development of a locally and performance-based asphalt specification for durable pavements. Physical and physicochemical tests were performed on three sets of asphalt samples including: (a) twelve samples from local asphalt suppliers and their TFOT residues, (b) six core samples of known service records, and (c) a total of 79 asphalts from 10 pavement projects including original, lab aged and recovered asphalts from field mixes, as well as from lab aged mixes. Tests included standard rheological tests, HP-GPC and TMA. Some specific viscoelastic tests (at 5 deg C) were run on b samples and on some a samples. DSC and X-ray diffraction studies were performed on a and b samples. Furthermore, NMR techniques were applied to some a, b and c samples. Efforts were made to identify physicochemical properties which are correlated to physical properties known to affect field performance. The significant physicochemical parameters were used as a basis for an improved performance-based trial specification for Iowa to ensure more durable pavements.
Interest in the use of ground rubber from used tires as a hot asphalt mix binder has been increasing due to the magnitude of the disposal problem posed by the annual addition of millions of waste tires to the refuse stream. This study evaluates, through laboratory means, the performance of asphalt-rubber as a hot mix binder as compared to conventional asphalt. The results indicate that asphalt-rubber outperforms its base asphalt in mixes of identical gradation and comparable void content on tests that are heavily dependent on binder characteristics (resilient modulus and indirect tension). An appreciable increase in rut resistance due to the use of asphalt-rubber is not indicated.
An automatic system was designed to concurrently measure stage and discharge for the purpose of developing stage-discharge ratings and high flow hydrographs on small streams. Stage, or gage height, is recorded by an analog-to-digital recorder and discharge is determined by the constant-rate tracer-dilution method. The system measures flow above a base stage set by the user. To test the effectiveness of the system and its components, eight systems, with a variety of equipment, were installed at crest-stage gaging stations across Iowa. A fluorescent dye, rhodamine-WT, was used as the tracer. Tracer-dilution discharge measurements were made during 14 flow periods at six stations from 1986 through 1988 water years. Ratings were developed at three stations with the aid of these measurements. A loop rating was identified at one station during rapidly-changing flow conditions. Incomplete mixing and dye loss to sediment apparently were problems at some stations. Stage hydrographs were recorded for 38 flows at seven stations. Limited data on background fluorescence during high flows were also obtained.
The need to upgrade a large number of understrength and obsolete bridges in the U.S. has been well documented in the literature. Through several Iowa DOT projects, the concept of strengthening simple-span bridges by post-tensioning has been developed. The purpose of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of post-tensioning for strengthening continuous composite bridges. In a previous, successfully completed investigation, the feasibility of strengthening continuous, composite bridges by post-tensioning was demonstrated on a laboratory 1/3-scale-model bridge (3 spans: 41 ft 11 in. x 8 ft 8 in.). This project can thus be considered the implementation phase. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Pocahontas County near Fonda, Iowa, on County Road N28. With finite element analysis, a post-tensioning system was developed that required post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of both the interior and exterior beams. During the summer of 1988, the strengthening system was installed along with instrumentation to determine the bridge's response and behavior. Before and after post-tensioning, the bridge was subjected to truck loading (1 or 2 trucks at various predetermined critical locations) to determine the effectiveness of the strengthening system. The bridge, with the strengthening system in place, was inspected approximately every three months to determine any changes in its appearance or behavior. In 1989, approximately one year after the initial strengthening, the bridge was retested to identify any changes in its behavior. Post-tensioning forces were removed to reveal any losses over the one-year period. Post-tensioning was reapplied to the bridge, and the bridge was tested using the same loading program used in 1988. Except for at a few locations, stresses were reduced in the bridge the desired amount. At a few locations flexural stresses in the steel beams are still above 18 ksi, the allowable inventory stress for A7 steel. Although maximum stresses are above the inventory stress by about 2 ksi, they are about 5 ksi below the allowable operating stress; therefore, the bridge no longer needs to be load-posted.
Artikkelin kirjoittaja analysoi Aikuiskasvatus-lehden pääkirjoitukset 1990-luvun ajalta
Lectio praecursoria Joensuun yliopistossa 31.5. 2002
Ce travail se concentre sur le rôle des échanges commerciaux, des mouvements de capitaux et du négoce de l'or dans les relations entre la Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud de 1945 à 1990, sans faire l'impasse sur les dimensions politiques et sociales et sur le contexte international, dont l'influence sur les liens économiques bilatéraux est significative. Ce constat est d'autant plus pertinent en ce qui concerne les rapports avec un Etat engagé dans une politique basée sur la discrimination et l'oppression raciales, politique qui sera l'objet, dès la fin des années 1940 de critiques reposant sur les droits de l'homme et l'anticolonialisme. D'abord cantonnées au sein de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU, ces attaques contre la politique de l'apartheid seront relayées, dès le début des années 1960, par des associations antiracistes dans le monde entier, et évolueront, tardivement, vers une politique étatique de sanctions économiques internationales, prises à grande échelle dès le milieu des années 1980. Dans ce contexte, il apparaît que les facteurs principalement d'ordre économique mais également fondés sur une proximité idéologique ayant conduit à l'établissement, dès la fin des années 1940, d'un «climat de confiance »réciproque entre les milieux industriels et bancaires helvétiques et l'establishment blanc sud-africain, aient été suffisamment solides pour perdurer jusqu'à la fin de l'apartheid. De plus, le développement des liens d'affaires entre les deux pays a été favorisé par la politique du gouvernement helvétique vis-à-vis du régime de Pretoria. En effet, si la Suisse officielle «condamne moralement» l'apartheid, elle se montrera inflexible dans son refus d'appliquer des mesures économiques contraignantes. Ce travail vise en premier lieu à améliorer la compréhension du rôle des grandes banques suisses dans la commercialisation de l'or sud-africain et, plus largement, dans l'évolution du marché international du métal jaune. L'intérêt scientifique de creuser ce domaine peut être résumé en trois points. Premièrement, ce champ a été peu approfondi dans l'historiographie sur les rapports économiques entre la Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud, bien que le négoce de l'or représente un élément crucial dans le renforcement des liens d'affaires entre les deux pays et qu'il ait été grandement facilité par la politique des autorités helvétiques en matière d'or. De plus, la volonté des grandes banques suisses d'obtenir un arrangement privilégié pour la commercialisation de l'or sud-africain constitue également un élément explicatif de l'intérêt accru de la place financière helvétique à investir en Afrique du Sud dès la fin du Second Conflit mondial. En fait, exportations de capitaux et négoce de l'or sont intrinsèquement liés. Si la place financière helvétique s'est profilée dès la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale comme un centre de premier ordre, il semble - et cela constitue le deuxième intérêt d'approfondir la thématique du négoce de l'or - que les établissements bancaires suisses estimaient que leur compétitivité en tant que place financière internationale serait consolidée grâce au contrôle de la commercialisation du métal jaune du premier producteur mondial. Et, selon l'hypothèse développée dans ce travail, le commerce de l'or a effectivement joué un rôle significatif dans le développement spectaculaire de la place financière suisse durant les soixante dernières années. Troisièmement, la bataille qui se joue autour du contrôle du commerce de l'or sud-africain dès les années 1950 donne un éclairage original à l'analyse historique de la rivalité entre les places financières londonienne et suisse, un aspect encore largement inexploré dans les relations économiques entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Suisse.
Over the years, the Iowa Department of Transportation has established an outstanding network of connector highways across the state of Iowa. Construction and paving of these primary roadways has essentially been completed. Unfortunately, many of these primary highway pavements are reaching their design life and are in need of rehabilitation. The emphasis, therefore, has shifted from the construction of new highways to the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing highways. The Iowa DOT in recent years has become more concerned with preventing the ingress of surface water into the pavement structure. Crack sealing is receiving greater emphasis. Specifications have been modified to require improved low modulus crack and joint sealing materials.
The objective of this research was to evaluate two experimental D.S. Brown, Type SL450 and one D.S. Brown, Type SL750 expansion assemblies to identify possible construction problems and to determine the long term performances. These joints were installed in Wapello County on Jefferson Street viaduct in Ottumwa, Iowa. Visual inspections were made yearly. There is an indication that there may be a slow leakage at all three joints. The joint assemblies have performed well.
The objective of this research was to evaluate two experimental Acme MSB neoprene expansion assemblies to identify possible construction problems and to determine the long term performance. These joints were installed in Black Hawk County on the curved bridge of ramp H from US 218 to I-380 in Waterloo, Iowa. Visual inspections were made yearly. There is slow leakage at one joint and indication that there is some slow leakage of both joints. The joint assemblies have performed well.
This project was to determine possible construction problems and evaluate the performance of experimental joint seals. Joints were installed in Woodbury County on US 20 over the Missouri River. ACME-Beta B-520 joints were used. Visual inspections were made yearly. Although the joints performed well for eight years, they deteriorated rapidly and have failed. It was concluded these joints did not perform satisfactorily.