415 resultados para kulturelle Adaption


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Det huvudsakliga syftet med min uppsats var att utifrån originalverket Emma (1815) avJane Austen kunna bedöma vad två verk som inspirerats av romanen bör klassificeras som.De två verken var romanen Amanda (2006) av författaren Debra White Smith ochspelfilmen Clueless (1995) av regissören Amy Heckerling. Till min hjälp har jag lästaktuell forskning inom de två termerna adaption och fanfiction och utifrån detta gjort enjämförande analys på verken. Resultatet blev oväntat vagt, det visade sig att begreppen lågnärmre varandra än vad jag trott från början. Båda verken kan till viss del ses som enadaption på originalverket, på samma sätt som de även kan ses som fanfiction. Slutsatsenär dock att de båda verken passar bäst in under termen profic, som är en underkategoriinom fanfiction där författaren/regissören tjänar pengar på sin modifikation och intepublicerat verket i exempelvis ett obetalt nätforum som hobbyaktivitet.


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The World Health Organisation suggests that simplification of the medical abortion regime will contribute to an increased acceptability of medical abortion, among women as well as providers. It is expected that a home-based follow-up after a medical abortion will increase the willingness to opt for medical abortion as well as decrease the workload and service costs in the clinic. Trial design The study is a randomised, controlled, non-superiority trial . Methods Women screened to participate in the study are those with unwanted pregnancies and gestational ages equal to or less than nine weeks. Eligible women randomised to the home-based assessment group will use a low-sensitivity pregnancy test and a pictorial instruction sheet at home, while the women in the clinic follow-up group will return to the clinic for routine follow-up carried out by a doctor. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of home-based assessment using a low-sensitivity pregnancy test and a pictorial instruction sheet 10-14 days after an early medical abortion. Providers or research assistants will not be blinded during outcome assessment. To ensure feasibility of the self-assessment intervention an adaption phase took place at the selected study sites before study initiation. This was to optimise and tailor-make the intervention and the study procedures and resulted in the development of the pictorial instruction sheet for how to use the low-sensitivity pregnancy test and the danger signs after a medical abortion. Discussion In this paper, we will describe the study protocol for a randomised control trial investigating the efficacy of simplified follow-up in terms of home-based assessment, 10-14 days after a medical abortion. Moreover, a description of the adaptation phase is included for a better understanding of the implementation of the intervention in a setting where literacy is low and the road-connections are poor. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01827995. Registered 04 May 2013


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This dissertation synthesizes previous research and develops a model for the study of strategic development, strategic congruence and management control. The model is used to analyze a longitudinal case study of the Swedish engineering company Atlas Copco. Employing contingency theory, the study confirms that long-term survival of a company requires adaption to contingencies. Three levels of strategy are examined: corporate, business and functional. Previous research suggests that consistency between these levels (strategic congruence) is necessary for a company to be competitive. The dissertation challenges this proposition by using a life-cycle perspective and analyzes strategic congruence in the different phases of a life cycle. It also studies management control from a life-cycle perspective. In this context, two types of management control are examined: formal and informal. From a longitudinal perspective, the study further discusses how these types interact during organizational life cycles. The dissertation shows that strategic development is more complex than previous studies have indicated. It is a long, complex and non-linear process, the results of which cannot always be predicted. Previous models for strategy and management control are based on simple relationships and rarely take into account the fact that companies often go through different phases of strategic development. The case study shows that strategic incongruence may occur at times during organizational life cycles. Furthermore, the use of management control varies over time. In the maturity phase, formal control is in focus, while the use of informal control has a bigger role in both the introduction and decline phases. Research on strategy and management control has intensified in recent years. Still there is a gap regarding the coordination of complex corporate structures. The present study contributes with further knowledge on how companies manage long-term strategic development. Few studies deal with more than two levels of strategy. Moreover, the present study addresses the need to understand strategic congruence from a life-cycle perspective. This is particularly relevant in practice, when management in large companies face difficult issues for which they expect business research to assist them in the decision-making process.


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Research has shown that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are rapidly adopting the e-commerce. However, there is nearly no research into how microenterprises are adopting eCommerce. Present paper focus on microenterprise adaption of eCommerce in terms of barriers in relation to already known research on SMEs. A case study, carried out by 12 microenterprises to find out barriers to adapt eCommerce had been done. The empirical results show that the microenterprises share most of the barriers to adapt the eCommerce with studies of SMEs, but also reveal additional factors affecting adaptation option of eCommerce; supplier agreement, communication and customer strategy. Conclusions are that microenterprises need additional support and communication and customer strategy to adapt eCommerce, depending of their requirement and needs of eCommerce.


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Kan klippningen i en film påverka hur en karaktär framställs och uppfattas av tittaren? Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera och jämföra två utvalda scener från filmen Låt den rätte komma in och de två motsvarande scenerna i remaken Let me in. Detta för att se huruvida klippningen kan påverka hur karaktärerna upplevs och vilka skillnader det finns när det gäller vilken klippteknik som använts i de båda filmerna. Med hjälp av Jens Eders analysmodell Karaktärsklockan som används vid analys av karaktärer och Roger Crittendens teorier om filmklippning, undersöker uppsatsen hur karaktärerna framställs och upplevs genom användandet av olika klipptekniker. Resultatet visar på att det går att fastställa att klippningen har haft stor påverkan hur karaktärerna i Låt den rätte komma in och Let me in uppfattas av tittaren. Det är även väldigt tydligt att klippningen och valet av olika klipptekniker skiljer sig åt mellan de två scenerna och karaktärerna har således framställts på olika sätt.


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Background There is emerging evidence that the physical environment is important for health, quality of life and care, but there is a lack of valid instruments to assess health care environments. The Sheffield Care Environment Assessment Matrix (SCEAM), developed in the United Kingdom, provides a comprehensive assessment of the physical environment of residential care facilities for older people. This paper reports on the translation and adaptation of SCEAM for use in Swedish residential care facilities for older people, including information on its validity and reliability. Methods SCEAM was translated into Swedish and back-translated into English, and assessed for its relevance by experts using content validity index (CVI) together with qualitative data. After modification, the validity assessments were repeated and followed by test-retest and inter-rater reliability tests in six units within a Swedish residential care facility that varied in terms of their environmental characteristics. Results Translation and back translation identified linguistic and semantic related issues. The results of the first content validity analysis showed that more than one third of the items had item-CVI (I-CVI) values less than the critical value of 0.78.  After modifying the instrument, the second content validation analysis resulted in I-CVI scores above 0.78, the suggested criteria for excellent content validity. Test-retest reliability showed high stability (96% and 95% for two independent raters respectively), and inter-rater reliability demonstrated high levels of agreement (95% and 94% on two separate rating occasions). Kappa values were very good for test-retest (κ= 0.903 and 0.869) and inter-rater reliability (κ= 0.851 and 0.832). Conclusions Adapting an instrument to a domestic context is a complex and time-consuming process, requiring an understanding of the culture where the instrument was developed and where it is to be used. A team, including the instrument’s developers, translators, and researchers is necessary to ensure a valid translation and adaption. This study showed preliminary validity and reliability evidence for the Swedish version (S-SCEAM) when used in a Swedish context. Further, we believe that the S-SCEAM has improved compared to the original instrument and suggest that it can be used as a foundation for future developments of the SCEAM model.


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A internet é considerada a mais completa manifestação da nova mídia e tem causado um impacto relevante no campo da comunicação. Os veículos de comunicação tradicionais enfrentam hoje um cenário de incerteza em relação ao futuro. As mudanças provocadas pela nova mídia criam inúmeras possibilidades, que podem ser ameaças ou novas oportunidades, mas que, em ambos os casos, exigem reações dos participantes deste mercado. Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar como os jornais diários brasileiros estão atuando no meio online em reação a estas mudanças. O processo para se atingir este objetivo ocorreu, primeiramente por meio da identificação das características e da classificação dos principais jornais brasileiros nos meios impresso e online. Em seguida, houve um aprofundamento desta pesquisa em entrevistas com profissionais deste mercado. Com base nos conceitos teóricos da economia da informação, foi construída a estrutura de uma taxonomia que permitisse uma análise mais objetiva dos veículos estudados. A avaliação dos dados coletados, tendo o apoio das informações capturadas nas entrevistas, resultou em uma análise bastante rica, da qual algumas conclusões importantes foram extraídas. Identificou-se, por exemplo, uma possível relação entre o nível de adaptação do jornal ao meio online a categoria de seu conteúdo. Outra constatação é a grande importância que o meio impresso ainda tem em termos de resultados financeiros dos jornais. Em relação ao futuro, existem muitas expectativas para o mercado de notícias, mas seu rumo ainda é muito incerto. Apesar disso, uma coisa parece clara: é importante a construção de uma marca forte baseada em credibilidade. No futuro, independentemente dos modelos de negócios que vigorarem, este será um diferencial importante para a sobrevivência dos jornais.


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O objetivo principal desse estudo foi o de verificar como se processou a influência norte-americana no sistema contábil do Brasil. Baseados na análise do estudo da American Accounting Association, dos documentos dos acordos MEC/USAID, para a modernização da Administração da Universidade Brasileira e para criação dos cursos de pós-graduação ligados à área econômica, e dos fatos que concorreram para a elaboração e promulgação da Lei 6.404 de 15 de dezembro de 1976, Lei das Sociedades por Ações, constatamos a grande relação da contabilidade enquanto instrumento de apoio à evolução econômica em nosso País. No Brasil, a influência americana foi de grande importância ao propiciar condições financeiras e culturais para a criação das bases para a concretização do modelo econômico vigente, introduzindo novas técnicas de ensino e de organização nos níveis: primário, secundário e superior. A partir dos anos 50, ampliou-se o número de estabelecimentos de ensino superior público e privado, implementando-se a pós-graduação nas áreas de economia, administração e ciências contábeis, realizaram-se as reformas na administração pública e universitária, culminando com a elaboração de uma série de Leis, sustentáculo da economia brasileira atual. Nesse sentido, torna-se imperativo, a adoção de uma postura questionadora no ambiente contábil, de forma a permitir a emergência de uma consciência crítica no contador, propiciando-lhes condições favoráveis ao exercício profissional, com vistas a uma participação, não alienada, nas decisões políticas, econômicas e jurídicas, que definem os caminhos da contabilidade.


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Procurou-se no presente trabalho examinar o significado exato do conceito de redução, enquanto aplicável às ciências, particularmente à Psicologia. O reducionismo, conforme foi destacado, terá de ser verificado, inicialmente sob os aspectos legais, metodológicos e linguísticos, isto é, segundo as formas de natureza mais geral. No âmbito da Psicologia, foram consideradas mais detalhadas as contribuições de R. Carnap e C.C. Pratt propondo, respectivamente, uma redução de linguagem e à Fisiologia. A análise crítica destas contribuições ressaltou suas deficiências principalmente sob dois aspectos: a rejeição da concepção de que os objetos apresentam diversos ângulos válidos de investigação científica, e a ausência de rigorosa comprovação empírica dos argumentos reducionistas enquanto passam do plano lógico para o concreto, ou ultrapassam diversos níveis ontologicamente definidos da realidade. O estudo também mostra a articulação do reducionismo com o problems corpo-mente, procedendo-se a um exame das principais soluções, monistas e dualistas, oferecidas para solucinar a questão. A alternativa mais adequada para o exame das manisfestações psicológicas deverá sera adoção de diversos planos de investigação ao invés de uma orientação que se caracterize pela unilateralidade. O caráter complementar do resultado das diversas contribuições científicas poderá ser explorado em benefício de uma concepção antropológica mais rica. O desenvolvimento e a aceitação de esquemas reducionistas, longe de se apresentar como um fenômino estranho no quadro cultural contemporâneo, corresponde a perspectivas filosóficas que se definem em termos de um mecanismo e determinismo. Em qualquer situação, na medida em que não se pretenda contribuir para a descaracterização da ciência, devem ser salvaguardados os critérios sintáticos e semânticos como recursos para o julgamento das contribuições que se pretende científicas. Este procedimento contudo não deve se oferecer como um obstáculo a outras iniciativas, como as de ordem filosófica, que seguem o curso definido por sua própria metodologia. Abre-se, portanto, neste nível, a oportunidade para um trabalho de integração mais elevado.


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Objective: the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the cervical adaptation of metal crowns under several conditions, namely (1) variations in the cervical finish line of the preparation, (2) application of internal relief inside the crowns, and (3) cementation using different luting materials. Method and Materials: One hundred eighty stainless-steel master dies were prepared simulating full crown preparations: 60 in chamfer (CH), 60 in 135-degree shoulder (OB), and 60 in rounded shoulder (OR). The finish lines were machined at approximate dimensions of a molar tooth preparation (height: 5.5 mm; cervical diameter: 8 mm; occlusal diameter: 6.4 mm; taper degree: 6; and cervical finish line width: 0.8 mm). One hundred eighty corresponding copings with the same finish lines were fabricated. A 30-mu m internal relief was machined 0.5 mm above the cervical finish line in 90 of these copings. The fit of the die and the coping was measured from all specimens (L0) prior to cementation using an optical microscope. After manipulation of the 3 types of cements (zinc phosphate, glass-ionomer, and resin cement), the coping was luted on the corresponding standard master die under 5-kgf loading for 4 minutes. Vertical discrepancy was again measured (L1), and the difference between L1 and L0 indicated the cervical adaptation. Results: Significant influence of the finish line, cement type, and internal relief was observed on the cervical adaptation (P < .001). The CH type of cervical finish line resulted in the best cervical adaptation of the metal crowns regardless of the cement type either with or without internal relief (36.6 +/- 3 to 100.8 +/- 4 mu m) (3-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test, alpha = .05). The use of glass-ionomer cement resulted in the least cervical discrepancy (36.6 +/- 3 to 115 +/- 4 mu m) than those of other cements (45.2 +/- 4 to 130.3 +/- 2 mu m) in all conditions. Conclusion: the best cervical adaptation was achieved with the chamfer type of finish line. The internal relief improved the marginal adaptation significantly, and the glass-ionomer cement led to the best cervical adaptation, followed by zinc phosphate and resin cement.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes two solutions for systematic measurement of surface elevation that can be used for both profile and surface reconstructions for quantitative fractography case studies. The first one is developed under Khoros graphical interface environment. It consists of an adaption of the almost classical area matching algorithm, that is based on cross-correlation operations, to the well-known method of parallax measurements from stereo pairs. A normalization function was created to avoid false cross-correlation peaks, driving to the true window best matching solution at each region analyzed on both stereo projections. Some limitations to the use of scanning electron microscopy and the types of surface patterns are also discussed. The second algorithm is based on a spatial correlation function. This solution is implemented under the NIH Image macro programming, combining a good representation for low contrast regions and many improvements on overall user interface and performance. Its advantages and limitations are also presented.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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This report analyses the agriculture, health and tourism sectors in Saint Lucia to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change in Saint Lucia. It also has the potential to provide essential input for identifying and preparing policies and strategies to help advance the Caribbean subregion closer to solving problems associated with climate change and attaining individual and regional sustainable development goals. Some of the key anticipated impacts of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050. An evaluation of various adaptation strategies for each sector was also undertaken using standard evaluation techniques. The key subsectors in agriculture are expected to have mixed impacts under the A2 and B2 scenarios. Banana, fisheries and root crop outputs are expected to fall with climate change, but tree crop and vegetable production are expected to rise. In aggregate, in every decade up to 2050, these sub-sectors combined are expected to experience a gain under climate change with the highest gains under A2. By 2050, the cumulative gain under A2 is calculated as approximately US$389.35 million and approximately US$310.58 million under B2, which represents 17.93% and 14.30% of the 2008 GDP respectively. This result was unexpected and may well be attributed to the unavailability of annual data that would have informed a more robust assessment. Additionally, costs to the agriculture sector due to tropical cyclones were estimated to be $6.9 million and $6.2 million under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. There are a number of possible adaptation strategies that can be employed by the agriculture sector. The most attractive adaptation options, based on the benefit-cost ratio are: (1) Designing and implementation of holistic water management plans (2) Establishment of systems of food storage and (3) Establishment of early warning systems. Government policy should focus on the development of these adaption options where they are not currently being pursued and strengthen those that have already been initiated, such as the mainstreaming of climate change issues in agricultural policy. The analysis of the health sector placed focus on gastroenteritis, schistosomiasis, ciguatera poisoning, meningococal meningitis, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and malnutrition. The results obtained for the A2 and B2 scenarios demonstrate the potential for climate change to add a substantial burden to the health system in the future, a factor that will further compound the country’s vulnerability to other anticipated impacts of climate change. Specifically, it was determined that the overall Value of Statistical Lives impacts were higher under the A2 scenario than the B2 scenario. A number of adaptation cost assumptions were employed to determine the damage cost estimates using benefit-cost analysis. The benefit-cost analysis suggests that expenditure on monitoring and information provision would be a highly efficient step in managing climate change and subsequent increases in disease incidence. Various locations in the world have developed forecasting systems for dengue fever and other vector-borne diseases that could be mirrored and implemented. Combining such macro-level policies with inexpensive micro-level behavioural changes may have the potential for pre-empting the re-establishment of dengue fever and other vector-borne epidemic cycles in Saint Lucia. Although temperature has the probability of generating significant excess mortality for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, the power of temperature to increase mortality largely depends on the education of the population about the harmful effects of increasing temperatures and on the existing incidence of these two diseases. For these diseases it is also suggested that a mix of macro-level efforts and micro-level behavioural changes can be employed to relieve at least part of the threat that climate change poses to human health. The same principle applies for water and food-borne diseases, with the improvement of sanitation infrastructure complementing the strengthening of individual hygiene habits. The results regarding the tourism sector imply that the tourism climatic index was likely to experience a significant downward shift in Saint Lucia under the A2 as well as the B2 scenario, indicative of deterioration in the suitability of the island for tourism. It is estimated that this shift in tourism features could cost Saint Lucia about 5 times the 2009 GDP over a 40-year horizon. In addition to changes in climatic suitability for tourism, climate change is also likely to have important supply-side effects on species, ecosystems and landscapes. Two broad areas are: (1) coral reefs, due to their intimate link to tourism, and, (2) land loss, as most hotels tend to lie along the coastline. The damage related to coral reefs was estimated at US$3.4 billion (3.6 times GDP in 2009) under the A2 scenario and US$1.7 billion (1.6 times GDP in 2009) under the B2 scenario. The damage due to land loss arising from sea level rise was estimated at US$3.5 billion (3.7 times GDP) under the A2 scenario and US$3.2 billion (3.4 times GDP) under the B2 scenario. Given the potential for significant damage to the industry a large number of potential adaptation measures were considered. Out of these a short-list of 9 potential options were selected by applying 10 evaluation criteria. Using benefit-cost analyses 3 options with positive ratios were put forward: (1) increased recommended design speeds for new tourism-related structures; (2) enhanced reef monitoring systems to provide early warning alerts of bleaching events, and, (3) deployment of artificial reefs or other fish-aggregating devices. While these options had positive benefit-cost ratios, other options were also recommended based on their non-tangible benefits. These include the employment of an irrigation network that allows for the recycling of waste water, development of national evacuation and rescue plans, providing retraining for displaced tourism workers and the revision of policies related to financing national tourism offices to accommodate the new climate realities.