902 resultados para knowledge-based system


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 Manikin-based medical simulation has been shown to benefit the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learner, and to impart favourable patient effects. A vital component of any training simulation is the after-session discussion with trainees to debrief their performance. In this study we develop a rule-based debriefing tool for improving the efficacy of medical training sessions. Unlike most existing de-briefing tools, the tool presented here has been designed to reduce medical trainer assessment time and to improve evaluation accuracy through a largely automated evaluation of trainee performance. The developed tool is acknowledged by the School of Medicine of Deakin University as an important advancement in assisting medical trainers carry out the debriefing process effectively and efficiently.


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As pharmaceutical firms try to market their products and reduce costs, vertically integrated structureshamper innovation processes. Yet, pharmaceutical firms must innovate to compete. Outsourcing knowledgeintensive activities to knowledge process organizations (KPOs) serves to reduce innovation process obstacles.Grounded in diffusion theory and strategic management literature, this conceptual paper explores fourinterrelated strategic concepts: core competencies, economies of scale and scope, knowledge sharing,and learning. This paper claims that (a) accumulated core competencies of multinational pharmaceuticalcompanies (MPCs) erode over time and these companies become dependent on KPOs (b) MPCs mustunderstand how KPOs manage core competencies (c) economies of scope benefit KPOs enabling them tosustain competitive advantages for their MPC partners, meanwhile the benefits from economies of both scaleand scope shift from MPCs to KPOs (d) KPOs need to monitor their rate of learning to remain competitive.The paper identifies implications for industrial managers and directions for future research.


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Abstract This paper introduces a novel approach for discrete event simulation output analysis. The approach combines dynamic time warping and clustering to enable the identification of system behaviours contributing to overall system performance, by linking the clustering cases to specific causal events within the system. Simulation model event logs have been analysed to group entity flows based on the path taken and travel time through the system. The proposed approach is investigated for a discrete event simulation of an international airport baggage handling system. Results show that the method is able to automatically identify key factors that influence the overall dwell time of system entities, such as bags that fail primary screening. The novel analysis methodology provides insight into system performance, beyond that achievable through traditional analysis techniques. This technique also has potential application to agent-based modelling paradigms and also business event logs traditionally studied using process mining techniques.


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Ordinary differential equations are used for modelling a wide range of dynamic systems. Even though there are many graphical software applications for this purpose, a fully customised solution for all problems is code-level programming of the model and solver. In this project, a free and open source C++ framework is designed to facilitate modelling in native code environment and fulfill the common simulation needs of control and many other engineering and science applications. The solvers of this project are obtained from ODEINT and specialised for Armadillo matrix library to provide an easy syntax and a fast execution. The solver code is minimised and its modification for users have become easier. There are several features added to the solvers such as controlling maximum step size, informing the solver about sudden input change and forcing custom times into the results and calling a custom method at these points. The comfort of the model designer, code readability, extendibility and model isolation have been considered in the structure of this framework. The application manages the output results, exporting and plotting them. Modifying the model has become more practical and a portion of corresponding codes are updated automatically. A set of libraries is provided for generation of output figures, matrix hashing, control system functions, profiling, etc. In this paper, an example of using this framework for a classical washout filter model is explained.


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A gestão do conhecimento (GC) é uma das recentes abordagens da administração contemporânea, cujo foco engloba o conceito de conhecimento como recurso estratégico, sendo que suas técnicas, práticas e iniciativas gerenciais encontram-se em momento de consolidação. Muitos estudos acadêmicos sobre gestão do conhecimento estão sendo realizados no campo da Administração, com o objetivo de sistematizar os conceitos, as práticas e as contribuições para o poder de competição das empresas (NONAKA e TAKEUCHI, 1997; EISENHARDT e SANTOS, 2000; PROBST, RAUB e ROMHARDT,2002; DALKIR, 2005). Esta pesquisa objetivou classificar as empresas do setor elétricoeletrônico brasileiro de acordo com o estágio de institucionalização da gestão do conhecimento, bem como verificar as contribuições das práticas de GC para seu poder competitivo. Foi realizado um survey a partir da listagem de 553 empresas elétricas e eletrônicas atuantes no Brasil e participantes da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (ABINEE), tendo sido averiguada uma amostra formada por 56 empresas respondentes. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: a) as empresas pesquisadas estão nos estágios iniciais de institucionalização de GC e b) as contribuições para o poder de competição, realizadas com adoção das práticas de GC, tinham como objetivo fortalecer a cultura de compartilhamento e disseminação do conhecimento, bem como, criar o ambiente favorável para o trabalho em equipe.


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Purpose - This paper aims to propose a model of production management that integrates knowledge management, as a third dimension, to the production and work dimensions and to identify factors that promote a favorable context for knowledge sharing and results achievement in the production operations shop floor environment.Design/methodology/approach - The model proposed is built from opportunities identified in the literature review.Findings - The factors in the model integrate its three main components: knowledge management, production organization and work organization, providing a representation of the dynamics of the workplace and shop floor environment.Practical implications - The proposed model and its factors allow managers to better understand and to improve the organization activities, because it integrates knowledge management with the production organization and work organization components of traditional models.Originality/value - Literature acknowledges the role of knowledge as competitive advantage, but it is still dealt in an implicit way within the traditional models of production management. This paper proposes a model and factors that provide a favorable context for tacit knowledge sharing and results achievement in the production operations shop floor environment. The model explicitly integrates knowledge management with traditional models' components.


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In some applications with case-based system, the attributes available for indexing are better described as linguistic variables instead of receiving numerical treatment. In these applications, the concept of fuzzy hypercube can be applied to give a geometrical interpretation of similarities among cases. This paper presents an approach that uses geometrical properties of fuzzy hypercube space to make indexing and retrieval processes of cases.


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A simple, rapid, and automated assay for hydrogen peroxide in pharmaceutical samples was developed by combining the multicommutation system with a chemiluminescence (CL) detector. The detection was performed using a spiral flow-cell reactor made from polyethylene tubing that was positioned in front of a photodiode. It allows the rapid mixing of CL reagent and analyte and simultaneous detection of the emitted light. The chemiluminescence was based on the reaction of luminol with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by hexacyanoferrate(III). The feasibility of the flow system was ascertained by analyzing a set of pharmaceutical samples. A linear response within the range of 2.2-210 μmol l-1 H2O2 with a LD of 1.8 μmol l-1 H2O2 and coefficient of variations smaller than 0.8% for 1.0×10-5 mol l-1 and 6.8×10-5 mol l-1 hydrogen peroxide solutions (n=10) were obtained. Reagents consumption of 90 μg of luminol and 0.7 mg of hexacyanoferrate(III) per determination and sampling rate of 200 samples per hour were also achieved. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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This paper aims to examine the relevance of a production management model, in the shop-floor operations environment, that integrates the dimensions of production organisation (lean and mass production), work organisation (enriched and semi-autonomous groups) and knowledge management. A theoretical model has been applied to automotive companies to verify model adherence. Each of those dimensions has been described by factors. Shop-floor personnel interviews were conducted to confirm the factors relevance to that company. Results have shown that the model represented the reality of those companies concerning the researched dimensions. The factors allow managers to promote a favourable context for knowledge sharing. © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.