288 resultados para jornalista


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Entre abril e maio de 2008, o jornalista espanhol Bernardo Gutiérrez realizou, por barco, uma viagem de Manaus a Belém, com escalas em várias cidades do baixo Amazonas. O relato da viagem constitui Calle Amazonas: de Manaos a Belém por el Brasil olvidado, publicado na Espanha, em 2010. O presente trabalho mostra como Gutiérrez entrelaça em seu livro o relato de três viagens. A primeira é o deslocamento pelo emaranhado de cursos de água, descrevendo os lugares visitados. A esta viagem articula-se um recorrido pela narrativa de outros viajantes, uma biblioteca que constitui a memória cultural da região. A terceira seria a aventura da escrita. Valendo-se da experiência do percurso realizado e das leituras sobre o tema, o jornalista constrói, no limiar entre história e ficção, realidade e fantasia, elementos concernentes à Amazônia desde seu descobrimento, o relato que constitui seu livro.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A fase compreendida pelos historiadores como fase de consolidação ou profissionalização da imprensa, início da República até a década de 30, corresponde a um período relevante da atuação do escritor Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) como jornalista. O intuito de se abordar os artigos publicados no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, periódico fundado em 1875 como baluarte das questões ideológicas republicanas, permite situar o início da produção de Lobato em 1913. O limite de 1930 justifica-se pelo momento histórico, ou seja, a transição de um país rural para um estado em franca urbanização com o advento da era Vargas. Como veículo fugaz, o jornal apresenta-se como oportunidade para se rever uma faceta menos literária do escritor. A observação do conjunto de textos produzidos como artigos para O Estado entre os anos de 1913 e 1923 revela um escritor em fina sintonia com o veículo do qual participava e ajudava a construir, fosse na esfera dos ideais, fosse no círculo das atividades exercidas dentro do jornal. Lobato é, com efeito, um jornalista participando ativamente dos ideais políticos e sociais de um grupo cuja influência extrapolava a tão autoproclamada neutralidade do jornal. Havia um projeto de país em boa parte comum a escritor e jornal, ou melhor, entre o publicista atento e o periódico bem sucedido. Uma velha praga, Urupês ou o quase não lembrado Entre duas crises são textos que, postos lado a lado e lidos na seqüência e freqüência que surgem em O Estado, compõem um mosaico esclarecedor da visão projetada por Lobato e por um grupo de intelectuais cuja ação pública, política, identifica-os como grupo do Estado


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Culture and the arts in Brazil were impacted directly by the military coup from 1964 onwards. In spite of repression and censorship, the activity of intellectuals and artists in the pre-1964 period was not interrupted nor became stagnant, but gained even greater force due to the presence of control and restrictions by the institutions of repression over against the freedom of creation and thought. As in many sectors of cultural production, literature played a vigorously combative role against the arbitrariness of the regime and implemented “projects of resistance” on the basis of key elements of representation. This occurred, for instance, through the writing and circulation of works such as Pessach: a travessia, by journalist Carlos Heitor Cony, and Quarup, by journalist Antonio Callado. The two novels enabled a broad debate on the narrative form and the scope of involvement in the literature of the 1960s, such as the confrontation between Paulo Francis and Ferreira Gullar in the pages of Revista Civilização Brasileira, which is the focus of this article.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This coursework aims the dialogical analysis of discourses that constitute the statements given by Josué Machado, a journalist in the magazine Língua Portuguesa, publishing Segmento. The research aims to observe the ideologies that mark the statements in question, regarding to the values of the standard language and the quality of a text. Methodologically, we seek the understanding of how the discourse of analyzed chronic , publicized during the stated period from number 32 to number 70, dialogues with purist discourse and the discourse of sociolinguistics. The methodological theoretical support covers Bakhtinian studies of the discourse. The results show that the subject who enunciates in the analyzed chronicles shows in his speech a purist voice, in which the discourse of clarity takes emphasis. The values that define his discourse about language are those that prevail in the sphere of journalism


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The displacement of writing emerged in urban centers due to its investment in technology and has been developed in major newspapers around the world. With the advent of the internet and technological development, the writing went from analog to digital. That made it no longer required the presence of the journalist in the physical redaction means modifying the various management structures of a writing routine and professional. This happened to capture, edit and distribute your notes, news and reports in online mode. This monograph aims to understand and define the macro change of virtualization in journalism, considering the stages of production of Le Monde Diplomatique, a newspaper whose writing is in process of deterritorialization, the people involved in this activity and the resources used and contributing to the debate on new forms of organization of an editorial environment


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The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook


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The literary criticism was developed in Brazil in the period that comprehends the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During that time, the mean of dissemination of the criticism were the footnotes of the newspapers, places in which literature was discussed and the critics expressed their personal impressions about literary works with the objective of orientating the good taste of the readers. With the progressive evolution of journalism and of the newspaper's audience, the criticism columns became incompatible with the informative part of the periodicals, being transferred to the literary supplements, during a transition phase, until it was concentrated in the universitary field. This change in the paradigms of the production of criticism also caused a change in the profile of the literary critics and in the criteria to do the criticism. Before, if the critics were professionals that only needed to have enough erudition to judge the literary works, they turn into literature experts and need to use scientific methodologies in the literary analysis, while the cultural journalist begins to look at the events and literary works as products which belong to a market that needs to be reported. This research proposes studying and comparing the critics published in the column Prosa de Sábado, of the literary supplement Sabático, produced by Silviano Santiago, critic of an academic origin, and Sérgio Augusto, journalist critic, with the objective of identifying similarities and contrasts between them, and analyse the relation of this critics with their distinct fields of literary legitimation, as well as reflecting about the presence of the literary criticism and of the critics in the current press


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This monograph presents a study about organizational communication, outlining concepts, Brazilian historic, interfering factors and other considerations on the subject, introducing a survey with twelve communication agencies in Bauru as a result, explaining, in practical terms, how processes of organizational communication occur and the journalist's work in this area. Therefore, the organizational communication offers many possibilities for journalists, either as writers or press officers, or even in positions directly related to the Internet. As a key sector for all types of organizations, communication has gained notability, establishing itself as a strategic area for organizational management, especially in the form of integrated communication


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O presente trabalho tem como proposta a curadoria e produção de notícias positivas, de modo que o público tenha acesso ao seu conteúdo em um único lugar, ao invés de procurá-lo em outros veículos. Além da seleção de informação, o projeto ainda conta com outros recursos jornalísticos e projetos que agregam valores positivos ao site. Se faz importante frisar que o conteúdo deste trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para o exercício da função social do jornalista, a de informar o que é bom para o leitor, de modo a causar um impacto positivo na sociedade. Ao contrário dos jornais tradicionais, que carregam em suas páginas, na maioria das vezes, conteúdos negativos ou violentos


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS