986 resultados para investments
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Hasta el momento la estimación de las tasas de descuento requeridos por los empresarios ha seguido siendo un misterio. Mongrut y Ramírez (2006) hicieron una contribución a esta zona por deducción del límite inferior tasa de descuento para un empresario no diversificada en un mercado emergente. Sin embargo, utilizaron una función de utilidad cuadrática, que no tiene supuestos deseables. Esta investigación extiende el trabajo previo mediante la derivación de las expresiones de las tasas de descuento utilizando un Hiperbólico Absoluto Aversión al Riesgo (HARA) función de utilidad que incluye la cuadrática y la formas logarítmicas como casos especiales. Por otra parte, también se asume el empresario con el bajo la aversión al riesgo que invierte casi todo su capital en su proyecto o empresa y cuyo nivel de la riqueza se acerca a cero. Uno encuentra que ambas expresiones dependen de riesgo del empresario, la aversión y una medida del riesgo total del proyecto. El mantenimiento constante de la tasa libre de riesgo, simular las expresiones de la tasa de descuento para la forma cuadrática y la forma logarítmica. Como era de esperar, los rendimientos requeridos del empresario (descuentos) son muy sensibles tanto especificaciones y todos los valores fueron inferiores a 50% y la mayoría de ellos fueron inferiores a 25%, pero más alta que la tasa libre de riesgo asumido.
In seeking to fulfil the ambition of the 2003 genetics white paper, Our Inheritance, Our Future, to ‘mainstream’ genetic knowledge and practices, the Department of Health provided start-up funding for pilot services in various clinical areas, including seven cancer genetics projects. To help to understand the challenges encountered by such an attempt at reconfiguring the organization and delivery of services in this field, a programme-level evaluation of the genetics projects was commissioned to consider the organizational issues faced. Using a qualitative approach, this research has involved comparative case-study work in 11 of the pilot sites, including four of the seven cancer genetics pilots. In this paper, the researchers present early findings from their work, focusing in particular on the cancer genetics pilots. They consider some of the factors that have influenced how the pilots have sought to address pre-existing sector, organizational and professional boundaries to these new ways of working. The article examines the relationship between these factors and the extent to which pilots have succeeded in setting up boundary-spanning services, dealing with human-resource issues and creating sustainable, ‘mainstreamed’ provision which attracts ongoing funding in a volatile NHS commissioning environment where funding priorities do not always favour preventive, risk-assessment services.
This dissertation consists of two chapters of theoretical studies that investigate the effect of financial constraints and market competition on research and development (R&D) investments. In the first chapter, I explore the impact of financial constraints on two different types of R&D investments. In the second chapter, I examine the impact of market competition on the relationship between financial constraints and R&D investments. In the first chapter, I develop a dynamic monopoly model to study a firm’s R&D strategy. Contrary to intuition, I show that a financially constrained firm may invest more aggressively in R&D projects than an unconstrained firm. Financial constraints introduce a risk that a firm may run out of money before its project bears fruit, which leads to involuntary termination on an otherwise positive-NPV project. For a company that relies on cash flow from assets in place to keep its R&D project alive, early success can be relatively important. I find that when the discovery process can be expedited by heavier investment (“accelerable” projects), a financially constrained company may find it optimal to “over”-invest in order to raise the probability of project survival. The over-investment will not happen if the project is only “scalable” (investment scales up payoffs). The model generates several testable implications regarding over-investment and project values. In the second chapter, I study the effects of competition on R&D investments in a duopoly framework. Using a homogeneous duopoly model where two unconstrained firms compete head to head in an R&D race, I find that competition has no effect on R&D investment if the project is not accelerable, and the competing firms are not constrained. In a heterogeneous duopoly model where a financially constrained firm competes against an unconstrained firm, I discover interesting strategic interactions that lead to preemption by the constrained firm in equilibrium. The unconstrained competitor responds to its constrained rival’s investment in an inverted-U shape fashion. When the constrained competitor has high cash flow risk, it accelerates the innovation in equilibrium, while the unconstrained firm invests less aggressively and waits for its rival to quit the race due to shortage of funds.
La falta de recursos para mejorar los insumos y herramientas es causa fundamental de la falta de seguridad alimentaria, según las familias y organizaciones entrevistadas en las Comunidades Marginadas y Aisladas (CMA) en América Latina. Las familias que viven en este tipo de comunidades acceden a los insumos adecuados bien a través de la donación, o a través del crédito. La condición de marginación y aislamiento invita a optar por el crédito, al volverse imprescindible el contar con intervenciones sostenibles por la poca atención que este tipo de comunidades recibe de las autoridades públicas y la cooperación al desarrollo. De entre las metodologías para acceder a los créditos en las CMA destacan las líneas de crédito, los Programas de Grupos Solidarios (PGSs), o las Estructuras Financieras Locales (EFLs) o bancos comunales. Tras el análisis realizado en este artículo, se concluye que las EFLs o bancos comunales son la metodología capaz de arrojar mejores resultados.
This research project addresses a central question in the IS business value field: Does IS/IT investments impact positively on firm financial performance? IS/IT investments are seen as having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. Actual research conducted in the Information Systems field, relating IS/IT investments with firm performance use transactions costs economics and resource-based view of the firm to try to explain and understand that relationship. However, it lacks to stress the importance of stakeholder management, as a moderator variable in that relationship. Stakeholder theory sees the firm as the hub centric to the spokes representing various stakeholders who were in essence equidistant to the firm, and survival and continuing profitability of the corporation depend upon its ability to fulfil its economic and social purpose, which is to create and distribute wealth or value sufficient to ensure that each primary stakeholder group continues as part of the corporation’s stakeholder system. Stakeholder theory in its instrumental version, argues that if a firm pays attention to the stakes of all stakeholder groups (and not just shareholders), it will obtain higher levels of financial performance. With this premise in mind, the aim of this paper is to discuss and test the use of stakeholder theory in the IS business value stream of research, in order to achieve a better understanding of the impact of IS/IT investments on firm performance (moderated by stakeholder management). To achieve the expected impact from an IS/IT investment, it is argued that firms need a strong commitment from those stakeholder groups, which lead us to the need of a corporate “stakeholder orientation”. When firm financial performance is measured by returns on assets (ROA), returns on investments (ROI) and returns on sales (ROS), the results show that “stakeholder orientation” impact positively in the relation between IS/IT and firm performance, using a sample of Portuguese large companies.
IS/IT investments are seen has having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. The shortfall of evidence concerning the productivity of IT became known as the ‘productivity paradox’. As Robert Solow, the Nobel laureate economist stated “we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics”. An important stream of research conducted all over the world has tried to understand these phenomena, called in the literature as «IS business value» field. However, there is a gap in the literature, addressing the Portuguese situation. No empirical work has been done to date in order to understand the impact of Information Technology adoption on the productivity of those firms. Using data from two surveys conducted by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), Inquiry to the use of IT by Portuguese companies (IUTIC) and the Inquiry Harmonized to (Portuguese) companies (accounting data), this study relates (using regression analysis) the amounts spent on IT with the financial performance indicator Returns on Equity, as a proxy of firm productivity, of Portuguese companies with more than 250 employees. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the Portuguese situation concerning the impact of IS/IT on the productivity of Portuguese top companies. Empirically, we test the impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity of a sample of Portuguese large companies. Our results, based on firm-level data on Information Technology expenditure and firm productivity as measured by return on equity (1186 observations) for the years of 2003 and 2004, exhibit a negative impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity, in line with “productivity paradox” claimants.
This thesis offers an exploration of impact and social investments for agricultural development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It does so through the case of SustAgric-Africa (SAA), a social enterprise that aims to lift smallholder farmers out of poverty through the promotion of sustainable farming and operates with capital provided by a variety of investors who are committed to pairing financial returns with social and environmental outcomes. The thesis sets off to answer the following research questions: What is the moral dimension that emerges in finance with the establishment of environmental and social criteria? What kind of arrangements do social and impact investments give origin to? Is it possible to talk about a ‘spirit of the gift’ in such arrangements? What happens when abstract and globalizing ideas around ‘impact’ hit the ground? Drawing from the STS and Actor-Network Theory, I look at the formation engendered by social and impact investments in terms of a socio-technical arrangement, and look at the movements of “objects” between the main actors in terms of circuits. In these processes ideas about ‘value’ and ‘values’ articulate in complex ways in the interplay of gift, debt and credit in the relationships among the three main categories of involved actors: investors, SAA, and the farmers. In the case of SAA, I contend that the ways abstract and globalising ideas about ‘impact’ hit the ground produce uncertain results and contribute to the reproduction of inequalities and unequal wealth distribution and accumulation, deepening ongoing processes of financialization. However, my ethnography also reveals how actors depicted as beneficiaries of impact and social policies and resources, far from being passive recipients of policies and resources, actually question and appropriate them, potentially unsettling the whole arrangement and the moral and ethical claims underpinning it.
To assess the completeness and reliability of the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc) data. A cross-sectional analysis of the reliability and completeness of Sinasc's data was performed using a sample of Live Birth Certificate (LBC) from 2009, related to births from Campinas, Southeast Brazil. For data analysis, hospitals were grouped according to category of service (Unified National Health System, private or both), 600 LBCs were randomly selected and the data were collected in LBC-copies through mothers and newborns' hospital records and by telephone interviews. The completeness of LBCs was evaluated, calculating the percentage of blank fields, and the LBCs agreement comparing the originals with the copies was evaluated by Kappa and intraclass correlation coefficients. The percentage of completeness of LBCs ranged from 99.8%-100%. For the most items, the agreement was excellent. However, the agreement was acceptable for marital status, maternal education and newborn infants' race/color, low for prenatal visits and presence of birth defects, and very low for the number of deceased children. The results showed that the municipality Sinasc is reliable for most of the studied variables. Investments in training of the professionals are suggested in an attempt to improve system capacity to support planning and implementation of health activities for the benefit of maternal and child population.
This article is part of a study considering the growing importance of the international transit of people, knowledge, and practices in the schooling and professional education processes of some social segments. Considering the public funds made available by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Capes -, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq - and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation - Fapesp - to support researchers' fellowships abroad, aming to improve research and investments on Science and Technology on the context of international exchanges, we have dedicated this article to the preliminary description and analysis of the database of fellows funded abroad by these research agencies from 1970 to 2000. The movement of flows based on the quantitative methodology of the correlation of variables draws the trends of international academic exchange programs in the three research institutions and in the different areas of knowledge, and we intend to analyse them taking into account the scientific and technological development policies adopted by Brazilian State on the period.
The purpose of this work was to analyze the logistical distribution of Brazilian soybean by applying a quadratic programming to a spatial equilibrium model. The soybean transportation system is an important part of the soybean complex in Brazil, since the major part of the costs of this commodity derives from the transportation costs. Therefore, the optimization of this part of the process is essential to a better competitiveness of the Brazilian soybean in the international market. The Brazilian soybean complex have been increasing its agricultural share in the total of the exportation value in the last ten years, but due to other countries' investments the Brazilian exportations cannot be only focused on increasing its production but it still have to be more efficient. This way, a model was reached which can project new frames by switching the transportation costs and conduce the policy makers to new investments in the sector.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The cycle of fossil fuels as an energy source for mankind is approaching its end. Finite resources, coupled with greenhouse gas, have led to an increased effort in the search for alternative renewable energy sources. Brazil has a leading position, due to a 46% participation of renewable sources in its primary energy supply, compared to the global average of 12%. The expansion of the renewable sources in Brazil depends on medium and long term planning, and a large volume of investments. The present financial crisis will have major effects in the energy market. Despite a negative initial impact, it is expected that the rearrangement of the financial system will ultimately lead to an expansion in the use of renewable energy sources. Brazil is a tropical country, with the largest biodiversity in our planet and excellent conditions to expand the use of all forms of renewable sources.
Apesar de o uso de drogas ser uma prática presente desde os primórdios da humanidade, atualmente o seu abuso adquiriu dimensões preocupantes, configurando-se como um problema de saúde pública. O surgimento do crack, droga derivada da pasta de coca, agravou esse quadro ao aumentar os danos sociais e à saúde dos usuários. Visando conhecer o impacto de sua inserção no cotidiano dos usuários, foi realizado um estudo etnográfico em locais de venda e uso de crack na região central da cidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil). Foi utilizado um diário de campo para registrar as observações e os diálogos informais efetuados com as pessoas que circulavam no local estudado. Os resultados apontaram os circuitos percorridos pelos usuários, suas dinâmicas e as relações que estabelecem com outros atores sociais, as quais são permeadas por permanente tensão, envolvendo a prática de atos violentos nos quais os usuários são tanto agressores quanto vítimas. O estudo também sugere a importância de outros fatores como a história da região pesquisada, as políticas públicas, questões econômicas e ausência de investimentos sociais e em saúde pública. Sugere-se que o alto grau de degradação da região pesquisada não seria consequência apenas das pessoas e atividades exercidas no local, mas principalmente do processo urbano que gerou tal quadro social.