971 resultados para interwoven activity recognition


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This chapter introduces activity theory as an approach for studying strategy as practice. Activity theory conceptualizes the ongoing construction of activity as a product of activity systems, comprising the actor, the community with which that actor interacts and those symbolic and material tools that mediate between actors, their community and their pursuit of activity. The focus on the mediating role of tools and cultural artefacts in human activity seems especially promising for advancing the strategy-as-practice agenda, for example as a theoretical resource for the growing interest in sociomateriality and the role of tools and artefacts in (strategy) practice (for example, Balogun et al. 2014; Lanzara 2009; Nicolini 2009; Spee and Jarzabkowski 2009; Stetsenko 2005). Despite its potential, in a recent review Vaara and Whittington (2012) identified only three strategy-as-practice articles explicitly applying an activity theory lens. In the wider area of practice-based studies in organizations, activity theory has been slightly more popular (for example, Blackler 1993; 1995; Blackler, Crump and McDonald 2000; Engeström, Kerosuo and Kajamaa 2007; Groleau 2006; Holt 2008; Miettinen and Virkkunen 2005). It still lags behind its potential, however, primarily because of its origins as a social psychology theory developed in Russia with little initial recognition outside the Russian context, particularly in the area of strategy and organization theory, until recently (Miettinen, Samra-Fredericks and Yanow 2009). This chapter explores activity theory as a resource for studying strategy as practice as it is socially accomplished by individuals in interaction with their wider social group and the artefacts of interaction. In particular, activity theory’s focus on actors as social individuals provides a conceptual basis for studying the core question in strategy-as-practice research: what strategy practitioners do. The chapter is structured in three parts. First, an overview of activity theory is provided. Second, activity theory as a practice-based approach to studying organizational action is introduced and an activity system conceptual framework is developed. Third, the elements of the activity system are explained in more detail and explicitly linked to each of the core SAP concepts: practitioners, practices and praxis. In doing so, links are made to existing strategy-as-practice research, with brief empirical examples of topics that might be addressed using activity theory. Throughout the chapter, we introduce key authors in the development of activity theory and its use in management and adjacent disciplinary fields, as further resources for those wishing to make greater use of activity theory.


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We examined two subjectively distinct memory states that are elicited during recognition memory in humans and compared them in terms of the gamma oscillations (20–60 Hz) in the electroencepahalogram (EEG) that they induced. These subjective states, ‘recollection’ and ‘familiarity’ both entail correct recognition but one involves a clear and conscious recollection of the event including memory for contextual detail whilst the other involves a sense of familiarity without clear recollection. Here we show that during a verbal recognition memory test, the subjective experience of ‘recollection’ induced higher amplitude gamma oscillations than the subjective experience of ‘familiarity’ in the time period 300–500 ms after stimulus presentation. Recollection, but not familiarity, was also associated with greater functional connectivity in the gamma frequency range between frontal and parietal sites. Furthermore, the magnitude of the gamma functional connectivity varied over time and was modulated at 3 Hz. Previous studies in animals have shown local theta frequency modulation (3–7 Hz) of gamma-oscillations but this is the first time that a similar effect has been reported in the human EEG.


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DNA serves as a target molecule for several types of enzymes and may assume a wide variety of structural motifs depending upon the local sequence. The BssHII restriction site (GC)3 resides in a 9bp region of alternating pyrimidine and purine residues within the &phis;X174 genome. Such sequences are known to demonstrate non-canonical helical behavior under the appropriate conditions. The kinetics of BssHII cleavage was investigated in supercoiled and linear plasmid DNA, and in a 323bp DNA fragment obtained via amplification of &phis;X174. The rate of enzyme cleavage was enhanced in the supercoiled form and in the presence of 50μM cobalt hexamine. Similarly, cobalt hexamine was also found to enhance TaqI activity directly adjacent to the (GC)3 region. ^ Initial DNA polymerase I binding studies (including a gel mobility shift assay and a protection assay) indicated a notable interaction between DNA polymerase I and the BssHII site. An in-depth study revealed that equilibrium binding of DNA polymerase I to the T7 RNA polymerase promoter was comparable to that of the (GC)3 site, however the strongest interaction was observed with a cruciform containing region. Increasing the ionic strength of the solution environment, including the addition of DNA polymerase I reaction buffer significantly decreased the equilibrium dissociation constant values. ^ It is suggested that the region within or around the BssHII site experiences a conformational change generating a novel structure under the influence of supercoiled tension or 50μM cobalt hexamine. It is proposed that this transition may enhance enzyme activity and binding by providing an initial enzyme-docking site—the rate-limiting step in restriction enzyme kinetics. The high binding potential of DNA polymerase I for each of the motifs described, is hypothesized to be due to recognition of the structural DNA anomalies by the 3′–5′ exonuclease domain. ^


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Funded by Wellcome Trust. Grant Numbers: WT087955, WT09520


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Research in ubiquitous and pervasive technologies have made it possible to recognise activities of daily living through non-intrusive sensors. The data captured from these sensors are required to be classified using various machine learning or knowledge driven techniques to infer and recognise activities. The process of discovering the activities and activity-object patterns from the sensors tagged to objects as they are used is critical to recognising the activities. In this paper, we propose a topic model process of discovering activities and activity-object patterns from the interactions of low level state-change sensors. We also develop a recognition and segmentation algorithm to recognise activities and recognise activity boundaries. Experimental results we present validates our framework and shows it is comparable to existing approaches.


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Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes for the growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases worldwide and there is a need for more evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions that aim to increase physical activity at the population level. This study aimed to update a systematic review published in 2008 by searching peer-reviewed and unpublished literature of economic evaluations of transport interventions that incorporate the health related effects of physical activity. Our analysis of methods for the inclusion of physical activity related health effects into transport appraisal over time demonstrates that methodological progress has been made. Thirty-six studies were included, reflecting an increasing recognition of the importance of incorporating these health effects into transport appraisal. However, significant methodological challenges in the incorporation of wider health benefits into transport appraisal still exist. The inclusion of physical activity related health effects is currently limited by paucity of evidence on morbidity effects and of more rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of interventions. Significant scope exists for better quality and more transparent reporting. A more consistent approach to the inclusion of benefits and disbenefits would reinforce the synergies between the health, environmental, transport and other sectors. From a transport sector perspective the inclusion of physical activity related health benefits positively impacts cost effectiveness, with the potential to contribute to a more efficient allocation of scarce resources based on a more comprehensive range of merits. From a public health perspective the inclusion of physical activity related health benefits may result in the funding of more interventions that promote active transport, with the potential to improve population levels of physical activity and to reduce prevalence of physical activity related diseases.


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Background: There is growing recognition that the urban built environment influences physical activity at the population level, although the effects on disadvantaged groups are less well understood. Using the examples of open/green space and street connectivity, this paper explores whether enhancements to the built environment have potential for addressing physical activity-related health inequalities among Mori, Pacific and low income communities in New Zealand.

Method: A high-level review of the international literature relating open space and street connectivity to physical activity and/or related health outcomes at a population level was completed. Consideration was given to whether these features of the built environment have a disproportionate effect on disadvantaged populations.

Results: Findings from international studies suggest that open space and street connectivity have a beneficial effect on physical activity. Enhancing the built environment may be particularly advantageous for improving physical activity levels among disadvantaged populations.

Conclusion: It is likely that open space and street connectivity have a positive effect on physical activity behaviour; however due to the cross-sectional nature of existing research and the paucity of research among disadvantaged populations definitive conclusions about the effect in these populations cannot be made. Further research is required (e.g. natural experiments or quasi experimental research designs) to determine the effect of changing the environment on physical activity and obesity.


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Ipilimumab is a human anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody recently approved for the treatment of advanced melanoma. Stimulation of T-cell activity unmasks antitumor activity, but can cause immune-related adverse events. Autoimmune hypophysitis is of particular importance because its presentation can be subtle but life threatening. We present two cases where early recognition of ipilimumab-related autoimmune hypophysitis led to timely intervention and low subsequent morbidity, without compromise of antitumor effects. We provide recommendations for detection and management of this potentially life-threatening complication of ipilimumab.