945 resultados para internationalization.
This study aims to explore the Italian students’ perspectives on using English in English-medium instruction (EMI) programs in light of the practices of internationalization at home (IaH) at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) in Italy and further investigates whether these attitudes affect their language identity as English as lingua franca (ELF) users. To serve this aim, a mixed-method approach was adopted to collect quantitative and in-depth qualitative data in two phases through an online survey and a semi-structured interview. A total number of 78 Italian students participated in the survey, out of which 14 participants were interviewed. The findings of the online survey indicated that most participants (92%) held a positive perspective toward the use of English in EMI programs and the findings from the interviews were in line with the results of the survey. However, the purpose of the interviews was to explore the participants’ views on their language identity as ELF users. Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed that students experience emotional, cognitive, and social transitions in EMI programs in response to their shift from a non-EMI to an EMI academic setting. Overall, all the above-mentioned transitions were positive and could lead to personal development. However, it can be concluded that the EMI context provides few opportunities for the emergence of significant new subject positions mediated by English in this study. The focus on students’ perspectives on the use of English in EMI programs can contribute to the improvement in language policy planning and internationalized curriculum design by policymakers and alleviate tensions over the controversial issue of the Englishization of higher education by considering how EMI students perceive their use of English as ELF users not superior standard English users.
Plastic packaging materials intended for use in food packaging is an area of great interest from the scientific and economic point of view due to the irreversible internationalization and globalization process of food products. Nevertheless, a debate related to food safety aspects has emerged within the scientific community. Therefore, the development of analytical methods that allow identifying and quantifying chemical substances of toxicological potential in the packaging is considered essential. This article focuses on the main analytical methods, including validation parameters, as well as extraction and quantification techniques for determination of volatile organic compounds from food packaging materials.
The put-pose of this paper is to analyze relationship patterns between headquarters and subsidiaries of Brazilian Multinationals Enterprises (BrMNEs). The key construct for that investigation is Subsidiary Initiative, which comprises Subsidiary Entrepreneurial Orientation, Autonomy, Integration, Local Competitive Context and Business Network. A survey was carried out in a sample of 65 subsidiaries of 29 BrMNEs. The main outcome is that subsidiaries are highly integrated and receive Entrepreneurial Orientation from Headquarters (HQs), but Initiative is limited. Actually, the main determinants of subsidiary's initiatives are Local Context and Business Networking in the host country. This apparent paradox may be explained by what we call 'rebellious subsidiaries', which take initiatives based on their business environment and connections, regardless of their HQs' directions or delegation of autonomy.
This paper presents and reviews the recommendations done by experts during the specialists meeting held in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, in the end of 2005 and, according to this information, the Brazilian situation is analyzed. Internationalization and institutionalization of information literacy and lifelong learning as essential factors to the development of the nations are also explored. Beacons of the Information Society translate the vision and concepts involved. In Brazil, the actions around information literacy are not a consensus. The challenges to be faced include: to discover forms to foster and to appropriately disseminate national and local knowledge, to advance discussions and deepen the subject, to discover adequate alternatives for disseminating information practices that encompass distinct professional groups and populations, to overcome structural development gaps. As a matter that permeates each and every process of learning, research, development, problem-solving and decision-making, information literacy went beyond the boundaries of librarianship and transformed itself into a world transdiciplinary movement, even under the aegis of different denominations and emphasis.
O presente artigo pretende cotejar os efeitos da implantação da indústria de celulose no Cone Sul da América a partir dos casos envolvendo, de um lado, Argentina e Uruguai e, de outro, o Brasil, no que diz respeito à permeabilidade entre marcos regulatórios, à justaposição de âmbitos de solução de conflitos e ao papel dos movimentos sociais. A partir da análise dos referidos processos, são apontados os impactos da globalização econômica em termos de flexibilização e desregulamentação da legislação nacional, limitação dos instrumentos regulatórios regionais, inadequação das instituições político-jurídicas para a resolução dos conflitos e ineficácia da sociedade civil perante estes. Sustenta-se, nesta base, a necessidade de internacionalização dos movimentos sociais no sentido de fazer face à permeabilidade entre pulsões regulatórias transnacionais orientadas por e para o mercado.
This paper analyzes the internationalization of new multinationals from emerging countries. It also focuses on Production`s role in firm internationalization, a subject seldom addressed because the discipline of International Manufacturing is still embryonic, while International Business tends to overlook production. The authors integrate International Business and International Manufacturing concepts and frameworks in order to analyze new multinationals from emerging countries, using the empirical evidence of a survey plus case studies of Brazilian multinationals for understanding late-movers` strategies and competences, with emphasis on production. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this article was to analyze the processes of transfer and reverse trans fer of knowledge following. international acquisitions made by Brazilian multinational companies. Reverse transfer is understood,as the process of transferring knowledge from the acquired company to the acquirer. Therefore, a case study was conducted on the acquisition of the Perez Companc group by Petrobras in Argentina. The study is qualitative. Primary data were obtained and eight members of the international managing board of Petrobras were interviewed. After the first moment of integration, reported as conflictive, there was a better integration of the companies, mainly in the technical areas of, the oil and gas exploration activities. The size of Perez Companc, its aim (a company of energy, not only oil and gas company) and the length of time were critical factors for the transfer of best practices between the companies. The expatriation of the employees is seen as a key-tool, as well as the technical visits, for the transfer of knowledge.. An. additional contribution of the study was to present the results of the research on the process of transfer and reverse transfer of knowledge in Brazilian multinational companies, since most studies on the theme focus on the motivators and challenges concerning these processes.
This paper analyses the applicability of the main enterprise internationalization theories to the entry of the multinational corporations into Brazil, throughout five phases of Brazilian economy, from 1850 to nowadays. It seeks to verify the explanation power of each theory over the FDI flows in Brazil. It concludes that there is a contingency relation between the theories and the phases of the economy, and. it shows such relationship in a table. In addition, it concludes that the most powerful theory along the researched period was Dunning`s eclectic paradigm, mainly due to the Localization considerations. Theoretical propositions are put forward as a contribution to future research.
Managing a variable demand scenario is particularly challenging on services organizations because services companies usually have a major part of fixed costs. The article studies how a services organization manages its demand variability and its relation with the organization`s profitability. Moreover, the study searched for alternatives used to reduce the demand variability`s impact on the profitability of the company. The research was based on a case study with a Brazilian services provider on information technology business. The study suggests that alternatives like using outsourced employees to cover demand peaks may bring benefits only on short term, reducing the profitability of the company on long term: Some options are revealed, like the internationalization of employees and the investment on developing its own workforce.
Internationalisation occurs when the firm expands its selling, production, or other business activities into international markets. Many enterprises, especially small- and medium-size firms (SMEs), are internationalising today at an unprecedented rate. Managers are strategically using information to achieve degrees of internationalisation previously considered the domain of large firms. We extend existing explanations of firm internationalisation by examining the nature and fundamental, antecedent role of internalising appropriate information and translating it into relevant knowledge. Based on case studies of internationalising firms, we advance a conceptualisation of information internalisation and knowledge creation within the firm as it achieves internationalisation readiness. In the process, we offer several propositions intended to guide future research. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, e fazendo uso da análise de conteúdo, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a meta erradicar a pobreza até 2025, constituinte do Plano de Desenvolvimento Espírito Santo 2025. Compreendemos que essa meta faz parte do modelo de ―desenvolvimento sustentado‖ elaborado pela burguesia capixaba, organizada no Movimento Empresarial Espírito Santo em Ação, e em articulação com o executivo estadual e a Petrobrás, sem que tenha havido participação de trabalhadores na elaboração do Plano mencionado. Seguem-se as principais conclusões. A meta em questão foi construída sob o marco ideopolítico e teórico da ―internacionalização do combate à pobreza‖, transpondo-se para o território estadual o discurso hegemônico de erradicação daquela condição social, entendida como sendo, em última análise, de responsabilidade do indivíduo, e não enquanto consequência direta do modo de produção capitalista. Além disso, os pobres são compreendidos, na elaboração da meta, de forma dual: ora identificados através do ―pressuposto da falta‖, ora enquanto ―agentes‖ livres para construir seu próprio futuro. Em consequência dessa dualidade, são propostas duas vias de ação tidas como essenciais para ―erradicar a pobreza‖: uma, centrada na transferência de renda para os que vivem na pobreza mais acentuada, e outra, na concessão de (micro)crédito para os pobres não miseráveis, com vistas a possibilitar que se tornem ―empreendedores‖. A meta analisada visa contribuir para promover a ―paz social‖, através da contenção dos pobres e de sua latente revolta diante de sua degradada condição de vida em território espírito-santense, o que demonstra sua funcionalidade para naturalizar e gerir a barbárie que marca a contemporaneidade capitalista.
The article deals with the internationalization of Brazilian businesses in the current decade. In the 1990s, Brazil embraced economic neoliberalism and promoted a huge opening up of its economy. At that time, Brazilian companies had to adapt rapidly. Twenty years later, the country has reinforced its presence in Latin America and has ensured a better position in the global markets, especially by through agricultural exports.
Although Brazil has traditionally been characterized by a culture of inward-looking policy making, the presence of foreign firms in the Brazilian productive sector has always been significant. The share of foreign-owned firms is one of the highest that can be found among developing countries. This article discusses the main features of the external sector of the Brazilian economy, regarding trade flows, foreign investment, the internationalization of Brazilian entrepreneurial groups and the short-term financial requirements in foreign currencies
This text focuses on the major drivers of Brazilian agricultural cooperation in Africa as conceived and pursued from 2004 to 2014, with emphasis on the impacts of political and economic international changes that took place in that period, and particularly the impacts of the 2008 economic crisis, in framing Brazil's foreign policy and development assistance initiatives. It addresses current international forces and developments at the systemic level, but also analyses recent economic domestic developments, in particular those directly related to Brazilian agriculture and those related to the policy framework of its evolving internationalization. Special attention is paid to the dual dimensions of Brazilian agricultural policy and to its projection in agricultural cooperation as pursed in Africa.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is recognized, both in the academic and business world, as one of the most powerful strategic management accounting tools. Thus, we launched in October 2004 a questionnaire survey applied to the 250 largest Portuguese companies aiming at observing the knowledge, use, and companies’ characteristics which are adopting this management instrument. Despite the majority of the companies inquired recognize BSC more as a strategic management tool than a performance valuation system, the results show that there is still a reduced and recent utilization of BSC in Portugal. Similarly to other countries Portugal is still in the initial state of BSC utilization. Our work has shown that the companies that use more BSC belong mainly to the secondary sector of industry. Nevertheless, unlike other studies, we did not get empirical evidence on the influence of variables such as geographical localization, dimension and internationalization, in the use and knowledge of BSC in Portugal.