236 resultados para intermediaries


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This paper analyses the intermediary role of the technical bodies that support the use of budgetary and financial information by central government politicians in Portugal. The main findings show that information brokers are playing a central role in preparing this information in a credible, simple and understandable way. However, even if not intentionally, the information they present can be biased. Politicians need to be aware that the information brokers they rely on may not be giving them ‘neutral’ information.


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The narratives that circulate Caicó tell us that the activity of embroidery would have come to town by the eighteenth century, by the Portuguese colonizers. Initially, the embroidery worked as a constitutive element in the formation of women, especially in the construction of the role of "talented ladies", was later characterized in a income generating activity moving strongly the informal sector of the local economy. In addition to source of income, the practice of embroiderers is redefining the craft tradition, transforming the embroidery on one of the symbols of identity of the city as it reaches other markets, carrying the name "Caicó embroidery". The research aims to investigate the dynamics of artisanal embroidery production, within the family circle and its consequences after its entry in the commercial sphere. It also seeks to investigate how the activity operates within a context in which the subjects (embroiderers and intermediaries) and their distinct negotiations trigger certain discourses, particularly those related to identity and authenticity on behalf of economic, political and cultural purposes


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El objetivo principal del presente estudio consistió en evaluar la existencia o no de disciplina de mercado en el sistema bancario costarricense lo cual puede ser una evidencia importante previo al posible establecimiento de un Fondo de Garantía de los depósitos bancarios en Costa Rica.De acuerdo con los resultados de las estimaciones, podría afirmarse que la hipótesis de la existencia de disciplina de mercado en el sistema bancario costarricense se comprobó aunque de una manera muy débil o incipiente.La mayor parte de las variables fundamentales del desempeño y que reflejan el nivel de riesgo asumido por los intermediarios bancarios no parecen tener influencia sobre el comportamiento de los depósitos al igual que con la mayoría de las variables macroeconómicas.Los resultados también indican que la captación en cada uno de los bancos comerciales, si bien reacciona de igual manera ante los cambios en las variables explicativas, cada una de las instituciones presenta ciertas particularidades que los hacen diferentes entre sí. AbstractThe primary target of the present study consisted of evaluating the existence or not of market discipline in the Costa Rican banking system which can be previous an important evidence to the possible establishment of a guarantee system of the banking deposits in Costa Rica.In agreement with the results of the estimations, it could affirm that the hypothesis of the existence of market discipline in the Costa Rican banking system was verified although of a very weak or incipiente way.Most of the fundamental variables of the performance and that they reflect the level of risk assumed by the banking intermediaries does not seem to have influence on the behavior of the deposits like with most of the macroeconomic variables.The results also indicate that the pick up of funds in each one of the commercial banks, although reacts of equal way before the changes in the explanatory variables, each one of the institutions displays certain characteristics that are reflected in different intercepts.


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In this work we demonstrate the efficiency of some dimeric [Ln4(H2O)6(β-GeW10O38)2]12− anions composed of lanthanide-stabilised dilacunary Keggin tungstogermanate fragments (ββ-Ln4, Ln = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) as heterogeneous catalysts for the organic phase oxidation of aniline with hydrogen peroxide. The results obtained evidence total conversion of aniline at room temperature, as well as full selectivity towards nitrosobenzene, and the catalysts are able to retain both their activity and selectivity after several runs. Peroxopolyoxometalate intermediaries have been identified as the catalytically active species during the aniline-to-nitrosobenzene oxidation process.


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The objectives are, firstly, to identify the role of the university-focused intermediaries, specifically University-focused Venture Capital Firms (UVCs), in order to explain how they interact at the early stage of University Spin-out Companies (USOs) creation, particularly regarding knowledge sharing. Secondly, to analyse whether they change their position once the USO is developed, in the context of the dynamics of a university-based entrepreneurial ecosystem.


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As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.


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El presente documento analiza los determinantes del margen de intermediación para el sistema financiero colombiano entre 1989 y 2003. Bajo una estimación dinámica de los efectos generados por variables específicas de actividad, impuestos y estructura de mercado, se presenta un seguimiento del margen de intermediación financiero, para un período que presenta elementos de liberalización y crisis.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es utilizar algunos hechos estilizados de la "Gran recesión", específicamente la drástica caída en el nivel de capitalización bancario, para analizar la relación entre los ciclos financieros y los ciclos reales, así como la efectividad de la política monetaria no convencional y las políticas macroprudenciales. Para esto, en el primer capítulo se desarrolla una microfundamentación de la banca a partir de un modelo de Costly State Verification, que es incluido posteriomente en distintas especificaciones de modelos DSGE. Los resultados muestran que: (i) los ciclos financieros y los ciclos económicos pueden relacionarse a partir del deterioro del capital bancario; (ii) Las políticas macroprudenciales y no convencionales son efectivas para moderar los ciclos económicos, pero son costosas en términos de recursos e inflación.


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ResumenLas Reformas Borbónicas habían comenzado a desmantelar el poder de los comerciantes del Consulado de México. El empleo de las libranzas y de otros mecanismos les devolvió su papel central en la economía de la Nueva España. Así pudieron controlar el comercio interno, ser los intermediarios entre diversos sectores económicos y los monopolistas del comercio exterior, cuya base primordial era el intercambio de plata por mercancías.AbstractThe Bourbon reforms had begun to weaken the power of the merchants of the Consulado de México. The use of libranzas and other mechanisms allowed them to recover a central role in the economic of New Spain. Thus they were able to control domestic trade, to act as intermediaries between various economic sectors and monopolize foreign trade the essential basis for which was the exchange of silver for mercantile commodities.


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La scomposizione dei servizi finanziari rappresenta un processo in essere da diverso tempo, che tuttavia ha subito una significativa accelerazione negli ultimi anni, a causa di alcuni fattori, tra cui l’incremento degli scambi commerciali conseguente alla globalizzazione, la crescente finanziarizzazione dell’economia e, da ultimo, l’avvento di Internet, che ha progressivamente cannibalizzato i canali tradizionali del commercio e della finanza. In questo contesto hanno assunto un rilievo crescente, da un lato, la concentrazione degli intermediari finanziari, i quali, aumentando le proprie dimensioni, mirano a beneficiare dei rendimenti di scala crescenti tipici del settore in cui operano, dall’altro, la specializzazione degli operatori, anche non finanziari, che, al fine di aumentare la propria efficienza e diminuire i costi di produzione, si focalizzano su singoli processi o sottoprocessi dei servizi finanziari tradizionali, talvolta innovandoli o creandoli ex novo allo scopo di conquistare quote di mercato. Di fronte a tutto ciò, l’applicazione dell’esenzione IVA rappresenta una sfida per gli interpreti del diritto, in quanto, derogando al principio cardine della neutralità dell’IVA, può divenire o costituire già ora un fattore distorsivo del mercato, alterando la parità di condizioni in cui dovrebbero operare gli intermediari finanziari ed influenzando le scelte organizzative dei medesimi, a discapito dell’efficienza cui dovrebbero fisiologicamente tendere in condizioni di libera concorrenza.


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The abundance of visual data and the push for robust AI are driving the need for automated visual sensemaking. Computer Vision (CV) faces growing demand for models that can discern not only what images "represent," but also what they "evoke." This is a demand for tools mimicking human perception at a high semantic level, categorizing images based on concepts like freedom, danger, or safety. However, automating this process is challenging due to entropy, scarcity, subjectivity, and ethical considerations. These challenges not only impact performance but also underscore the critical need for interoperability. This dissertation focuses on abstract concept-based (AC) image classification, guided by three technical principles: situated grounding, performance enhancement, and interpretability. We introduce ART-stract, a novel dataset of cultural images annotated with ACs, serving as the foundation for a series of experiments across four key domains: assessing the effectiveness of the end-to-end DL paradigm, exploring cognitive-inspired semantic intermediaries, incorporating cultural and commonsense aspects, and neuro-symbolic integration of sensory-perceptual data with cognitive-based knowledge. Our results demonstrate that integrating CV approaches with semantic technologies yields methods that surpass the current state of the art in AC image classification, outperforming the end-to-end deep vision paradigm. The results emphasize the role semantic technologies can play in developing both effective and interpretable systems, through the capturing, situating, and reasoning over knowledge related to visual data. Furthermore, this dissertation explores the complex interplay between technical and socio-technical factors. By merging technical expertise with an understanding of human and societal aspects, we advocate for responsible labeling and training practices in visual media. These insights and techniques not only advance efforts in CV and explainable artificial intelligence but also propel us toward an era of AI development that harmonizes technical prowess with deep awareness of its human and societal implications.