714 resultados para inter-organisational
The neuro-peptide hormone oxytocin regulates several reproductive mechanisms in mammals, such as uterine contractions during parturition and milk ejection in the lactating mammary gland. Oxytocin may also influence behavior and behavioral strategies, e.g. pair bonding, social recognition, maternal behavior, trust building, or anxiety. Teasing oestrous mares by a stallion provokes the release of oxytocin. We therefore tested whether such elevated oxytocin levels reveal possible mate preferences as determined in typical preference tests.
Recent policy developments in public health care systems lead to a greater diversity in health care. Decentralisation, either geographically or at an institutional level, is the key force, because it encourages innovation and local initiatives in health care provision. The devolution of responsibilities allows for a sort of de-construction of the status quo by changing both organizational forms and service provision. The new organizations enjoy greater freedom in the way they pay their staff, and are judged according to their results. These organizations may retain financial surpluses, develop spin-off companies and commission a range of specialised services (such as Diagnostic and Treatment Centres in UK) from providers outside the institutional setting in order to have more access to capital markets. However this diversity may generate a feeling of lack of commitment to a national health service and ultimately a loss of social cohesion. By fiscal decentralisation to regional authorities or planned delegation of financial agreements to the providers, financial incentives are more explicit and may seem to place profit-making above a commitment to better health care. An evaluation of the myths and realities of the decentralization process is needed. Here, I offer an assessment pros and cons of the decentralization process of health care in Spain, drawing on the experience of regional reforms from the pioneering organisational innovations implemented in Catalonia in 1981, up to the observed dispersion of health care spending per capita among regions at present.
This paper investigates the role of employee referrals in the labor market.Using an original data set, I find that industries that pay wage premia andhave characteristics associated with high-wage sectors rely mainly on employeereferrals to fill jobs. Moreover, unemployment rates are higher in industries which use employee referrals more extensively. This paper develops an equilibrium matching model which can explain these empirical regularities. Inthis model, the matching process sorts heterogeneous firms and workers into two distinct groups: referrals match "good" jobs to "good" workers, while formalmethods (e.g., newspaper ads and employment agencies) match less-attractive jobs to disadvantaged workers. Thus, well-connected workers who learn quickly aboutjob opportunities use referrals to jump job queues, while those who are less well placed in the labor market search for jobs through formal methods. The split of firms and workers between referrals and formal search is, however, not necessarily efficient. Congestion externalities in referral search imply that unemployment would be closer to the optimal rate if firms and workers 'at themargin' searched formally.
Coagulation factor V (FV) deficiency is characterised by variable bleeding phenotypes and heterogeneous mutations. To add new insights into the FV genotype-phenotype relationship, we characterised the R1698W change in the A3 domain, at the poorly investigated interface with the A2 domain. The FV R1698W mutation was responsible for a markedly reduced expression level (10% of FV-WT) and specific activity in thrombin generation (0.39). Interestingly, the FVa1698W showed rapid activity decay upon activation due to increased dissociation rate between the heavy and light chains. The importance of the size and charge of the residue at position 1698 was investigated by three additional recombinant mutants, FVR1698A, FVR1698Q, and FVR1698E. FVR1698A and FVR1698Q expression (30 and 45% of FV-WT), specific activity (both 0.57) and stability were all reduced. Noticeably, FVR1698E showed normal activity and stability despite poor expression (10% of FV-WT). These data indicate the essential role of R1698 for normal biosynthetic process and support local flexibility for positively or negatively charged residues to produce stable and functional A3-A2 domain interactions. Their experimental alteration produces a gradient of FV defects, which help to interpret the wide spectrum of phenotypes in FV-deficient patients.
Deciding whether two fingerprint marks originate from the same source requires examination and comparison of their features. Many cognitive factors play a major role in such information processing. In this paper we examined the consistency (both between- and within-experts) in the analysis of latent marks, and whether the presence of a 'target' comparison print affects this analysis. Our findings showed that the context of a comparison print affected analysis of the latent mark, possibly influencing allocation of attention, visual search, and threshold for determining a 'signal'. We also found that even without the context of the comparison print there was still a lack of consistency in analysing latent marks. Not only was this reflected by inconsistency between different experts, but the same experts at different times were inconsistent with their own analysis. However, the characterization of these inconsistencies depends on the standard and definition of what constitutes inconsistent. Furthermore, these effects were not uniform; the lack of consistency varied across fingerprints and experts. We propose solutions to mediate variability in the analysis of friction ridge skin.
Back pain is a considerable economical burden in industrialised countries. Its management varies widely across countries, including Switzerland. Thus, the University Hospital and University of Lausanne (CHUV) recently improved intern processes of back pain care. In an already existing collaborative context, the two university hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland (CHUV, University Hospital of Geneva), felt the need of a medical consensus, based on a common concept. This inter-hospital consensus produced three decisional algorithms that bear on recent concepts of back pain found in literature. Eventually, a fast track was created at CHUV, to which extern physicians will have an organised and rapid access. This fast track aims to reduce chronic back pain conditions and provides specialised education for general practitioners-in-training.
This review is part of a series of review articles on the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics published in Chemistry & Biodiversity. After a thorough discussion of metabolic reactions and their enzymes, this article focuses on genetically determined differences in drug and xenobiotic metabolism. After a short introduction on the causes for genetic differences, the first focus is on species differences in drug and xenobiotic metabolism. A major chapter is then dedicated to clinically relevant genetic polymorphisms in human drug metabolism and resultant ethnic differences. The last two chapters deal with sex-dependent differences in drug metabolism and personalized pharmacotherapy related to inter-individual differences in drug metabolism.
Para solos agregados, a envoltória da resistência ao cisalhamento pode ser dividida em dois segmentos, com declividades e interceptos diferentes. Um primeiro segmento mais inclinado e com intercepto menor representaria a envoltória de ruptura definida pelo atrito e coesão interagregados, enquanto o segundo segmento, menos inclinado e com intercepto maior, seria a envoltória definida pelo atrito e coesão intra-agregados. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar se a envoltória de resistência ao cisalhamento de agregados do horizonte superficial de um Nitossolo Vermelho pode ser subdividida em segmentos distintos, com coeficientes angulares diferentes, e se isso está relacionado à existência de agregados nele. Inicialmente, amostras coletadas na superfície de um Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico latossólico de textura argilosa foram submetidas ao ensaio de cisalhamento direto com pressões normais de 24,4; 48,9; 98,2; 196,4; 294,6; 392,8 e 491,8 kPa. Posteriormente, o ensaio foi realizado com amostras de agregados de cinco classes de diâmetro: < 0,25; 0,25-0,50; 0,50-1,00; 1,00-2,00 e 2,00-4,00 mm, empregando-se pressões normais de 24,4; 48,9; 73,5; 147,3; 294,6; 441,9; 589,2 e 736,6 kPa. Em todos os ensaios, verificou-se que as envoltórias obtidas podem ser divididas em dois segmentos de reta. Os resultados indicam que a agregação deve ser considerada na definição das cargas normais a serem utilizadas no ensaio de cisalhamento direto, bem como na análise dos resultados, pois ela tem efeitos sobre a envoltória de resistência ao cisalhamento. Para o Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico usado neste estudo, constatou-se que, na umidade em que as amostras foram ensaiadas, os agregados definem a resistência ao cisalhamento do solo para cargas normais de até 294,6 kPa.
O comportamento físico e hídrico do solo fundamenta as práticas de seu uso e manejo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as inter-relações entre as propriedades físicas e os coeficientes da curva de retenção de água de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob diferentes sistemas de uso. Em 2004, foram selecionadas três áreas contíguas utilizadas por mais de vinte anos com mata (nativa), pousio (Brachiaria decumbens) e cultivo (culturas anuais). Foram coletadas 25 amostras de solo com estrutura não deformada na camada de 0-0,15 m de profundidade, que foram utilizadas para determinação das curvas de retenção de água do solo. As curvas de retenção de água foram ajustadas pela equação de van Genuchten, obtendo-se os coeficientes qs, qr, a e n. Também foram mensuradas as variáveis densidade do solo, teor de C orgânico e teor de argila do solo (grupo I). Essas variáveis e os coeficientes das curvas de retenção do solo (grupo II) foram submetidos às análises de correlações canônicas. Verificou-se que a intensificação do uso do solo (mata, pousio e cultivo) resultou em maiores valores de densidade do solo e na redução dos teores de C orgânico e argila. O primeiro par das variáveis canônicas indicou dependência de qs em relação a densidade, e o segundo par distinguiu os sistemas de uso do solo verificado pela dependência de qr em relação aos teores de argila e de C orgânico. As modificações dos teores de C orgânico e da densidade do solo sugerem a degradação da qualidade física e hídrica do solo.
O aumento da biomassa vegetal subterrânea e da estabilidade dos agregados do solo pelo seu manejo adequado aumentam sua capacidade para infiltrar água da chuva e resistir à erosão hídrica. Baseado nesta premissa, foi realizado um estudo de erosão em campo, sob chuva simulada, na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - EEA/UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul (RS), no verão de 2003/2004, utilizando um experimento de manejo do solo com 7,5 anos de duração. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar relações entre variáveis de manejo e de erosão, relacionadas à história de uso e manejo do solo e suas condições físicas superficiais momentâneas, criadas por tratamentos de seu preparo e de cobertura por resíduo cultural, os quais foram aplicados imediatamente antes da realização de testes de erosão com chuva simulada. Utilizou-se um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico, com textura superficial franco-argilo-arenosa e declividade média de 0,115 m m-1. Foram estudadas quatro seqüências culturais, com ou sem preparo (gradagem) e cobertura (resíduo cultural) do solo. Realizaram-se três testes de erosão com chuva simulada, cada um na intensidade de 64 mm h-1 e duração de 1,5 h, usando o aparelho simulador de braços rotativos. Avaliaram-se a massa de raízes mortas das plantas, o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados do solo, a taxa constante de infiltração de água no solo e a perda total de água e de solo por erosão. A infiltração de água no solo foi maior e, inversamente, a perda de água menor no solo recém-mobilizado (superfície solta e rugosa) do que no solo não-mobilizado (superfície firme e praticamente lisa), mesmo o primeiro estando descoberto e o segundo tanto coberto quanto descoberto, com diferenças entre as seqüências culturais. No solo não-mobilizado e coberto, a perda foi pequena em todas as seqüências culturais, enquanto no solo descoberto, tanto não-mobilizado quanto recém-mobilizado, ela foi pequena somente naquelas seqüências culturais que propiciaram altos valores de massa de raízes mortas das plantas e de diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados do solo. No solo recém-mobilizado e descoberto, a diminuição da perda de solo também se deveu à rugosidade superficial criada pelo preparo. As relações da perda total de água e da perda total de solo, com a massa de raízes mortas das plantas e com o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados do solo, foram significativas a 5 %.
The objective of this paper is to explore the relative importance of each of Marshall's agglomeration mechanisms by examining the location of new manufacturing firms in Spain. In particular, we estimate the count of new firms by industry and location as a function of (pre-determined) local employment levels in industries that: 1) use similar workers (labor market pooling); 2) have a customer- supplier relationship (input sharing); and 3) use similar technologies (knowledge spillovers). We examine the variation in the creation of new firms across cities and across municipalities within large cities to shed light on the geographical scope of each of the three agglomeration mechanisms. We find evidence of all three agglomeration mechanisms, although their incidence differs depending on the geographical scale of the analysis.
The objective of this paper is to explore the relative importance of each of Marshall's agglomeration mechanisms by examining the location of new manufacturing firms in Spain. In particular, we estimate the count of new firms by industry and location as a function of (pre-determined) local employment levels in industries that: 1) use similar workers (labor market pooling); 2) have a customer- supplier relationship (input sharing); and 3) use similar technologies (knowledge spillovers). We examine the variation in the creation of new firms across cities and across municipalities within large cities to shed light on the geographical scope of each of the three agglomeration mechanisms. We find evidence of all three agglomeration mechanisms, although their incidence differs depending on the geographical scale of the analysis.