954 resultados para insect infestation
The lacewings are very voracious predators of aphids. The objective of this research was to evaluate the occurrence of adult chrysopids in areas of Pinus reforestation where the giant conifer aphid Cinara spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is causing severe damages. A total of 47 specimens were collected during one year and identified as: Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861), Leucochrysa (Nodita) intermedia (Scheneir, 1851) and Leucochrysa (Nodita) vieirana (Navás, 1913). The captures in the area where the plants were one year old represented about 75% of the adults probably due to the high Cinara infestation on the trees in this area. The chrysopids were recorded mostly during the summer, possibly influenced by temperature.
Marsh deer (Blastocenrs dichotomus) were captured for a research progam in Brazil and maintained in quarantine stations. After 60 days, fleas were detected on animals and identified as Ctenocephalides felis felis. Elimination of the infestation was difficult. Animal treatment with a fipronil-based compound was effective, and subsequently captured animals were treated prophylactically. Some animals remained infested, and some died from the infestation.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a suscetibilidade de diversos genótipos de feijão ao vírus-do-mosaico-dourado (VMDF), transmitido pela mosca branca (Bemisia tabaci). A semeadura foi realizada na época da seca e das águas, com e sem aplicação do inseticida granulado Aldicarb (3,0 kg ha-1 do i.a.) no sulco de semeadura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados disposto em esquema fatorial 14x2, representado por genótipos e inseticida, respectivamente, com quatro repetições. A maior infestação de mosca-branca e incidência do vírus ocorreu na época da seca, causando prejuízos à produção do feijoeiro. Os genótipos apresentaram diferentes graus de suscetibilidade ao vírus e ao inseto vetor. Os genótipos mais tolerantes foram IAPAR 57, IAPAR 65, IAPAR 72, Ônix, Aporé e 606 (5)(214-17). A aplicação do inseticida sistêmico controla o vetor em ambas as épocas de cultivo, proporcionando aumentos da produtividade.
Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos do uso de milho de baixa qualidade nutricional, infestado por insetos ou fungos, sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte em rações para a fase inicial. Um total de 400 pintos não-sexados da linhagem Ross foi distribuído em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições, de acordo com a qualidade dos grãos de milho usado nas rações iniciais (1 a 28 dias). O milho não-infestado foi usado na ração testemunha, e substituido com níveis de 20 ou 40% de grãos de milho infestados por insetos e por 20 ou 40% de grãos de milho infestados por fungos. Ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar, no período de 1 a 28 e 29 a 49 dias e no período total, não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. As relações entre o peso dos órgãos e o peso corporal foram crescentes para fígado e bursa of Fabricius, à medida que o milho com níveis de infestação por insetos ou fungos aumentaram, principalmente para a fúngica. À necropsia realizada aos 29 e 51 dias de idade dos frangos, identificou-se o aumento da freqüência de problemas de pernas e lesões hepáticas nos tratamentos que continham milho infestado com insetos ou fungos em sua composição. Os níveis de infestação por insetos ou fungos usados não influíram no desempenho dos frangos, porém podem contribuir para aumentar a incidência de problemas metabólicos, fatores que não se refletem no desempenho do frango de corte, mas que aumentam as taxas de condenação de carcaça.
Durante o armazenamento de grãos de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), o rendimento pode ser reduzido devido às infestações de carunchos como os da espécie Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bohemann, 1833) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). O ataque desse inseto afeta diretamente a qualidade dos grãos, além de facilitar a entrada de patógenos, tornando-os inviáveis para o consumo e/o comércio. Com a finalidade de buscar uma estratégia alternativa para o controle deste caruncho, avaliou-se a possível resistência de linhagens quase isogênicas contendo arcelina, linhagens selvagens contendo arcelina e cultivares comerciais de feijoeiro, em laboratório (T= 25±2° C, U.R.= 70±10% e fotoperíodo= 12h). Foram utilizados frascos contendo 10 g de grãos dos genótipos, os quais foram infestados por uma semana com sete casais do caruncho. Vinte e um dias após a infestação, os grãos foram avaliados contando-se o número de ovos viáveis. A partir de 25 dias da infestação, os grãos foram observados diariamente avaliando-se o número e o peso dos insetos emergidos, a viabilidade larval, o ciclo biológico (ovo-adulto) e o peso de grãos consumidos. Empregou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com oito repetições. Os genótipos Arc.2, Arc.3, Arc.4, Arc.3S e Ipa 6 expressaram baixos níveis de não-preferência para oviposição e foram classificados como deterrentes. Os genótipos Arc.1S e Arc.1 expressaram elevados níveis de antibiose; Arc.2, Arc.3 e Arc.4 apresentam o mesmo mecanismo, porém, em níveis inferiores.
During bean seed storage, yield can be lost due to infestations of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, the bean weevil. The use of resistant varieties has shown promising results in fighting these insects, reducing infestation levels and eliminating chemical residues from the beans. The expression of resistance to A. obtectus in bean varieties is frequently attributed to the presence of phytohemagglutinins, protease inhibitors and alpha-amylase, and especially to variants of the protein arcelin, which reduce the larval viability of these insects. To evaluate the effect of bean seed storage time on the resistance expression of bean varieties to A. obtectus, tests with seeds of three ages (freshly-harvested, 4-month-old, and 8-month-old) were conducted in the laboratory, using four commercial varieties: Carioca Pitoco, Ipa 6, Porrillo 70, Onix; four improved varieties containing arcelin protein: Are. 1, Arc.2, Arc. 3, Arc.4; and three wild varieties also containing arcelin protein: Arc. IS, Arc.3S, and Arc. 5S. The Arc.5S, Arc. IS, and Arc.2 varieties expressed high antibiosis levels against the weevil; Arc. I and Arc3S expressed the same mechanism, but at lower levels. The occurrence of oviposition non-preference was also observed in Arc.5S and Arc. IS. The Arc.3 and Arc. 4 varieties expressed low feeding non-preference levels against A. obtectus. The expression of resistance in arcelin-bearing, wild or improved varieties was affected during the storage of seeds, and was high under some parameters but low in others. The results showed that addition of chemical resistance factors such as protein arcelin via genetic breeding may be beneficial in improving the performance of bean crops.
The present research was accomplished under field and laboratory conditions (T= 25[plus or minus]2[degree] C, R.H.= 70[plus or minus] 10 % and fotoperiod= 12 horas) at FCA/UNICASTELO from Fernandopolis-SP, Brazil. The feeding preference of corn bug Leptoglossus zonatus Dallas, 1852 (Hemiptera: Coreidae) was evaluated on corn genotypes AL-Bianco, AL-Manduri, AL-25 Piratininga, AL-34 e AL-Manduri in the field. Besides, some behavioral factors relative to infestation and oviposition were observed. In laboratory, the nymph's development was evaluated on ears from each corn genotype, aiming to verify the non-preference and/or antibiosis ocurrence. The females of L. zonatus preferred to oviposite on sheats from leaves. Adults and nymphs may occur in whole parts of the plants. The AL-25, AL-34, AL-Manduri and AL-Bandeirante corn genotypes were classified as moderately resistant, expressing non-preference and/or antibiosis against the corn bug. In other way AL-Bianco was the most suscetible to nymphs of the insect.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background Head lice constitute a problem in children. Each year, numerous cases of pediculosis occur worldwide. Little work has been performed to evaluate the understanding, opinions, and actions of populations regarding head lice. These areas are important as they enable clinicians and educators to alert parents on how to avoid treatments that are innocuous or of high risk to patients.Methods A cross-sectional study was performed by interviewing the heads of households of 100 randomly chosen residences within the study area.Results The results obtained showed that 13% were infested during the first week of the survey, and 86% in the 24 weeks prior to the study. The number of positive cases increased with increasing resident number, and decreased in families with parents with a higher educational level. Itching was the principal clinical manifestation and caused sleep compromise in 65% of respondents. Innocuous and unhealthy practices to combat infestation, such as the use of inflammables and home insecticides, were common.Conclusion The results showed that certain beliefs generated worry and confusion in parents, who blamed head lice as the cause of various health problems which were not due to this insect.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)