965 resultados para informed collective action


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Practice movements, that is, forms of unorganized collective action, are a central site of politics. Their defining moments are that their goals are expressed in practices rather than in words, and that these “pre-ideological” practices aim at access to or redistribution of goods, whether material or symbolic, rather than at representation. They are transgression rather than resistance in that they transgress restrictions inherent in the material organization of space, property relations, status orders, and normative regulations, be they laws, morals, or customs. Practice movements are above all about access and participation rather than about autonomy, and thus have an ambiguous relation to the transformation of the status quo. Their politics are transformative and they can produce temporary or lasting changes in the material grounds or in the regulation of the everyday life of those who pursue them, and potentially of the normativity and the organization of the wider social order.


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Title: The perception of critical situations involving football fans – how conflicts escalate or de-escalate Authors: Brechbühl, A.1, Schumacher, A.1 & Seiler, R.1 1Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern, Switzerland Abstract: Introduction: Fan violence in the context of football matches is a prominent issue in today’s western societies and Switzerland presents no exception. A lot of research has been conducted on reasons for fan violence, mostly with fans of national teams. A prominent model is the Elaborated Social Identity Model (ESIM; Drury & Reicher, 2000): ESIM highlights the importance of interactions between the involved groups and their effect on the development of social identities. Another model is the aggravation mitigation model (AM model; Hylander & Guvå, 2010) which illustrates factors that can contribute towards an escalation or non-escalation of group violence, such as the “categorization” of the opponent group. Despite these models, research about the individual perceptions, and in particular, what factors distinguish between an escalation versus a non-escalation of a potentially violent situation in domestic football, is as yet scarce. This explorative study examines perceptions of critical situations in the domestic football fan context in Switzerland. Methods: An explorative qualitative design was employed to gather data about critical situations (CS) around football matches of two clubs of the Raiffeisen Super League. A CS is defined as a setting in or around the football stadium where violence between football fans and another group could occur. Eight CS were identified and analysed. Fifty-nine narrative interviews with individuals involved in a CS, e.g. fans, police officers or security personnel, were conducted. Interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results: The involved opposing groups expressed group-specific perceptions. Furthermore a strong tendency to negatively stereotype the opponent group was observed. Provocative symbols, such as balaclavas or riot-gear uniforms, were considered as highly relevant for the interpretation of the situation. Successful communication and sufficient distance between opponent groups supported the appeasement of a CS. These findings also underline the importance of knowledge about the local fan culture. This culture serves as basis for the perception of legitimacy, which was assessed to be essential for a de-escalation of a CS by fans. Discussion/Conclusion: This study improves the understanding of fan violence in the domestic football context in Switzerland. Based on the results it is suggested to deploy security or police forces without riot gear but with the goal of seeking dialogue with the fans to increase the likelihood of a peaceful ending in a CS. The findings also support the applicability of the ESIM (Drury & Reicher, 2000) and the AM model (Hylander & Guvå, 2010) in the context of domestic fan violence. Due to possible differences in the local fan cultures in Switzerland, research in this area should be continued. References: Drury, J., & Reicher, S. (2000). Collective action and psychological change: The emergence of new social identities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 579-604. Hylander, I., & Guvå, G. (2010). Misunderstanding of out-group behaviour: Different interpretations of the same crowd events among police officers and demonstrators. Nordic Psychology, 62, 25-47.


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The field of animal syndromic surveillance (SyS) is growing, with many systems being developed worldwide. Now is an appropriate time to share ideas and lessons learned from early SyS design and implementation. Based on our practical experience in animal health SyS, with additions from the public health and animal health SyS literature, we put forward for discussion a 6-step approach to designing SyS systems for livestock and poultry. The first step is to formalise policy and surveillance goals which are considerate of stakeholder expectations and reflect priority issues (1). Next, it is important to find consensus on national priority diseases and identify current surveillance gaps. The geographic, demographic, and temporal coverage of the system must be carefully assessed (2). A minimum dataset for SyS that includes the essential data to achieve all surveillance objectives while minimizing the amount of data collected should be defined. One can then compile an inventory of the data sources available and evaluate each using the criteria developed (3). A list of syndromes should then be produced for all data sources. Cases can be classified into syndrome classes and the data can be converted into time series (4). Based on the characteristics of the syndrome-time series, the length of historic data available and the type of outbreaks the system must detect, different aberration detection algorithms can be tested (5). Finally, it is essential to develop a minimally acceptable response protocol for each statistical signal produced (6). Important outcomes of this pre-operational phase should be building of a national network of experts and collective action and evaluation plans. While some of the more applied steps (4 and 5) are currently receiving consideration, more emphasis should be put on earlier conceptual steps by decision makers and surveillance developers (1-3).


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Smart homes for the aging population have recently started attracting the attention of the research community. The "health state" of smart homes is comprised of many different levels; starting with the physical health of citizens, it also includes longer-term health norms and outcomes, as well as the arena of positive behavior changes. One of the problems of interest is to monitor the activities of daily living (ADL) of the elderly, aiming at their protection and well-being. For this purpose, we installed passive infrared (PIR) sensors to detect motion in a specific area inside a smart apartment and used them to collect a set of ADL. In a novel approach, we describe a technology that allows the ground truth collected in one smart home to train activity recognition systems for other smart homes. We asked the users to label all instances of all ADL only once and subsequently applied data mining techniques to cluster in-home sensor firings. Each cluster would therefore represent the instances of the same activity. Once the clusters were associated to their corresponding activities, our system was able to recognize future activities. To improve the activity recognition accuracy, our system preprocessed raw sensor data by identifying overlapping activities. To evaluate the recognition performance from a 200-day dataset, we implemented three different active learning classification algorithms and compared their performance: naive Bayesian (NB), support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF). Based on our results, the RF classifier recognized activities with an average specificity of 96.53%, a sensitivity of 68.49%, a precision of 74.41% and an F-measure of 71.33%, outperforming both the NB and SVM classifiers. Further clustering markedly improved the results of the RF classifier. An activity recognition system based on PIR sensors in conjunction with a clustering classification approach was able to detect ADL from datasets collected from different homes. Thus, our PIR-based smart home technology could improve care and provide valuable information to better understand the functioning of our societies, as well as to inform both individual and collective action in a smart city scenario.


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Introduction: Fan violence is a frequent occurrence in Swiss football (Bundesamt für Polizei, 2015) leading to high costs for prevention and control (Mensch & Maurer, 2014). Various theories put forward an explanation of fan violence, such as the Elaborated Social Identity Model (Drury & Reicher, 2000) and the Aggravation Mitigation Model (Hylander & Guvå, 2010). Important observations from these theories are the multi-dimensional understanding of fan violence and the dynamics occurring in the fan group. Nevertheless, none of them deal with critical incidents (CIs) which involve a tense atmosphere combined with a higher risk of fan violence. Schumacher Dimech, Brechbühl and Seiler (2015) tackled this gap in research and explored CIs where 43 defining criteria were identified and compiled in an integrated model of CIs. The defining criteria were categorised in four higher-order themes “antecedents” (e.g. a documented history of fan rivalry), “triggers” (e.g. the arrest of a fan), “reactions” (e.g. fans masking themselves) and “consequences” (e.g. fans avoiding communication with fan social workers). Methods: An inventory based on this model is being developed including these 43 criteria. In an exploratory phase, this inventory was presented as an online questionnaire and was completed by 143 individuals. Three main questions are examined: Firstly, the individual items are tested using descriptive analyses. An item analysis is conducted to test reliability, item difficulty and discriminatory power. Secondly, the model’s four higher-order themes are tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Thirdly, differences between sub-groups are explored, such as gender and agerelated differences. Results: Respondents rated the items’ importance as high and the quota of incomplete responses was not systematic. Two items were removed from the inventory because of low mean or a high rate of “don’t know”-responses. EFA produced a six-factor solution grouping items into match-related factors, repressive measures, fans’ delinquent behaviour, intra-group behaviour, communication and control and inter-group factors. The item “fans consume alcohol” could not be ordered into any category but was retained since literature accentuates this factor’s influence on fan violence. Analyses examining possible differences between groups are underway. Discussion: Results exploring the adequacy of this inventory assessing defining criteria of CIs in football are promising and thus further evaluative investigation is recommended. This inventory can be used in two ways: as a standardised instrument of assessment for experts evaluating specific CIs and as an instrument for exploring differences in perception and assessment of a CI e.g. gender and age differences, differences between interest groups and stakeholders. References: Bundesamt für Polizei. (2015). Jahresbericht 2014. Kriminalitätsbekämpfung Bund. Lage, Massnahmen und Mittel [Electronic Version]. Drury, J., & Reicher, S. (2000). Collective action and psychological change. The emergence of new social identities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 579-604. Hylander, I., & Guvå, G. (2010). Misunderstanding of out-group behaviour: Different interpretations of the same crowd events among police officers and demonstrators. Nordic Psychology, 62, 25-47. Schumacher-Dimech, A., Brechbühl, A. &, Seiler, R. (2016). Dynamics of critical incidents with potentially violent outcomes involving ultra fans: an explorative study. Sport in Society. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2015.1133597


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Social capital, a relatively new public health concept, represents the intangible resources embedded in social relationships that facilitate collective action. Current interest in the concept stems from empirical studies linking social capital with health outcomes. However, in order for social capital to function as a meaningful research variable, conceptual development aimed at refining the domains, attributes, and boundaries of the concept are needed. An existing framework of social capital (Uphoff, 2000), developed from studies in India, was selected for congruence with the inductive analysis of pilot data from a community that was unsuccessful at mobilizing collective action. This framework provided the underpinnings for a formal ethnographic research study designed to examine the components of social capital in a community that had successfully mobilized collective action. The specific aim of the ethnographic study was to examine the fittingness of Uphoff's framework in the contrasting American community. A contrasting context was purposefully selected to distinguish essential attributes of social capital from those that were specific to one community. Ethnographic data collection methods included participant observation, formal interviews, and public documents. Data was originally analyzed according to codes developed from Uphoff's theoretical framework. The results from this analysis were only partially satisfactory, indicating that the theoretical framework required refinement. The refinement of the coding system resulted in the emergence of an explanatory theory of social capital that was tested with the data collected from formal fieldwork. Although Uphoff's framework was useful, the refinement of the framework revealed, (1) trust as the dominant attribute of social capital, (2) efficacy of mutually beneficial collective action as the outcome indicator, (3) cognitive and structural domains more appropriately defined as the cultural norms of the community and group, and (4) a definition of social capital as the combination of the cognitive norms of the community and the structural norms of the group that are either constructive or destructive to the development of trust and the efficacy of mutually beneficial collective action. This explanatory framework holds increased pragmatic utility for public health practice and research. ^


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las relaciones de cooperación y conflicto entre una compañía minera y las comunidades, los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales y los tres niveles de gobierno involucrados. La compañía Minera inició operaciones para una mina a cielo abierto de oro y plata con el apoyo de los gobiernos locales, estatales y federal. Los habitantes de estas comunidades apoyados por grupos ambientalistas y Organizaciones No Gubernamentales argumentan que el proyecto contamina las Fuentes de agua fresca además de perturbar el medio ambiente y la ecología de la región. La metodología empleada consistió en un análisis histórico social para determinar, en un estudio exploratorio, las principales variables económicas, políticas, legales, sociales y culturales que inciden en el caso, sobre todo después de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Los hallazgos de esta investigación contribuyen a explicar las relaciones de cooperación y conflicto entre las empresas multinacionales que operan en las comunidades, a analizar el rol del gobierno en sus tres niveles y de los nuevos movimientos sociales en la conformación de las economías locales bajo procesos de integración económica regional. Los resultados también son de relevancia por sus contribuciones para el entendimiento de procesos de responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas transnacionales y los procesos de contestación y acción colectiva de los nuevos movimientos sociales en el desarrollo económico y ambiental de las comunidades locales.


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Con la emergencia de la (in)seguridad como preocupación social, aparece una demanda colectiva compleja y cambiante, donde se articulan y entrelazan la demanda por protección/es ligada a la construcción del miedo, con la demanda de justicia o contra-la-impunidad, desarrolladas a partir de determinados "casos" puntuales. Estas demandas colectivas suelen ir acompañadas por ciertas tensiones entre seguridad y democracia y por disputas en torno al status de ciudadano, es decir, por la posesión y ejercicio de derechos. En la presente investigación nos sumergimos en el interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires, puntualmente en la ciudad de Tres Arroyos, para abordar acciones colectivas en reclamo de justicia y seguridad, como fundamento de la demanda de la/s acción/es. Puntualmente, el objetivo es el de deconstruir discursos, prácticas, sentidos e identidades puestos en juego en determinadas coyunturas -que denominamos crisis de inseguridad- en ciudades del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires en el pasado reciente.


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El presente plan se propone indagar sobre los procesos de politización de las prácticas y los vínculos sociales de los sectores populares organizados en torno a colectivos de trabajadores desocupados, a partir de las transformaciones políticas y sociales acontecidas en los últimos años. Buena parte de las expectativas y demandas de cambio social suscitadas recientemente se habían depositado en las experiencias de los movimientos piqueteros, en tanto agentes capaces de encarnar prácticas renovadas de organización política y alternativas colectivas de cambio social. Desde su irrupción pública, sin embargo, la literatura académica había advertido sobre las contradicciones que atravesaban a este movimiento social. Una de las dificultades más importantes radicaba en los inconvenientes encontrados por las organizaciones de desocupados para articular políticamente las demandas de subsistencia de sus bases sociales. En el marco de esta propuesta, se interpreta que estas dificultades dan cuenta de una tensión constitutiva que atraviesa al conjunto del movimiento. Esta tensión se expresa en el vínculo problemático entre las dimensiones reivindicativas y las dimensiones políticas de las experiencias piqueteras. En tal sentido, se pretende realizar un balance y una actualización crítica de las alternativas emergentes de construcción política popular, desde la trayectoria de una de las organizaciones de desocupados señaladas como caso ejemplar de renovación política y social. Se tratará, por tanto, de abordar las respuestas articuladas por esta organización a la tensión entre las cuestiones reivindicativas y las cuestiones políticas, en el contexto de las mutaciones producidas recientemente en el escenario político, especialmente a partir de la asunción del gobierno de Néstor Kirchner en el año 2003.


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Esta ponencia se propone presentar brevemente el proyecto que me encuentro desarrollando como parte de mi tesina de grado y esbozar algunos apuntes de aquello que empieza a asomarse luego del análisis de las fuentes secundarias y de las primeras salidas al campo. El objetivo de la investigación es analizar la construcción de una "Marcha por justicia y seguridad" llevada a cabo en la ciudad bonaerense de Azul el 25 de mayo de 2007 desde el punto de vista de la acción colectiva. Se pretende indagar cómo esta acción, que conlleva una impronta de protesta, se articula en un marco más amplio de acciones, prácticas y sentidos que se ponen en juego en la movilización política de distintos sectores y que connotan significados complejos que requieren ser explorados en profundidad.


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La presente investigación analiza el entramado de politicidad en un ámbito estatal de trabajo, a partir de la experiencia de los trabajadores del Hospital Provincial Neuquén Dr. Castro Rendón (HN) entre los años 2005 y 2013. Se propone un abordaje relacional que atienda a la configuración y redefinición de los escenarios de disputa, retomando la perspectiva de Norbert Elías. Se ha diseñado una estrategia metodológica cualitativa basada en la realización de observaciones participantes, entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad y en el análisis de materiales gráficos. Se realizó un muestreo teórico de tipo no probabilístico, y las unidades de la muestra fueron seleccionadas de acuerdo a criterios relativos a la participación política y a las características de las labores hospitalarias. Los principales hallazgos de esta tesis refieren a la conceptualización de los ámbitos estatales de trabajo. Se los caracteriza como espacios donde se relacionan y se expresan múltiples grupos, resaltando los procesos socio-culturales que están implicados en las disputas políticas de los trabajadores. Se analizan la articulación entre demandas sectoriales y la disputa más general por la gestión de las políticas públicas, las regulaciones especiales que legislan el trabajo hospitalario, las distintas temporalidades de los conflictos, la vinculación con organizaciones externas, la jerarquización del espacio laboral, y la permeabilidad de lo estatal y lo no-estatal. Estos resultados permiten aportar de manera más general a las teorías sociológicas de la acción colectiva en lo que respecta a la utilización de las categorías de clase y a las identidades de los trabajadores


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La debacle estructural del modelo económico implementado en los años 90 y desatada a partir de la crisis de 2001, generó el surgimiento de nuevas prácticas de acción colectiva y diferentes formas de intervención del Estado en la cuestión social. Una de las propuestas más novedosas en este sentido, es el enfoque en las políticas públicas de la denominada "Economía Social" que engloba diversas maneras de organización alternativas en torno a la producción, la reproducción del trabajo y de la vida y la gestión de recursos. En este marco se plantea el análisis de un caso de una herramienta de política pública provincial: el Consorcio de Gestión Compartida para el Desarrollo Local de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, creado en el 2007 a partir de la adhesión a la Ley Nacional de Microcrédito. Proyecto que tuvo alcance provincial y que será estudiado en su fase inicial comprendida entre el mes de noviembre de 2007 y finales del 2009. Se planteará como objetivo mostrar, a través del análisis de este caso de cierta proporción, el posible surgimiento de nuevas lógicas de intervención en políticas sociales: un cambio de rumbo que habría tomado el Estado junto con las organizaciones frente a la realidad social en la segunda mitad de esta década. Esta tesina abordará la investigación desde dos ejes de análisis a través de los cuales se busca interpretar el caso. Estos son: la gestión compartida del Estado junto con las organizaciones sociales y la Economía Social como práctica económica alternativa. Intentando dilucidar el proceso donde la acción del Estado y las políticas públicas son permeadas por nuevas prácticas y saberes provenientes de la sociedad civil. Se utilizará una metodología de investigación cualitativa. Se realizarán entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a integrantes de las organizaciones que forman parte del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, así como también a los técnicos del Estado provincial que trabajaron en la implementación del proyecto. A su vez, ésta estará complementada con registros obtenidos y fuentes propias del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, sumado a observaciones participantes en diversas reuniones de dicha organización, además de documentos y material recolectado en diferentes instancias de la investigación