987 resultados para immunohistochemical staining technique
The retina is a highly differentiated tissue with a complex layered structure that has been extensively characterized. However, most of the previous studies focused on the histology of the central retina while little is known about the cellular composition, organization and function of the marginal retina. Recent research has identified a subpopulation of multipotential progenitor cells in the marginal regions of the retina, closest to the ciliary body ("ciliary marginal zone"). These cells are capable of differentiation in response to an appropriate stimulus. Thus, it is possible that the structure and composition of the marginal retina are distinct from those of the central retina to accommodate the potential addition of newly formed neurons. To characterize the cellular profile of the chick marginal retina, we labeled it immunohistochemically for markers whose staining pattern is well established in the central retina: calbindin, calretinin, protein kinase C, and choline acetyltransferase. Calbindin was present at very low levels in the marginal retina putative photoreceptor layer. Calretinin-positive horizontal cells were also sparse close to the ciliary marginal zone. The bipolar cells in the marginal outer plexiform layer were positive for anti-protein kinase C antibodies, but the density of labeling was also decreased in relation to the central retina. In contrast, the marginal starburst cholinergic amacrine cell pattern was very similar to the central retina. From these data we conclude that the structure of the marginal retina is significantly different from that of the central retina. In particular, the expression of late retina markers in the marginal retina decreased in comparison to the central retina.
Purpose This work probed the topical delivery and skin-staining properties of a novel co-drug, naproxyl-dithranol (Nap-DTH), which comprises anti-inflammatory (naproxen) and anti-proliferative (dithranol) moieties. Method Freshly excised, full-thickness porcine ear skin was dosed with saturated solutions of the compounds. After 24 h, the skin was recovered and used to prepare comparative depth profiles by the tape-stripping technique and to examine the extent of skin staining. Results Depth profiles showed that Nap-DTH led to a 5-fold increase in drug retention in the skin compared to dithranol. The application of Nap-DTH also demonstrated improved stability, resulting in lower levels of dithranol degradation products in the skin. Furthermore, significantly less naproxen from hydrolysed Nap-DTH permeated into the receptor phase compared to naproxen when applied alone (0.08 ± 0.03 nmol cm-² and 180 ± 60 nmol cm-², respectively). Moreover, the reduced staining of the skin was very apparent for Nap-DTH compared to dithranol. Conclusions Topical delivery of Nap-DTH not only improves the delivery of naproxen and dithranol, but also reduces unwanted effects of the parent moieties, in particular the skin staining, which is a major issue concerning the use of dithranol.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of inhibin/activin alpha, beta(A) and beta(B) subunits and follistatin in immature oocytes and in matured oocytes before and after IVF. Denuded oocytes were submitted to a whole-mount immunofluorescence procedure. Specimens were imaged and fluorescent intensities quantified by scanning laser confocal microscopy. Immunoreactivity for inhibin alpha subunit (both alpha(C) and pro-alpha. regions), abundant in the ooplasm of immature oocytes, decreased after maturation (a 68% and 88% decrease, respectively; P < 0.001), but increased after IVF by 2- and 5.7-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Intense staining for PA was detected in immature oocytes (predominantly in the outer ooplasm and zona pellucida) but after maturation and fertilization it was localized mainly in the zona pellucida, perivitelline space and oolemma. Immunoreactivity for RA in the ooplasm decreased by 58% after maturation (P < 0.001) but increased again by 75% after fertilization (P < 0.01). Immunoreactivity for beta(B) was localized mainly in the zona pellucida and did not change after maturation. However, immurloreactivity for beta(B) was not detected in the zona pellucida after fertilization, but remained unchanged in unfertilized oocytes. Immunoreactivity for follistatin was detected in the ooplasm and zona pellucida of immature oocytes but decreased progressively in the ooplasm after maturation (a 63% decrease; P < 0.001) and did not change after IVF. Examination of partially denuded cumulus-oocyte complexes confirmed abundant expression of alpha(C), pro-alpha, beta(A) and follistatin immunoreactivity in cumulus cells, whereas beta(B) subunit staining was weak or absent in cumulus cells, but intense in the zona pellucida. In conclusion, the present study shows that qualitative and quantitative changes in the distribution of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin accompany oocyte maturation and fertilization. The possibility, indicated by these observations, that activin A and activin B may play distinct roles in bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization warrants further study.
The information concerning the molecular events taking place in onlay bone grafts are still incipient. The objective of the present study is to correlate the effects of perforation of resident bone bed on (1) the timing of onlay autogenous graft revascularization; (2) the maintenance of volume/density of the graft (assessed through tomography); and (3) the occurrence of bone remodeling proteins (using immunohistochemistry technique) delivered in the graft. Thirty-six New Zealand White rabbits were subjected to iliac crest onlay bone grafting on both sides of the mandible. The bone bed was drill-perforated on one side aiming at accelerating revascularization, whereas on the other side it was kept intact. After grafts fixation and flaps suture all animals were submitted to tomography on both mandible sites. Six animals were sacrificed, respectively, at 3, 5, 7, 10, 20 and 60 days after surgery. A second tomography was taken just before sacrifice. Histological slides were prepared from each grafted site for both immunohistochemistry analysis [osteopontin, osteocalcin, type I collagen and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) anti-bodies] and histometric analysis. The values on bone volume measured on tomography showed no statistic significance (P >= 0.05) between perforated and intact sites. Grafts placed on perforated beds showed higher bone density values compared with non-perforated ones at 3 days (P <= 0.05). This correlation was inverted at 60 days postoperatively. The findings from VEGF labeling revealed a tendency for earlier revascularization in the perforated group. The early revascularization of bone grafts accelerated the bone remodeling process (osteocalcin, type I collagen and osteopontin) that led to an increased bone deposition at 10 days. The extended osteoblast differentiation process at intermediate stages in the perforated group cooperated for a denser bone at 60 days.
The Western blot technique is currently the standard detection method for suspected limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) 2A (calpainopathy). This is the first report in the English literature of the successful application of immunohistochemical techniques to support a diagnosis of LGMD 2A. This approach is straightforward and appears to be reasonably specific. We propose that immunohistochemical methods should be re-evaluated for the screening of undiagnosed patients with suspected LGMD 2A.
Introdução A mastocitose abrange um grupo heterogêneo de condições crônicas caracterizado pela proliferação excessiva de mastócitos nos tecidos. Os sinais e sintomas clínicos são decorrentes da distribuição anatômica dos mastócitos e do efeito funcional dos mediadores produzidos e liberados por estas células. Na infância, a doença é considerada uma condição benigna na maioria dos casos, cujo comprometimento característico é o cutâneo. As mais freqüentes manifestações na pele são os mastocitomas e a urticária pigmentosa. Lesões cutâneas bolhosas podem manifestar-se e acompanhar todas as formas de mastocitose e quando esta apresentação é a predominante, é denominada de mastocitose bolhosa. O diagnóstico de mastocitose é suspeitado clinicamente e confirmado pela histologia. A demonstração do aumento do número de mastócitos nas lesões cutâneas características se constitui no principal critério diagnóstico. Contudo, este método tem dificuldades técnicas que impedem a adequada reprodutibilidade dos achados, dificultando a elucidação de casos duvidosos e retardando seu tratamento. Considerando as propriedades imunológicas e a importância clínica dos mastócitos reveste-se de maior importância compreender o papel destas células nas doenças, sendo indispensável identificá-las e enumerá-las com acurácia nos tecidos. Objetivos Quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase, através de técnica imuno-histoquímica e análise de imagem, em biópsias cutâneas de crianças, com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose. Descrever os achados histológicos; quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo antitriptase entre as diferentes expressões clínicas da mastocitose cutânea; comparar o número de mastócitos entre os casos de mastocitose cutânea e mastocitose associada à sintomas sistêmicos e correlacionar as contagens de mastócitos entre os dois diferentes métodos (coloração por Giemsa com contagem manual e marcação com anticorpo antitriptase e análise digital). Material e Método Foram incluídas no estudo biópsias cutâneas de crianças de 0 a 14 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e histológico de mastocitose. Os casos foram classificados de acordo com a apresentação clínica cutânea em mastocitoma, urticária pigmentosa ou mastocitose bolhosa e assinalada a presença de sintomas sistêmicos associados. Os fragmentos de pele fixados em formalina e emblocados em parafina foram cortados e utilizados para diagnóstico histopatológico convencional, corados com hematoxilina-eosina e Giemsa, e para análise imuno-histoquímica com estreptavidina peroxidase marcados com anticorpo antitriptase. A densidade de mastócitos (número de células por área) foi realizada por um único observador na técnica histológica e através de um sistema de análise de imagem de vídeo no método imuno-histoquímico. Resultados Foram avaliados 33 casos de mastocitose, sendo 21 do sexo masculino. Dez casos (30,3%) apresentavam mastocitoma, 21 (63,6%) urticária pigmentosa e 2 (6,1%) mastocitose bolhosa. Todos os casos da amostra foram classificados como tendo mastocitose incipiente e em 6 (18,8%) pacientes pôde ser identificada a associação com sintomas sistêmicos. Prurido foi o sintoma mais freqüente, sendo relatado em 21 casos. Em 21 dos 33 casos foi identificada a infiltração de mastócitos na derme havendo predominância pela região perivascular (p=0,001, teste exato de Fisher). Não houve diferenças significativas entre a presença de infiltrado mastocitário e as várias formas cutâneas de mastocitose ou a mastocitose sistêmica. A presença de eosinófilos foi identificada em 15 casos (45,5%) e em 10 casos associadamente ao infiltrado perivascular de mastócitos. A densidade de mastócitos na técnica histológica, incluindo-se todos os casos, foi 50,00 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre os pacientes com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados aos cutâneos. A densidade de mastócitos encontrada com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e contagem por análise de imagem foi 158,85 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre aqueles com e sem sintomas sistêmicos. Comparando-se a contagem dos mastócitos por área (densidade) entre a histologia e a imuno-histoquímica houve uma diferença significativa (p=0,0001 teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). A média da diferença entre as contagens foi 199,98 células/mm2 (±365,31 DP). Também não houve semelhança, entre os dois métodos, nos grupos mastocitoma e urticária pigmentosa (p=0,005 e p=0,01, respectivamente, teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). Puderam ser identificados 518% a mais de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica quando comparada com a histológica. Conclusões O presente estudo permite concluir que: 1) a localização preferencial da infiltração de mastócitos é dérmica e perivascular, não sendo possível identificar diferenças histológicas entre casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma; 2) o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase e contados com análise digital de imagem, em biópsia de pele de crianças com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose, foi 159 células por milímetro quadrado; 3) a densidade de mastócitos, foi semelhante entre os casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma e entre os casos com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados nas duas diferentes técnicas empregadas; 4) o número de mastócitos por milímetro quadrado com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi significativamente maior quando comparada com a coloração através de Giemsa e a contagem manual, com uma diferença média entre os dois métodos de 200 células por milímetro quadrado; 5) a densidade de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica foi significativamente maior tanto nos casos com urticária pigmentosa quanto nos com mastocitoma, quando comparada com a técnica empregada rotineiramente e 6) com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi possível identificar 518% a mais de mastócitos quando comparada com a técnica histológica.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
To the vertebrates, maintain body balance against the gravitational field and be able to orient themselves in the environment are fundamental aspects for survival, in which the participation of vestibular system is essential. As part of this system, the vestibular nuclear complex is the first central station that, by integrating many information (visual, proprioceptive), and the vestibular, assumes the lead role in maintaining balance. In this study, the vestibular nuclear complex was evaluated in relation to its cytoarchitecture and neurochemical content of cells and axon terminals, through the techniques of Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry for neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN), glutamate (Glu), substance P (SP), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (enzyme that synthesizes acetylcholine-Ach) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) (enzyme that synthesizes gamma-amino butyric acid-GABA). The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) was used as experimental animal, which is a small primate native from the Atlantic Forest in the Brazilian Northeast. As results, the Nissl technique, complemented by immunohistochemistry for NeuN allowed to delineate the vestibular nucleus superior, lateral, medial and inferior (or descending) in the brain of the common marmoset. Neurons and terminals immunoreactive to Glu and ChAT and only immunoreactive terminals to SP and GAD were seen in all nuclei, although in varying density. This study confirms the presence in the vestibular nuclei of the common marmoset, of Glu and SP in terminals, probably from the first order neurons of vestibular ganglion, and of GABA in terminals, presumably from Purkinge cells of the cerebellum. Second-order neurons of the vestibular nuclei seem to use Glu and Ach as neurotransmitters, judging by their expressive presence in the cell bodies of these nuclei in common marmosets, as reported in other species
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The tissue microarray (TMA) technique allows multiple tissue samples in a single block. Commercial adhesive tape is used to avoid the loss of tissue samples during the immunostaining process. Few reports exist in the literature comparing the use of these adhesive tapes to other adhesive techniques. The objective of this study was to compare loss of sections adhered to slides using commercial adhesive tapes versus using silanized only slides. TMA was constructed with varying tissues using a fixed-base device (Beecher Instruments), placing 108 cylinders of 1 mm diameter in duplicate, spaced 1.2 mm apart. Section of 4 mu m were cut from the TMA block and adhered to 30 silanized slides and 30 commercial glass slides using adhesive tape, according to manufacturer's recommendations. Vimentin immunoexpression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Antigenic recovery was realized in citrate buffer using a microwave oven. Cylinder loss in the immunohistochemical process was quantified and expressed as: total (>80%), almost complete (75-79%), or partial (50-74%). The commercial adhesive tape group presented lesser total loss (1.1 versus 6.4%), almost complete loss (2.2 versus 3.5%), and partial loss (2.1 versus 3.8%) than the silanized slide group (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The sum of total and almost complete losses in the silanized slide group was 9.9%, greater than the losses in slides using commercial adhesive tapes (3.3%) and less than reported and considered acceptable in the literature (10-30%). In conclusion, the use of silanized only slides presents very satisfactory results, requires less training, and reduces costs significantly, thus justifying their use in research.
Biopsy by fine needle aspiration together with microbiological examination and scanning electron microscopy were evaluated in diagnosis of clinical bovine mastitis in a Prototheca zopfii outbreak. Fine needle aspiration was performed in 21 mammary quarters from ten Holstein cows presenting clinical mastitis caused by P. zopfii. The algae were previously identified in the microbiological examination of milk collected from these cows. Material aspirated from these 21 mammary glands was submitted to cytological staining (Gram, Giemsa and/or Shor staining). Fine needle aspiration enabled cytological identification of the algae in these 21 mammary glands, from which P. zopfii was isolated in the milk. Simultaneously, five mammary fragments collected by fine needle aspiration from these 21 mammary glands presenting clinical mastitis were also submitted to microbiological examination. P. zopfii was also isolated from these five fragments. Scanning electron microscopy technique also identified three of these five P. zopfii strains isolated from mammary fragments collected by cytological aspiration. These results suggest that fine needle aspiration may be an alternative method for the diagnosis of clinical mastitis.
The aim of the present study was to monitor endometrial distribution and concentrations of oestrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and progesterone receptors (PR) by immunohistochemistry in Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus) during the oestrous cycle. Blood samples were collected for progesterone measurement and endometrial samples were taken from the uterine horn contra lateral to the corpus luteum in 16 cows at days 0 (ovulation), 5, 9, 13 and 19 of the oestrous cycle. Immunostaining evaluation for ER alpha and PR in the glandular epithelium and uterine stroma was performed by two methods: positive nuclei counting and staining intensity of the nuclei. Specific positive staining reactions for both receptors were limited to cell nuclei and they were not identified in the cytoplasm. The proportion of ER alpha positive nuclei had a temporal variation throughout the oestrous cycle in both cell types evaluated and was higher in uterine stroma than the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). The greatest proportion of ER alpha stained nuclei was observed at oestrus and during the initial and mid luteal phase (days 5, 9 and 13) (p < 0.05) in the glandular epithelium and at days 0, 5 and 9 in the uterine stroma (p < 0.01). The proportion of PR positive nuclei remained constant throughout the entire oestrous cycle for both cell types evaluated (p > 0.05). A higher proportion of PR positive nuclei was measured in the uterine stroma compared with the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). Intensity of staining for ER alpha and PR varied throughout the oestrous cycle (p < 0.01). There was a higher staining intensity at days 0 and 5 in the stroma for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and PR (p < 0.01) and in the glandular epithelium at days 0, 5, 9 and 13 for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and at days 0, 5 and 9 for PR (p < 0.01) when compared with the other evaluated days. These data demonstrate that ER alpha and PR expression varied throughout the oestrous cycle in Nelore cows, in general with highest concentrations at oestrus and the lowest during the luteal phase. This is similar to patterns observed in Bos taurus taurus.
Different cytogenetic techniques were used to analyse the chromosomes of Prochilodus lineatus with the main objective of comparing the base composition of A- and B-chromosomes. The results of digestion of chromosomes with 10 different restriction endonucleases (REs), silver staining, CMA(3) staining and C-banding indicated the existence of different classes of highly repetitive DNA in the A-set and also suggested the existence of compositional differences between the chromatin of A- and B-chromosomes. The 5-BrdU incorporation technique showed a late replicating pattern in all B-chromosomes and in some heterochromatic pericentromeric regions of A-chromosomes. The cleavage with RE BamHI produced a band pattern in all chromosomes of P. lineatus which permitted the tentative pairing of homologues in the karyotype of this species. We concluded that the combined use of the above techniques can contribute to the correct identification of chromosomes and the karyotypic analysis in fishes. on the basis of the results, some aspects of chromosome structure and the origin of the B-chromosomes in P. lineatus are discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)